
This story was originally published on Classic BC on 3/6/2003


by Keshara

The machines where all hooked up and ready to go as Dr Lowe began to check all the dials and leads once again.

Although Keith Pressman was only twenty-two and had taken this job of laboratory assistant as a way of getting him through college, he knew that what Dr Lowe was up to was not legal.

Sure he had the chance to leave many times, but considering he was broke and had no money, the offer that the Doctor gave him was just too hard to refuse. However, he had also sworn to the young man that if the authorities ever did catch him, he would make them aware that he had no idea of what his experiments involved.

"Come on lad make sure that dial is set to ninety pounds!" Dr Lowe shouted out to his assistant from across the lab.

Pausing Keith looked again at the scenario he had some how got myself involved in.

To one side was a large stasis chamber containing the gravely ill wife of the Doctor, her gaunt features haunting Keith from behind the clear Perspex that secured her body in an upright position.

While to the left was two more chambers that contained something a little more gruesome to the discerning eye, for the images showing through these chambers were of two recently deceased young women.

The doctor had explained to Keith that he had paid a mortuary assistant a huge sum of money to obtain the bodies. Yet no matter how much he tried to think of them as just essential scientific material, the fact that he was looking at two dead women, still caused him to vomit.

"Hurry lad the tissue decay is increasing by the second!" the Doctor tried to sway his assistant's queasy stomach from his mind. "If that tissue decays any longer than needed... It will destroy everything I've worked for!"

Closing his eyes to the reality of the dead bodies Keith checked the second of the tubes that connected both of their bodies to the doctor's rather complex and elaborate machine.

Dr Jack Lowe looked a rather sad sight as he struggled desperately with his computer terminal and as his facial expressions changed from frantic to despair, anyone who was not aware of his experiment would ever see the reason behind his madness.

His wife Audrey was fifteen years older and for the past five or so years had become bed ridden from a very rare skin condition that had stripped her of her once beautiful and slender looks.

In her younger days she had been a rather keen biologist and physicist and after marrying Jack who was once her assistant, she had become obsessed with dermatology and skin disorders.

Some people had even suggested that her own greed for world acclaim had caused her condition, for it was well known that she was close to finding a formula that would halt the ageing process and that out of desperation she had used this untested formula on herself.

A fact that could have been true, except for Jack's denial and insistence that he had never found any proof that she had injected herself with any of her serums.
Needless to say since her skin disorder began to affect her balance and control, his passion to continue with her work and find an antidote to her illness had become an obsession.

An obsession that now involved a young man by the name of Keith Pressman.
"Lad make sure that dial!"

"Yes Dr Lowe I know!" Keith responded as the Doctor's repetition continued to resound around him.

With everything now in place Dr Jack Lowe hastily moved over to the large switch that would prove whether his five years of hard work and theorising would finally reach fruition.

"My sweet!" he placed his right hand on the chamber containing Audrey's scrawny and bony body and pulled the switch with his left.


Darkness consumed the laboratory as the smell of statically charged dust filled the air, then as the backup generator kicked in the Doctor and his assistant were forced to hide their eyes from the blinding light emanating from all three containers.

"Keep your eyes on that dial!" Dr Lowe bellowed out above the crackling of electricity!"

Keith was scared for his life as the static build up began to make his fingers and feet tingle, but he also knew how important the pressure gauge was to the experiment and to all of their lives.

"It's just above ninety five!" he called back.

"Good let me know if it gets to a ninety eight and two tenths or drops to eighty nine and nine tenths!"

"Yes sir!" Keith shouted back as he desperately held his attention to the gauge.
After what to Keith seemed like an hour although it was only five minutes the Doctor shut off the power.

An icy smoke now filled the air as the static calmed and as Keith choked and tried to wave the smoke from his view his eyes immediately looked for the Doctor.

"Dr Lowe!" he called out through the smoke as the generator suddenly stopped and plunged him into darkness.

The two-stasis chambers containing the dead females where now illuminated in a freakishly yellow and greenish glow, while the Doctor's wife's chamber was filled with an azure coloured mist.

The light of the chambers cast an eerie glow over the laboratory floor as Keith picked his way across to where the Doctor was now lying upon the floor.

The Doctor was unconscious and from the way his hand was still clutching the huge switch he had suffered a very large electrical discharge. Moving up to the doctor's hand he could see that his hand was covered in blood and he tried to unclasp it he realised that the Doctor's hand had fused to the switch.

Panic gripped the young man as he wondered what to do next, however as he turned to face the bluish glow of the Doctor's wife's chamber a hand pushed up against the Perspex.

It was her hand.

Choking noises began to resound from the chamber and this caused Keith to panic more.

"Fuck!" he gulped as another hand slammed against the chamber.

