Pink House ~ Part 10 (Conclusion)

The next two weeks fly by.

It is a HUGE relief for it all to be out in the open with Francie—and our relationship is growing by leaps and bounds (and Francie IS being the mature one—DANG IT!). I fall more in love every day, I think. I know what you are thinking…what does an (almost) fifteen-year-old know about love? All I can say is that there is NO doubt in my heart that Francie is THE one for me…

I’m also getting more and more TRULY immersed in the life of a teenage girl—and that is how I am engaging in the ‘after-hour’ activities now (as a girl). Angi was right, I am adjusting to the emotional depth of my now blossoming friendships with ‘the Pink posse’ (and one lavender). I am even beginning to enjoy ‘shopping’—it is still draining on my mental reserves, though…mostly because it is still mostly a foreign concept to me. I still have a LONG way to go to be a ‘girl’…

As for the post-camp events… We take the gold in ballet—no contest! We take away three medals in swimming—I even get the silver in ten-thousand-meter relay. We also take away bronze in cheerleading. All in all, the camp comes away with twelve medals—tying the previous record!

I haven’t seen Momma the whole time—and I barely see Angi. Francie is now my support group and tells me that they are just giving me room to grow and decide on my own how I want to proceed.

I look at Francie after the last medal ceremony (cheerleading) and say, “I wish Momma could have been here.”

Francie says, “She and Angi are working on something that’s really important I think. And she WAS here to see you get gold!”

I say, “I know—at least YOU’re here!” I giggle and I continue, “And Allen ISN’T. I’m sure it wasn’t hard to convince him he didn’t need to show up.”

Francie giggles and says, “Angi just told him you needed space. Your Mom couldn’t have come if he WERE here…”

I nod and say, “I wonder what they’re up to, right now. Have you noticed they seem…weird around us lately?”

Francie says, “Yeah…I just assumed it had something to do with their planning on what to do about Allen—but, you’re right. Something else is different…awkward almost…”

I shrug and say, “Well, at least it’s not just me… I’m sure there’s a good reason for it… And it does give me the chance for you to stay with me at the house tomorrow night, since no one else is going to be there. I still have NO idea what THAT is all about… Albert at his grandparents. Allen off doing…whatever… And Momma still in ‘Europe’.”

Francie says, “I think we don’t really WANT to know… Angi and your Momma both had a really dangerous gleam in their eye when they mentioned that Allen wouldn’t be there.” She sighs and says, “Paige, just be glad that your Momma is so supportive of you… I wish mine was…”

I squeeze her hand and say, “I know, Francie…”

Her parents had disowned her when she had had the ‘event’ that had started her down the path to ‘Pinkhood’. Angi had basically taken her in, at that point. I had just recently found out that Angi had sponsored her at a prestigious boarding school. Francie will be staying at Angi’s until she goes away to Julliard.

I say, “But you have Angi. And now, me…and MY mother, too.”

Francie kisses me and says, “Come on. We need to start packing and then get to the party!”


Angi looks at Dawn and says, “I’m really sorry to miss out on the last of the awards ceremony—but, if we hurry, we can make the last of the party.”

Dawn nods and looks at her watch. One o’clock in the afternoon. She says, “Are you ready? Are you sure you want to do this?”

Angi simply nods and says, “Let’s get that prick once and for all…” She picks up her phone and dials the number. She waits until she hears THAT voice on the other end of the phone, “Hello? Angi, is that you?”

She says, “Yes, Allen… I’ve been thinking about your offer. If it still stands, do you want to come over—like right now?”

Allen is taken by surprise and says, “Well, sure! Albert is at his mother’s parents. But, aren’t you doing something at camp?”

Angi says, “Not until later…but I could really use some company, right now…”

Allen says, “I’ll be there in twenty minutes!”

Angi hangs up and Dawn giggles, “OK, I guess we better get ready.” She goes to her room and puts on a latex cat suit—complete with mask and ears. She looks really HOT in it and she knows it—she thinks about the last time she had worn it and turns a little pink under the mask…

Angi puts on a seductive dress—it shows her ample cleavage off to its full effect. She goes back down to wait.

