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A guick note here. This story is definitely for adults. I don't normally do a lot of sex in my stories but my co-writer insisted and to be honest the way the story was set up it was needed. My thanks to Bad Irving for working on this one with me, it was a long time ago, but it was fun.
Adventures on the USS Hornblower
Bad Irving and Maggie Finson
Lieutenant Robin Fischer glanced nervously around the boulder that he had taken cover behind. Muttering to himself about idiotic ideas regarding contact with other, not always friendly races. And even more, muttering under his breath about being stuck with all the shit jobs just because he was the newest member of USS Hornblower's crew. This job had sure turned to shit, and all at once.
"Uh, kid," Frank Trot, Chief (and only) Engineer of the exploration ship they were both crew members on whispered. "You could try and talk to them again. They aren't really mad at you."
"Oh yeah?" Rob glared at the engineer. "Who is it that forgot to mention that Putarians hate anyone taller than they are? And the little fact that they tend to shoot anyone who falls into that category?"
"Hey, I'm an engineer, not a cultural anthropologist," Frank defended himself. I can't remember everything, you know."
"They're THREE inches tall, Frank!" Rob shouted in his frustration. "What kind of idiot would program the transporter to make the landing team three inches shorter than normal instead of three inches tall?!! I'll tell you what kind, Frank. You!"
"Okay, okay, so I goofed on the math." Trot sighed loudly. "Nobody's
perfect you know."
"Well maybe you ought to quit fooling around with all those fantasy girls on your engineering computer and pay attention to other details, do you think? Maybe then we wouldn't find ourselves in this kind of fix again. Would that be too much to ask?"
"Water under the bridge, kid." Frank responded almost philosophically.
"Speaking of which," Rob chanced another quick peek around the rock they were currently hiding behind (about the fifth one by his count, the others had succumbed to Putarian fire and the pair of humans had been forced to scramble behind another one each time) I think they're fishing their High priest/governor out of the river where you punted him while I was trying to talk them out of shooting at us."
"The perverted little fucker was biting my ankle, for crying out loud!"
Frank shot back. "It was just a reflex. I told them I was sorry."
"Ankle biting is an honored ritual of greeting here, Frank," Rob replied tiredly while rubbing at several sore spots on his own ankles.
"How do you know so much about these shrimps?"
"I READ the god damned mission briefing, Frank! Something you obviously forgot to do."
"I'm going to check with Isban to see if she's got that transporter up
and running yet," Frank muttered several low imprecations while fiddling with the settings on his Comm pack.
"Frank, look out!" Rob warned as several of the pint sized, but bellicose Putarians worked their way through a gap between two rocks and aimed their tiny, but deadly weapons at the engineer.
Rob lunged forward to push his partner out of harms way just as the
diminutive demons fired their weapons. His surroundings went to blinding white, then agonizing red, then to complete blackness.
* * * *
"Medic! We need a medic here!" Frank hollered as he materialized in
the transport chamber with a limp Rob. "Or sickbay, I don't care which!"
'What happened?" Betty Isban questioned while checking out the motionless body of the ensign.
"He got shot!" Frank shouted. "Any idiot could see that!"
Isban glowered at the engineer while searching for a pulse or any other
signs of life. "Well duh! And he's dead, Frank."
"Dead? What do you mean dead?"
"I mean," Isban spoke carefully, as if speaking to a mentally deficient child, "that he isn't breathing, there's no pulse, and his blood pressure is 0 over 0. Not to mention that he wasn't this pale when he left with you. Need any other clues?"
"Yeah, oh," Isban echoed almost tiredly. "Let's get him to the MRT
before any additional damage can happen."
"The MRT?" Frank licked his lips nervously at mention of the Mental
Retrieval Tech chamber.
"Don't tell me you've managed to screw that up, too."
"Uh, no, no it's ok."
"Then we'd better get him into the chamber before we really loose him.
Brain cells don't do well without oxygen, they tend to decay and loose
memories and other incidental functions really fast without it."
"Frank, Betty!" the captain's voice came over the intercom. What's
going on down there?"
"Fischer's dead," Isban informed him, "and we're getting him into
the MRT for recovery."
"Well they really pissed those little shits off down there," Captain
Jeff Lewis replied. "Because the half-pints are coming up after us.
I need you on the bridge right now, Isban. Trot, you get that MRT
going then get your ass into engineering. These guys aren't even
bothering to talk, they've come out shooting."
Setting up the program that would retrieve Robin Fischer's memories
and implant them in the body matrix that had been saved inside the
computer, Frank realized there were two different programs and swore.
Bringing both up to see which was which he reached to flush out the
wrong one just as the ship lurched and shuddered with multiple hits
from the Putarian ship's weapons.
"Uh,oh," he grimaced as the wrong program got flushed and the machine
automatically began building the body contained in the other one. "Oh
shit. This is not good."
"Frank!" Lewis' voice screamed through the intercom. "Get that
overactive dick and the body it runs to your damned station! We need to
get out of here and we need to do it now!"
"Aye, sir, on my way." Frank Trot responded, wondering how he was
going to explain his way out of this one, then grinning as he thought
of the fun he might be able to have because of his latest goof up.
* * * *
Hornblower got away from the fearsome, if tiny Putarians. Barely. She
arrived in orbit around another inhabited world, without power for her
drives, or communications, or much else beyond life support. The planet
Evih, home of the Kinaari apeared as a blue white marble like most
other worlds inhabited by Humanoid types. Little was known about the
race, beyond the bare facts that they were humanoid, had recently lost
their Royal Princess to pirates, and were extremely pissed off about it.
* * * *
“Give her another jolt!” screamed Captain Jeff Lewis
“I dinna think she can take anymore!” replied Engineer Frank Trot
“Knock that crap off! Get her awake!” said Lewis while smacking the
back of Frank Trot’s head.
“Jim, if I push her anymore, she’s gonna blow!” replied Engineer Trot
with a giggle
“I told you to knock of that ancient Television garbage and get her
awake!” Captain Lewis ordered..
The Engineer applied another impulse to the apparently lifeless body
on the table. As the pulse charged through the body it convulsed and
then vomited. It was a projectile style of vomiting that covered a
good deal of Captain Lewis, who had been leaning over the body.
“Achhh, now you’ve done it. She went and blew. I warned ya.” Said
Engineer Frank Trot with a laughing sneer.
Holding back his own building retch reflex, Captain Jeff Lewis shook
the vomit from his hands and wiped his face clean. On the table,
blackness was giving way to light. Unconsciousness was yielding to
consciousness. She spit the remains of vomit from her mouth. She
inhaled deeply. The air flowed deep into the recesses of her lungs.
Somewhere in the back of her mind the words “good to be alive” seemed
to ring out.
“Robin? Robin? Lieutenant Robin Fischer, do you hear me?” said Jeff
while holding the shoulders of the previously unconscious woman.
“Yes, I hear you.” Replied Lieutenant Robin Fischer
“Good, what’s your name? How many fingers am I holding up?” asked Jeff.
“I..I..four, four fingers…I should know my own name?” stammered Lieutenant Robin Fischer.
“Its OK. It’s to be expected. These MRT’s can be very traumatic. You
should get your full memories back in a bit.” Said Jeff.
“What do you remember?” interrupted Engineer Frank Lewis
“Remember…oh…ouch! Wait, not too much.’re…you’re…I don’t like you? I wonder why? Hmm, this other fellow is Captain Jeff Lewis. He’s the captain of this…this…yes, this spacecraft. We have a…a…yea, we have a five person crew. I am the newest crew member. We had been on mission for what four months?” said Robin.
“Doing good, keep going girl.” Said Jeff.
“We were involved with negotiations with the Putarians, and got into a
…a…HEY THEY SHOT ME!” said Robin as she bolt upright.
“Obviously we got you out of there. Don’t worry. Despite saying you
disliked Engineer Trot, you took a very nasty shot from an energy weapon meant for him. That blast..well..your suit worked within specifications and kept you alive long enough for the MRT to be effective.” said Jeff
“MRT?” said Robin while holding her head.
“Mental Retrieval Technique. Its how we got your mind out of your old
body. You had suffered too much damage for any possibility of patching
or spurred growth regeneration techniques. If it wasn’t for the MRT we
would have lost you.” Said a Smiling Jeff
“I am very happy we had the MRT available, because now I can say thanks. Thank you Lieutenant Robin W. Fischer for saving my life.” Said Frank while standing at attention and giving Lt. Fischer a salute.
Lieutenant Fischer on reflex tried to stand and return the salute while
mumbling something about “it t’wernt nothing”. The sheet covering her
slipped away. It fell to the floor and Fischer grabbed the side of the
table for balance, “What the hell are these?” she cried while looking
at her chest.
Before Captain Lewis and Engineer Trot was Lieutenant Robin W. Fischer,
naked. She stood 5’ 7”; weighed 125 lbs had a 40-24-38 figure with long blond hair and deep blue eyes, with a strikingly beautiful face. Both Jeff and Frank smiled. Frank nudged Jeff in the ribs, which broke his fixated stare at the busty beauty’s chest. “They are your breasts, of course.” Said Jeff.
“But, ah, have they always been this large? I think I am out of regulation size?” said a perplexed Robin.
“Well, ah, they, then, you see sometime the stasis chamber will cause
a not precise duplication of the original body, then well, er yes, the
standard left deviant rheostat will float an open conveyance to the thermocline resulting in…” said Frank.
“Oh, shut-up. Yes, they are bigger than the original you.” Said Jeff.
About this time the automatic door to the room opened. In walked Betty
Isban. Lt. Cdr. Isban was the second in command of the ship and was
the ship’s science officer. “I see the procedure is over. Why do
you have her naked? Say, Robin, how does it feel to be the newest
female member of the crew?”
Both, Jeff and Frank put their eyes down and kicked at the floor. “Oh,
great! You didn’t tell her? Typical! I told you I should have done
the procedure, but oh no, I am the captain, I am the mighty engineer.
Yea, big brave guys except for fessing up to the truth.” Said Betty
while shaking a finger at both Jeff and Frank.”
“We would have told her!” whined Frank
“See here, I am the Captain and won’t be talked to in this fashion.” Said Jeff trying to get out of the scolding.
“Oh, I see. You weren’t going to tell her? Were you? Oop’s, were you
Captain?” asked Betty.
“I was, I oh, crap, hey it was worth a try.” said Jeff.
“Tell me what?” asked Robin
“Well, Rob ‘ol buddy, ‘ol pal and ‘ol ask me for a kiss Rob. Looks like we will be calling you by your full name of Robin from now on. Just what sex did you think you were before the MRT?” asked Betty with a smirk.
“That’s a stupid question, of course…damn, must think…why… I was..a…YOU
BASTARDS, I WAS A GUY! YOU CAN’T DO THIS!” yelled Robin while getting
very upset and staring at her new large soft parts that began to jiggle
as she protested. The three others stood in the room slack jawed and
staring at Robin. She finally realized she might as well have been
talking to the walls. She stopped her tirade and covered herself with
the sheet. “Why aren’t I me? You know this violates more regulations
than I can quote!”
Jeff was the first to have his stare broken by Robin donning a covering. “Now think. Come on Rob, think, you’ll remember.”