As much as he wanted to run from the madness he had participated in, his curiosity kept him still.

The two hands then clasped into fists and began to ram on the glass and as they did Keith suddenly realised that the woman was alive, despite the gaseous mist surrounding her.

Hastily Keith tried to find the switch that would release her, but the more the woman clattered on the Perspex the more he fumbled with his attempts.

Then he found it.


The door swung open and all of the blue mist evaporated into the darkness of the lab.

"Hurry boy! Get these stupid restraints off me!" a woman's voice bellowed down at Keith as he wiped the mist from his eyes.

Keith scrambled to his feet and moved over to woman.

Soft hands aided him as he began to undo the straps holding the woman's waist to the chamber and as he lifted his head upward he could not help noticing that the Doctor's wife's body was no longer as fragile as it had been.

The white robe she had been wearing was completely saturated and clung to her body and as his head reached her breasts he could not take his eyes off them,
for they were not the sagged and lifeless breasts of an old woman.

"Hurry up boy I've gotta make sure the computer has stored all the data correctly!" she hurriedly broke free of her binds and pushed Keith aside.

Keith could not help noticing her curves as she pushed past him.

The computer screen was still glowing and as the woman stood behind it Keith finally got to see the success of the Doctor's experiment, Mrs Lowe's face was no longer the haunting mask of an ageing woman with an incurable skin disease, her youth had been restored.

Her grey wiry hair was now thick long and brown and her lips were once again full and vibrant while her nipples poked enticingly through the gown as her face contorted into a grin.

"Excellent! Excellent!" she shouted out loud, for all the information on her rejuvenation had not been erased by the power shortage.

"Boy get over to that panel by the cabinet and flick the switch up!" she ordered her husband's assistant.

Keith was totally consumed with disbelief to counter the woman's demands and did as he was asked.

Instantly the lights came on and Keith finally got to see what the experiment had done to the lab and the original material in the other two chambers.

The Doctor was still unconscious with his hand stuck to the switch, while his wife hurriedly toyed with the computer ignoring everything that had happened, but despite the miracle of the Doctor's youthful appearance, the outcome of the two dead female bodies was not so pleasing.

Keith followed the Doctor's wife with his eyes as she opened up the other two chambers and looked in on what he could only assume was their remains. If was not for the fact that he had seen them before the experiment he could easily have mistaken them as bodies that had just been excavated from an ancient burial tomb.

With small wisps of silver grey hair dangling from their skulls and emaciated withered greyish skin, which clung to their skeletal bodies, he had to rub his eyes just to make sure that he was not dreaming.

"Oh yes!" Mrs Lowe exhaled in her triumph. "It worked!"

Then as she grabbed a hold of one of the withered bodies wrists it snapped.
Audrey Lowe laughed aloud as she held the hand up and watched it crumble to dust.

"Err Mrs Lowe?" Keith tried to interrupt his employer's wife.

"What!" she turned around and bore into her husband's assistant's eyes.

"Perhaps we should get Dr Lowe some medical help!" he tried to gather some sanity to the scene he had been witness too.

"I'm the Doctor thank you very much... And my husband is nothing more than a bumbling clumsy assistant just as you are!" she stared wildly at her husband's young male assistant.

"But Dr... I err mean Mr Lowe is obviously in need of medical assistance?" Keith once again tried to get his point across to the woman.

"Yes I suppose he does... Well he's your boss so you can sort him out!" she clapped her hands rubbed the dust form them. "I've gotta see what the test results are!"

Keith watched the younger version of Doctor Jack Lowe's wife disappear out of the lab and as he did he quickly went to help his stricken employer.

Doctor Audrey Lowe tore her damp robe from her body, she smelt of sulphur and some other chemicals she recognised and despite wanting to revel in her new found youth, she knew that she had to run some tests on herself.

As the hot water began to wash the unusual gelatinous oil from her skin she could not help but run her hands over her breasts. They where not quite as firm as she had hoped but they were at least full, pulling up her breast she studied it carefully. Her aureole was dark brown and her nipples were big and very easily tempted into submission, but as she began to rub her erecting nipple she stopped.

Hurriedly she dried herself and ran over to the bedroom mirror and stood before her image perplexed at what she was looking at, slowly she moved up to the mirror and glanced at her face.

She was really sixty-seven years old and although her body was now that of a younger woman it was not entirely as she had remembered it.

Desperately she rummaged through her dresser for pictures of her younger self and when she found one she could not believe what she saw.

The experiment had reduced her age by twenty odd years but what was so unusual about it that caused her some concern was the fact that her face was not entirely hers.

"My god I've got a different nose?" she ran her finger over the bridge of her small and upturned nose.