Allen rings the doorbell a little over twenty minutes after hanging up. He is still surprised that Angi had called him. He actually drools a little when she opens the door. He had only really seen her in her white coat and scrubs.

He hands her a bottle of wine and says, “Wow! You look…nice!”

Angi says, “Come in, Allen. I’m glad you like wine—let me pour us a glass!” She shows Allen to the couch and goes to the bar where she has a bottle of ‘special’ wine waiting. She asks, “Since you brought red, I assume you like it?” He nods and she says, “Great! I happen to have a nice bottle open. I’m more a white girl, myself—but I have both.”

Before he can say anything, Angi pours a glass of red for him. Of course, she already knew from Dawn that he preferred red. She pours a glass of the safe white for herself and goes and sits down on the couch, letting her dress slide up her leg as she does so. She hands the glass of red to him and says, “Cheers!”

She watches him take a gulp of the wine, clearly nervous, and she takes a small sip if hers. She says, “I’m SO glad you could come over, Allen! I’ve been fighting the temptation to have you over ever since we met back in the clinic… I finally couldn’t take it anymore!” She wiggles on the couch and her panties show slightly as her short dress rides up even further on her long, tanned, ultra-smooth legs.

Allen takes another huge gulp of wine and says, “I’m so glad you did, Babe! I mean, I think we could be great together!”

Angi smiles and asks, “But, what about Dawn? Aren’t you two still an item?”

Allen takes another gulp, his glass is now more than half empty, and says, “Well, yes, but if YOU don’t mind…what she doesn’t know won’t hurt her…”

His eyes suddenly glaze over and he almost drops his glass of wine.

Angi says, “I’m sure I DO mind, pervert… Now, listen to me carefully. You won’t resist—is that clear? You will do EXACTLY as I say. Answer me, do you understand?”

Allen panics inside. He can’t control himself. He fights it, but he says, “Yes. I understand.”

Angi says, “Not that I owe you an explanation, but it makes it more delicious if you know what is going on. This is the newest in a line of designer date-rape drugs. You can’t help but do as I say—it has you in a deep hypnotic state that will last several hours. YOU still know what is happening to you, but you have NO control over your actions--*I* do. Now, your name is Misty and I am one of your mistresses. You will call me mistress. You will only speak when allowed or answering a direct question. Come with me… What’s your name?”

Allen struggles, she is right—he still FULLY knows what is going on, but he HAS to do what she says. He fights it—HARD, but he ultimately says, “My name is Misty.”

Angi stops in her tracks and says, “My name is Misty…WHAT?”

Allen/Misty says, “My name is Misty,…Mistress?”

Angi continues on up the stairs and says, “Better. Now…meet your OTHER mistress…”

They enter the special bedroom—it is all decked out with sex toys and equipment.

Allen/Misty sees a tall woman in a latex cat suit facing away from him. He immediately recognizes the stance and the long, strawberry blond hair cascading out from under the mask. He thinks to himself, ‘Oh NO! I am FUCKED! They KNOW!’ Of course, he can’t SAY anything. His eyes go wide as she turns and he sees the huge strap-on dildo hanging down.

Angi takes him into another room and says, “OK, Misty. You’re going to get dressed now… First, take off ALL of your clothes.”

Allen/Misty does as told—fighting it the whole time.

While he is undressing, Angi runs a hot, very girly-smelling bubble bath. She comes in just as ‘Misty’ is removing ‘her’ underwear. Angi says, “Now, Misty, go take a nice bath and remove all of that UGLY hair on your body! I want you nice and smooth, understand—there is not to be a hair on your body from your neck down and you’ll also get your face nice and smooth, too.”

Allen/Misty is sweating, but has to do as told—using the depilatory on the side of the tub. Thirty minutes later ‘she’ is patting ‘herself’ dry, as instructed.

Angi inspects ‘her’ and is satisfied. She says, “OK, Misty. Sit down here.” She takes wax strips and quickly waxes ‘her’ eyebrows into nice thin, high arches. She then puts fairly heavy makeup on ‘her’. Heavy, only to hide the leftover beard—it is more of an evening look, not gaudy or clownish. She places the short, platinum blonde wig on ‘her’ head and teases it into a pixyish style. Then she adds extra lip gloss for good measure.