“Its kinda fuzzy, a hazing? It was a joke? Do something to the new guy? Trot! Trot! You did this to me? I think?” said Robin in a voice that started to fill with anger.
All in the room turned and looked at Frank. “I am not taking the only
blame for this, you were all in on it.”
“Oh, no, I just advised on the skin and eyes.” Said Betty.
Jeff stepped forward, “Put a cork in it Isban. We were all in on it.
Yea, Robin we did this to you. But, settle down. Every ship in the
fleet does this to the new guy. (Holds up a hand so Lt. Fischer can’t
respond) Like I said, every ship in the fleet does this to the new
guy. The chief engineer programs the MRT body replacement system with
an outlandish routine to mess with the new guy. You bring the new guy
in and do the ship tour while going down the checklist. You take him
into the MRT holding chamber. He looks at the other four bodies of
the crew and they are per spec. Then he comes to his own body and its,
well, fun. We all laugh. Then we flush the system and put the right
program back in. It’s a rite of passage. My first body had a shlong
longer than my legs! The chief engineer’s first body was a small
hunchbacked fish looking thing. Isban’s was.. what was yours Isban?”
“It looked like a dog.” She replied quietly.
“Oh, a bitch? I guess they read your file ahead of time? You should
be happy Robin. We could have made you a dumbass lizard, oh, excuse me, rather a Centauran. You know their DNA is close enough for the MRT to make a match. Anyhow, after the new guy sees his body he gets terrified. The joke rolls on about how they can’t reprogram the system or it gets stuck or something like that. Anyhow, after you have terrified the guy, you do an emergency flush on the joke body and reload with the regular body. It’s a great tease and very funny.” Said Captain Lewis.
“Very funny. Now, where’s MY body?” Lt. Fischer demanded a bit
“Typical male atitudes. Beat around the bush and avoid the real issue
at all costs. Look Robin, that is your body. Seems our chief Engineer
flubbed up the part about flushing and reprogramming. Didn’t you
Frank?” said Betty
Both Trot and Lewis stared at the floor and kicked the bulkhead again.
“Uh...” Trot swallowed several times, as if something particularly large, hot, and sharp edged was lodged in his throat. “Well, you see Fischer, it was like this...”
“I don’t want excuses!” Lt. Fischer moved to point an accusing finger
at the engineer, then thought better of it when she realized what that
would expose and just exactly how much those unwelcome mounds of flesh
jiggled when she did so. “What. I. Want. IS TO GET MY OWN BODY BACK!!
“Yes, Frank,” Betty, purred, “Why don’t you go into the computer and
just get Robin’s old body back?”
“RIGHT NOW!” Fischer screamed, causing her newly formed flesh to ripple and jiggle in an embarrassingly enticing manner, which caused her to blush and add a little more quietly, “and get me something to wear until you do, could you? I feel like some damned centerfold waiting for the cameras to start going.”
“Well, it just isn’t that easy,” Frank grimaced while rummaging through
the garments they had made up for the new and improved (in some people’s opinion) Robin. “Here you can put these on while I try to explain.”
Robin snatched the clothing from the engineer’s hand, scratching his arm with long fingernails in the process and held up the first item with a wide-eyed amazement that was quickly growing into more anger. “What is this thing?”
“It’s a bra, dear,” Isban offered helpfully.
“I KNOW what it is,” Fischer sighed, holding it up to examine it. “Just
how big is this thing?”
“Only a D cup,” Jeff responded consolingly. “With your height, it isn‘t really that huge, Robin.”
“Only??!!” Fischer grimaced. “It looks like the cups could hold dinner for all of us....”
The men swallowed again as the import of what she had just said sank in
on her still fuddled mind. Frank and Jeff exchanged little grins when
they thought neither of the women were looking.
“Let me help you get dressed, dear,” Isban offered, reaching to help
the very confused, embarrassed, and now humiliated Robin. “While Frank
tells you what happened and why he can’t retrieve your old body.”
“The lace scratches,” Fischer complained once the bra was snugly in place and she was pulling up a pair of matching, yellow French-cut panties. “I’m waiting for your explanation, Frank, and it had better be good.”
“Ahh... I was just comparing your old body with the new one we’d made up before starting your regeneration in the MRT,” Trot cleared his throat nervously. “When the Putarians took one last shot at us, the ship jolted and went into evasive maneuvers, I clicked the wrong image for flushing and the MRT started rebuilding you to the specs that were still in the system. You see, flushing is much more complete than a simple delete, it completely clears the data in the system - wipes it clean - and this new body, the prank, was all that was left in your file...”
“So?” Fischer questioned with a little relief in her purring, contralto,
“Can’t you contact HQ to download my original stats from the main files?”
“Well, that’s the kicker here,” Trot actually appeared more nervous than before while finishing. “We were in contact with the Central system when the attack occurred. We were uploading all the ships logs and files in case we didn’t get back...”
“I don’t think I want to hear this,” Fischer closed her lovely eyes while running a small hand through her luxurious blonde hair. “But go ahead and tell before I try and kill you.”
“Uh... Well...”
“My original stats were flushed from every system in the service, weren’t they?”
“And from all the other systems anywhere in the federation,” Trot replied. “Now, far as every computer in existence is concerned, Lt. Robin Fischer is the person you are now - Urrrk!”
The last, resulted from Robin, letting out a little scream of enraged shock, leaping off the table in only panties and bra to fasten her slim hands tightly around the chief engineer’s throat while kicking at his knees and crotch with both bare feet.
The linked pair stumbled around the Med Area while Frank’s face turned a very interesting shade of blue. Robin wasn’t as strong as she had been as a male, but rage fueled by adrenalin kept her hands tightly fastened to the engineer’s throat and tightening their grip. While squeezing even harder and still kicking at his crotch, the new girl growled, “Gonna KILL you, you weasel, and input some interesting changes in YOUR body files so you can have a nice surprise when YOU wake up!”
Trot’s face had started to turn purple before the Captain and Second
Officer moved in to pry the pair apart. Jeff held a kicking, squirming
Fischer around the waist from behind, while Isban got some emergency
oxygen to Trot.
“Got some really nice bruises there, Frank,” she commented while watching the man’s face gradually return to normal coloration. “Are your family jewels intact?”
Trot nodded, still unable to speak in anything but strangled croaks.
“Good thing her aim was lousy, isn’t it?” Jeff put in while still
restraining the struggling Robin.
“Come on,” Lt. Fischer wheedled. “let me go. I won’t hurt him enough
to really kill him, just make sure he sings soprano from now on. And TAKE your hand off that!”
Jeff quickly shifted his grip downward, but not before he had gotten a
good squeeze in on a pleasantly full breast, as Robin lowered her head
to bite the offending hand. She missed, barely.
“Calm DOWN!” he shouted as Robin twisted in his grasp and nearly broke
free. “That’s an ORDER Lt. Fischer!”
“I AM calm,” Fischer gritted through clenched teeth. “But I’m working my way up to a really good tantrum here. How calm would you be if this
had happened to you?”
“Promise to not try and kill Frank, if I let you go?” Jeff told her,
then added, “And to not attack any more Human crew members here. Do
that and I’ll let you go.”
“Aww...” Fischer drew in a deep breath that gave the Captain some very
interesting experiences since she was facing him by then, “All right.
But we have to do something to get me back to normal. Pleeeaase?”
“We’ll do what we can,” Isban promised with a little smirk, then added
a little contritely, “But for now, this IS normal. Just try and get
used to things as they are for a while until we can figure out what to
do next, would you?
And put the rest of your clothes on,” she finished, “Before you give
the guys any more nutso ideas.”
“Oh...” Robin belatedly realized that she was wearing only a very sexy
bra and panties set that were dripping in lace, and blushed again.
Grabbing the short skirted, low cut uniform that was the only thing
available, she quickly pulled it on, shook her ample hips and bottom to
get it settled properly, and then zipped it closed. “Is this all that
I have to wear?”
“We’ll fabricate some more regulation uniforms for you, dear,” Isban
promised. “But for now, that’s about it. Sorry.”
Patting disheveled hair back into a semblance of smoothness without
thinking about what she was doing, Robin nodded with a frown. “The
sooner the better.”
“Uh...” Frank hesitantly entered the conversation. “I’ll have to get
the fabricator up and going again first. It took some damage in the
Robin favored the engineer with a gimlet stare, then closed her large
blue eyes and counted slowly to ten. Then did it again. “Just get it
fixed, Frank. I don’t want to spend the rest of our voyage wearing
your copies of old vid costumes, and I WILL get you for this. Now,
I’m going to my cabin to take a nap. Don’t any of you even THINK of
bothering me until I come out.”
“I didn’t think automatic doors could slam,” Jeff shook his head once
the newly made sexpot had flounced out of the Med Facility.
Robin stomped off to her room. She needed a nap. The MRT process cycle would increase her need for sleep for the next couple of days. This was standard. Waking up in an alien, well, different, body was not standard. “I am going to get Frank” she kept muttering over and over. She reviewed what she knew about MRT as she took off her “new”, new? NEW! Clothes, damn it. No, really she had to review what she!? SHE!
The MRT, she had to focus on the MRT. Screw sleeping, she needed…she
needed…she needed to sleep. Robin had gotten her outer garments off.
She was having a fight in trying to figure out how to unhook her bra.
(She hadn’t taken one off from this angle before).
She had just gotten it unhooked when the Sandman knocked her
unconscious. Robin fell across her bed and into a deep sleep full of
It was after a dinner? Hmm, didn’t matter, Rob was in a vehicle with a
babe! Wow, a blond hottie with a body to make any real man scream. He
slid closer to her in the seat. She smiled and turned her face. Rob
ran his hand along her jaw and turned her face back to his. He moved
close and kissed her.
Their tongues entwined in a joyful dance of mutual passion. The kiss
continued while his hands went down her blouse and slowly unbuttoned
the front. He pulled the blouse open and her breasts were revealed
over flowing her bra. The kiss broke.
Robin heard the man say that she was beautiful. Her blouse was open.
Her breasts seemed so large. No, she didn’t want the man to touch her
there. She struggled and tried to push him away. His hand was inside
her bra and cupping her breast, his head snug along her neck and
comforting whispers being made in her ear. It felt good. No, it was
wrong. No, it was good! Very good. The man’s hands worked down
Robin's dress and pulled up her skirt. Robin looked down and saw her
hard throbbing erect penis point up toward the ceiling of the vehicle.
Robin SCREAMED and the dream faded.
Robin awoke in a sweat soaked bed. There was a buzz at the door.
“Come in” she said.
Through the door bounded Betty. “I look like crap?
“I dreamt I was with a girl and then I was the girl and then I was,
well, I wasn’t a girl, that’s for sure.” Panted Robin.
Betty sat beside Robin and stroked her hair, while she lay on the bed.
“Honey, you are a woman remember? The MRT is known to cause some very
colorful dreams. Relax. Try and remember, I’ll stay with you for a
while if you like?”
“Oh, yea” said a depressed Robin, “Yes, could you stay?”
“I’d be happy to! Say, remember when you first came on board? I dropped some clothes and you picked up my blue teddy? You asked me to model it.” Said Betty.
“Oh, yea, I do. You said, only in my dreams.” Said Robin.
