Does the End Justify the Means?

Does the End Justify the Means?
Julie O

When Ryan made a late night pizza delivery, he had no idea how
drastically his life would be changed.

Robert Arnold

Chapter 1

    The phone at Marco’s Pizzeria rang several times before the owner, Paul Anthony picked it up. It was after closing hours and the last thing he wanted to was argue with some drunk who wanted to place an order.

    “Marco’s, I’m sorry but…”

    “Paul…don’t hang up… this is Ryan, thank god you’re still there!”

    Ryan Norris was one of Paul’s delivery drivers.

    Judging by the tone of Ryan’s voice something bad had happened. “Calm down, what’s wrong?” asked Paul. The first thing that came to his mind was that Ryan had been robbed.

    “I…I can’t explain it over the phone. Can you please wait around there for me? I’ll be there in ten minutes. Please?” begged Ryan desperately.

    Paul looked at his watch. It was almost one in the morning. “Okay, I’ll be here.”

Chapter 2

    Paul had liked Ryan from the day he had hired him. The kid was attending the local university and was one of his most dependable drivers. He could be counted on for helping out when things got extra busy. In fact, the last run that Paul had sent him on was a large delivery to what sounded like a party.  The woman who placed the order asked that a “cute guy” be sent to deliver the order and Paul had hoped it would lead to a large tip for Ryan, as he knew the kid needed the money.

    Paul even trusted Ryan enough to allow him to go directly home after the run; knowing that Ryan could be depended upon to bring in the whole tab the next day. He wished all his employees were as trustworthy. It would make running Marco’s a lot less stressful.

    Marco’s was Paul’s pride and joy. He had opened it ten years ago and in spite of competition from the big chain stores he built up a very successful place. It was named after his grandfather, who had started the family’s first pizza restaurant back in the sixties. While takeout and delivery made up a large part of his business, he had recently expanded the dining room to accommodate more guests.

    As Paul wondered what was up with Ryan, he looked out the front door and saw a very attractive young woman walking quickly towards the restaurant. The first thing he noticed was that she had a very large pair of tits and that she wasn’t wearing a bra. They were hard to miss even in the dim light of the parking lot. He could see them bouncing as the woman walked quickly towards his restaurant.

She looked even better as she got closer. Her outfit consisted of a short denim skirt, high heels, and a tight low cut black top. She was also a redhead, which was a big turn on for him. He suspected that she had car troubles, as she didn’t look like she was looking for a pizza. She looked as of she was leaving a club or a party.

    She knocked on the door and Paul headed over to see what she wanted.

    It was when he opened the door he gasped as he realized that the girl was Ryan.

    Paul stared at his feminized employee.

    “Yes, it’s me,” said Ryan anxiously. “Thank god no one else is here!”

    “What the hell happened to you?” Paul asked as he ran his eyes over Ryan. Even though he now knew she was really a guy, he was still aroused. He never would have thought that Ryan would look sexy as a girl.

    “That party you sent me to was a bachelorette or some sort of sorority party. The only people there were girls, maybe twenty. When I showed up with the pizzas they dragged me in and did this to me!”

    “How the hell did that happen?” asked Paul as he locked the door behind Ryan.

    “They first paid for the pizzas and then the girl at the door said that she had to get my tip. Some of the other girls were flirting with me as I waited. When she returned, they grabbed me and dragged me in the door. They immediately tied me up,” explained Ryan. “I feel like an idiot, but it happened so fast.”

    “Why?” asked Paul as they walked to his office. “Did they tell you why they did it?”

    “Not exactly, I guess I was part of the entertainment,” he replied. “I was taken to a back room and many of the girls came in and watched as they did this to me. Some of them offered suggestions, especially when they styled my hair. They took a poll on what color my hair should be.”

    Paul stared intently at Ryan. “You mean that’s not a wig?”  

    Ryan ran his fingers through his hair. “Nope, they cut and dyed my hair.”

    Ryan normally had shoulder length brown hair. Now he had a sporty layered feminine style. His hair was now a dark red with highlights.

    “They did your brows too,” noted Paul.

    Ryan’s eyebrows were now thin and arched. Their color was now the same as his hair.

    Ryan nodded as he sat down. “They waxed and dyed them too. They also waxed my legs and chest.”

    “They really did a job on you,” noted Paul as he inspected Ryan. He had to admit that the women had done a through job as Ryan really looked like an attractive woman.

    Ryan’s face was done up as if it had been done by a professional makeup artist. He looked very sexy and feminine, but not trashy or overdone.

    “Yes, they also did my nails,” Ryan said as he held out his hands. His hands looked very feminine thanks to the long bright red nails on each finger. “They also replaced my stud earring with these hoops too.”

    What about those?” asked Paul as he pointed at the Ryan’s breasts.

    It was obvious that Ryan wasn’t wearing a bra. The nipples on the fake breasts stuck out provocatively through the thin material of the top.

    “They stuck these on me,” replied Ryan as he cupped them. “They’re some sort of silicone breast form as they had a lot of weight. Man, if the others here find out about this I’ll never hear the end of it.”

    “Don’t worry, kid, I won’t tell anyone. What do you want to do? We could call the cops…”

    Ryan shook his head. “Hell no. If the cops get involved I’ll be laughed out of town. I can see it in the local paper “Pizza delivery driver turned into girl’ please no cops.”

    “So… what do you want to do?”

    “I know I can go home and change…but what…how do I explain my hair and brows?”

    Paul nodded. “I see your point. Well, from I know from having dated a hair dresser, you’re stuck with the hair color for a while. You can probably get your hair cut tomorrow to look more masculine. The brows will just have to grow back.”

    “That’s what I thought,” said Ryan dejectedly.

    “Don’t sweat it kid, you’re in college, a lot of guys dye their hair, as for the brows, not many people pay any attention to them.”

    “At least it’s summer and I don’t have classes,” said Ryan.

    “See, it’s not so bad,” said Paul. He couldn’t pull his eyes off the breasts, they looked so real. “I just have a question… how are those things staying in place? Did they glue them on?”

    Ryan looked down. “I don’t know, they just stuck them on me. They were wet at the time so maybe they just stayed in place?’  

    “Have you tried to get them off yet?”