Angi leads ‘Misty’ back into the bedroom where there is a maroon corset lying on the bed. Angi instructs ‘Misty’ to stand still while she puts it on ‘her’ and cinches it down very tightly—giving ‘her’ a nice thin waist and pushes her slight flab up into a realistic pseudo-cleavage, which is enhanced by the padded, push-up cups built into the corset.

Angi gives ‘Misty’ the glass of wine and instructs her to drain it.

Allen/Misty fights the order, but…does as ‘she’ is told—ensuring that Angi and Dawn have plenty of time to exact the first stage of their revenge.

Angi then helps ‘Misty’ roll the black fishnet stockings up ‘her’ legs and fasten them to the garters built into the corset.

‘Misty’ straps the six-inch stilettos onto her feet, as ordered, and nearly falls as she stands up.

Angi says, “Pay attention, Misty! You’re a horny little slut that is going to beg her mistress for release. Am I clear? What are you?”

Allen/Misty wants to cry. He fights it…but the effects of the drug are putting him completely in her control. He says, “I’m a horny little slut and I will beg my mistress for release.”

Angi says, “I’m not convinced. You don’t SOUND like a horny little slut named Misty. You don’t sound horny. You don’t sound like you want your release. Convince me that you’re horny. You ARE horny. Convince me that you’re a slut. You ARE a slut. Convince me that you’re Misty. You ARE Misty!”

Allen feels tears run down his face, but he HAS to comply. He suddenly IS horny. He suddenly IS a desperate slut. He suddenly IS Misty. She says in a sultry, husky voice—as feminine as she can manage, “Forgive me, Mistress. I’m SO horny, I can’t take it. PLEASE, PLEASE give me the release I need!”

Angi says, “Much better, Misty. Now, convince your OTHER mistress. You may go to her and beg her… I suggest that you get her in the mood first, though… You DO know how to pleasure a Mistress, right, Misty?”

Misty says in her best sultry voice, “Yes, Mistress.”

Angi follows behind and films the whole affair. There are never any names captured during the next three-hour affair—except Misty, who readily admits that she is a horny little slut that just wants to please her Mistress and begs her for release—and wiggles her pantyless ass at her to emphasize her need.

When they are done, Dawn whispers something into Misty’s ear and giggles. Angi then orders her to get changed back into the pile of Allen’s clothes. She removes the wig and then very carefully removes ALL traces of the makeup.

Angi says, “OK, Misty. You will get into your car and drive straight north for two hours without stopping—then to the nearest emergency room. You will be Allen when you get out of your car and tell them that you have been having terrible diarrhea and that your ass is VERY sore. You will STICK to that story—even when they notice that it is full of lube… You will NOT remember any of this, including me asking you over, do you understand? By then, all traces of the drug will be out of your system anyway—you will still have to follow our orders, though. Confirm all of what I just said.”

He repeats it all and Angi sends him on his way with one final order, “You won’t go back to your house, or contact anyone that you know for three days, understood?”

He confirms the final order and drives off in a cloud of dust.

When he is gone, Angi and Dawn laugh merrily as Angi carefully backs up all of the footage and secures it in several online locations. Then they both hurry to get ready for the after-party at camp.


I go over and give Momma a hug when she arrives with Angi. The party is in full swing by the time she does. She looks like the proverbial cat that ate the canary—Angi, too. Neither one will say anything other than we need to celebrate, though…

Angi shuts everything down at one and Francie and I help clean up for an hour before we go to our room.

I wake up at ten and stretch. Francie is nowhere to be seen, so I get up and traipse over to take a shower and wake up. Francie is already there and…the shower MAY take a little longer than anticipated…

We finish packing after breakfast; my large new suitcase full of girly clothes that I didn’t have before coming here. I look around as we get ready to get into Francie’s car and leave camp for the last time this year. I suddenly feel really sad. Sure, this place changed my life in ways that I never wanted or dreamed of. But I also have a lot of good times associated with it, too.