Her assumption was right, she had totally different characteristics from what she had when she was in her late thirties and early forties and it was when she was inspecting her breast that she realised it.

Had the experiment gone wrong? Had Jack miscalculated something? She wondered as she stared at her naked body in the mirror.

Keith never saw much of Mrs Lowe for the next few days as he tended to Dr Lowe's very badly burnt hand, although he wanted to take him to hospital his wife had refused, informing him that the experiment they had conducted was illegal and had to remain a secret.

In fact he wondered where he found the courage to prize the doctor's red and bloodied hand from the lever it had been fused to.

All of his tendons were severed and Keith wondered if the Doctor would ever use his hand again, but more worrying for him was the way Dr Lowe kept slipping in and out of consciousness.

He had obviously received a very huge electrical shock and in all honesty Keith knew that he should be recuperating in hospital bed.

* * *
As the week went by Keith began to tidy up the laboratory and desperately tried to turn his thoughts to the end of his summer break and a return to college.
However as he finished sweeping up the last of what he knew was the decaying dust of the two dead women, two voices interrupted his thoughts.

It was the Doctor's ignorant and rude wife and she was talking to a man, except she was not talking, she was more laughing with him. Creeping out of the basement he caught a glimpse of Mrs Lowe as she lead a tall dark haired man up the stairs by his hands.

"What is she doing?" he sighed to himself as he began to feel sorry for the Doctor, who was still suffering from his traumatic injuries. Making sure he was not seen, he watched Mrs Lowe drag the man into her bedroom and begin to kiss him, then after a very frantic game of removing each other's clothes they fell on the bed and began to have sex.

Keith was shocked, how could she treat her husband so badly and so blatantly.
Sure the experiment had worked he had bore witness to that, but ever since he had released her from the chamber she had reacted like a selfish and very arrogant woman, not the loving wife that Dr Lowe had been so desperate to help.

Thoughts of going to the authorities entered his mind, but he felt sorry for Dr Lowe and after all he had placed a very amicable amount of money into his account to help him through his studying.

So instead Keith decided to go back to the lab and finish tidying up.

The next two weeks finally saw an improvement in Dr Lowe's condition, but his speech was very slurred and he appeared to slump to one side as he sat up in bed.

As for Mrs Lowe or Doctor Audrey Lowe as she kept informing Keith, she had brought back four different men all of whom spent the nights pleasuring her.
With only a week to go till his return to college Keith tried to put Dr Jack's condition to the back of his mind, he had to go back to college to continue his studies and he continually reminded him as he fed him his soup.

The reply was always the same, for a tear all ways fell from his eyes as he looked up at Keith.

"I've got to go back to college soon Dr Lowe!" Keith tried to explain once again trying hard not to look into the lame Doctor's eyes. "I'm sure Mrs Lowe will find some one to look after you!"

"Is that what you believe boy!" Mrs Lowe's voice resounded from the doorway.

"Oh I'm sorry... I err didn't know?" Keith began to apologise.

"I spent five years in that bed, so it won't hurt him to spend another month or so there!" she replied callously and from the glare in her eyes she obviously held some resentment towards him too.

"But he spent years working on a solution to rectify your illness!" Keith thought he should at least stick up for his employer.

Suddenly the anger in her eyes changed.

"Well I guess you're right there... You know I still don't know your name what is it?" Audrey suddenly changed tone.

"Err... Its Keith... Mrs Lowe... Keith Pressman!"

"Well Keith... I really should thank you for all your assistance in helping my husband!" she smiled at him as she turned on her heels and disappeared down the hallway.

The next few days went by rather quietly.

Mrs Lowe had not invited any more men back to the house for she had chose to lock herself away in laboratory going over all the data that her husband had collected and stored for his experiment.

Keith wondered if his reminder at how her husband had spent his time on getting her well again had pressed some kind of guilt button in her head.

Getting ready for bed, Keith pulled up the duvet and began to ponder on his return to college when all of a sudden his door opened.

"You're going to bed early tonight Keith?" Mrs Lowe sighed from the doorway.
Keith could see that she was wearing a long black negligee high heels and black panties and bra beneath it.

"Yes well... I've got to go into town early in the morning and get some stuff ready for my departure!" he replied watching the woman close the door behind her and walk towards him.

"I've read the report my husband has on you and I must say it was rather nice of him to declare your innocence of his experiments with me!" she began to run her hands over the bedstead as she neared him.

"Well yes it was?" Keith wondered what the woman was implying.

"Needless to say he omitted one thing from the report about you!" she continued as she suddenly removed her negligee and revealed her black satin underwear and her curves for him to see.

"Wh...Wh...What's that?" he felt his mind becoming confused at what was happening.

"How cute you are!" she puckered her lips and climbed onto the bed.