“You must be dreaming look!” said Betty as she stood up.
Betty’s slim body was visible through the translucent blue teddy. She
had the strong athletic build of a swimmer. Long slender legs, narrow
hips, a slim waist, small breasts, a long graceful neck and a very
charming face. Her close cropped brunette hair acted to highlight her
face. The teddy seemed to glow in the slightly darkened room and gave
a bit of a halo effect to Betty.
“You look like and angel.” Said Robin.
Betty smirked,”Yea, it’s suppose to do that. I got this on Rigel IV.
Do you like it?”
“I love it! Wow, it really highlights…hmm, nice figure.” Said Robin.
“Really?” Betty walked over to the bed and sat once more close to Robin's face. “I think it chafes my nipples. Here what do you think?” asked Betty with a smile as she raised her teddy and leaned forward over Robin.
Betty’s breasts were thrust into Robin’s face. They were very nice breasts. Much smaller than Robin’s but perfectly shaped and with large nipples. They were erect nipples at that. Robin reached up to touch and then quickly pulled her hand back. “I am dreaming again, this doesn’t make sense.”
Betty sat on the bed and put Robin’s hand on her breast. “Not dreaming.
You have been asleep for 18 hours. Our quarters are next to each other. I was asleep when I heard you scream and I came over. You know Robin, I find you a LOT more attractive now. You don’t have to be afraid or fight what you feel.”
Robin felt the firmness of Betty’s breast and then breasts. Soon both
of her hands were cupping each of Betty’s breasts. Betty smiled and
pulled off Robins unhooked bra. Robin’s large breasts spilled off
the sides of her chest and Betty cupped them.
“My, somebody has some really big boobies, don’t they?” said Betty with
a smile on her lips.
“I guess I do. Hmm, it feels good.” Said Robin.
“You just lay there. Move when your body feels like it.” Said Betty while leaning forward and kissing Robin.
Robin felt Betty’s lips on her neck and her hands on her breasts. She
continued to hold and knead Betty’s boobs as well. Betty kissed along
Robin’s jaw. Soon their lips meet and their tongues touched.
Robin pushed Betty back and unconsciously spit. “Ewww, stop that!”
“What’s wrong?” asked a perplexed Betty.
“Why you are a..holy shit! Oh, this is really crap. I can’t believe
this shit.” Robin wailed.
“WHAT?” asked Betty.
“I don’t like girls! I don’t like girls. What’s up with that? I want, well, wanted to bang the hell out of you. Now, now, Betty I think that teddy makes you look hot and I’d like to borrow it. I also think you have a killer body, but Dear, you need longer hair. ARRRRRGGGGGGHHHHHH! The MRT can’t reprogram thoughts. It can’t do that!” Said Robin.
Betty adjusted her teddy and sat back from Robin with an angry look on
her face. “Fine, just fine. I was good enough for you last month! You sure as hell tried to kiss me then!”
“I know. I know! Gawd, I was so hot for you, WAS! What’s wrong with
me?” cried Robin.
“Wait, you really did want me? You don’t want me now? Let me think,
when they first developed the MRT there were some unscrupulous acts of
mind modification. That was unreliable at best and certainly not allowed in the programming protocols of today, but if someone…”
They both reached a conclusion and screamed out the same name at the same time, “FRANK!”
Still working the upsetting, unpalatable feel of a woman's kiss out of
her mouth, Robin rose and moved towards the door. "Damn him! I'll kick the little weasel so hard he'll die in his sleep! With his balls hanging out of his mouth.!"
"Hold on there," Betty reached out to grip one of her companion's flailing arms. "You don't have the physical strength or the moves to do that, and would only end up in some penal colony as a convict-good-time-girl even if you didn't manage to kill the Adelbaran Stink Rat."
"But what he did to me has to be illegal!" Robin spat back with a
wide-eyed expression of pure rage that the object of the discussion
would have found quite fetching and sexy. "I could get off on grounds
of extenuating circumstances, or insanity."
"Listen to me," Betty patted the bed once again, this time in a sisterly manner and gave the distressed former male sexpot a firm look. "Sit down and let's go over some options. Killing Frank is not one of those either, no matter how much both of us would like to do it."
"Yeah," Robin got dreamy eyed and giggled as she imagined the engineer
roasting very slowly over the heat vents of his precious engines, while
turning on a spit and being basted in flammable liquid by herself. "I'm
thinking up all sorts of really neat, painfully slow ways to do it, too."
"Well forget it, Robin," the second officer, in her role as confessor
and confidant, not to mention parachute for the new girl on board,
patted the bed again. "Sit down and calm down. That giggle you just
let out made my skin crawl given what I know you were thinking about."
"I didn't giggle," Robin protested, then sat on the bed with a thump
as something dawned on her. "Oh, my God, I did, didn't I? I GIGGLED!
And now I'm starting to cry, What's wrong with me?"
"Hormones?" Betty offered, then regretted it as the lovely, sexy young
lady beside her began to cry and sob in great hitching gasps.
"Huh-huh-Hormones!" Robin got out between sobs and ragged intakes of
breath. "Female hormones, running rampant through my poor changed body
and getting me to do such girly things without even noticing. Pretty
soon they'll have me on my back with legs wide open inviting any male
around to... I LOVE being a girl! AAARRGH!
"No! I meant that I huh-huh... really don't want to be a man... No, that should have come out...." lowering her head into both hands, Robin
continued to cry, though more quietly. "I can't say what I mean, and
I'm not even sure what I do mean!"
"Hormones, new hard wiring in your head, whatever it is, Frank sure
messed you up, dear," Betty gave the sobbing female next to her a
sympathetic pat on the shoulder. We'll get back at him, and Jeff.
You know as well as I do that both of them are in on this mess. But
we need to get creative here about our revenge."
"Our revenge?"
"That's right, Robin," Betty grated in anger of her own. "I finally get
you in a shape that appeals to me, and the fuckers fixed you so you
can't have sex with me. They're going to really regret that.
"What do you mean by a shape that appeals to you?" Robin questioned
with a puzzled expression that changed into one of wide eyed
comprehension. "OH! You mean that you're a les..."
"Yes, that's what i mean, sweetie," Isban replied with a shrug. "Nothing wrong with that, and I was hoping that maybe we could finally get together now. But first, we have to get you some help," the lesser endowed female of the pair went on while wondering if the MRT could give her a set like those. "Let's go see Feng."
"Feng!" Robin shook her head so hard her new hair flipped around so hard it endangered Betty. "What could that whacked out trisexed lizard do to help me? Besides confuse me even more. You’re never sure which sex he/she/hir is going to be from one meeting to the next! One time he
became her right in the middle of a session with me, then went on to
hir and started having sex with hirself right in front of me. Huh uh,
Betty. Things are bad enough just now, talking to Feng would only make
them worse."
"I don't think so," Betty countered with a small grin at the other's
very accurate description of the ship psyche officer. "Think about
what you just said, about the sex thing."
"What you mean Feng having sex with hirself in front of me while I
was supposed to be in for an evaluation?"
"No, before that, honey."
"Before that..." Robin's eyes narrowed, then widened as comprehension
poured into her scrambled brain. "Oh! You mean the changing sex part?"
"That's it," the other woman concurred with a nod. "Feng is also a
very capable psyche officer and should be able to tell us exactly what
was done to your mind and how it was done. Maybe even with
suggestions to reverse it."
"Whatever you say, Betty." Robin let out a long sigh that did things
to her bare chest the other had a hard time ignoring, "Let's get this
over with. At least he/she/hir ought to be able to give me pointers
on self-abuse. Those two male rats onboard sure aren't getting any
from me, and I'm so damned horny I want to hump that bedpost."
"Yes," Betty thoughtfully returned, then winced while giving the knobbed bedpost a look and imagining what that would be like inserted in....well, never mind, you get the idea. "You really need to have Feng look you over.
"Well, let's hurry it up!" Robin urged, reaching to open the door without even getting dressed. "If I attack Frank the way I'm feeling now it might not be with homicidal intent. Know what I mean?"
"The way you are, both he and Jeff would be dead from exhaustion within
twenty-four hours, sweety," Betty held her companion back once again. "But if you don't put something on, that's even more likely to happen than you fear."
"Now that's a thought..." Robin trailed off with another dreamy expression and giggle. "Fuck the suckers to death. That'd serve 'em right, wouldn't it? Poetic justice and all that stuff."
Shaking her head while watching the giggling, moronic seeming Robin slither into a brief skirted uniform that left most of her ample breasts hanging free and in danger of falling out altogether, Betty closed her eyes and fought off the beginnings of a headache. "Yep, we have got to get you to Feng. Right now."
Feng was in the ship’s galley. He had prepared a special dinner of
Rigenian Power Flies that he was going to share over candle light with
herself. There also was a bottle of exotic fermented Mushroom Juice.
He smiled inwardly (since he had no lips it had to be inwardly) that
he was going to get her drunk and take advantage of her. A chortle
came from the upper nostril as hirself remarked that not being in
season the mating would not be worth the effort. To which she joined
in with a cry that she was easy but not cheap. If he wanted to take
advantage of her then it was going to cost him. This got him mad as
he reiterated to herself that with out two other Alpha Centaur’s it
wasn’t a real mating anyway.
Oh, yea, himself was always trying to remind herself that these matings
didn’t count. However, she was getting tired of being taken advantage
of. In these arguments hirself would switch from side to side as
hirself was truly only interested in reproduction, but did have to admit the mating ritual was pleasant, while arguing nevertheless that this much practice was unnecessary.
Feng had just popped open the fly canister when Betty and Robin burst
into the room. His/Her/Hir left eye rotated back in response to the
sound of the intruders coming into the galley.
“HELLO. I was trying to have a moment here. You could at least knock,” said Feng as his/her/hir tongue snapped one of the hand-sized flies in mid flight.
“You know very well that you are not supposed to be having “moments” in
the galley and we have talked about you letting these damn flies go in
here. The last time, we got maggots in my sourdough starter because you got too drunk to eat all your delicacies that were left flying around the galley!” said Betty in a huff.
“Yea, that stuff’s icky!” said Robin.
There was a clack, clack, clack sound as Feng laughed at Robin’s remark. “Icky? Icky! Boy, frank wired you up good!” laughed Feng.
“What do you know about that asshole? Hmm, yes, ass, I bet Frank has a
nice ass. ARRGGGHHH!” went Robin. She started to stare glassy eyed at
the wall and moan “Frank”.
“Snap out of it!” said Betty while she shook Robin. While Robin didn’t
immediately snap out of it, her bra did snap and her breasts were promptly out of her skimpy uniform and shaking along with the rest of her.
“Wow, those are big tits! I don’t think those are regulation.” said Feng.
“Hey, give her some respect” said Betty. She had stopped shaking Robin, but while moving to where Feng couldn’t see Robin’s chest, she had not taken any steps to cover Robin’s chest.
“Hmm, duh, yes, yes. Feng! What’s happening to me? You’re the trisexed lizard Oooooo” Robin moaned as Feng grabbed another fly mid air with his/her/hir tongue.
“Frank wired you up. Seems you are going to be making up for all the
time he lost with Betty.” Smiled Feng while pouring a glass of
Mushroom Juice.