    Ryan reached under his top and tried to pull one of the fake breasts off. He winced in pain.

    “They won’t come off!” Ryan said in a panicky tone.

    “Here, take off your top and let me take a look at them,” said Paul. “It’s probably some sort of glue that’s keeping them on.”

    Ryan slipped off his top.

    “Wow,” exclaimed Paul. “They look so real.”

    Ryan looked down at the large breasts attached to his chest.

    Paul moved closer and examined them. He shook his head in disbelief. “I don’t see a seam. I mean it looks like they’re part of you.”

    “That’s impossible,” stated Ryan as he felt around for a seam.

    “Did they put anything over the pads like makeup?” asked Paul.

    Ryan shook his head. “No. They just brought them into the room in a pot of warm water. They took them out of the water and stuck them on me.”

Um, do you mind if I touch them?”

    “Go ahead,” said Ryan.

    Paul cupped the large breasts. He estimated that they were at least DD, possibly larger. He was shocked by how real they felt.

    Ryan pulled back slightly.

    “What’s wrong?” asked Paul.

    “Your hands are cold,” replied Ryan.

    “You can feel that?”

    Ryan nodded.

    “Close your eyes,” said Paul.

    Ryan did what Paul said.

    Paul gently touched the tip of one of Ryan’s nipples with his fingertip. Ryan immediately pulled back.

    “You felt that?” asked Paul. He touched them again and noticed that they felt warm to touch.

    Ryan looked his eyes. “Yes. This is impossible! They’re fake!”

    “I don’t know what to say, kid,” said Ryan. “Maybe you should go to the ER.”

    “They have to be able to come off somehow! I saw them stick them on me!” exclaimed Ryan as he pulled at the breasts. He then let out a cry of pain.

    “You okay?” asked Paul.

    Ryan nodded. “How do I explain these?” he asked as he cupped them.

    Paul stood back and shook his head. “I don’t know…but we’ll think of something. Put your top back on.”

    Ryan did as Paul said.

    “We should go back to the party,” suggested Paul. “I’ll talk to the women there and ask them how to remove the breasts.”

    “Okay,” said Ryan.

    “Come on,” said Paul. “I’ll drive.”

Chapter 3

    They walked together out to Paul’s car.

    He looked over and noticed that Ryan was walking easily in the high heels.

    “How do you do that?” he asked. “I mean, those look like four inch heels.”

    “I don’t know,” replied Ryan. “I stumbled around in them when I left the house. I guess I just got used to them.”

    They got into Paul’s car and headed back to the party.

    “Did they give you the purse too?” asked Paul as he glanced over at Ryan, who was looking into a woman’s handbag.  

    “Yes,” replied Ryan with a sigh. “At least they gave me everything that was in my wallet…along with some other things.”

    “Like what?” asked Paul.

    “There’s makeup in here, perfume, along with the money for the pizzas and what looks like three hundred bucks. Wow! Normally I’d appreciate a huge tip, but not considering what they did to me.”

    “At least they were honest,” said Paul.

    “I’ll give them that,” replied Ryan as he continued to look at the items in the purse.

    “How much further?” asked Paul.

    “It’s just around the corner. It’s the large white house at the end of the street,” said Ryan as he looked up.

    As they pulled around the corner they saw flashing lights in front of the house.

    “Looks like the cops are here,” said Paul as he pulled the car over to the curb. “Stay here; I’ll see what’s going on.”

    Ryan nodded as he slipped down slightly in his seat. The last thing he wanted right now was to talk to the police.

    Paul walked over to where two cops were standing. He immediately recognized both of them and waved. They were both frequent customers at Marco’s.

    “Hi Bill,” he said. “How’s it going Dave?”

    “Paul, what are you doing here?” asked Bill.  

    He pointed at the house. “One of my drivers got hassled here and I wanted to have a talk with them.”

    Bill shook his head. “They’re long gone.”

    “So, what about the owner of the house?”

    “It’s in foreclosure.  The bank tried to make it look like the house was occupied and so it was fully furnished and the electricity was turned on. We’ve had this problem before. The same house was used last month for the filming of a porno movie of all things. We were called here because the neighbors were complaining about the party. They must have left just before we got here. So what can your driver tell us? I’d like to talk to him.”

    “I can tell you what happened as the kid told me everything. We had a large order and he said it looked like a bachelorette or sorority party. He said that there were only girls at the party, maybe twenty.  I can give you the phone number and the name of the person who called it in if that helps.”

    The cop nodded. “I’d still like to talk to the driver.”

    Paul motioned for the cop to come closer. “Bill, they played a rather cruel prank on him and he’s a little embarrassed about it. I don’t want to make things worse. They did pay for the pizza and gave him a big tip.”

    “Is that why you came by?”

    Paul nodded. “I just wanted to talk to them. Even if they paid for the order, I don’t like people messing with my drivers…it’s bad for business.”

    Bill nodded. “I can understand that. I tell you what; we have a good description of some of the women who were here and a partial license plate number from the neighbors. I suppose we don’t have to talk to the driver right now. Give me the phone number and we’ll see if that turns anything up.”

    “Thanks, Bill, I owe you,” said Paul as they shook hands.

    “Make it a large pepperoni and sausage and we’ll call it even,” said Bill.

Chapter 4

    “Shit! So what I do now?” bemoaned Ryan, as he crossed his arms over the breasts.

    “I still think we should go to the ER,” said Paul. “The women must have used some industrial strength material and who knows what it’s going to take to make it come off.”

    “That place will be packed right now. No, maybe if I take a long bath they will come off.”

    “Okay, but give me a call if they don’t,” said Paul.

    Ryan nodded. “I will.”

    “I mean you can come up with an excuse for the hair color…but those might be hard to explain,” said Paul.

    “I could always wait tables for you,” said Ryan with a nervous laugh.

    Paul laughed. “That would be something to see.”

Chapter 5

    Ryan stepped into his small one bedroom apartment and locked the door. He immediately went into his bathroom and turned on the shower. Maybe a long hot shower would cause the breast pads to come off.

    He undressed and looked at his reflection in the mirror. Even with his penis, he looked very much like a woman. The women had spared no detail when they transformed him. Even his pubic hair had been worked on. They had styled his pubic hair to look feminine and they had also dyed it so that it matched the same color on his head. He remembered one woman laughing about the fact that now the carpet matched the curtains.