"Please Mrs Lowe?" Keith tried desperately to erase the image of his employer's sexy looking wife from his thoughts.

"Shhhh... It's my time to repay you for all the help you gave my husband in getting some of my youth back!" she casually began to crawl over the bed up to him, her breasts dangling enticingly in the cups of her midnight bra.

Keith wanted to throw the woman from his bed and run for the door, but the way she was moving across the duvet held him securely to the bed.

Mrs Lowe was now on top of him, the skin of her cleavage and breasts hanging before him achingly. Sure he had had a few girls in his time but never one old enough to be his mother, but the temptation was becoming too much for him and as she removed her breasts from the cups of her bra, Keith's resistance crumbled.

The smell of her perfume and softness of her breasts smothered his face and as he once again considered what was happening his groin took control of his thoughts, casting all his doubts and true feelings aside.

Audrey sighed as the young man toyed with the gifts she displayed before him and as she continued to smother his face with her breasts her face contorted into a wicked smile.

She needed the young man's help and what a better way to bring him over to her side than to indulge him in every young man's fantasy of making out with a curvaceous mature woman.

* * *
Keith looked at the calendar once again, he had missed the new term's inauguration and in all honesty had lost his place at the college, but as he watched Audrey's slender figure dressed in silk stockings, corset and high heels, his groin reminded him of why he had stayed.

Many times as he attended her husband his guilt got the better of him and he nearly confessed to the Doctor of his strange attraction and affair with his wife, but the sadness in his eyes always stopped him.

"Keith my dear wouldn't you like to make out with a girl more your age sweetheart?" Audrey sighed as she tenderly kneaded his groin with her long nailed fingers.

"I can't say I've really thought about it of late!" he replied as he laid back and enjoyed the experience that had kept him from returning to college.

"Well I've read up on all of my husband's data and I now know how to get his machine to work without releasing so much electricity into the laboratory. And besides we could go out on the town at nights looking a proper couple!" she planted a kiss on Keith's lips and bit them and as she pulled away slightly.
"But what about Jack?" Keith tried to counter Mrs Lowe's decision to make herself even younger.

"Well if my input has corrected his problems, then I can use it to heal his wounds," Audrey breathed sensuously into the young man's ear as she nibbled on it.

"Ok, but what will Jack say when he sees his wife looking twenty two years old?"
"Relax sweetheart what can he say, no one would believe him and besides he would not risk attracting any attention from the authorities!" Audrey smiled her wicked smile once again as she let the young man remove her panties.

* * *
The darkness of the dingy looking bar concealed Keith's features well and as he approached the two women who were propping up the far end of the bar he knew that he had to make his speech.

His mind reeled over and over again at how he had got himself into this situation.
Why did he give in to Dr Audrey Lowe's demands and why had he thrown away his career for a woman who in all respects should be lying in the bed that her husband now occupied.

With every step nearer the two drunken women, he prepared his words in his head.

A clink of glasses and a concerned glance from a few of the patrons occupying the bar made him reconsider his task.

Sure it sounded easy when Audrey told him to go out and get a couple of cheap prostitutes to help her with furthering her experiment and the way she made them sound so worthless to society was so convincing, he actually believed he was helping them and not Audrey.

The thought of Audrey's new young body spurred him on and despite his previous failed attempts at achieving a proposition from the last five prostitutes he had encountered and with time running out, he knew that he had would have to use a different approach.

With his story firmly on his tongue he came up besides the two women.

"Excuse me ladies but I believe you are both available for a party tonight?" he finally spun his story.

"Whhhhat?" the nearest woman lifted her head.

Keith had to quickly supply a return so hastily he took advantage of the woman's inebriated condition.

"Mr Jangles told me you two were available for a party tonight!" he quickly remembered a fictitious character from a film he had seen some time ago.

"Ere Sal this youngen's proposing us!" the woman nudged her drunken partner.

"Whas e' want wi'a couple of ole'sluts like us?" the other woman groaned as she lifted her head up to greet her mouth with an empty glass.

Keith could see that he had hit upon a couple of prostitutes that in his eyes had passed their sell by date. The more he looked over their rather obscenely and unflattering choice of clothes that revealed more of their overweight flesh than was required, he knew that these would be ideal for Audrey's experiment.

All though it was a struggle Keith finally got the two fifty something prostitutes into his car with him, for the one called 'Sal' kept groping him while the other one repeatedly shouted out to the night air that she had scored.

By the time he had arrived back at the house both of the women had fallen asleep, which considering how drunk they were, was going to make the task of explaining what happened to the party even more easier.

However when he began to drag the first of them out of the car, Audrey met him.
"WHAT THE?" she glanced down at the first of the women. "They're old?"

"Yes Audrey It's all I could get I'm afraid!" he replied rather solemnly.