Francie hugs me and says, “I know how you feel—sort of torn, right? But, you can absolutely come back next year…and after that as a counselor.”

I nod, afraid to say anything or start crying and we get in and Francie quickly drives off.

An hour and a half later, we pull into our driveway. It seems like a lifetime ago that I left the house for football practice that fateful day. It also seems really strange that NO one is home. I still have no idea what Momma is up to—OR where Allen is. I shrug and dig the garage door opener out of my purse (something I am still getting used to having) and push the button to open the door.

Francie drives into an empty bay in the four-car garage. The only other car there is Momma’s BMW. Allen’s Mercedes is gone. Francie giggles as she turns off the ignition of her beat-up Ford and says, “Well, no competition to THAT—is that an 8-Series?”

I nod and say, “Yeah—I still wish she had gone with an Audi, though… Come on. I’ll show you around.”

Francie giggles and asks, “Do you have an app with a map?”

An hour later, I’ve shown her the main stuff, including the guest house, the pool and pool house, and…my area.

We order some pizza and play some pool (as in billiards). Then we lay out by the pool (as in swimming) a while and go to bed early.

The next day is a repeat of our laziness. We watch a couple of girly movies on TV and I find myself actually identifying more with the girls—and seeing things differently than I would have before. I’m not saying that I see things AS a girl—but, I am starting to understand better HOW they see things…

Francie and I go to the high-end mall that is not far from the house and we have a good time. I see some kids from school and just keep quiet. None of them recognize me—even though, a couple of the guys sort of follow us around. Francie says they are simply ‘checking us out’. I want to barf…

We go home after we lead them around the mall a couple of times. We swim for a while before going to bed at a more normal hour.

The next afternoon, Momma, Angi, and Sheila all show up at the house at the same time—Momma and Angi in the same car.

I put on some coffee for us and we all sit down in the study at the conference table that is normally used for ‘business’ meetings.

Momma looks at me and says, “Paige, Angi and I have some news for you. We have some ‘evidence’ that will take care of the Allen situation.”

I scream and ask, “He’s going to prison?”

Sheila shakes her head and says, “You know I still can’t formally condone this, but you girls ROCK!”

Momma continues, “No, Hon. I’m afraid we would never get a fair sentence for what he has done under the current criminal legal system. So, we’re going to make use of the civil system—something I have learned a lot about since your Father…left us… We’re going to offer Allen a business deal with the company.”

I must look as confused as I feel. I also must look as crestfallen as I feel. I say, “I don’t understand. We’re giving him what he wants?”

Momma say, “Well, no… Not really—you’ll see. Now, I have to warn you that you’re going to witness some things that neither Angi nor I are proud of. BUT, it will get us where we need to be, so be the mature young lady that I have to know you to be and bear with us, OK?”

I nod, still confused.

Angi looks at Francie and says, “Allen will be here in a bit. When I give you the signal, I want you to take Paige into the other room until Sheila calls for you again, OK? There is one part that I don’t want EITHER of you to be a party to.”

Francie nods, as confused as I am.

And the door opens as Allen comes in…


Dawn looks up and sees Allen come in. He has a confused look on his face when he sees everyone sitting there—then gets a frightened look on top of that.

He says, “Hi…what’s going on? When did you get home, Dawn?”

Dawn smiles a dangerous smile and says, “Actually, a couple of weeks ago. Sit down, Allen. I think you know everyone here? Well, maybe not Francine, Paige’s girlfriend? And, of course, this is Sheila my lead lawyer…”

Allen gingerly sits down and Angi and Dawn smirk. He says, “Yes, I know everyone. Why didn’t you tell me you were back?”

Dawn says, “Because then I wouldn’t be in charge of this little meeting like I am now.”

Allen says, “I don’t like this at all, Dawn. Can’t we talk alone. I don’t get…”

Dawn says, “Shut up, Allen. Let’s get one thing clear, you have NOTHING to say in this—unless one of us here allows it. I think you should look at this…”

Angi signals Francie and Paige to leave as Dawn hands Allen a tablet with a video cued up to play.

Dawn says, “Go ahead. Play it now that the girls are gone.”