    He looked at his nails and wondered how he would get the extensions off. The woman said that they would last for several weeks. He looked down at his feet and noticed that his toenails were also the same color as the polish on his fingers.

    After checking the water temperature, he stepped in. The hot water felt good on his face and body. He then jumped back as the spray hit the nipples of the breast pads. They now felt as if they were part of his body. He eased back into the spray and let out a moan of pleasure as the water struck his nipples. He felt weak in the knees as waves of enjoyment swept out through his body.

    Without thinking he reached up and touched his nipples. To his shock they were not only larger, but hard. He also noticed how good it felt to touch them.

Ryan should have been shocked and frightened by what was happening, but the pleasure was too powerful to resist.  His thoughts were no longer concerned with removing the breasts, now he was only interested in sexual gratification.

    He soon found himself stroking his cock with one hand and playing with his nipples with the other.

    He could feel the orgasm growing with each passing moment and soon it exploded with wave after wave of sexual ecstasy.

    It was all that he could do to turn off the water and step out of the shower, as he felt so weak. As he dried off he could feel the towel rub against his breasts.

    He examined the breasts and he still couldn’t see a seam. He ran his fingers over them and realized that they were part of him. He wondered what he should do now. If he walked into the ER and said that he suddenly had breasts they would think he was on drugs.

    In the end, fatigue determined his response and he crawled into his bed and fell into a deep sound sleep.

Chapter 6

    When Ryan awoke, the first thing he did was check his chest…the breasts were still there. Slowly his hands passed over the breasts, there was no sign of a seam and it gradually sunk in they were now a permanent part of his body. They no longer felt artificial as they responded to his touch. Letting out a sigh of resignation, he got out of bed and headed to the bathroom. As he walked he was aware of the way his body now moved and seemed to flow. The bouncing of his breasts would take some getting used to.

    Feeling the urge to pee, he hurried into the bathroom and without thinking he sat down. It took him a moment to realize what he had done. He shook his head as if to not let his imagination get the best of him.

    When he was done he got up and inspected his body. It might have been his imagination, but his waist looked thinner and his hips and ass looked bigger.

    Ryan stared as the reflection of his face in the mirror and realized he looked more feminine now that he had when he was made up the previous night. His lips looked and felt thicker. He ran his hand across his face and felt no trace of his beard even though he usually shaved every day.

    “This can’t be happening!” he exclaimed. He stopped and reached up to touch his throat.

    He repeated his previous sentence. “This can’t be happening.”

    He gasped. His voice was lighter and higher in tone. “I even sound like a chick now!”

    Ryan realized that the only thing male about him was his penis…and he realized how out of place it looked on his otherwise feminine body.

Chapter 7

    After sitting on his bed for a while, he decided that he had to do something. Maybe if he went to the house he could find something that could lead him to the girls that had done this to him.

    There was no thought of going to the ER or calling Paul…not until he had a chance to seek out the people who did this to him.  He had to take care of this himself.

    It then hit him that he now had a very limited wardrobe. He tried on some of his male clothes and nothing fit right, everything was either too loose or too tight. He would have to put on the skirt and top again.

    He looked at the way his nipples pressed against the material of his top and wished that the women who had dressed him had given him a bra.

    After dressing, he went back into the bathroom and inspected himself. He ran his fingers through his hair and found that it quickly fell back neatly into style. He didn’t look bad, but something was missing and then he remembered the bag. He retrieved it and took out the makeup.

    Ryan tried to justify what he was doing by telling himself that he had to look feminine in order to avoid suspicion of his real gender. He then wondered what his real gender was now. Was he a feminized guy…or was she a girl with a penis?

    Even though he had never used makeup in his entire life, he found that he knew what to do. It not only felt normal, but it was if he had been doing it for years. In a few minutes he nodded approvingly at his reflection.

    “At least I’m good looking,” he said aloud. He shook his head at hearing his voice and wondered what he would sound like to others.

    He put the makeup back in his bag and after putting on his heels he headed out.

Chapter 8

    He drove past the house, but didn’t stop as there were workmen around the house. They appeared to be cleaning up from the party. There was no way he could stop as the workmen might think he was one of the girls from the party and call the police, so he kept going.  It then hit him that there was no chance of finding out who the women were and why they had done this to him.

    Ryan wondered what do next. With everything swirling around in his mind it was strange that his main concern was that he would now need a larger wardrobe.

    No, I better go home and call Paul, he thought. But the urge to go shopping began to grow and dominate his thoughts.

    He began to rationalize that he could just get a few things so that if he went to the hospital he would look nice. He mentally went through the things he would need.

    Ryan tried to focus on the fact that he was guy dressed as girl, but his mind wandered back to his new needs…make that her new needs.

    “Stop it!” he said aloud. “I’m not a girl.”

    However, when he looked in the review mirror, he shook his head. “I’m not exactly a guy anymore either.”

    Ryan also noted that his voice was now very feminine.

He tried to drive home, but along the way the urges took over and he pulled into the parking lot of a local strip mall. He parked right in front. He realized that he was fighting a losing battle with his growing feminine side. A strange sensation swept through Ryan’s body and he felt tingly all over. It caused him to close his eyes and take in a long deep breath.

Slowly Ryan let out the breath and opened her eyes. She stepped out of her car and headed into the closest store.

    A saleswoman approached her and smiled. “Can I help you?”

    Ryan nodded. “Yes, please. I sort of have a slight problem…actually it’s a big problem. I flew in last night and the stupid airline lost my luggage. I now need a little of everything…the problem is that I don’t want to spend a lot of money. My boyfriend gave me his credit card, but he told me not to go crazy with it.”

    “Well, we can definitely help you and without breaking your or your boyfriend’s bank account,” said the woman with a smile. “Now, my name is Nicole.”

    Ryan smiled back. “Nice to meet you…my name is…Kylie.”

    “Well, let’s get started, Kylie” said Nicole.

Chapter 9

    Four hours and two stops later, Kylie returned to her apartment. She had spent the whole three hundred and then some, but at least she had a wardrobe now. In addition to clothes, shoes, lingerie, she had bought makeup and toiletries. She used the same excuse of losing her suitcase at each store.