"You're about as useful as?" she was about to reply when she stopped. "Err... Well if that's all you could get... I suppose that will do!"

Audrey helped Keith with both of the women into the reception room whereupon she placed chloroform over both of their mouths.

Take them down the lab and while I get things ready!" Audrey spoke with an unusual calm.

"Yes Audrey!" Keith replied lifting up the first one onto his shoulder as he dragged her towards the basement door.

Audrey slammed her bedroom door as she began to undress.

"How stupid could he be?" she reprimanded her husband's assistant. "They'll never do... But?"

Audrey made her way down the basement steps to the lab, her white coat flapping behind her as she moved.

Keith had just finished his struggle with putting the last of the two overweight women in the chambers and wiping the sweat away from his brow the last thing he recalled was a flash of white and the familiar smell of the chloroform Audrey had used on the two women.

* * *
Slowly Keith regained his senses and as his vision became less distorted he could smell the sweeter odour of Audrey's perfume.

"Ohhh... Audrey I'm so.... Sorry I err," he began as his vision honed in on the familiar features of Doctor Audrey Lowe.

"That's perfectly fine my dear... I must admit I was a little angry with you at first... Especially when you had brought me back two rather unpleasant looking fat sluts who have about as much youthfulness in them as my husband. But," she paused as she made sure the straps were completely secure. "I guess I need to see if all my formulas and estimations are correct before I try them out on myself!"

"What?" the sudden realisation of what she had done to him finally sank in. "Please get... Please don't!"

Audrey closed the Perspex chamber door and blew Keith a kiss goodbye.
Keith struggled desperately to free himself of the straps, hastily he tried to recall where each and every strap was and luckily the straps were designed not to strangulate, for as he moved the straps loosened.

Out the corner of his eye he could see Audrey moving about the lab checking dials and he knew that she would have to pull the switch by his chamber before initiating the experiment.

One by one Keith removed the straps holding his hands and arms and fortunately the chamber was large enough for him to lean down to undo the straps securing his legs and feet.

With the last of the straps released Keith looked up and came face to face with the smiling face of Audrey.

"So sorry sweetheart!" she moved her hand over to the wall next to him, her wicked grin revealing to him that his desperate battle to rid himself of his binds had been completely futile.

Keith was stuck in the chamber for he had forgotten that all three chambers where secured form the outside.

"As I told you Keith my husband was rather inept at doing the obvious, I told him to fit an escape lock on the inside, but as you can see he never got round to it!" she laughed as she pulled on the large switch.

Keith rammed his fists onto the Perspex door in a vain attempt to break it, but it was no use he was trapped and as he saw Audrey's hand pull on the switch tears filled his eyes and he slumped back against the padding of the chamber behind him.

As the lighting flickered all around the lab Keith watched Audrey move away from the chamber and take her seat behind her computer consul.

How could he have let himself become involved with her, she was like a drug he could not refuse, even her husband's obsession with her had ruined him, but as much as he regretted letting himself become immersed in her sexual pool of delights, there was no going back.

Whatever alterations she had made to the system were more or less a vast improvement for as the lights dimmed the static discharges that had nearly killed Jack were gone.

Suddenly a strange sensation swept through Keith. His fingers and toes began to tingle and then a shiver ran down his spine, then before he knew anything else a cold infusion of icy mist filled the chamber and as he inhaled on the icy bluish vapour, he felt as if his lungs would freeze.

The dimming lights and rather familiar rumble brought Jack Lowe from his sleep and as two glasses smashed to the floor from the vibrations, a burst of energy filled his thoughts.

"Mmmmm... My machine?" he murmured as he attempted to stand.

Audrey laughed insanely as the thrill of watching her work come to life filled her with delight. Jack's continuation on her project when it had so horribly gone wrong for her had been a mystery, but whatever reason her sad and disillusioned husband had at trying to achieve something from her failure she guessed she would never know.

Checking the monitor she watched the LED displays, she had replaced for the pressure gauges and dials, for signs of danger and seeing that everything was fine she watched the timer as it counted down from ten minutes five to zero.
A snigger broke free from her mouth as she considered the time element. The two prostitutes would never survive the full ten minutes and five seconds, for the way the experiment worked it stripped away ten years every two minutes, so considering their age they would become nothing but emaciated corpses.
A fact that she found more suitable for she did not have to dispose of their bodies at all, because like the other specimens her husband had used their remains would crumble to dust. Then she wondered what the experiment would do to the young man she had so easily seduced into helping her with the finishing touches to her project.

For she had only ever calculated the results for a female her age.

"Perhaps I might end up with a little baby?" she laughed out loud as she clicked a few keys on her keyboard to check on the young man's vital signs. However in his haste to escape he had removed the straps, which contained the sensors that monitored his heart and brain activity, so all she got was a sensor reading for his body temperature.

