When Winding Paths Meet Part IV (chapters 14-18)

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Three days later - Thursday morning, conference room 15, Metro Hospital

Megan was anxious and nervous. Arriving at the conference room fifteen minutes early, she wondered if she really knew what she was doing. Everyone that she had talked to had nothing but encouragement for her. Finally, after saying a quick prayer, her spirit calmed and her anxiousness abated.

This conference room was arranged differently, with a wooden conference table at the front of the room and seating for thirty others in five rows of six chairs each. Megan took a seat over on the right side, preferring to remain in the background.

Without warning, Amy and Kyle arrived and took chairs next to each other in the front and center of the room, directly in front of a wooden conference table that would serve as a “judicial bench”. Right behind them, a man and a woman entered, the woman carrying a small machine. Megan assumed that it was the judge and the reporter. Oooh, this a little too much like court, something that Megan had experienced more than once, but had never relished.

“Hi, Amy.”

“Hi, Judge Smith. “ Amy looked over at Megan, looking to introduce the psychiatrist to the judge. At once, Megan moved over closer to Amy and Kyle. “Judge Robert Smith, this is Dr. Megan Phillips. She is Kyle’s psychiatrist.” With these words, Megan moved to a seat adjacent to Amy and Kyle.

“Nice to meet you, Judge”, Megan responded.

“Likewise.” He looked around, seemingly bored. “OK, let’s get this started. We’re here today to determine temporary custody of Kyle Andrew Britton, a male minor. Kyle’s mother and father became deceased while he was in the custody of Metro Hospital’s Metro Health Unit.”

Looking up from his notes, he spotted Kyle and asked Amy, “Is this Kyle?”

Amy answered without emotion, “It is, Your Honor.”

“Could have fooled me. Mister Britton, I’m sorry. I almost called you Miss Britton.” Megan found it interesting that the judge mistook Kyle for a girl, even with her androgynous unit-issued jumpsuit.

“It’s OK, sir. Most people do mistake me for a girl.” Megan could tell that Kyle was on the verge of laughter. Don’t laugh, she wanted to yell, wanting Kyle to not embarrass herself.

“Amy, do you have a recommendation as to custody of Kyle?”

“I do, Your Honor. I would like to recommend that Dr. Megan Phillips be appointed as temporary guardian of Kyle for a period of ninety days. If Dr. Phillips meets the requirements for permanent custody and wishes to pursue such action, then another hearing can be held to determine action at that time.”

Smith looked directly at Megan. “Dr. Phillips, this is unusual for a psychiatrist to seek adoption for one of his or her patients. What led you to seek at least temporary custody of Kyle?”

Megan swallowed. Here we go, she told herself. It was necessary for her to switch to male pronouns to refer to Kyle, she reminded herself. “Your Honor, Kyle is transgendered, as I am. I grew up as an only child, as did he. I was kicked out of my parents’ home at age 19 and was disowned shortly thereafter, and as a result, grew up alone with help only from friends. We have a lot in common. I felt that I was uniquely qualified to help him through and become the person that he’s meant to be.

The judge raised his eyebrows. “Does that include making a transition to becoming a young woman?”

“Yes, sir, it does. From the initial interview until his last session yesterday, he has steadfastly maintained his desire to live full-time as a female. Since I have made that transition myself, I also feel uniquely qualified to help him through that phase of his life.”

“Amy, are you comfortable with this arrangement?”

“I am. Dr. Phillips has already transferred care of Kyle to another mental health professional. Our home visit found that Dr. Phillips has a home that is well-suited to house another person and has adequate financial resources to take care of any need that Kyle might have. On a personal note, I firmly believe that Kyle would be a difficult placement and that Dr. Phillips is doing the State a huge favor by seeking custody.”

The judge then addressed Kyle.

“Kyle, do you feel that Dr. Phillips would be a good parent for you?”

“Absolutely, sir. I feel like that she knows me almost as well as my best friend.”

“How are you going to feel about moving away from the home where you grew up?”

Megan quietly sighed. Sometimes the craziest questions came out of these proceedings. Fortunately, she had been here before, but as a psychiatrist. She was amazed at how these hearings were sometimes sidetracked.