    She put away her new items and at the same time cleaned out Ryan’s things. They didn’t fit any more so why let them take up space in the closet or dresser drawers?

    Deep inside there was still a conflict over what was happening, but it was dying like a burned out candle. With each passing moment, Kylie was replacing Ryan.

    She changed into one of her new outfits and then called Paul. As expected, he didn’t recognize her feminized voice.

    “Paul, this is…Ryan,” she said.

    “Ryan? Christ…what’s going on? What’s happened to your voice?”

    “I think you’d better come over here,” she said.

    “Okay, give me directions,” he replied.

Chapter 10

    Paul was taken back when he stepped into Ryan’s apartment.

    He saw an attractive young woman waiting for him. She was dressed in a short khaki skirt and a green sleeveless top.

    “Ryan?” he asked.
    “I prefer Kylie now,” she replied softly. “It fits me better.”

    “What’s going on?” he asked as he stared at his employee.

    “Please come in. I have a lot to tell you,” she replied.

    They sat down in the living room on the couch.

    Paul couldn’t take his eyes off her. 

    “I know this is rather obvious, but I’ve changed,” she said.

    “You mean you couldn’t get the breast pads off?”

    “That would be rather difficult, Paul. They’re real and they’re a part of me,” she replied.
    “Ryan, that’s not possible.”

    She pulled her top off and removed her bra.

    “Please call me Kylie. Look at them Paul. They’re real. I don’t know how, but they are. I’ve also changed in other ways. You can hear my voice can’t you? Do I sound like a boy?”

    Paul stared at Ryan’s…Kylie’s breasts and shook his head. “No…you sound like a girl.”

    “I’m changing physically in other ways. In fact the only thing male about me is my penis,” she said. “And to be honest…if that changes too I wouldn’t mind.”

    “We need to get you to a doctor Ryan…I mean Kylie,” said Paul.

    “What can they do? I mean, look at me, do I look like a boy with breasts?”

    Paul shook his head.

    “With each passing minute I feel more at ease with this,” she continued. “I like the way I look…I like the way guys looked at me when I was out shopping…I like the way you look at me…do you think I’m pretty?”

    “Look, you need help, this change has affected your mind,” he said, as he tried to change the subject. The truth was he was becoming very aroused looking at Kylie.
    “I’m fine, Paul…now answer my question, do you think I’m pretty?” she asked as she slid closer to him

    Paul looked at her at the half naked girl sitting next to him. “Yes, you’re very attractive, Kylie.”

    “Is that it?” she asked as she licked her lips.

    “No, you’re very sexy, Kylie,” continued Paul. 

    “You want me, don’t you?” she said softly as she moved closer. She reached down and took his hands into hers and guided them to her breasts. “Don’t try and rationalize it, Paul. I don’t know why this has happened, but it feels so good.”

    Paul felt her large breasts in his hands. They felt real. He began to rub her nipples, they immediately hardened to his touch, she was right…they were real. He then leaned closer to kiss her.

    Kylie took his tongue willingly into her mouth. Her hands reached down to rub his cock.

    Paul surrendered to his sexual urges and accepted what was being offered to him.

    As Ryan, Kylie had never even thought about sex with a man, but that was ancient history. Now, she wanted to feel his cock in her body…no, she needed to feel his cock in her body.

    Their kissing and foreplay increased in intensity.

    Kylie was ecstatic when she found herself positioned on her knees in front of him, with her mouth surrounding his cock. It felt perfectly normal and all she wanted was to please her lover.

    Paul had never experienced anyone better at oral sex. She knew just what to do to bring him to an incredible orgasm.

Chapter 11

    “So what do you plan to do now?” he asked as he cuddled with her on the couch.

    “I was hoping we could spend some more time together,” she replied with a giggle.

    He kissed her. “I meant, what do you plan on doing with your life…now that…now that you’re a woman?’

    “I guess I need to get a new job,” she said.

    “Why? You can still work for me. I can always use a good waitress,” he said. “I mean, I doubt if anyone would recognize you now.”

    She nodded. “I appreciate the offer. By the way, did I pass the interview?”

    Paul laughed.

    “I mean, you have slept with all the other girls who have worked for you, right?”

    Paul’s reputation was well known by all the drivers at Marco’s.

    He shook his head. “Not all of them…not yet anyway.”

    “You want to sleep with me?” she asked.

    “Yes, but this is all happening rather fast…for you I mean. I don’t want to take advantage of you,” he said.
    “Paul, I need this. I can’t explain it, but it’s like I need to do this…”

    He leaned over and kissed her. As they kissed he reached down under her skirt and began to stroke her cock. He had never been with a man, but being with a transgendered woman had always fascinated him. They were the ultimate forbidden fruit.

    “Let’s go into my bedroom,” she whispered.

    Paul nodded and scoped her up in his large arms.

Chapter 12

    Kylie snuggled close to Paul. They had just spent the last couple of hours making love.

    As Ryan, she had lost her virginity at sixteen. Additionally, Ryan had had several girlfriends in the past year. But she had never known sex would feel so wonderful. Yes, she still had a penis, but her orgasms felt so different. They were more of a whole body experience and they lasted much longer.

    She also found that she loved the feel of a man’s cock in her body. Yesterday at this time she would have been nauseated by the idea of being with a man, but that was ancient history. She was Kylie Ryan now and being with a man was normal and natural. She had no desire to ever be a man again. It was as if the sex with Paul had been the last step in her transformation.

    Paul was also lost in his own thoughts. In addition to making love to her, he had also given Kylie oral, yet he wasn’t disturbed by this. She was so feminine and therefore he didn’t see anything wrong about it. He also thought about how incredible it felt when he fucked her. He had never felt anything like that in his entire life.

    They stayed in bed for another hour.

    “I need to get to work,” he said looking at his watch.

    “I know,” she replied.

    “Do you want to work for me?” he asked. “I mean, you still need a job.”

    “I wouldn’t mind being with you…but working for you would be…complicated…right?” she replied.

    “You worried about being recognized?”

    She shook her head. “I could just say that I’m Ryan’s cousin or something like that. No, it would be complicated between us.”

    He nodded. “So what are you going to do?”

