Hi Everyone! The new BigCloset WebChat can now be accessed at the following address:
For General information, you can also connect to IRC with your favorite IRC client using the following details:
Global Random Server Address: irc.cyberbrats.org
US Pool Random Server Address: us.cyberbrats.org
EU Pool Random Server Address: eu.cyberbrats.org
Direct Server Addresses:
Primary Ports:
- Standard IRC - 6667
- SecureIRC (SSL) - 6697 (we use Self-Signed SSL Certificates so allow for that).
I will be building a new resource site at CyberBrats.Org with the rules and regulations for chat, and possibly a web-based login to check your IRC messages and such.
dns still not resolving.
Going through withdrawels?
I love the chat, but I've been keeping busy.
I am able to get to the chat on my mobile devices, but it fails to connect. on my computer, it just wont even open the page, can someone suggest solutions?
Never surrender!