With the time moving down to one minute and thirteen the humming of the machine masked the sounds of someone entering the lab form behind her.

* * *
Jack had managed to pull himself out of his room and down the stairs, his mind was in torment and anger, he knew what was happening he had seen it happening and as hard as he tried to warn his assistant his inability to speak and move had thwarted him.

Of late he had just started to feel life coming back into his limbs, he knew that the electrical discharge he had suffered had given him a huge stroke, his medical background had told him that much. Yet more surprisingly he had survived the ordeal virtually intact, albeit for his hand.

Stumbling down the main stairs he was relieved to see that the basement door was open and from the whirring coming from beyond the opening, he knew his wife had gone ahead with her experiment.

Flashes of that day eight years ago flooded his mind as he began to descend the stairs, but that day she had secured the door and he had been unable to stop her madness.

Unlike Jack's motivation for continuing with his wife's experiments, Audrey was desperate to retain her own youth rather than find any cure for skin disfigurements or diseases.

She invested heavily into her project and even spent two years in Borneo in search of new plants that would help her in her goal.

However her studies took her in a totally different direction when by chance she was offered one of her former university student's equipment on the cheap, something to do with the university's denial of ever having a hand in helping the young scientist.

Audrey knew Seth Brundle had always shown a keen interest in breaking down matter into some kind of ether and making it materialise in a different place, anyhow the poor misguided man had died during one of his experiments, which he apparently tried on himself.

After browsing through some of the paperwork that was not destroyed in the fire she realised that his equipment could be realigned to her own experiments.
Although Jack was firmly against using Seth Brundle's equipment, Audrey finally convinced him that her experiments would not involve dematerialising herself, however what she did not explain to Jack was that it would involve her taking the same path as Seth Brundle. For like him she had miscalculated and when she ran her program it completely stripped her skin of it's essential oils and turned her from a sixty-year-old woman into an eighty-year-old.

Jack's love for his wife was what drove him to rectify her mistake and after spending two years looking after her and going over all of her and Brundle's paperwork he finally found a solution. With the right modifications he could use the machines to transfer skin tissue from one chamber to the other.

But what he had not realised was just how powerful his modifications had been, for what he had done was to actually complete all of the loop holes in Seth Brundle's transportation system, the ones that Seth had not allowed for.

Jack had used rabbits in his experiments and after several successful tests he knew it was ready to try on a human, however he needed real flesh and the only place he could get that from was from a mortuary.

Yet as Jack reached the door of the lab he knew that today was going to be different from before for now a young man, he had so inadvertently pulled into his own plans of making medical history, was in danger and it was his responsibility to save him.

Jack had seen what his experiment had done to his wife, for it not only rejuvenated her skin, but it transferred the DNA of the dead bodies onto his wife's, for she looked like a combination of the two dead corpses as well as herself.

The familiar glow of the chambers told Jack that he was too late and he cursed himself for not letting haste get in his way when he had gone ahead with his experiment on his wife. For if he had not suffered the terrible electric shock, then he would've been able to control his wife's strange and erratic behaviour.
Audrey clasped her hands as the timer went to thirteen seconds, however that flashing red digital number was the last thing she saw, because before it had time to go to twelve a numbing pain to the back of her neck shrouded her in darkness.

"What have you done?" Jack cried out of the corner of his mouth as he surveyed the horror before him.

"Keith lad I'm... So sorry!" he stumbled over to the blue chamber as the machines completed their cycle.

Keith could no longer stand on his feet as the blue mist swirled in and around him, unusual sensations flowed through him as he felt his body twist and contort, then after what to him felt like forever the vibrations of the machine stopped.
Gradually the blue mist lifted and as Jack stood before the Perspex the reality of his wife's madness caused him to collapse.

Keith opened his eyes to the sight of Dr Lowe slumped up against the chamber and as he lifted his hand shock gripped him for it was not his hand. His fingers were now smaller and slightly plump.

Then he looked down at his own slumped body.

Jack finally found the strength to open the chamber and as he did he now looked upon a very sad looking greyish haired middle aged woman. Offering Keith his hand he helped the poor young man or rather older looking woman to his-her feet.

Strange sensations swept through Keith's body as two huge weights dropped from his chest, instantly he caught them and as he did he gasped.
"I've got?" he knelt before the Doctor holding onto his two massive drooping breasts.

"I'm sorry Keith!" Jack managed to slur out through the side of his mouth.

At first Keith had felt nothing but anger as he endured the machine's own wrath and when he had looked upon his hands he had still been angry, but as the Doctor took his hand new thoughts entered his mind, strange and unfamiliar ones.