Allen is confused, but presses the little triangle to start the video and gasps as he sees himself, dressed up like a tart, go into a room with Dawn dressed up as a cat-woman…

Dawn makes sure that Allen watches all of thirty minutes of the edited version of the video—even though he tries to turn it off several times. When he is done, she says, “There are actually a total of three hours of raw video. It is, of course, backed-up and safe-guarded in multiple locations.”

Allen turns even paler, if that is possible. He asks, “Why? What…”

Dawn says, “You tried to ruin my child’s life so that you could become CEO of his company—and then leave it to your son. Did you think I wouldn’t find out? That I wouldn’t DO something? Now, it’s too late for Vick—but, I’m going to make sure that Paige has the life she deserves—and I’m going to make sure that YOU have the life that YOU deserve.”

Allen breaks down and weeps. He begs, “Please have mercy on me! Don’t release those…it will RUIN me!”

Angi speaks up for the first time and says, “Look at the little pervert—not worried about his son, at all. It’s ALL about HIM!”

Sheila nods and says, “I have a contract here that you can sign and ensure that the video never gets released. It’s a lifetime contract with the firm that you have been trying to forcefully take over. If you sign and follow it to the t, then your secret is safe. If you slip up one iota, I will ensure that the video goes viral. Of course the same holds true it you DON’T sign. You have thirty seconds to decide.”

Allen looks at Dawn and says, “Blackmail? I didn’t think you had it in you, Dawn. I seriously underestimated you.”

Sheila says, “Twenty seconds.”

The veins in Allen’s forehead pop out. He asks, “I don’t even get to read it?”

Sheila says, “After you sign it. Ten seconds…”

Allen turns green. Finally, at the last second, he says, “Oh…alright! Give it to me!” He takes the contract and signs it, as well as several other documents. Sheila notarizes them and Angi witnesses them all.

Angi says, “Come here—I have a little present for you. It’s just a small implant…”

Allen turns even greener and says, “NO! You can’t give me estrogen!”

Angi says, “Sheila, I think that we need to release those videos. Allen, let’s be perfectly clear—if we say jump; the only thing that comes out of your mouth is ‘how high?’, are we clear. Now GET OVER HERE!”

Allen is sweating bullets as Angi puts a tourniquet on his arm and stick a large-bore needle viciously into a bulging vein. She releases the tourniquet and injects the device straight into the vein. She waits a few minutes and then takes a small device and holds it to his head. It beeps in a series of sounds.

Angi says, “Stupid man…you don’t DESERVE estrogen—you’ll have to BEG me for that if you want it. That was a tracking device. It has migrated to your brain where it can’t be removed and allows me to track you remotely wherever you are—ANYWHERE in the world. So don’t get any ideas of disappearing…”

He blanches and Sheila giggles, “Gotcha! I KNEW that is what you were planning. OK to get the girls now?”

Angi nods and Sheila gets up.


Francie and I sit in the kitchen for nearly an hour before Sheila comes to get us. Of course, we have NO idea what is going on—and speculate on all kinds of things. I don’t think either of us could ever have really dreamed the truth—not that we’ll likely ever find out the WHOLE truth any time soon, anyways…

We follow Sheila back into the study and Allen looks like he’s seen a ghost and eaten something rotten all at the same time. He is reading something and groaning loudly…

Momma says brightly, “Oh, hi girls! You’re just in time. Allen has just signed a contract with our firm to be my personal assistant for LIFE. There are several other things, as well, but that is the important part. He will never be able to rise into the management of ANY company, let alone ours. We couldn’t put him in prison, Sweetie, but trust me—this is a MUCH worse hell for the likes of…him… Right, Misty?”

He growls, “Why are you calling me Misty?”

Momma grins and says, “Because, as soon as Sheila files those papers you just signed, your name will officially become Misty Eve Simpson. I suggest you get used to it, she will ensure that all of your credentials are appropriately changed.”

I’m stunned at all of this… I really am not sure what I think of it, but…I guess, at least Allen won’t be able to prey on any other innocent children. Whether I agree with the method, or not.