    “I need to think about it. I still would like to find out how this happened. Don’t get me wrong, I want to stay a woman,” she said.

    “I understand. Do you need anything?” he asked.

    “I’m okay,” she replied.

    “You’re better than okay…but how are you fixed financially?”

    She shrugged her shoulders. “I’ll get by.”

    “You’ll do better than that I imagine,” he said as he kissed her.

    As they kissed, Kylie reached down and began to stroke his cock; she could feel it spring back to life as it hardened to her touch. “Please make love to me before you leave,” she whispered.

    “Hmmm, you’re such a bad girl,” he moaned.

    “And you love it,” she replied.

Chapter 13

    Paul took a shower and got dressed. He found Kylie wearing a silk robe sitting on the couch.

    “That’s nice, did you get it today?” he asked as he leaned down to kiss her.

    “Yes, along with some other things,” she said. “My old wardrobe doesn’t fit me any more.”

    He nodded as he took out his wallet. He took out some money and handed it to her.

    She shook her head.

    “Please take it. I’ll also send your last paycheck,” he said.

    She held the money in her hands as they kissed.

    “I gotta get going. Call me if you need anything, promise me that, okay?” he said.

    “I will,” she replied as she got up to kiss him good bye.

    She watched him leave and she closed the door.

    Kylie sat down and looked at the money. It was nearly five hundred dollars. It would help her get by until she got a job. She also suspected that Paul was glad that she hadn’t taken his offer to work at Marco’s.

    She then wondered if by taking the money this made her a prostitute. She definitely loved sex, but the idea of doing it for money was not appealing.

    She wasn’t really upset about this either. There as nothing wrong with having a high sex drive, she thought. He mind then turned back to Paul. Hopefully he would be back, but if not she could move on, she thought as she headed to her bathroom for a bath.

Chapter 14

    The next morning, Kylie woke up feeling refreshed. The first thing she did before getting dressed was examine her body.

    She was pleased to see that the changes had continued. While her body size hadn’t changed much: her face was softer and more feminine. Her nose seemed slightly smaller and her cheekbones higher. In all, she was now very sexy.

    Her penis was still there, although it was slightly smaller. While she would have preferred to have a vagina, she could live with the way her body looked and functioned. She was pleased to see that her penis was still working and she masturbated as she thought about the wonderful sex she had with Paul.

    Afterwards, she cleaned up and dressed. She also found that she liked to dress in revealing clothes. After sorting through her new wardrobe, she picked out a short low cut dress to wear. It fit her shapely body like a second skin. It was obviously another one of the side effects of the transformation… as was her increased sexual drive.

    Maybe the breast pads were magical. It sounded silly at first, but she couldn’t think of a better theory. She was unaware of any manmade material that could transform a boy into a girl.

    She styled her hair and applied her makeup without a second thought. Next she inspected herself in the mirror… a sly smile appeared on her face. Outwardly, no one would suspect she wasn’t a female completely.

    After a light breakfast, she went online and did some surfing. She doubted that anything related to her transformation would show up, but it was worth a try.

    Kylie tried a variety of searching combinations, but nothing came up. She found a lot of fantasy and sex sites. Also some excellent fiction sites regarding male to female transformations.  Didn’t help her current situation, but they looked like fun.

    She debated heading out to the house, where her transformation had started, but figured it would be pointless. Anything related to the party would have been cleaned out by either the police or the company that owned the house.

    Kylie then typed out a list of things to do. Besides figuring out what caused her change, she needed a job and to change her ID.

    After a while, she needed a break and she grabbed her purse and headed out. It was such a nice day that she left her car and walked.

Chapter 15

    She did a little bit of shopping, as there were still a lot of things she needed for her life. After buying a few things, she took a break at a coffeehouse and read a fashion magazine as she sipped her latte.

    Kylie also thought about how the guy behind the counter looked at her. She knew what he was thinking and it turned her on.

    She was so lost in her own thoughts that she didn’t notice the couple that was sitting a few tables away.

    The man and woman appeared to be in their late thirties. Both were tall and rather thin. The woman had long blonde, almost white hair and deep sapphire colored eyes. Her skin was lightly tanned, which made her hair look even whiter. The man had a darker complexion, with dark brown hair, and equally dark brown eyes. He also had a neatly trimmed beard.

    They casually watched Kylie, and when she got up to leave, they left a few moments later.

    Kylie was too lost in her own thoughts to notice that she was being followed as she headed back to her apartment.

    She loved the way her new body moved as she walked. It was almost fluid in nature. It also seemed to ooze sexuality. She loved the looks she got from the guys…and even other women.

    The man and woman were two blocks behind her and when they saw Kylie enter the apartment building they increased their pace to catch up with her.

Chapter 16

    Kylie was putting away her things when she heard someone knocking on her door. She wondered…and hoped it was Paul, as she headed to the door, as she longed to have sex with him again.

    She opened the front door and was greeted by the tall couple.

    “Can I help you?” she asked cautiously.

    The woman smiled. “No, but we can help you.”

    Kylie noticed a slight accent but she couldn’t place it; otherwise the woman spoke better English than she did.

    “We know what happened to you,” added the man. He also had the same slight accent.

    Kylie stared back nervously. “What…what do you want?”

    “We’re here to help you. Can we please come in?” asked the woman. “It would be better if we discussed this in private.”

    Kylie nodded and the man and woman walked inside her apartment.

Chapter 17

    “My name is Karita and this my friend, Josef,” said the woman.

    “I’m Kylie, pleased to meet you.”

    “So you’ve already picked a female name, remarkable,” noted Josef.
    “What’s going on?” asked Kylie.

    “We know what happened to you…and in some ways we’re responsible,” admitted Karita.

    “Responsible…how?” asked Kylie.

    “We created the breast pads that changed you,” said Karita.

    “However, they weren’t intended to be used on a male,” interjected Josef.

    “Who were they designed to be used on?” asked Kylie.

    “That’s a long story, can we bother you for something to drink first?” asked Karita.

    “I only have juice and soda,” she replied. “Sorry, but I’m not old enough to buy alcohol.”

    “Juice would be fine,” said Karita.

Chapter 18

    “Okay, so what happened to me?” she asked as she served the drinks. “I mean I know the breast pads had something to do with all this.”