"Oh Doctor Lowe!" he held a hand up to his mouth, for even his words felt alien to him. "I feel very weird?"

"Yes...But I do not know where to start my apology!" Jack responded awkwardly, not sure whether the words on his tongue sounded as he intended.

Keith battled hard to suppress the feeling that was now coming over him and before he had time to stop himself he grabbed a firm hold of the Doctor and pressed into him. "Oh Doctor I need you!"

Keith could not stop himself for his mind was full of confusion and the more he tried to grasp a hold of his reality wild and erotic thoughts whisked back and forth, for all he could think of was having sex with the Doctor.

Jack finally managed to stave of his former assistant's sudden transformation into a sexually frustrated woman by grabbing hold of his-her wrists. "NO!" he shook his head.

Keith backed away from the Doctor his own thoughts suddenly returning, what had come over him he did not know. "I'm sorry Dr Lowe something seemed to take over me?" Keith managed to summon an excuse for his sudden change.

"Put this on!" Jack handed his assistant a white lab coat as he own anger seemed to undermine his slurred speech, "And go up to your room, I've got to sort this mess out!"

Keith could not understand all of the Dr Lowe's words as he could only speak through the side of his mouth, but he could work out from his actions that he needed to do something with his wife's body, which was lying slumped across her computer keyboard and consul.

Shivers ran down Keith's alien body, everything was out of proportion and he faltered several times as he shifted his weight.

Jack wanted to ask his wife what she had done to the poor young man and found it hard not to hit her again. How could he have been so wrong in thinking that she would thank him for restoring her youth, for he had witnessed her total disregard for life and more importantly his love for her.

Checking her pulse and the bump on her head, Jack wondered if he should have just smothered her face with his hands and killed her, but deep inside his love for her continued to tell him that he needed her.

The stairs were awkward for Keith as he began to ascend them and as he watched his large floppy breasts bounce before him he wondered why he did not feel any sadness at what Dr Lowe's wife had done to him. Yet as the thought of the Doctor entered his mind he suddenly began to think about how handsome the Doctor actually was.

Desperately he tried to shake off the images playing through his mind, pictures of the Doctor's naked manly body flexing before him.

Then he heard a crash and a groan behind him.

The doctor had tried to lift his wife but in his condition had only managed to fall over with her.

'Go help the dashing Doctor!' a strong voice ordered from within Keith.

Suddenly Keith turned and went back into the lab, fastening the coat around his new plump and very womanly body.

"Here Dr Lowe let me help you!" Keith suddenly offered his help to the Doctor.

Jack felt a strange sensation emanating from his assistant as he leant down to help him. He wanted to ask if the young man was all right, but the way he was looking at him, he realised that whatever experiment his wife had inflicted on him had not only changed his appearance but had somehow altered his personality.
Nodding Jack accepted the help.

Keith helped Dr Lowe carry his wife up to her room, whereupon he helped him tie her to the bed.

Jack could not help noticing how easily his assistant had adapted to the body modifications his wife had so cruelly enforced on him.

"You could tie me up if you'd like!" Keith sighed as he moved up behind the Doctor.

"Keith are you all right?" Jack asked his former assistant.

"I... Well I feel very strange," Keith replied holding his hand up to forehead.

"In what way?"

"It's like I have... Well it's like... I have all theses strange thoughts floating through my mind!" the transformed young man replied awkwardly.

"Thoughts of what?"

"Doctor I find you really attractive and all I keep thinking of is what it would feel like to hold your penis in my hand and then suck it!"

Jack finished tying his wife's binds and then looked at his assistant.

"Hmmm... I think I should see just what my wife has done to you!" he responded ushering Keith out of the room and then locking his wife's door.

Keith found himself blushing and with every minute that passed all of the alien feelings that had began to surface in his body and mind started to feel more natural.

Jack took his assistant into the lounge and told him to lie down on the couch and wait for him to return.

Yet when he returned with his stethoscope and equipment bag he had to stop in his tracks for his assistant was lying naked on the couch playing happily with his huge fleshy breasts purposefully pulling on his very long and large nipples.

"KEITH! Get a grip lad!" Jack shouted out to his assistant.

Keith jumped and as he did the realisation of what he was doing struck him deeply.

"Doctor please help me!" Keith cried.

"I will try and do what I can, but first I must examine you!" he leaned in and placed the stethoscope on Keith's very unmanly chest, then he pulled out a small tape recorder and proceeded to talk into it.

* * *
Jack closed the door on his assistant as he left him sobbing in his room.
What had his wife done, she had turned the poor twenty two year old boy into a woman of fifty five, but the most frightening aspect of the transformation was that apart from having a vagina, he also still possessed his male genitals.