“What do you mean he wired her up?” asked Betty while she swatted at a
“Hey, that’s my dinner, hands off! The MRT, you should be bright enough to figure that out. You are the science officer!” said Feng to Betty.
“Why’d that big beautiful hunk of a man do that to me?” asked Robin.
“Get a clue, Robin, I think we all know why.” Said Betty.
“Hmmm, yes, to fuck me, fuck me, fuck me, Frank’s going to fuck me! I
just wanted to hear him say it. Say Frank’s going to fuck me.”
Giggled Robin to Feng.
“Feng! She’s getting worse! What do you know?” demanded Betty.
“I know my dinner is being interrupted. Why don’t you take Robin there
and have her go screw Frank? You can watch and make sure she gets
inseminated; it’s all very Centaurian. You have my blessing. Now
GET OUT!” said Feng.
“Oh, yes, fuck, suck, lick Frank, hmm his hands all over me! Betty too. I think Frank would like two girls! PLEASE BETTY? PLEASE!?” pleaded Robin.
Betty’s brow furrowed. Her eyes became narrow. She reached across the
table and pulled Feng clear of his/her/hir seat and pulled him/her/hir
close. “Listen revolving eyes, Robin’s not a fuck toy, let alone Frank’s fuck toy. Now, you are going to help us Psyche Officer or do I have to reach down that thing you call a throat and pull you inside out by the sorry ass thing you call a tail?”
“Always with the negative waves. Life is righteous and for all to
enjoy. Sex is a beautiful thing. Why can’t you just relax and go with
the flow baby?” responded Feng
Betty didn’t say anything. She forced open Feng’s mouth and started to
reach down. Feng’s tail fell off onto the floor and started wiggling.
Robin screamed and then smiled and walked toward the detached, squirming tail.
“No, no, no, I’ll help you!” pleaded Feng.
Betty released her grasp on Feng and turned to see Robin smiling and
holding the wiggling tail in one hand and staring to lift her skirt with the other. “Put that down Robin! Geeze, we are in public. Besides, you want to see old lizard face here get his/her/hir rocks off by you having fun with that tail?”
“Eeek” went Robin as she dropped the tail.
“Look Feng, you are the Psyche Officer, and you are three sexes. Then
on top of all this you've got some information about this and Frank.
How about a little help here? I think she’s going to start humping legs like a dog if she doesn’t…..ROBIN STOP THAT!” Betty yelled.
“I didn’t stick it in. Hmm, its wiggling just right.” Robin distractedly replied while holding the tail against the crotch of her panties.
Clack, clack, clack went Feng’s laugh. The last two flies buzzed over
Robin. The smell of rotting mushrooms filled the room from Feng’s open
bottle. Betty slapped Feng, grabbed the tail and threw it down a
near-by disposal chute
“Awww” went Robin.
“More negative waves. That was mine!” said Feng while snatching one of
the two remaining flies.
“Fly breath, do I have to have to grab you again? A dropped tail doesn’t mean any more to a Centaurian than a dropped turd does to a human. Now talk, or I grab!” said Betty.
“No, no, no, physical violence never settled anything. Well, except made your species supreme on your own home world, then of course the victory of good over evil on your planet, then the Earth-Centaur alliance did destroy the invasion attempt at Orion 4, and the subsequent..”
“Damn it Feng! Get on subject.” Said Betty
“You just can’t sit back and soak in culture can you? You live for the
moment. I guess that’s what happens with a species that can only live
a little over its own 100 years.” Smirked Feng.
“Yea, means we don’t have time to waste when we ask a Damn question!”
said an exasperated Betty.
“Fine, wait (ZOT), hmm, those were good flies! Now, ah, yes, Robin.
You are still just one sex, is there a problem with that?” Feng questioned almost blandly.
“Please, can we go to Frankie-poo? I am soooo horny!” Robin squirmed
while rubbing the nipples on her exposed breasts.
“I don’t think healthy sexual appetite issues are within my queue as
Psyche Officer,” said Feng.
“Feng, she was going to hump your detached tail. You want me to turn
on a monitor? How’d all this look on the record?” asked Betty.
“Ah, you know Captain Lewis doesn’t like the monitors turned on. He
says too close a government oversight hurts morale.” Replied Feng as
he/she/hir reached for the glass of wine.
“And no government oversight appears to lead to MRT abuse and
non-cooperative Psyche Officers. Thirty seconds Feng. Are we going
to quit dicking around on this crap or am I going to turn on EVERY
monitor on this ship? Mushroom wine my ass. How about a big picture
of the Psyche Officer of the United Star Alliance Ship Hornblower
sucking down some illegal swamp water, excuse me, Mushroom wine?”
“Slap me, beat me, scare my tail off and now blackmail me. This is a
human primary ship isn’t it? No, that won’t be necessary. Leave the
monitors alone. Frank…” Sighed Feng.
“Frankie! Oh, Frankie! Frankie MUST FUCK ME NOW! Oh, Frankie!”
screamed Robin as she got up and ran for the galley door.
In an unbelievable demonstration of the “lizard dash” Feng made it
before Robin on her dash to the door. Feng knocked Robin down, “Do
whatever your species does to initiate an orgasmic event.”
“FRANKIE, FUCKIE! FRANKIE!” screamed and wailed Robin.
“What?” said a puzzled Betty that didn’t know whether to hit Feng
or help.
“I am the Psyche Officer on this ship. You must initiate an orgasmic
event in this crewmember or her mind may be lost to us. This is the
one event that an MRT cannot save us from. Initiate now, while I
assist.” Feng yelled almost breathlesly. He/she/hir then turned
toward Robin and in melodic tones whispered in her ear, “Frank is
here. Don’t worry Frank is here. He is touching you. Frank desires
to, er, Frank loves you. Frank wants this first time to be special for
you…”Feng talked on and on about the love making that would occur.
“Ohhhh, Frankie! Robin loves Frankie, touch me more…” Robin cooed
back to Feng.
While this was taking place, Betty was acting out Feng’s words. She
kissed Robin deeply on the lips. Their tongues danced a merry dance.
She caressed Robin’s breasts. Her hands rubbed all over Robin and
tenderly brought Robin to an ear splitting orgasm as Robin called out
Frank’s name. It was the most non-sexual sexual experience Betty
ever had.
A panting Robin fell into a deep sleep after her climax.
“She’s stable, let’s get her back to her room.” Said Feng.
“What the hell was that? Why are you now so cooperative?” asked a
perplexed Betty.
“Simple enough, the crew member in question was in extreme danger.
Until that situation is resolved Hir will command my mental faculties.
He thought this was a human game of some kind. We have a lot of games
on Alpha Centauri. She thought it might be a game as well. However,
it became clear that Crewmember Fischer was having a MRT fixation lock.
It also was clear that the Science Officer was concerned about this
crewmember's health. It would be wrong to allow him to be in charge
in a situation devoid of the humor him is compelled to inject. It is
now clear that hir/she/he has been taken advantage of by Engineer Trot.
This has resulted in damage to a fellow shipmate. For that Hir/she
and especially he express our deepest apologies.” Said Feng with as
sorry a look as a lizard could express.
They got Robin to her room and got her into bed. They then went next
door to Betty’s cabin to talk.
“MRT fixations were the reason that mind modifications were abandoned
long ago. Engineer Trot had asked my assistance in formulation of a
gender specific brain matrix for Lt. Fischer. I did not know that
he planned a mental re-alignment. He assured hir/she/he that crew
member Fischer would only be modified in a safe way and in a manner
requested by Lt. Fischer”
“Wait, this was all a joke! We built Robin’s body as a joke! It was
supposed to be flushed.” Said Betty.
“Engineer trot said that Lt. Fischer would only have an MRT as the
result of massive body trauma per the USA regulations, but he went on
to say that crew member Fischer had requested a gender realignment in
case of MRT implementation. He even showed Hir/she/he letters that
Fischer had written requesting such a procedure.” Said Feng
“Wait, we were ALL in on the joke. You helped design her butt!” said
“True, I wanted her to have a tail, if you will recall. It was in a
secondary discussion I had with Engineer Trot where he brought the
gender re-alignment to my attention. While it is unusual, we often
have gender re-alignments on Centaur. There are some among us that
can’t tolerate being tri-sexual and for those, only one of our three
will they be.” Said Feng.
“You mean there are some boy and girl only lizards?” asked Betty.
“We are Centaurians. Quit calling us lizards! Yes, and some of us
are only Hir as well. So, when Engineer Trot said that Lt. Fischer
had a desire for re-alignment I viewed it as unusual but not strange.”
Said Feng.
“Wait, Robin asked to be a girl? This doesn’t seem right. Why would
she be so pissed about it? You got letters? Let’s have a look at
those letters.” Betty Demanded.
“They were downloaded from the interspace web. For professional
reasons they are no longer maintained in the database on board.”
Said Feng.
“Oh, yea, huh, sure, that’s not going to wash Feng.” Said Betty.
“I was lonely! I wanted another girl to talk too! You are always
so distant and never can talk about pretty things with me.” Said
Feng in a sudden pout.
“Oh, great. Now I have HER to talk to. I guess Robin is out of
danger. That’s a relief. But, just between us girls, did you
change Robin all by yourself?” asked Betty in a quiet voice.
“Oh, no. Engineer Trot was all ready to flush out the body. That’s
when I thought of it. Just leave her as her. Then I’d have another
female on board. That would make it even. But, you know what?” Feng
“I really didn’t do any changes to her mind. I would never really hurt
somebody. That Engineer Trot must be the person that tried programming
her brain. I wouldn’t do that! You have got to believe me!” pleaded Feng.
“Settle down. I do believe you. The question is, how can we unprogram
her brain?” asked Betty.
“Well, she’s stuck as a she. At this point even when we re-load the MRT on her it will be against this current form. I am not sure why she
seems fixated on Frank. Trot must have found some old time programming
information I am unaware of. But, you and I helped to break some
programming a few minutes ago. All you really have to do is grant
instant gratification of the fixation and with time the fixations go
away.” Said Feng
“She’s fixated on fucking Frank! You mean we should tell her go fuck
Frank for the next…how long does she have to fuck him?” asked Betty
with anger creeping into her voice.
“Oh, hon, settle down. It’s not that bad. There are worse things in
life than enjoying sex! But, I never said she had to “fuck” Frank. I
don’t think it needs to be Frank, but she does need to have some kind
of sexual release when these urges overtake her. If she doesn’t, then
she will literally become a human that thinks and acts sex 100% of the
time. It would be like she’s a female Frank.” Feng giggled.
Betty couldn’t help herself and giggled along with her/him/hir.
* * * *
"Omigod, omigod, omigod..."
"Stop it Robin!" Betty grabbed the young woman by the shoulders and
began to gently shake them to get her attention. The shaking grew in
intensity proportionately with the strangled, horrified moans coming
out of the converted male's luscious mouth. "Now get hold of yourself
and try to think of something beyond how disgusted 'poor little you'
is over what that nasty minded engineer did to you."
"But..." Robin screwed up her face and the tears started flowing. She
was, at least, beginning to think halfway rationally again. "That
BASTARD has turned me into his own personal fuck toy! How can you
expect me to think in anything like clarity when I either want to
trip him and meet him on the floor, or trip him and shove the jerk
out the airlock!"