“I’ve had a lot of time to think about it this week. When I lived at home, I spent a lot of time in my room, scared that my dad was going to beat me. Yes, my mom was wonderful to me and I’m going to miss her, but sometimes life just happens. I just have to move on.”

“You seem like a well-adjusted, er, young person. OK, I hereby order that Dr. Megan Phillips be awarded custody of Kyle Andrew Britton for a period of ninety days from release date, which I believe is Friday. At the end of that time, Dr. Phillips will be given the opportunity to apply for permanent custody at her option, provided that temporary custody is carried out and completed according to the rules and regulations of the State. Thank you for your time, everyone.” Immediately, the judge and reporter got up and gathered their paperwork. Megan raised her voice a bit and told the judge as he started to leave the room “Thank you, Judge Smith!”. Smith smiled back and kept walking, leaving Amy, Megan, and Kyle behind in the now empty room.

Amy smiled at Kyle. Megan saw Kyle whisper a question to Amy, to which Amy nodded her head. Kyle turned and quickly walked over to Megan.

Coming up to Megan, Kyle said to her “Looks like I’m yours, if you still want me.”

“Kyle, you’re selling yourself very short. Of course I want you, otherwise I wouldn’t have taken the time to do all that I have in the past few days.”

“I’m sorry. I guess I’m just nervous. It still feels unreal that I’m not going home to Mom and Dad anymore.”

Megan reached over and gave Kyle a hug, not tight but enough for her to know that Megan did care. While still holding her, Megan almost whispered to her. “I’m nervous, too. I’ve never had anyone that I was responsible for. It’s always been just me.”

Releasing her hug, Megan looked Kyle in the eye and shifted her speech to a more emphatic tone. “But you know what? We both have come through a lot in our lives and together, we’re going to be just fine.”

Kyle nodded her head. All that the teen wanted was a place to take herself after her stay at Metro. She sensed somehow that what happened was by some kind of divine plan, that she and Megan were destined to meet up this way. A sense of calm overcame her, in part due to the words of reassurance from her new mother. Looking back into Megan’s eyes, she smiled and nodded.

Megan continued. “Look, there’s a million things to do, and a lot of it I just found out about yesterday. First of all, I need to get you some clothes. You can’t very well walk out of here in that ‘uniform’, can you? What sizes do you wear? Tell me what you like and I’ll pick up a few outfits. Then we go clothes shopping on Saturday.”

Kyle’s nervousness had abated, but the resultant adrenaline rush left her in a bit of a silly mood.

“I wear an 8 in shoes. I’d like some platform ankle boots with at least a six inch heel. And some really short skirts and crop tops to go with them!”

“Um, no.” Megan shook her head, surprising even herself at her tone which sounded surprisingly like a mother. Maybe this new role won’t be such a big change after all, she fleetingly thought.

Kyle giggled. “Beggars can’t be choosers, I guess. OK, I wear a five in jeans, and usually a small in tops. I can show you better what I really like when we go shopping. It’s gonna be really weird not to have to buy all guy-looking clothes.”

“Never again. You’re a girl now, plain and simple. You can dress the way you want, as long as it’s something that keeps everything halfway covered within reason. And I won’t approve anything unless I’ve seen it before on a girl your age.”

“It’s a deal.” She paused for a minute to once again stare into Megan’s face. “When do I go home with you? Tomorrow?”

“Tomorrow afternoon late. I’ll see patients until about 3, then I’m going to wait around until they call me from the unit here. Then we’ll go home after we’ve gone out to eat somewhere.”

“We didn’t each out much.” The teen held her head down, partly from shame that she didn’t come from such a lifestyle.

“You don’t worry. This is so new for each one of us. As long as we’re open and listening to each other, we’ll be fine.”

The mix of emotions had become too much for Kyle to handle and she began to tear up. “I’m sorry. I guess I’m still scared a little bit.”

“That’s natural, Kyle. You’ve had a lot to adjust to in the space of five days.”

Amy was still waiting on Kyle to re-join her for the trip back to the unit for Kyle’s final night there. Out of the corner of her eye, Megan spotted Amy’s restlessness, and told Kyle, “Look, Amy’s waiting to take your room. We can talk all we want tomorrow night, even if it’s all night. Give me one more hug.”