Although they were tiny in comparison to what they once were, he still had them.
Audrey had turned the poor young man into a hermaphrodite.

Yet the most puzzling aspect of the young man's transformation was his memory of who he actually was, a fact that made Jack realise that the two prostitutes that she had used in the experiment had actually implanted both of their desires and needs into him as well.

Lying back on his bed naked, Jack wondered if it was his fault that his wife had changed so drastically, that whatever desires the two specimens he had used had somehow changed her into a more self obsessed person.

Whether it had or not he knew that it had spread to the poor young assistant he had hired and to make things worse how was he going to reverse the entire procedure.

With these thoughts in his mind Jack drifted off to sleep and as he did he was unaware of a large figure slipping into his room and slowly moving onto the bed and then with astute movement pinning him down.

Jack woke with a start, however the flesh that bore into his face as he did surprised him somewhat and before he knew what was happening a long succulent nipple was being forced into his mouth.

* * *
One Year Later:

St Godfrey's Rest Home for the elderly:

"Here you go sweetheart she's here on time as usual!" the nurse spoke very loudly but very charmingly as she wheeled the wheelchair onto the veranda. "That's it my dear wave to your grand daughter, there's a good girl!"

The silver haired lady lifted her aged and ragged arm up to placate the nurse behind her.

The nurse watched as the car door opened and out stepped a very heavily pregnant young woman.

"Mrs Lowe thank you for keeping these appointments!" the nurse left the old wheelchair bound woman on the veranda as she rushed to help her young great grand daughter.

"Why thank you Felecia, I know how much these visits mean to the old dear!" the pregnant young woman replied as she took hold of the nurses arm.

"Yes you can see the happiness in her eyes when ever I mention you're here!" the nurse continued as she reunited the old woman with her grand daughter.

"Now when you've finished just come and find me and I'll take the old dear back to her room!"

"Thank you Felicia!" the great-grand daughter smiled as she stood besides the old woman.

Then when the granddaughter was sure that the nurse was out of earshot, she grabbed a firm hold of the old woman's hand and placed it on her expanse of impregnated stomach.

"Feel that bitch... That's all Jack ever wanted and thanks to you I've made it possible for him!" the granddaughter snarled through her pretend smile.

Audrey slowly lifted her one hundred and two-year-old head and looked up at the very pretty brunette who stood over her.

She wanted to tell her so called great grand daughter to go and fuck herself, but her vocal chords no longer worked just as her legs had no feeling either, in fact there was hardly a limb she could move apart from her wrinkled pink arms and neck.

As her hand felt the kick of the baby, she wished that she could roll her fists into a ball and thump the young girl's hideous bump, but arthritis wracked her body and made it virtually impossible.

Just then another car arrived and parked behind Audrey's great granddaughter's car and then in full view of everyone the young pregnant girl called out. "Jack sweetheart! Audrey is dying to see you hurry!"

Jack Lowe strolled happily up to the veranda whereupon he grabbed a hold of his wife Cassandra and gave her a very passionate kiss.

"Hello Dr Lowe!" the nurse called out to him as she recognised the dashing young thirty-year-old doctor and soon came back to the veranda. "Your delightful wife told me you would be here... Not long to go now?"

Jack placed his hand over his wife's as she still held Audrey's hand to her belly.

"Yes I hope it's a boy!" Cassandra smiled lovingly up at her dark haired and dashingly handsome husband. "Still if it's not we could always change her into a boy!"

"Yes darling!" Jack sensuously kissed his pretty twenty three-year-old wife in front of his ex wife. "What ever you wish is yours!"

"Oh Jack... I love you so much!" Cassandra let go of Audrey's ageing skin and let it fall back into her lap.

"Felicia!" Jack called out to the nurse as he broke from his wife's embrace. "My wife's great grandmother has had enough excitement for today, you know how over excited she becomes!"

Audrey watched with contempt as her husband and his former assistant walked hand in hand to their cars, all she wanted to do was tell the world about their secret and how it should be her that was twenty years old.

Yet Jack had made sure that she would never be able to tell a soul, for he had deliberately given her the disabilities that stopped her from talking walking or writing.

However the one thing he had not taken away from her was her evil and manipulative mind, he knew how frustrating it would be for her to still have a fully active mind inside of her body and his estimations on just how annoying it was for her were correct.

As the wheels of her wheelchair rolled her towards her bed, Audrey Lowe convinced herself that one day she would escape her feeble and aged imprisonment and turn the tables on her ex-husband and his lover.

She would have control of the machine and use their skin to bring her the youth and beauty she so desperately craved.

Helping his young and beautiful wife into her car, he looked back at the veranda.
"Well Audrey... In a way you've succeeded... For your mind is as active as a twenty year old, but unfortunately your skin will always be a hundred and two years older!"


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