"There has to be some middle ground you can take," the second officer
was beginning to sound a little desperate herself. "I'm trying to help
you save what shreds of sanity you have left right now, and you going
into a raging panic/mortification fugue every time we talk about this
isn't helping either one of us."
"Oh, I have a middle ground, all right," Robin grumbled darkly while
smoothing her blonde mane after the mussing it had received from her
near hysterics and the shaking administered by Betty. "I want to kill
him while I'm fucking him! How's that?"
"I can see that this is going to take a lot of work," the senior
officer muttered under her breath, then replied more loudly, "Well
you really can't do either, missy. We've already been over the killing
thing, and fucking the asshole will only make your condition that much
worse. We have to get that programming out of your head, and the only
way Feng thinks will work is to keep you away from Frank, and give you
instant gratification whenever the urges hit. So call me whenever, or
call Feng, or put out to Jeff if nothing else will work. Just DON'T
give in to Frank. Got it?"
"Frank!" the anger faded from Robin's large blue eyes and they became
almost vacant except for the lust shining out of them as she turned
towards the door with an exaggeratedly sexual walk. "Frankieeeee, my
Frankieeee, I neeeeed yooouuu."
"Not again, not already!" Betty sighed, then tackled the unfortunate
girl before the door could open.
* * * *
"You (gulp) look tired (gulp)," Feng commented between snagging his
favorite flies when Betty dragged herself into his office.
The Human glared at her/hir/him for a moment before sinking gratefully
into a nearby couch made for her own species. Last time she had come,
Betty had chosen the wrong chair and gotten her left leg caught in the
slot made to accommodate the Centauran's tail, much to the reptilian
psyche officer’s hissed amusement.
"Tired doesn't cover the half of it," she responded wearily, then her voice rose in something like awed disbelief. "Do you have any idea of how many times I've had sex with that nymphomaniac bimbo Robin turns into when the "Frankieee" urge attacks her? And I have bruises on my
bruises from tackling the poor thing to keep her away from the shithead."
"Let me see," Her mused while opening a file and reading the eye
wrenching squiggles Centaurans called civilized script. "Twenty-seven
in the past three ship days. You are doing a fine job, Chief Science
Officer Isban. At this rate, we should have the obsession for Engineer
Trott completely eradicated from Robin within another twenty days or so."
"YOU IDIOT!" Isban shouted loudly enough to disturb the nearly somnolent snacks Feng had spread over his desktop then lost energy and finished in a more normal, pleading tone of voice. "As much as I do enjoy the sex play with her, I won't survive another TWO days at this rate, you scaly fiend. Twenty, and I'll be a sucked dry husk."
"Hmm...." Feng thoughtfully perused more of the file he had opened, or
possibly another, Isban couldn't tell the difference at her best and
just then was definitely not one of those times. "Would you please
catch that fly and hand it to me?"
"Sure, here you go..." Betty made a face as she complied without really
thinking about what she was doing, "Ack! take the damned slimy thing,
It's trying to give me warts, or something. Ouch! The little sucker
BIT me!"
"Yes it did," the Centauran answered in satisfaction, then one of
its personalities giggled. If you could call a series of hitching hisses a giggle. "You should be starting to feel better any moment now."
"Hey, I do, kind of," Isban began to lose the grayness of exhaustion as
she stared at her now empty hand and hesitantly asked, "What the hell
did that thing do to me?"
"It was a concentrated dose of vitamins, a stimulant, and..." Her/Hir/Him cleared its throat then finished quickly, "...a sexual booster to help you get through helping Robin."
"From a nasty Henrengian bore fly?"
"A nasty Herengian bore fly specifically tailored to human genetics to
provide the assistance you require," Feng grinned, showing a very
daunting array of teeth and the tip of his/hir/her triple pronged
tongue. "and to keep on giving it for the next twenty-one day cycle."
"Oh," the human nodded, then gave her companion a look that could have
cut durasteel plate. "Feng, did you just give me an aphrodisiac?"
"Among other things," Her/Hir/Him agreed with another of those unnerving smiles. "In a word, yes."
"I'd mutiny and lock all of you crazy bastards up," she returned in a
soft, dangerous tone of voice. "If I could figure out a way to operate
the ship by myself."
"Extreme," Feng commented with a vaguely human looking shrug. "but workable with the Emergency Operations Systems."
"Thanks, I was including you in that group of whackos, you know."
"I had sensed the muted hostility."
"But the EOS is what got us into this mess in the first place, thanks to Frank Trott and his meddling. There's no telling what that ditzed out system would do if I brought it back on line again. Probably change
all of us in our sleep."
"Now you are thinking like a Centauran," he/hir/she approved. "While
your mind is experiencing such unusual clarity, take this and give it
to Robin."
"What is it?" Isban suspiciously narrowed her eyes without accepting
the cube held out in the Psyche Officer’s three-fingered claw - hand.
"Operating specifications and training manuals for operation and
programming of the standard MRT unit. With some very illegal code
modifications included. I got it from Frank Trott yesterday."
"From Frank?" Betty allowed her disbelief to show for a moment, then
took in a deep breath before questioning. "Would you be willing to tell
me how you managed that? Ive been trying to locate that damned file
since Robin came out of the MRT."
"Simple," she, Betty was sure it was the she part, giggled again, while
gesturing to the somnolently buzzing cadre of Herengian bore flies. "I
went to Frank's quarters and used a bit of hypnosis, with the help of
one of my little friends here. He was under the misapprehension that
I was Robin for some reason. I don't need to go on, do I?"
"You didn't." Isban gave the Centauran a half disgusted, half admiring
look. "and if you did, do you have it recorded?"
"I did, and I do," she/hir/he answered smugly. "Frank is very... energetic. I copied the information while he was sleeping it all off, and retain the holo of our - umm, activities - for future need."
"Blackmail, you mean," the human chuckled. "Feng, are all Centaurans
sneaky and underhanded as you?"
"Only those of us allowed off planet by our government."
"I'll have to remember that,"
"Go ahead," hir/he/she grinned again, waving a three fingered hand
expansively. "It won't do you any good, though."
* * * *
"Frank is here, baby," Betty cooed into Robin's ear as she industriously stroked the other's admittedly awe inspiring breasts with one hand while the other played furiously with the tiny nub at her crotch that had replaced the former man's penis. "Just lie back and let good old Frankie give you what you need darling."
"Ohhhh, Frainkieeee..." the other moaned, then her eyes popped wide open. "You're not Frank!"
"Nope," Betty grinned as she pulled back in some relief. Even with the
deviously given Centauran aid, steering Robin away from Frank, and giving the induced nympho enough satisfaction to keep her from stalking the companionways in search of the jerk had been a job.
"Well, don't stop yet," the statuesque blonde pleaded. "I still feel
a 'Frankie Fuckee' attack coming on."
"I thought you didn't like girls."
"Hey, a girl can change her mind, can't she?"
"Supposed to be one of the prerogatives of the sex," Betty responded with a sore tongue and chapped lips. "But you sure have changed your mind sweetie. Maybe you should go give Jeff a thrill."
"He's getting tired, too,"
"Now why didn't that occur to me?" Isban sighed as she lowered her head to her partner's crotch. "Feng has GOT to do something about this nympho thing you have. None of us but him/hir/her, and Frank are getting any work done."
"I get bored,"
"So take up smoking, or find a hobby that doesn't involve bed oriented
gymnastics." the Chief Science Officer almost begged.
"But sex in this body is sooo much fun," Robin cooed, then pouted. "And it feels wonderful."
"This is the person who was terrified of having sex with anyone at all
just a week ago," Isban grumped, then gave her partner a conspirational
wink and grin. "But I think I have something you might enjoy almost as
"Oh, goodie!" Robin clapped her dainty hands like a small child promised a surprise if she behaved.
"Here you go," Betty handed her a data cube.
"What is this?"
"A data cube,"
"I can see that," giving the unlabeled cube a very close inspection,
the blonde muttered. "Just 'cause I have sex on the mind - through no
fault of my own - everyone thinks I've lost over half my brain. I
haven't, you know."
"I know, baby," Isban soothed. "when the nasty urges hit they just
short circuit your poor brain, that's the way you were programmed in
the MRT, thanks to someone I won't name just now."
"Then please quit treating me like a complete idiot," the other
answered. "I know what's happening to me, there's just nothing I can
do about stopping it."
"This may help," pointing to the cube, Betty gave a nasty grin. "The
programming is starting to fade, thanks to a lot of behind the scenes
help from Feng, now what's in there won't cure you. But it will give
you something besides sex to focus on."
What would that be?"
"Revenge," the senior of the pair supplied. "the operations and
training manual for the MRT are in there, plus some interesting
additions that Frank added for your benefit - or his, I ought to say.
I thought you might just have some fun learning how to do things with
the machine that most folks can't."
"With the added plus of doing something interesting to dear Frankie,"
Robin giggled in anticipation while a positively evil gleam shone from
her lovely eyes. "I really think I could forego sex for that.
Well, most of the time," she amended with a twinkle of mischief in
her eyes.
"Oh, thank you, God," Betty whispered.
But the remade Robin wasn't out of the figurative woods yet. Frank
was readying himself to force an issue he had been sure would be easy
as falling off a slippery log when he had set up the new body and
emotional matrices for their newest crew member.
It didn’t take a rocket scientist to figure out the MRT, but it was
a rocket scientist that had been operating it. Frank had made some
changes to the basic configuration and operating parameters of the
MRT. Betty, Feng and Robin had come up with a scheme to give Frank
exactly what he had earned by now. Indeed Frank’s interface with the
MRT was sufficiently complicated that of the three of them only
Betty, as the Science Officer, would have sufficient expertise to
execute their plan. This was complicated by the MRT input panel
being located in the engine room. It was virtually sat on by Frank
twenty four hours a day.
“There’s no other choice I can see, we need a diversion.” Betty
“That’s simple enough; it’s me.” Said Robin.
“Feng, what if, well, if she…” said Betty
“What happens if I do fuck that wonderful Frankieeeee?” squealed
“Oh, Hon, I thought we had you under control.” responded Feng.
“Just kidding. You two need to lighten up.” Said Robin while sticking
out her tongue.
“Oh, funny, ha, ha, human humor, is to laugh. Chances are at this
point, provided you aren’t, shall we say, occupied with him for hours at a time, it’d be survivable.” Said Feng.
“Survivable? Oh, some diversion, you just fuck him?” asked Betty.
Robin closed her eyes and held on tight to the bulkhead next to her. A
soft moan escaped her lips.
“Oh, great, there’s a plan. We could have just done that to start
with. Survivable? I don’t think she could ever stop! Feng?” asked
“I said survivable, not advisable. While she could copulate and
mentally survive somebody will need to break it up. If they don’t
Frank gets… er…yes, that’s the word..Frank gets his own personal fuck
toy. At this point she’d just keep more of her mind instead of losing
all of it.” Said Feng
“What if instead of a straight lay, she makes him think he can get laid
instead?” asked Betty.
“Without contact, no, no there would be no ramifications on her mental
faculties.” Said Feng.
“What do you mean?” asked Robin.