    “The pads were designed to help women who needed larger breasts, but didn’t want surgery,” said Karita. “The material is designed to bond with the body and for all practical purposes become real.”

    “The material can be used in a variety of uses when the person needing help doesn’t want plastic surgery,” explained Josef.

    “And you two invented this stuff?” asked Kylie.

    Karita looked at Josef who nodded.

    “No…the best way to describe what we did is that we reverse-engineered the material,” said Karita.

    Kylie stared back. “So…who actually invented it?”

    “We don’t know their names or even who they were…we discovered the material in a crash site that we excavated,” said Josef.

    “I… I don’t understand,” said Kylie.

    “It was a space-ship. We suspected it crashed in northern Iceland. We suspect that it happened a little over a thousand years ago. We were part of a team that examined the contents. We found a small sample of the material and have been studying it for the last ten years,” explained Karita. “We think it was part of a first aid kit.”

    “Over time we discovered the regenerative properties of the material. We combined it with some human DNA and found that it would bond with the body,” said Josef.

    “So I was your guinea pig?” asked Kylie.
    “No, we tested it on several other subjects…all willing volunteers…including myself,” said Josef. He then held pulled back his hair to expose his right ear. “This is made of the same material. I lost the original in a motorcycle accident.”

    Kylie stared at his ear. There was no indication that it was fake…just like her breasts. “So how did I get involved with all this?”

    “We created a set of breasts and were transporting them to a medical lab. They    were due to be used on a woman whose husband has been supporting our research. Unfortunately they were stolen,” said Karita. “We took the precaution of planting a tracing device in the container. We don’t know all the details but they were acquired by one of the women at the party where you were…changed.”
    “So it was all an accident?” asked Kylie.

    The couple nodded.

“We don’t think the women at the party had any idea what would happen to you,” said Josef. “They were just playing a joke on you.”

“Really?” asked Kylie.

“That’s right. We talked to several women who were at the party and they claimed they didn’t mean you any harm,” continued Josef.

“What about the other changes…my voice…my sexuality?” asked Kylie. “I mean, I see myself as a woman now, how could they do all that to me?”

“That’s what we need to find out as the pads were not designed to be used on a male,” said Karita. She then pulled a small recorder out of her bag. “Tell us everything that has happened to you since they were applied.”

Chapter 19

Karita turned off the recorder.

“The changes happened even faster than we had expected,” said Josef.

“What do you mean?” asked Kylie.

“In most cases we’ve conducted the absorption of the material by the body takes longer. However, in your case it appears to have occurred in less than two hours,” said Karita.

“We found out that the pads were at the party, but we arrived too late. When we got there, the police had already arrived. We were able to find one of the women yesterday and she told us what they had done to you,” explained Josef.

“Unfortunately, she didn’t know the name of the pizza place. It took us until this morning to narrow down our search. One of your coworkers told us where you lived. We were shocked when we first saw you…we had no idea the changes would be so… umm… dramatic.”

“So, how did you pick me out?” asked Kylie. “I mean, I don’t look like I used to.”

“We knew from the woman at the party that you now had red hair. Also, the material puts out a slight glow for the first few days after it’s been applied. It’s not radioactive or harmful in anyway. It’s only detectable with special glasses,” said Karita.

“You’re kidding?” exclaimed Kylie as she looked down at her chest.

Josef handed her a pair of dark tinted sunglasses. “Try these on.”

Kylie put the glasses on and looked at her chest. There was a slight pink glow.

“How long does this last?”

“Maybe a week,” said Karita. “It’s totally harmless.”

Kylie looked at Josef’s ear and didn’t see any glow.

“Okay, so my change happened a lot faster than you expected. Why?” asked Kylie as she handed Josef back his glasses.

“It must have been when it began to combine with your body. Again, it was designed to be used with a woman. The material must have sensed the hormonal difference and took steps to adjust it,” said Karita. “We’ve seen that the material has cured illnesses and diseases in the past. It must have seen your male chemistry as something that needed to be corrected.”

“Like a computer program re-writing other programming,” said Kylie.

Karita nodded. “Exactly.”

“So why do I still have a penis?”

“I don’t know, but I wouldn’t be surprised if that transformed too,” said Karita. “Would you mind if I could see your body?”

“You mean naked?”

Karita smiled. “It would make it easier. We can go back to your bedroom, don’t worry, Josef will stay here.”

Kylie shrugged her shoulders. “I don’t mind. I mean you’re trying to help, right?”

“Yes, Kylie, we’re trying to help,” said Karita.

Chapter 20

Kylie undressed in her bathroom. She then stepped out to be inspected by Karita and Josef.

“It’s amazing,” said Karita. “You have a very feminine body.”

“Thank you,” replied Kylie.

“Do you notice anything different?” asked Karita.

Kylie nodded. “I’m not sure, but my penis looks a little smaller. I mean, I haven’t measured it or anything. Does this mean I’m still changing?”

“Maybe,” said Karita. “To be honest, we’re treading on new territory right now.”

“Do you need to see more?” asked Kylie.

“No, please get dressed. Thank you,” said Karita.

Chapter 21

“So what happens now?” asked Kylie as she walked back into the living room.

“Even if we wanted to, I doubt we could reverse the transformation; the changes are very extensive, both physical and mental,” said Karita. “Would you be willing to undergo a physical? The pads were meant to be used on a woman and we need to see just how far the physical changes have gone…internally.”

“Who would do it?” asked Kylie.

“I would,” said Karita. “I’m a medical doctor…it’s why I was brought into this in the first place.”

“I guess so,” said Kylie.

“You don’t seem very interested,” said Karita.

Kylie shook her head. “It’s not that…I’m just worried about what’s going to happen to me. I mean, am I going to end up like a rat in some science lab or something like that?”

“We’re the only one who knows about you, Kylie. We promise to protect your secret,” she stated.

“It’s in all our interest to keep this a secret,” added Josef.

“So where would we do this?” asked Kylie.

“The company we work for has examination facilities. We could go there right now,” suggested Karita.

Kylie thought about it for a moment. While she wasn’t happy to hear that her change was due to some sort of extraterrestrial material, she was curious to see that she was okay. She also wasn’t totally sure if she could trust Karita or Josef, but why would they make up such a wild story?