Kyle obliged, giving the psychiatrist a tight hug that almost knocked the breath out of Megan. “I’ll see you tomorrow. I can’t wait, even if I’m nervous about it.”

“Remember one thing. You’re not alone – ever. We have each other now. Working together, we’ll be OK. I’ll see you tomorrow, Kyle.”

Kyle smiled, released her grip on Megan then slowly walked over to Amy, waving at her as the two left for the elevator.

As Kyle and Amy left her sight, Megan began to tear up. Having a child was something that she had wanted deeply for the last several years, and now it was really happening. It wasn’t an infant – it was a young adult, a young woman who had been through a lot of trauma from a terrible tragedy. Will Kyle accept me? Will I be a good enough role model for her? This was far different than what she had imagined. The enormity of the task ahead overwhelmed her for the moment as a few tears ran down her cheek. Quickly recovering, she made her way downstairs. There were still a couple of patients to see before her evening run with Susie.

Thursday late afternoon and evening, Maxwell Park

As they had done many times before, Susie Templeton and Megan Phillips, best friends since college, met up for a late afternoon run.

Susie, who had been exchanging short phone calls with Megan all week, was anxious to find out how the hearing went concerning custody of Kyle.

Megan, who was normally not shy about revealing her current mental state, was unusually reticent as they began to prepare for their run with stretches. Susie thought to herself, I’ve had enough, I have to know what happened.

“So how did it go today?” The two women had been friends long enough to know almost exactly what the other was thinking.

“Well, she’s mine. I take ninety day custody of her tomorrow afternoon around 4.”

“And why aren’t you jumping up and down? You’ve wanted this forever.”

“I’ve wanted a child, a baby, forever. This is an almost grown young woman with all of the adolescent angst and everything else that goes on. Plus she’s been through a trauma, some emotional and physical abuse, and who knows what else.”


“I don’t know that I did the right thing. I mean, God opened all kinds of doors to get me to this point, but did He really mean it, or did I just happen to pound on the right doors at the right time and ignore everything that He might have been telling me in favor of my own will?”

Susie gave a stern look to her best friend.

“Listen, if God didn’t want this to happen, he would have SHUT every door and not allowed them to open. You’ve had so freaking much love in your heart for the whole time that I’ve known you. And you’re not getting any younger, Megan.”

Megan looked downtrodden, but with understanding.

Susie continued. “How many times have you told me, ‘Put it in God’s hands’. OK, it’s my turn to tell you that now.”

Finally, a normal Megan face appeared. “OK. I promise. Now let’s see which one of us gets to the five mile marker first.”

“You’re on!” the investment advisor exclaimed.

Finally, Megan had settled her mind with her friend’s help.


The next day - Friday afternoon

A bit after 4:00 p.m., Megan’s office phone rang. She had been anticipating this moment ever since the hearing the previous day. It was time to take Kyle to her new home. Earlier in the day, she had taken two pairs of jeans and two tops to the area where Kyle was staying. She was glad that Kyle’s blood-stained clothes had been thrown out as part of her admission.

Megan ran upstairs to where Kyle was to meet her upon checkout. By the time that Megan made it there, Kyle was standing there animatedly tapping her foot and smiling as the psychiatrist made it in the door.

The two greeted each other with a hug.

“You look nice”, Megan offered. “It’s good to see you in something besides that jumpsuit thing.”

“Thank you. You did a great job with my clothes. They fit perfectly! I mean, I told you the sizes, but how did you know how to fit me?”

They began walking toward the elevator to leave the unit.

Megan quietly whispered, “Kyle, it’s something that I learned how to do a long time ago. Imagine being a guy and you’re going into the women’s clothing department. In most places, you can’t try on anything. So you learn how to look and judge whether or not something will fit. I got pretty good at it when I was sixteen and seventeen.”

Kyle’s eyes widened at the thought, but before she could respond, the elevator doors opened and the two entered. Megan pressed “G2” for the second level of the parking garage where her assigned space was located.

Kyle asked, “Megan, how far do you live from here?”

“Oh, just about ten minutes or so.”

“Is it a really nice place? I mean, you said it was three bedrooms.”