“Come here, so you don’t cum there and I’ll tell you” said Betty in a
low conspirational voice.
Frank was busy trying to restore engine power. The ship had been adrift since the initial confrontation with the Putarians, fortunately it had been captured by the gravity of Evih and wasn’t simply drifting in space. Unfortunately, Evih was a colony of the Kinarri and they didn’t like visitors. Besides being stuck in orbit there was major damage ship wide. Frank was concentrating on getting main power back on line while the other crew members were working on various systems. This had been the primary reason that Frank hadn’t been able to score with Robin.
Well, that and the fact that Captain Lewis was a bit upset about the
whole situation and had ordered him to stay away from her. But, Frank
knew he had a failsafe back up. Scoring with his self-designed dream
girl was only a matter of time. He wouldn’t let that weasel of a
captain, dyke of a first officer or that lizard breath Psyche Officer
stand in his way. But, for right now, getting main power back on line
was the priority. Sex would be a lot of fun with Robin, but surviving
would be a bit more important.
Without getting some main power back soon they’d drift into the planet’s atmosphere and burn up. True, they had two months before that would happen and the backup power would easily last that long, but they were on their own. Without a functional communication array they couldn’t even call for help. Their old-fashioned radio distress beacon would take 15 years to reach the nearest United Star Alliance base.
Communications were Isban’s area for repair and she said that except
for short range the system was fried. However, she and Robin were
spending time trying to fix it anyway.
Yea, they were spending time together, seems Robin was spending lot
of time together with the entire crew. Hell, she was even with that
dumbass lizard. She was his girl. Damn.
“Oh, Frankieee” said Robin standing in the hatchway.
“Rob…Robin? You are here to see me?” Frank said with sneering grin as
he stood up from behind the console where he was working.
Robin walked close. She let Frank put his arms around her. She briefly put her head on Frank’s chest and sighed.
“You know baby, I am at a point where I could take a couple of hours
break and then, and then I have two full sleep cycles coming. We could
spend that time together.” Frank said while lifting her chin to face him.
“I’d like that. JUST AS SOON AS YOU CATCH ME!” squealed Robin as she
ran out the door.
Robin bounced down the corridor in all her feminine glory. The vid
costume she wore was not intended for running and several, hmm,
unmentionable body parts came into view. The view wasn’t wasted on
Frank, who was in hot pursuit. The ship was a bit of a maze as the
result of the Putarian attack and Robin found many things to pull
down and slow Frank’s progress. The pair of them disappeared around
the corner. As they disappeared Betty and Feng entered the engine room.
“There it is. We only have a few minutes” said Betty while pointing
at the MRT.
“It won’t take long, we can flush, upload and be out of here.” Said Feng.
“Oh, no, we decided I wanted a hard wire to the science station. We got to drop to relays to ensure that.” Said Betty while popping the panel off. There was a toilet sound. “Ha, that’s why they call it the flush!” laughed Betty.
“Frank MRT back-up flushed. Re-load of system initialized” said Feng.
Meanwhile, Robin was bounding through out the ship with Frank in hot
pursuit. Every time Frank got close enough to touch her, Robin found
another piece of debris to throw down in his path. Though Robin was
having a hard time, it was very obvious that Frank was having a very
hard time of his own. Make that a very long hard and throbbing time.
Robin stopped and turned while facing a storage room door.
“Get this door open in five minutes and you can fuck me, Frankiee!” she
laughed as the door closed and locked.
Piece of cake thought Frank. He was the chief engineer; he’d have that
door open in three minutes at most. Frank didn’t know that Robin had
already checked this room out. There was a small access panel in it that led to the engine room. Robin had tried it while Frank had been pounding out some items the day before. Her head and shoulders fit through it, tight, but perfectly. Frank was going to get that door open, just in time to find the room empty!
Robin heard Frank trying to get the door unlocked. In less than two
seconds she had the access cover open and headed head first through the
hatch. Betty was working at the control panel when the hatch popped
open beneath her feet.
“We’re all done here. Feng already left. Let me help you out and we’re both gone.” Said Betty.
Robin put both arms through the hatch. Then she put her head through.
Then she put both arms down and started to pull her body through. The
hatch was slightly off the floor, so Robin in effect was on all fours
with arms on one side and her legs on the other side of the hatch.
She pulled forward. “OUCH”.
“Ouch?” What’s the problem?” asked Betty.
“Its my boobs. They are getting caught.” Whined Robin.
“Reach back with a hand and push them in, do each side at a time until
you get through.” Said Betty.
“Its tight! It hurts.” Said Robin.
“If you hadn’t stuffed your bra, you wouldn’t be having problems.”
Said Betty.
“I didn’t stuff my bra!” said Robin.
“Sure you didn’t. You were over flowing it as you were. You didn’t
need to stuff it!” said Betty.
With great pain Robin got both breasts squeezed through the hatch. Then there was a cloth ripping sound as she tried to pull the rest of the way through.
“I'm stuck! Frank will be in there any second!” cried Robin.
“Crap, crap crap.” Said Betty as she grabbed Robin and Pulled. There
was a great tearing sound and Betty was left holding the tattered
remains of Robin’s vid-costume and bra.
“Oh, shit. What’s this? Get me out of here.” Said Robin.
“Ok, pull.”
“Its your ass. Your butt won’t make it through.” Stated Betty.
“But my head and shoulders did!” whimpered Robin.
“But on a woman her hips are wider than her shoulders.” Said Betty.
“Then I, oh, crap. I forgot. I just figured if my shoulders made
it? My ass, its my ass. Damn. He’s almost in here.” Whined Robin
as she rested on her elbows and her breasts hung clearly to the floor.
“Ok, ok, ok, look, squeeze back through and then I’ll run back around
and distract Frank when the door is open, so you can get away.”
Replied Betty.
Robin tried to get back through, but her breasts blocked her. They
wouldn’t compress enough to get through the tight hatch. Betty was
getting kind of excited but was perplexed. Robin’s boobs did look
bigger than a few days ago. Heck, they were hanging down far enough
for her to be a DD if not larger. Betty ran to where Frank had been
working and got some silicone lubricant. She coated her hands with
it and then proceeded to rub Robin’s breasts.
“You, know Frank is, hmm, that feels really good.” Said Robin.
“Hey, we get you lubed up and then push you back through the hatch.”
Replied Betty.
“Oh, Betty, that really feels good. I…I…Betty, you know what you have
been wanting? I’ll do that if you keep rubbing.” Pleaded Robin.
“Frank is going to be in there in a…you mean you really would, no,remember Frank!” Betty commanded.
“Oh, forget Frank. That door is tripled locked. There’s 15 minutes before he gets in. That’s plenty of time for you to rub and me to suck.” Smiled Robin.
“Well, you sure about the door?” asked Betty.
“I'm sure.” Said Robin.
Betty stopped applying lubricant to Robin’s breasts. She stripped out of the bottom to her uniform and sat crouched with her legs spread before Robin. She took Robin’s breasts into her hands and rubbed them, while for the first time Robin buried her face into Betty’s crotch. She began a tongue play around Betty’s clit. Betty moaned with excitement. Sure, she had sex with Robin before, but she played the role of a fantasy male lover. This time Betty was getting the personal attention she desired. Betty played with Robin’s breasts as best she could. Robin was moaning while she licked Betty. Finally the position became difficult for Betty to hold and she fell back. Though her breasts were no longer being caressed, Robin continued to moan and suck and lick Betty.
Soon Betty was moaning herself. Robin was moaning very loudly and
moving herself back and forth, into and out of Betty’s crotch. Fast
and faster her body was moving. Betty felt a good feeling explode into
fire within her and bounced away from Robin as her clit became overly
sensitive to the touch.
Though she had just pulled away with her own orgasm, Robin was still
moving back and forth and now screaming. Her eyes were glossed over.
“Yea, feels gooooood” moaned Robin, who added “Oh, my, oh my, oh, yea,
oh Frankieee, Frankieeee! OH SHIT YES AHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!”
“YOU FUCKING BITCH!” screamed Betty as she put her foot on Robin’s head
and pushed with all her might.
There was a “POP” as the lubricated Robin flew backwards and into the
lap of Frank who was cumming at that same moment. Frank wound up on
the floor, with Robin on top and him still firmly within her. He held
her tight against him as he came. His juices flowed deep within her.
She felt the warmth of his release. Then a tingling began. It was a
tingling in her breasts. They tingled; got hot and then they cooled.
The feeling was so dramatic that Robin stared at her chest. She watched as her large breasts slowly but surely reduced in size. In a matter of moments she had gone back to her large but not huge D cup size.
“What the fuck is this?” cried Robin pointing at her tits.
“My failsafe.” Laughed Frank
“Failsafe?” replied Robin.
“Yea, simple as this. I figured there was enough brainpower on this
ship to probably undermine all my great work on you in the MRT. So, we
got us a failsafe. Run a DNA cross check of genetic mutation. You do
that and you find that you suffer from Gigantomastia,” said Frank
“What the fuck is that?” asked Robin
“You grow giant boobs. But, like I said run the cross check. You’ll
find out something in ‘Ol Frank’s body will prevent that from occurring. In fact get that substance in time and it just could be the initial swelling can be reduced.” Laughed Frank.
“Ok, so I am safe now? Shit, let me guess, it’s your little tadpole
friends that are that special substance? Well, you and they have had
their fun. Later Frank.” Said Robin while picking up her panties.
“Oh, yea, you’re safe. For about a week. Then you better get your
injection.” Laughed Frank.
“What the fuck does that mean? You just “injected” me, you son of a
bitch!” said Robin.
“Yea, and that’s good for about a week. After that, well, we’ll
eventually wind up calling you Robin Big Breast. You’ll gain about
a cup size a week until you level out and stop.” Giggled Frank.
“And how big would that be?” asked Robin.
“Oh, not more than 20 or 30 inches tops. They won’t hang too far below
your hips!” smirked Frank, “Say, how about I rub your head and say I
wish I had a watermelon? I bet my wish would get answered twice!”
“YOU BASTARD! NOW YOU DIE!” screamed Robin as she grabbed a large
wrench from a shelving unit.
“Rob. Rob, come on Rob. Think, think. You kill me, you will have
giant tits. Keep me alive and take your medicine and your titties
stay their present size.” Pleaded Frank.
Robin dropped the wrench and walked out of the room. “Fuck You” she
said as she entered the hallway.
“Don’t worry, you will, you will.” called Frank to her as she walked
* * * *
Betty was preparing to blast Robin again for letting that asshole Frank
get to her while they should have been having fun all by themselves.
Rounding a corner after negotiating yet another tumbled mess of equipment, tools, cable, and bulkhead fasteners, she nearly collided with the object of her ire. "Robin..."
"What?" The other demanded while storm clouds in her blue eyes flashed
multiple lightning strikes on defenseless, naked, staked to a metal rod, Frank.
"Are...Are you all right?" The science officer questioned, changing her mind about giving the lieutenant a major piece of her mind.
"Oh, sure, I'm just hunky dory," the blonde spat out as Isban noticed
that her breasts didn't seem so huge any more. "For another whole week. Then I have to get my dose of a certain devious, sneaky, too nasty to live but too nasty to touch so I can strangle him, Frank. Or my boobs grow so big I won't be able to walk without anti grav units attached to my bras!"
