A few questions for anyone who reads my stuff.
1. Where's the comments? Oh Cheers 3 feels all lonely and dejected with only 2 comments actually about the story.
2. Drabble Theatre? Good idea, bad idea? A drabble a day 'cept weekends sound interesting?
3. Two trains are on their way to Boston...
Melanie E.
A few answers
Open Season
For what is a theatre with but a single playwright?
Melanie E.
Oh, Cheers
arrgh! was supposed to be a PM!
Sorry, i almost never
Sorry, i almost never comments on stories. I know that might be a bit mean of me, but for me it usually just feels awkward. Maybe it has something to do with me not liking to speculate about a story (as that seems to be what most comments are about). Or maybe it's because i don't want to read speculations, and hence i avoid the comment section of a story. Or maybe i just have a general phobia of voicing opinions.
I seem to have some issues to deal with...
As for the Drabble Theatre i haven't read them yet, as i prefer longer stories. So you can probably guess that i'm not exactly euphoric about the idea. But i want to read them eventually because it's you =) And who knows, maybe i will change my mind about short stories then =)
This is actually the first day in the last 2 weeks or more that I have been able to get online reliably. ATT must have vastly over sold their capacity, and if I could even get on line at all, it would take 20 minutes or more just to load the yahoo welcome page, with 20 404 errors reported and all thjose page refresh hits much less do anything. that's my story and I'm stickin to it. I thought Cheers was a great bit. Keep up the good work. I may have to even go back and vote for all the ones I have missed. The ONLY good thing so far, if I missed stuff, now I can't say I have nothing to read.
Tell it to act like an adult
Whining chapters need to be told to behave.
Nice story, funny, sad and a neat twist on a frequent TG theme. The kidnapping was a bit of a shocker but overall it worked. Even with all the humor I still got pissed at the parents and the doctor for not telling the boy the truth, but then some doctors are lousy at explaining things to the public.
And it is Whateley Accademy! Hum, Alexis Eden portraying Jennifer Stevens in a film version of her life? Could work though she is shorter I believe.Could be worse, could be that tall, busty strawberry blonde Jen knows and I don't mean Jirra, she's a redhead.
Womwomwomwomwom SPLAT!
We need more pickled squids!
How is Echoes coming?
Kent Brockman in a film? The pompous Simpsons TV newsman?
John in Wauwatosa
P.S. The trains, depends on which AMTRAK sation, with two they might never meet.
John in Wauwatosa
Which Boston?
One presumes the original and vastly more important one in Licolnshire.
Angharad 8)
the one with the baked beans and tea contaminated harbor.
John in Wauwatosa
John in Wauwatosa