“Let’s do it,” she said.

Chapter 22

After several hours of tests, Kylie sat across from Karita and Josef.

“So?” asked Kylie.

“Your body appears to be still changing. It looks as if you’re developing a female reproductive system,” said Karita. “And you’re not in any pain or discomfort?”

Kylie shook her head. “Nope. In fact I feel great. Is that part of it too?”

“The material does limit pain during the absorption phase,” said Josef. “I never felt any discomfort.”

“So I might wake up with a vagina…and everything else?” asked Kylie.

“I have no idea, but it’s starting to look that way,” said Karita.

Kylie smiled.

“You’re not upset?” asked Josef.

“Why would I be? I mean it just means that I will be whole,” replied Kylie in a matter-of-fact way.  “I really like being a girl. I know I should be freaking out or something, but I feel great.”

“This is exactly what I don’t understand,” said Josef. “The physical changes I can understand, but it’s the mental side that shouldn’t have changed…at least not so quickly.”

“What does he mean? If my body is female wouldn’t my mind also be?” asked Kylie.

“Not necessarily. I’m suspected that we need to look at something else. Josef, would you call up the info on the both the donor and the person we were supposed to treat?”

    Josef nodded. “It won’t take long, why don’t you two take a break?”

Chapter 23

Kylie followed Karita out of the lab.

“Let’s go to my office and talk,” said Karita.

    Kylie nodded.

    They walked into a small office. There were photos of Iceland on the wall.

    “Is that where you’re from?” asked Kylie.

    Karita nodded. “Have you ever been there?”

    Kylie laughed. ‘I haven’t been anywhere.”

    Karita sat down. “Tell me about yourself, Kylie.”

    Kylie stared at a photo of snow covered mountains. “I was a college student…before this happened.”

    “What’s your major?”

    Kylie turned around. “It was physics.” 

    Karita frowned. “Was? Why do you speak of it in the past tense?”

    “I can’t go back to college,” she replied with a shrug. “I mean, I’d like to… but I guess I need to find another thing to do with my life.”

    “Why do you say that?”

    Kylie stared back. “Um, look at me. I don’t look like Ryan Norris anymore…and I really don’t act like him either.”

    “So transfer somewhere else. Look at me…being female doesn’t mean you can’t go to college.”

    Kylie shook her head. “It’s not that…it’s how do I explain that I’m now female…or mostly female anyway.”

    “You’re going to have to come up with some way of dealing with this.”

    Kylie nodded. “I know. It’s weird; I don’t mind being female…in fact I love how I look. It’s just dealing with all the real world stuff, especially now that I know that E.T. may be responsible.”

    Karita laughed. “Sorry, I’m not laughing at you. Look, my organization can help you.”


    “We’re an international science organization. While we’re not connected to any specific government, we do have connections in many of them. We can help you become a woman legally. We can also help you go back to school. Who knows, you might want to come work for us.”

    “Really?” asked Kylie as she sat down across from Karita.

    “Yes, really,” replied Karita.

    “That might be pretty cool,” said Kylie.

    There was a knock on the door and Josef entered.

    “What did you find out?” asked Karita.

    “It turns out our DNA donor was personally selected by the husband,” he said. “He selected a young woman who had a rather strong sexual side.”

    “What do you mean by that?” asked Kylie.

    “She’s an actress who has been in dozens of pornography videos,” he said. “I suspect that he hoped this would transfer to his wife.”

    “How did this happen?” snapped Karita angrily.

    “I’m as angry as you are, Karita. Apparently he wanted his wife to be more open to sexual activities and he apparently learned that in some cases the personality of the donor is transferred with the sample,” continued Josef. “I discovered what he had done when I tried to research the name he gave me for the donor.”

    “So that’s why I’ve been so…horny for a lack of a different term?” asked Kylie.

    “I’m afraid so,” said Josef.

    “Can anything be done about it? I mean, I like sex…actually I love sex, but I don’t want to go into porn,” said Kylie.

    “We might be able to make some adjustments,” said Karita. “I will also ensure that you receive a sufficient financial payment for all this…in addition to having your college paid for.”

    “That’s the least we can do,” said Josef. “I will make the appropriate contacts.”

    “That’s very generous,” said Kylie.

    “After everything that has happened to you it’s the least we can do,” said Karita.

Chapter 24

    Over the next few months, Kylie adjusted to her new life. She was pleased that everything seemed to be working out. Karita had done some sort of procedure that seemed to lower Kylie’s sexual drive; yes it was still elevated, but controllable.

    Kylie was glad that even though her sex drive was lowered; the procedure did nothing to lower her enjoyment of sex.

    It was also nice to know that her identity issue would be taken care of. Karita promised that within a few weeks, Kylie would have a new set of ID. Being set financially didn’t hurt either. It was great to be back in college.

    She wasn’t totally sure if she fully trusted Karita and Josef, but what did they have to gain by befriending her? It was obvious that their organization was very wealthy, so it wasn’t for monetary gain.

    Kylie was now free to live her life as a woman…a complete woman. In the weeks following her initial transformation her penis slowly shrunk. One morning she awoke to find that she had a vagina. It was that simple.

    It was during this phase of her transformation that she stopped seeing Paul. It was getting too complicated and besides…something told her that while he was a nice guy, he wasn’t the one for her.

    She was completely relived when Karita confirmed the transformation was complete. It did freak her out a little at first when she realized that she could become pregnant, but as with all the other changes in her life she quickly accepted and adjusted to this change. In fact, she was now excited about the prospect of one day being a mother, assuming she met the right man.

    She stayed sexually active, although she never stayed in a relationship for very long; she figured that she would know Mr. Right when she met him.

    In fact with each passing day, she barely thought about her previous life as a male.  There was no sense in looking at the past when she had her whole life ahead of her.

Chapter 25

    “What is the status of the subject named Kylie Ryan?” asked the voice from the speaker. The voice had a gender-neutral quality to it, sounding neither male or female.

    “She’s fully transformed into a healthy functional female,” stated Karita.

    “She’s also currently back in college and is studying physics. Her grades are well above average,” added Josef.