"What are you talking about?"
"That low down, sneaking, conniving excuse for a chief engineer set up
a little genetic booby trap. Literally!" Robin snarled while snatching her shredded bra and uniform from Betty almost as an afterthought. "Ever hear of anything called Gigantomastia?"
"Can't say that I have,” Betty honestly answered. "What's that got to do with Frank?"
"Everything!" Robin let go with a string of curses that made her previous spewing seem like harmless nursery rhymes before getting hold of her runaway emotions and taking in a deep breath. "In a week, my breasts are going to start growing - again - just like they were earlier. And they won't stop until they've gained twenty to thirty inches, maybe more. The only cure for it in my case are those little squirming, swimming bastards that come out of that other bastard's miserable prick!"
"Oh,” Isban swallowed, then shuddered at the image Robin's explanation
brought to mind. "Let's get down to the med lab so I can run a few tests. Fucker Frankie may not be quite as smart as he thinks."
"I wouldn't count on it."
"I would,” the science officer grinned wickedly. "Genetics are my
bailiwick, and I'll tell you right now that Frankie boy has gotten
himself into a field where he is outclassed by several grades. Now
come on, let's get down there and see what we can do to get you out
of this one."
Several hours later Isban finished with the air powered surgical probe
and set it down with a satisfied nod. "That ought to do it, hon. You
should be free of Fuckee Frankiee Syndrome now.
Rubbing the side of her head, Robin grimaced. "What is that stuff? It
stings like about a million gazillion little hornets swarming in my
head, and spreading to everywhere else from there."
"It was the gigantomastia that was the clue. That is close enough on
the human geno chart for me to figure where and how he had linked your
mind in to the must fuck Frank loop. It was fairly simple surgery and
some DNA treatment to eliminate it. I don’t think I would have found it if you didn’t have, well, those two problems." Betty nodded with a
crooked smile. "Sorry about the discomfort, but it won't last more than an hour or so but there might be some side effects."
"I'll take your word for it…wait…side effects? I think they maybe…" the still nude blonde bombshell ruefully continued rubbing her head and then suddenly grabbed her bottom and thrust her hips forward. Her eyes
widened and she let out a tiny, shuddering moan. "OHHH, myyyy, gooooddd, I think I'm going to orgasm right now!"
"Just stay in that bed for an hour or two," Isban patted the other's
quivering shoulder with an encouraging wink. "And enjoy yourself, dear."
Eas - easy for you to say," panted an obviously very excited Robin who
was trying to reach both nipples and her clitoris all at the same time.
"Ohhh, here I go agaiiiiiiin....
* * * *
On her way back to the med-lab to check on Robin, Betty was confronted
by an apparition wrapped in a rumpled sheet, with a tousled mass of blonde hair looking like a poorly done fright wig, and bleary blue eyes. "Robin! What... Are you all right?"
"Uh, huh,” the sheet wrapped specter responded in a half intelligible grunt. "Finished. Want to go to bed. Now."
"Just how many times did you get off in there?"
"Fuh - Forty three, then lost count," Robin answered in awed shock. "and that was only the first half hour."
"Could sell that stuff to lonely, horny women." Robin let out a shuddering sigh. "Make a fortune."
"Come on baby,” Betty put an arm around the other's shoulder to lend
some balance and support. "Let's get you to bed right now."
"Where I was headed," came the blurred, mumbled response. "No more sex, mama, promise! Already went blind from playing know."
"You can't see?!"
"Open your eyes, dummy!"
"Oh, yeah,” Robin’s eyes creaked open for a moment, then slammed shut
again. "Forgot. Eyes closed, can't see."
Betty hustled the stumbling, nearly comatose woman into her cabin and
somehow got her into her own bunk, then pulled the clean sheets up to
Robin's chin after unwrapping the very nasty, wet, and stained one she
had been wrapped in. Disposing of that, she gently sponged her off
with warm water. "Get some sleep, dear."
"Nite, nite, mama," Robin sighed before turning over and beginning
to snore.
* * * *
"I had no idea it would have such severe side effects," Isban apologized from Robin's still mussed bunk.
"Well it didn't kill me," a freshly scrubbed, powdered, and brushed Robin gave her friend a wry look. "if it gets me off that 'Frankie I need you' thing it was worth it."
"I'm ninety-nine percent sure it worked," Betty let out a long sigh. "I just never expected it to attack the problem through your libido, is all.”
"Makes sense to me," Robin actually giggled, and then frowned, "I wish I could quit doing that! I sound so damned brainless when that cutesy
little giggle sneaks out of my mouth. But where was I? Oh, yes, it
makes sense to me because my libido is the thing that Frankie dear pumped up - for his own benefit. God! I don't even want to think about sex for at least a month after that!"
'Thank you God,' Betty thought with an internal sigh of relief, and then returned her attention to the other with a wicked grin. "The bimbo effect might just be a good thing, sweetie. There are more than a few males I can think of who are going to be very unpleasantly surprised once they discover that you have a very good mind, and intelligence that's still pretty close to genius level. Two that I can think of right off the top of my head."
"Frank and Jeff,” nodding with a very malicious twinkle in her eye, Robin gave a predatory grin as she thought of the pair. "How did things go with setting them up?"
"Got 'em," Betty grinned back. "Flushed Frank’s original stats out of
the MRT and Main Comp, replaced it with our own redesigns and have it set up so he won't be able to tell because the new stats are masked behind a shell of the originals that will collapse once the MRT is activated for him. Plus, I can now override anything Frank puts into it without him knowing, thanks to the feed into my own science boards we got set up while you were distracting him.
As for the wiggly little friends that Frank says are needed to keep your 'problem' under control..." Betty went on in almost evil glee, "Feng has a plan to milk good ol' Frankie almost dry over the next few days and I'll be able to clone the little bastards so there will be enough to make sure you have your needed 'antidote' without needing the big jerk to administer it."
"Great!" Robin giggled again without frowning this time, "When can we
get things going for our bad little boy?"
"On Jeff's next sleep cycle," Betty answered then chuckled. "Feng needs
Frank's next one for the milking, then we can start on him."
"Oh, boy, oh boy, oh boy," Robin feel back into her bimbo persona briefly, then laughed. "I can hardly wait!"
"Me either," Betty agreed with a nasty little laugh of her own.
The girls went to sleep, well prepared to get on with their plan. Their sleep cycle was interrupted by claxon horns and the ship reeling from weapons impacting against the hull.
* * * *
“This is Captain Jeff Lewis of the United Star Ship Hornblower. You
will stand down your weapons or suffer the consequences.” Said Lewis
in a commanding tone.
“You already said that three times and they keep blasting us!” screamed
Trot from the engineering station.
“We don’t have any weapons on line, you got a better idea? Is this thing on?” asked Lewis sarcastically while tapping at the view screen.
“Yes, its on, we got a live feed beaming right down to the planet.
However, I don’t think they are buying it. Here’s a clue, they are
SHOOTING AT US!” screamed back Trot.
“Hey, hey, hey, I am the captain! Maybe if you were a better engineer
we’d have some engines and could get out of here?” Lewis shoted as
another energy bolt rocked the ship.
“I wasn’t the guy that destroyed their primary power plant.” Snickered
“Oh, that wasn’t nice. You know that was an accident.” Said Lewis.
“Accident my ass, no that would be your ass, wouldn’t it!” laughed Trot
as the ship rocked yet again. “This is getting serious. Those bastards might just blow us out of space.”
“Then give me something to fight back with!” Lewis shouted in frustration.
It was in the midst of another energy bolt rocking the ship when the
three absent crew members made it to the bridge and took their battle
“Its about time. We are being attacked and you were what, servicing
the Lieutenant? Both of you? What we got some Centaurian sex club
here? I bet Feng is the reason you all are late. Fucking dumb ass
lizards, why the hell do they even let them in space?” cried Lewis.
If Feng had been a camel you would have seen the captain’s comments
become the straw that broke the camel’s back. Hir/Him/Her was beyond
controlling the emotions that were inflaming all three. It was time
for the captain to reap what his anti-Centaurian comments had sown.
Before Feng or anybody could act a massive energy bolt crashed through
the defenses of the ship. The artificial gravity fluxed, failed and
came back on. During which Engineer Trot announced, damage control
no longer mattered since with the next energy bolt they were all as
good as dead.
Robin floated and then crashed before the view screen as gravity was
restored. She was still in the skimpy Vid Costume. It seemed there
hadn’t been time to rectify her clothing situation, all the poor thing
had to wear was a vid costume for duty and a rather extensive
collection of flimsy lingerie. Lt. Cmdr. Isban told her that this
was the result of legitimate ship maintenance issues. Robin had her
doubts, as it seemed the rest of the crew didn’t have clothing issues.
Regardless, it was one of those flimsy bras that saved the Hornblower,
for with an audible pop, it snapped and Robin’s breasts broke free of
the confines of her uniform. The ship hovered on the brink of
catastrophic destruction, but the attack halted.
“They are powering down their weapons.” Announced Isban from the
science station.
An image of a tall man filled the view screen. He had eyes for Robin
and no one else, but instead of lust his expression was more one of
perplexed shock. "Princess? Princess Rylee? What are you doing
aboard a United Star Alliance Vessel?"
Robin was occupied with trying to pull the bodice of her skimpy uniform
up far enough to cover at least some of her admittedly magnificent
breasts, sparing the time only to glance up and grumble, "Princess?
"Disguised as a USTA lieutenant to throw the pirates who kidnapped her
off the scent so we could get her back home,” Betty interrupted in a
rush of inspired improvisation. "Please accept our profuse apologies
for the damage to your main power plant..."
"Damage?" the fellow on the screen reddened, then visibly calmed
himself before going on, "If that was a mistake, then our beloved
Princess is in the care of idiots. You blew the entire plant and
half the town around it into the upper atmosphere!"
"Our communications have been down," Feng interjected with a nervous
flick of his tongue. "Due to damage received in a skirmish with the
Putarans and a slightly skewed computation our surviving engineer
was using to contact you connected us with your power grid instead
of communications. Chief Science Officer Isban, and,
the Princess barely got short range comm up to contact you and until
now we thought that had failed as well."
"You taught her highness electronics?" the man narrowed his eyes
in disapproval. "and allow females to run loose aboard your vessel?
No wonder things are in such a mess up there. There had better be
a very good explanation for teaching her Royal Highness skills that
have nothing to do with childbearing and raising those children."
"Half our crew was killed getting past the Putarans," Lewis spoke
up with a heavy expression. "We couldn't have gotten here without
teaching her highness the basics of some technical skills, sir."
"Your government will be hearing of this," the man threatened, then
seemed to be listening to someone off screen, because he shook his
head and turned away for a moment as if arguing. Following a heated
and very one-sided discussion with that someone, he returned his
attention to the screen and vented a small sigh. "I have been
informed that getting the princess back is far more important than
causing a galactic incident. In gratitude for Her Royal Highness'
return, we will repair your vessel and do our best to forget about
the power plant. A shuttle will be up to rendezvous with Hornblower
in approximately twelve of your hours. WE are having understandable
difficulties with powering one for launch at the moment. Please have
Her Royal Highness Princess Rylee halfway presentable and ready to
disembark at that time."
