I couldn't really see a niche for this. But I'm not sure about most people. But, I'll be pleased when this is all over. Luckily living in the UK I've not had the same problem as most of my Countrymen. My Mother-In-Law bless her, I so love that lady. Said well thankfully it doesn't really concern us meaning Brits. But like I said well as our closest ally, I don't care what anyone thinks, we are close allies. It means a great deal to the UK who wins.
I'm a Republican but, no way should Trump had ever been selected by our party. But then saying that from my point of view I could never vote for Hillary either. However, speaking as a woman I have to admit that she has proven that a woman can get this far at least. Saying that I'm not sure I'm happy with her as President. The way I see it we have absolutely zero choice of a decent candidate as President this time round. My vote went to Evan McMullin he has no chance of winning sadly but the only thing I can add is that at least he's Republican. But win or lose the Republican Party has been torn apart due to this Well probably enough said now, we have to wait for the final outcome.
Cheryl X
...not a tossed vote.
Don't discount him. He wasn't on the ballot in my state but he has had a direct impact on the Mormon voters in Utah and Arizona. He and Johnson are strongly forcing Trump and Clinton to devote time, money, and resources to Utah and New Mexico because those states could strongly go for one of those two instead of either candidate.
It's not a joke, Johnson could seriously steal New Mexico causing neither Clinton nor Trump to reach 270 electoral votes forcing an invoking of the 12th Amendment thus causing the United States House of Representatives to choose who the President is. That doesn't automatically mean Trump would win, that means they could choose someone else to be the President with eyes going towards the lesser of three candidates and the one that would have less impact on themselves: Johnson. This has happened twice before, in 1824. It also happened indirectly(some say ilegally) in 1880 with Tilden v. Hays when Hays was given the election thanks to some "issues" over Mississippi's electoral votes.
It was time that the old blood left office and the new blood take over. It happened gradually over time with the Democrats, it'll happen sooner with the Republicans. If they can't, well then it's history repeating itself since this same thing happened to the Whigs 1850s leading to the creation of the Republican Party.
I'm told STFU more times in a day than most people get told in a lifetime
I'm worried that there will be so many protest votes that trump will win because his crazy base all voted for him, while everyone else refused to vote for hillary and handed him the presidency.
It means a great deal to the world who wins
Some Countries want a Trump victory. Some don't.
Whatever happens, it will afect us all no matter where we live.
What I do know is that the vote whichever way it goes won't the the end of it. One candiate seems hell bent on carrying on with the vitriol even if they lose.
If they win, then I fear for the rule of law.
At least we can escape by reading the delightful tales posted here and shut Real Life out for a while at least.
This is where much of the rest of the world differs from the USA- even if that person wins, that person still can't run roughshod over the world without being forced to deal with the legislature. Despite all fear mongering and ignorance, the President doesn't legislate, can't force his will on everyone left and right, can't make the legislature do anything that it doesn't want to do. There is a very good chance this person's party could lose both houses of Congress and force this person to have to either negotiate or spend two years getting nothing done and letting the status quo continue. This person will either have to deal with others or show that this person does not deserve another term in office.
People complain about the US political system, but separating the powers of the executive from the legislature was done for a reason.
I'm told STFU more times in a day than most people get told in a lifetime
A Beautiful country facing an ugly election
As Brits I feel it would be discourteous for any of us on this side of the pond to suggest how the citizens of the USA should vote, particularly after our own recent BREXIT vote.
The headline of a BBC article this morning, "A Beautiful country facing an ugly election", was perhaps very apposite.
The only comment I would make is that, whatever happens, we are still allies and friends.
Non sum qualis eram
this stopped being a race
This stopped being race months ago, its a demolition derby.
quidquid sum ego, et omnia mea semper; Ego me.
alecia Snowfall
Not a race but a demolition derby
Very droll!
Hard Place
Several years ago I wrote a non-TG political novel that tended to be a screed about the Clintons. Yet . . . this morning I had to vote for Hillary, largely because I fear greatly what a Trump presidency will do to tolerance.
Should Trump win I'll try to believe that his entire campaign was a hoax necessary to generate support from the base -- and that he really is a successful businessman who can act as an efficient CEO.
My guess is that about 20% of the voters are voting for someone and the other 80% are voting against someone or several someones.
Angela Rasch (Jill M I)
RT's take
This Pythonesque little ditty seems particularly timely...
It's not exactly workplace safe but it does help explain a few things.
From the late Andy Prieboy, formerly of Wall of Voodoo:
Well shit, I guess it really CAN happen here..,
Influence of Money
I believe the influx of money into politics has completely corrupted the system.
In order to run a viable campaign you have to sell your soul to the big money special interest groups. Since Congressmen (House) are up for re-election every two years they are forever in campaign mode raising money.
The influence of money in politics almost guarantees that only the sleaziest candidates end up on the ballot.
As the quote goes:
Campaign contributions (and indirectly PAC ads) are a legalized form of bribery.
The Supreme Court's decision in the Citizens United case and others opened the taps wide.
I live in a TV market that covers southern New Hampshire and we have had to put up with a tidal wave of advertisements aimed at New Hampshire on top of our own political ads.
Both sides of each race, ballot question, etc.seem to be rather selective with the truth.
Michelle B
Wisely moved
From the front page. This blog is already 'evolving' into a discussion of the candidates, and that can only cause problems. I devoutly wish for an end to this nightmare, but I'm afraid it is going to be with us for months if not years to come.
I have expressed myself on my FB page, it is suited for that type of discussion. Only half jokingly I have wondered if I can still move to Norway for several years. I read last night that Norwegian Air is going to be offering extremely cheap airfare to select destinations in Europe. The only catch is the return airfare is not discounted. That's alright, I wouldn't be in any rush to return.
“When a clown moves into a palace, he doesn’t become a king. The palace becomes a circus.” - Turkish Proverb
They Tell Me
Antarctica's nice at this time of year.
I think the Falkland Islands would be more hospitable, and almost as far away!