Momma continues on, “Of course, you just signed over all of your current assets and you’ll be working for minimum wage, but we’ll give you a small apartment to live in, as well as a small clothing allowance—you’ll have to abide by the company policy on proper clothing, anyways.”

Allen growls, “You can’t turn me into a woman against my wishes, no matter what leverage you have. I may go down, but at that point, I’ll take you down with me!”

Angi says, “I already told you that we have NO intent on giving you hormones, Misty—you’ll have to beg us to that. And I promise that will take a LOT of begging!”

Allen says, “It’ll be a cold day in Hell before I beg for the likes of that…”

Momma says, “Really? If you have no interest in being a woman then why do you wear women’s panties? You’ve always had a fetish for them…”

Allen pales and says, “I…I…I don’t know why. Wait! YOU! You did something to me, didn’t you? You WITCH!”

Momma says, “Misty! That’s enough! You’ll not talk to ANY of us in this room—or any of our guests—that way! Do you understand? Professional behavior is a KEY aspect of your contract. Have I made myself clear?”

He pales and seethes, “Yes…”

Angi says, “Yes…what?”

He pales further and forces out, “Yes…Mistress…”

Momma nods and says, “Sheila, you may show Misty to the guest house. He’ll be staying there for the time being…”

Sheila takes a stunned ‘Misty’ out and I look at Momma. I am somewhere between being confused and angry.

I ask, “Momma, how does this make us any better than him? This isn’t what we had discussed at all…”

Momma says, “I know you don’t like this, Paige. Neither Angi nor I are proud of what we’ve done here. But think about it. We didn’t actually FORCE him into signing the contract. We’re also NOT forcing…Misty…into to taking hormones of any kind. Will we slowly feminize him? Yes…but, it’s still a better sentence than he actually deserves, which is in a maximum security prison for life where he would become the little bitch for a bunch of prison inmates.”

I’m still not totally convinced.

Angi says, “Hon, I’m honestly GLAD this bothers you. You’re very kind-hearted and have a true sense of justice. I know the system let you down and we’re not advocating vigilante justice at all. Trust us, though—we have to keep the likes of Allen away from others that he could do the same thing to as he did to you. Did we force his hand a little to sign the contract? Well, yes—but it isn’t like he didn’t have options…sort of like you had or have…”

I sigh and finally giggle, “So…where did ‘Misty’ come from?”

Momma giggles and says, “Well…I don’t really know—it just sort of came to us. But…I DO have some more news for you…” She looks at Angi and takes her hand, “Umm…would you mind if Angi moves in with us…? We’ve sort of, well, become an item over the last couple of weeks…”

Francie lets out a whoop and I grin. I say, “I KNEW something was up. I honestly had NO idea it was this! Momma, I didn’t even know you were into women…”

Momma laughs and says, “Neither did I—but Angi can be VERY convincing!”

I go and hug them both and say, “Of course I don’t mind!”

Angi smiles and says, “Well, of course, that also means that Francie will be staying HERE until she leaves for Juilliard—and after her surgery when she turns eighteen...and, I guess whenever else you would like her to…”

This time, *I* whoop. Then I ask, “Wait…what about Albert?”

Sheila comes back in at that moment and says, “When Allen signed the papers that I will file to legally change his name, he also signed the papers to relinquish custody of Albert over to his former in-laws as well as to sign over all of his current assets to him. Albert will be living with his deceased mother’s parents who are VERY decent people and will raise him right.”

Sheila smiles and looks at Angi as she says, “When I was asking them if they were willing—after Allen suddenly and irresponsibly disappeared for three days without a trace—they told me that Albert had confided to them that he is sure she is a girl but was afraid to tell her dad and wondered if I had any idea what they should do. No—REALLY! Ironic, isn’t it?”

I shake my head in wonder—and wonder what will come next in this bizarre new life of mine.

This is the end of the first book. Vick’s journey to becoming Paige is far from over, though… I REALLY appreciate the support and kudos I received—I know this isn’t everyone’s taste in a story. So—if there is still interest, then stay tuned for the next book that takes Paige from her trials of being a ‘Pink’ at camp to being a transgendered girl at school…

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