The screen blanked following that.
"Well," Frank offered. "At least they aren't shooting at us any more."
No one responded to that until Robin asked in a dangerously level voice. "You want to tell us about a dead Kinaari Princess named Rylee, Frank? And just maybe explain why I seem to look like her?"
"Urmm, uhh, yeah, that,” Frank probed a cheek with his tongue while
slowly moving towards the door leading off the bridge. "I can explain
"Make it fast, bucko,” Robin urged. "I can't wait to hear this one, and it had better be real good. Kinaariens keep their women locked up except for ceremonial occasions. Especially the Royal Ones!"
"Well, I just happened to see a vid shot of the Princess and thought she was sooo hot..." Frank answered, still edging towards the exit. "and didn't think it would hurt anything to prank Rob with a fake MRT file that matched her. After that things just kind of took on a life of their own, you know?"
as she hurled herself at the engineer.
"Feng!" Betty shouted as she injected something into Jeff's neck, "Grab Frank and for God's sake keep Robin from killing the dickhead!"
"Kill you, I'll kill you, you four flushing, misbegotten spawn of a
Rigellian Slime Pod and some unfortunate or desperate human female!"
Robin panted while rolling around on the deck with Frank's throat
firmly gripped in her delicate hands. A very surprised Frank was
unable to dislodge her grip on his throat with all the rolling,
flailing, and kicking.
Barely noticing the injector forcing something past the flesh of
his neck in the rather heated moment, Jeff gave the tussle on the
deck a bemused look then started to say, "Doesn't this scene look a
bit fam...." and slumped to the deck as the powerful tranq Betty
had administered took effect.
"I say let her go ahead and kill him," Feng helpfully stepped
aside so the thrashing flailing mass that was Robin and a slowly
choking Frank rolled past him without interference. "Easier to
get Frank into the MRT that way. Not to mention being very
therapeutic for Robin."
"Big tits," Frank gasped out.
"Dead man,” Robin grated back and squeezed harder.
"Humongous Knockers,” the engineer desperately countered in a wheeze
as his face went from red to pale blue.
"Breast reduction," the crazed Robin shot back, squeezing harder.
"Lots of breast reduction!"
"Gurrgh!" was all Frank was able to respond with by then.
It took both Feng and Isban to pull her off an unconscious Frank.
"Get him into the MRT, Feng,” Betty commanded, and then shook Robin
into a semblance of sanity. "Come on honey, unless you want to spend
your life as a pampered little Royal Kinaarien plaything you need to
go down and get some more clothes and bring them over to the MRT. I
have some fast reprogramming to do."
"Just come on, Robin," Isban gently led the other woman out of the
bridge area. "I can't do this alone, and I'll explain latter."
"Excuse me, ladies," Feng interrupted while heaving the unconscious
Frank over his/hir/her shoulder, "But what about the Captain?"
'What about him?" Betty cast back over her shoulder. "I shot him
with enough happy juice to keep a Terran rhino from going more than
two or three steps. He'll keep until we're done with Frankie boy there."
"Why do Humans let their females run around loose?" Feng grumbled to
his/hir/herself while carrying Frank to the MRT chamber. "The
creatures are dangerous to be around, let alone get involved with. It's a wonder the species didn't die out on their home planet, mating had to be a very chancy affair."
* * * *
"Gee," Robin stared at the figure in the MRT with something like awe.
"Is that really how I look to other people?"
"Fraid so, Hon," Isban agreed while finishing up the 'special' programming for the engineer.
"Hmm, no wonder..." Robin mused for a moment then shook her head. "I
can't believe that's Frank in there."
"It isn't," Isban grinned wickedly. "At least not for another few weeks until the programming starts to wear off. For now, this is Her Royal Higness Rylee, Princess of the Kinaari, and our ticket out of here."
"A Royal harlot and brood mare," Robin shook her head then grinned back at Isban. "At least Frank will be getting all the sex he, excuse me, she will ever want."
"Serves him right," Isban countered, helping the still groggy 'Princess' out of the chamber. "Or in this case, her. You'd better stay out of sight until our visitors leave. Don't want to confuse the poor dears, now do we?"
"Right," Robin gave Frank in his new form and persona a last, satisfied look, giggled, then left the med facilities in search of a decent hiding place where she could watch the proceedings.
"All right, Feng, your turn." Isban Walked past the Centauran and still unconscious Lewis. "Have fun and, much as I shudder to say this, be creative."
"I have been already, dear lady," Feng clacked in Centauran laughter.
"Now I shall soon be able to enjoy my creation."
"Hmmph," Isban snorted. "Don't know who I feel sorrier for, if I could feel sorry for either of them, the new Frankie, or the new, improved Captain Lewis."
"Why bother?" Feng questioned as he settled Lewis into the MRT Chamber. "Both of them will be having far too much fun to worry about who and what they were before this. Besides, we can restore either one of them once they've been 'punished' enough to satisfy our fair Robin."
"Read that as never," Isban grinned. "With the state of mind she's in
over all this. Nothing would be too nasty, or too long, for her as far
as those two are concerned."
* * * *
Twelve hours later a very stiff, and heavily armed delegation of male
Kinaari boarded The Hornblower and collected a slightly dazed, but
resplendent Princess Rylee who had been attired in traditional Kinaarien garb. As the still stuporous female draped in gauzy cloth of gold over wisps of scarlet that barely concealed her abundant charms was led away, the leader of the delegation gave Chief Science Officer Isban a distasteful look then questioned, "Where is your Captain?"
"He unfortunately died of wounds received during our engagement with
the Putarans," she responded with a show of grief. "We have him in
the MRT, our regeneration tank, but I doubt it will do any good. He
simply refused to give in and let us put him under until we had the
Princess safely home."
"A gallant man,” the Kinaari leader agreed. "And your engineer?"
'Ran afoul of another poor calculation, I'm afraid,” Isban sighed
unhappily. "Poor Frank never could get things exactly right. We
revived him, but he's still pretty well out of his head."
"A shame about your Captain,” the man nodded, and then snapped erect
to give Isban a salute. "Your United Star Alliance has our gratitude,
Chief Science Officer. We had thought our Princess beyond recovery.
Repair crews will be up within the hour. Good voyage home."
"Thank you, on behalf of the USA, and the remaining crew of Hornblower," Isban managed to respond with a straight face."
The lock whisked closed and she let out a huge sigh of relief, then
turned to see an uncontrollably giggling Robin fall out of the storage
closet she had hidden in while the Kinaari had collected their Princess.
"I hope dear Frankie enjoys having his princess around all the time," she giggled again. "What do you think the Kinaari will do when that surface programming wears off and Frank comes back to discover he's become their restored Royal Fuck Toy and Baby Factory?"
"Keep her,” Isban responded with an evil grin. "pregnant and safely
locked away. After all, the genetics are right, and dear Frankie sure
looks like the hottie he thought Rylee was. But, there’s more than even Frank could have considered."
“What?” asked Robin.
“Well, I did some bio-scans since we got locked into this orbit. It was all very interesting but not relevant until our need for the princess.” Said Betty.
“I don’t get it. What are you talking about?” said Robin.
“The Kinaari look like us and even are a close enough DNA match for the
MRT to work, but they aren’t like us, oh, let me tell you they aren’t like us. That’s what I discovered” Said Betty as she started to get the giggles.
“You going to laugh or TELL ME!” said Robin.
“Ok, (giggle), okay. Look, the Kinaari are a true hive society. They
desperately need their royalty for the survival of their species. You
see they are monosexual. Except for their queens they don’t have any
sex organs. The queens (giggle), well, they look female, but have both
sets of sex organs. Ol’ Frankie now has about a nine-inch prick
permanently stuck up what his? Her? Vagina! This is the best part,
it seems that the Kinaari royalty actually impregnate themselves. Once
a princess goes to queen status she’ll be gestating triplets about twice a year. I guess, you know what this means Frank is going to be doing to himself! (Laughs so hard that she can barely stand.) said Betty.
“You mean?” said Robin who started laughing so hard she lost her balance.
“Yea, Frank is going to fuck himself, forever!” guffawed Betty.
Amidst the laughter there came an inhuman wail of anguished disbelief
echoing down the corridor from the MRT chamber followed by the soothing
tones of Feng calming the newly awakened Centauran female who had been
the ship's captain and promising to make her new life a very interesting one indeed.
"Sounds like Feng woke up...what did he name her?" Robin shook her head
almost derisively.
"Sugat," Betty supplied with a chuckle. "Seems she will be the only
single sexed Centaurian in space and one of about a dozen pure females
on their home world, pretty rare, huh? Well, lets get you out of sight, that repair party should be showing up pretty soon and it sure wouldn't do to have them see another Princess Rylee still aboard the Hornblower, now would it?"
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Why no comments?
Just got around to seeing what Maggie put up on BC. I read this story originally on FM, and this is easily one of my top ten stories of all time. It's high quality, absolutely hilarious and very inventive. I can't believe that it's had no comments.
"Happiness is when what you think, what you say, and what you do are in harmony."
Mahatma Gandhi
"Happiness is when what you think, what you say, and what you do are in harmony."
Mahatma Gandhi
My sister is not even that evil to do that!
My sister is not even that evil to do that! Messing with someones mind is a line we won't even cross But the assholes deserved that punishment!
Princess Milissa
Listen to Teddy's Media Radio
I don't know how I didn't notice this being posted here. This is a purely great piece of reading material. A wonderful piece of work to make you forget your problems and worry about someone else, and enjoy every moment of it. And make you remember how to laugh.
Actually, I Commented On Hornblower
Back on Storysite. Maggie has a wonderful gift. I am glad that she posted her stories here.
May Your Light Forever Shine
May Your Light Forever Shine
I just found this
in the list to the right of MbD. What a hoot. To say that you have a wild imagination doesn't do you justice; it's totally off the planet.
Serves 'em right!
NEVER transform someone in a female as a means of punishment or revenge, UNLESS you can guarantee absolute control over them. It may blow up in your face otherwise.
Also, NEVER transform someone in a female for amusement. STAT. It will blow up in your face.
Big Closet Top Shelf
Where you can fool around like you want to and most you get is some bemused good ribbing!
Big Closet Top Shelf
Where you can fool around like you want to and most you get is some bemused good ribbing!
Maggie, your mind is devious!
I'd have never thought of anything like this. It was really funny.
I have a story that has been sitting in the attic for years that used the same Medical reconstruction story device but nothing any where near this devious. LOL
Much peace
Hummm, what goes around
Hummm, what goes around comes around and in this case came back in spades. Definitely put the old saying "go F*** yourself" in perspective in a big way. Now the Captain is going to find out all about the Centaurian sexual customs and how they apply to the females.
Should wind up being a very interesting star ship cruise.
Robin and Betty get what they want, and Feng gets what he/she/hir wants. Jan
Oh yeah.
It's been a long time since I helped write this story. I'm glad you enjoyed it.
In case you hadn't noticed, I delight in the absurd.
One thing to say.
Bahahahahahahaha!!! Serves the jerks right.
Upon my liar's chair
Full of broken thoughts
I cannot repair