    Karita and Josef were sitting in a secret room located in their lab. The room was bare with the exception of a table, two chairs, a microphone and a set of speakers.

    “I see. And she doesn’t suspect the truth behind her transformation?” asked the voice.

    “No, she appears to have accepted the story we told her,” said Josef.

    Karita wondered how Kylie would react if she learned that she had been set up, the party and the pizza order was just part of the plan to capture Ryan and start him on his transformation into becoming Kylie

    “Very good,” replied the voice.

    “Excuse me, while I understand the importance of our mission here, I am still bothered by the ethics of how we are accomplishing it,” interjected Karita.

    “Please explain,” said the voice.

    “I realize that when our people left our home world we knew we would have to colonize other worlds. I also know that we weren’t supposed to land on planets with intelligent life…no matter how primitive by our standard,” she stated.

    “We had no choice, our ship was damaged and this planet was the only option. We could have taken it over quite easily, but we chose to covertly assist them,” said the voice.

    “I know that. I also know that most of our females were rendered sterile due to a virus and our only chance for survival as a race was to interbreed,” she continued.

    “We tried to use the native females…but they proved unable to carry our embryos to birth. We were ready to give up when one of our scientists…your father, discovered that a very small percentage of the human males could be transformed into hybrid females, fully capable of mating with us. This discovery has allowed us to survive,” said the voice.  “The subject Ryan Norris was one of the best subjects that we’ve found in the last three months.”

    Karita nodded. “I also know that and I’m not arguing against it. Our race has much to offer these humans, however what I object to is the tricking of males into being transformed. The human male Ryan had no desires to be transformed into a female. Yes,as Kylie she is happy and well cared for, but… does the end justify the means?”

    “But it was done for the survival of our people.,” said the voice. “We’ve heard this argument before.”

    “It needs to be considered again,” stated Karita firmly. “The transformation process has programmed Kylie so that when she meets the male picked out for her she will fall in love with him. While it is necessary for our race to reproduce…this sort of thing goes against our most basic laws and beliefs. One of our greatest values is free will and yet we violate that with each transformation. Kylie is only happy because we made her so. I wonder what she would say if she knew the truth.”

    “So what do you suggest?” asked the voice.

“Why can’t we just ask them?”

    “You mean ask the human males if they want to become women?” asked the voice. There was a slight tone of disbelief.

    “Yes,” replied Karita.

    “And to be our mates?”

    “Yes,” said Karita again.

    “They would say no,” said the voice.

    “There’s also the possibility they might say yes,” countered Karita. “If we are going to work to help this species advance we need to give them the option of choice.”

    “And if they say no…then we are doomed to die out. All our knowledge and science will be lost,” said the voice. “Is that worth the risk?”

    “But if we continue on the path we’re on…won’t we lose our identity and values?” asked Karita. “Are you and the others on the council willing to risk that?”

    There was a long pause.

    Karita sensed an opening and continued with her proposal.

    “I would like to concentrate our screening for likely candidates for transformation on transgendered males,” explained Karita. “They already wish to be female so we would be helping them…and ourselves at the same time. It’s a perfect trade.”

    There was another long pause.

    “We ruled this out as impractical,” said the voice.

    “When was the last time it was considered? Two hundred Earth years ago?” replied Karita immediately. She had thought this would be the initial reaction to her idea.

    “Two hundred and twenty Earth years to be exact,” replied the voice. “Your father made the same suggestion.”

    “Well, times have changed; it is time we consider it again. Unlike the members of the council, I live and work among the humans. Some of them are very open-minded and willing to hear new ideas. There are also ways of working with the transgendered community. Why even the university where Kylie is studying has a transgendered student organization. This is very common and I’m sure were could find enough suitable candidates…willing candidates this time.”

    The members of the council were made up of the original party to land on Earth. They had little to no direct contact with humans. Karita and Josef were on the other hand third generation, and had spent their lives living among the humans. While Karita appeared to be in her thirties, she was over one hundred in earth years.

    “Go on,” said the voice.

    “This would also allow us to adjust the treatment to ease their transition. There would be no need to make the subjects initially over-sexed. In transforming non-transgendered males it is necessary to reprogram their minds, but this step could be minimized or even excluded when dealing with transgendered males. We wouldn’t have to overcome resistance to living as woman…we would be helping them become whole.”

    There was another long pause.

    “You are very wise Karita…much like your father,” said the voice. “I will pass your proposal to the rest of the council.”

    “Thank you,” she replied.

Chapter 26

    Three months later, Kylie was surprised to see Karita standing in the student union building.

    They greeted each other with a hug.

    “What’re you doing here?” asked Kylie.

    “I’m working on a health study,” she admitted.


    “We’re looking at helping transgendered students,” whispered Karita. “The way the material changed you could be beneficial to them.”

    “Wow, that’s pretty cool,” replied Kylie.

    “I can’t tell you anything else…you know the rules,” said Karita.

    Kylie nodded. She had signed a statement not to discuss what happened to her in exchange for the money and identity paperwork.

    “Well, good luck,” said Kylie. “Oh, guess what?”

    Karita shook her head. “What?”

    “I’m in love….real love this time. He’s a graduate student.”

    Karita nodded.

    “His name is Davin,” she continued. “He’s so handsome and tall…he’s even taller than you are. He’s so nice too!”

    “He sounds very nice,” said Karita. While she wished she could be honest with Kylie, she was pleased that Kylie had been matched with her cousin Davin, who was a very nice boy. It was her idea that Kylie be his mate. She also hoped that one day that Kylie could be told the truth.

    “I know this may sound silly, but I think this is true love. I mean, it sort of makes everything that I’ve been through worth it. Does that make sense?” asked the excited young woman.

    “Yes, it does,” replied Karita.

    While the counsel agreed to her plan, they also decided that it would be in the best interest of both races not to tell those who had already been transformed the truth. Karita argued against this a she felt those humans that had been transformed deserved the right to know what had happened to them; but she reluctantly agreed to obey the counsel. At least there would be no more forced transformations.

    “Well, I gotta run, can’t be late for lab,” said Kylie as she looked at her watch. “It was great seeing you again.”

    The two women hugged goodbye.

    “Take care, Kylie,” said Karita. “I wish you all the joy in the world…you deserve it.”

The End


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