“It was built just a few years ago. There’s three levels. The bottom level is a two-car garage. The living room, dining room, and kitchen are on the second level, and the bedrooms are on the third level.”

Kyle had never been in such a place, and she frantically tried to imagine what it might look like.

Within seconds, the doors opened into the well-lit parking garage. The two walked briskly the last two hundred feet to Megan’s X3 SUV.

Kyle’s eyes got large again as she jumped into the passenger seat. She had never been in a luxury car, except for the Lexus that Jessica’s mom owned. The dashboard of this vehicle looked different, deciding that European vehicles were somehow of a different class. The leather seats seemed more like a chair in a home than in a vehicle.

Megan interrupted Kyle’s wide-eyed surveying. “Is there anywhere you’d like to eat? Some place that you’ve seen on TV but never been there?”

“Yeah!” Kyle spoke loudly and named a moderately priced national chain restaurant. Well, at least this part is easy, Megan reflected.

The psychiatrist caught the teen looking down at the Start button. Megan asked Kyle, “You want to start it?”

“Sure!” Kyle looked wide eyed as she pushed the button and engine purred to life. Keeping an eye on the picture provided by the backup camera, the teen kept looking around at her surroundings in Megan’s vehicle. This is gonna be a different life, she decided.

After a fifteen minute drive, they arrived at the restaurant. Since it was still early for dinner, the wait for a table was nonexistent. After the pair were seated, Kyle began to peruse the menu with wide eyed wonderment. Kyle was definitely abused, Megan concluded. The psychiatrist began to realize the extent of Jerry’s control and alcoholism and the effect that it had on her Kyle and her late mother.

Kyle began to talk even more openly about her previous life now that she was officially out of the hospital. She detailed the beatings from Jerry that she endured, how she kept her ‘girl clothes’ in a secret place so that Jerry wouldn’t find them, and many other things.

It was two hours before the teen and her new Mom were ready to leave the restaurant. By this time, Megan felt that she knew more about Kyle than she had ever known about any other patient in her practice’s history.

After another short drive, they arrived at Megan’s townhouse. The teen’s anticipation was beginning to wear off and reality was beginning to set in. After Megan parked “the Beemer” (as she called her SUV), the doctor quickly alit to unlock the door from the garage into the townhouse. Kyle reluctantly followed behind, unsure about what to do or what was going to happen. “Come on up and I’ll show you around, Kyle”, Megan remarked with an air of reassurance as she swung the townhouse door open, giving Kyle a light hug around the waist.

Kyle looked around with curiosity and wonder, almost speechless. Megan took her to every room and every closet, not holding back anything. Finally, they reached the bedroom that would become Kyle’s new home.

“Here it is – your new bedroom. Of course, it won’t stay like this. We’ll go to your Mom and Dad’s house and pick up your things in a couple of weeks. It’ll be a lot more familiar to you once you get your things here.”

Reality finally set in for the young woman. She had to admit to herself that she would never be back in the familiar room with the fire escape ladder attached to the window, with her Mom downstairs preparing dinner, and her yard with the trees that she climbed as a little girl. She would instead be in a new place with a woman that she knew a lot about but had only been around for a week.

Megan followed Kyle back downstairs to the living room. The teen sat down on the couch that was sitting opposite a big-screen television. Rubbing her hand along the fabric, she had to admit that she admired the townhouse. It was so different, so much plusher. Her thoughts turned to her old home with its old furniture, sometimes creaky floors, the hugs and encouragement of her mother – and the beatings that she endured from her father. It was a crushing barrage of emotions, and Kyle broke down with a combination of tears of happiness to be somewhere, but tears of sadness for the good parts of her old life going away.

Megan knew what was happening, and hugged Kyle tightly. The two continued talking until time to go to bed.

The next day - Saturday morning

As Megan expected, Kyle slept late. Megan, on the other hand, found sleep difficult. The enormity of taking over a teen’s life had left her mildly upset, in spite of many prayers.

Since Kyle was a minor, there would be the liquidation of her parents’ estate to handle. Plus, there would be returning to the house where Kyle grew up, then having to tell her to retrieve anything that she wanted then tell everything else goodbye. The latter involved trauma even for grown adults, much less a teen who had just lost her parents.

Megan had contacted the police to see if she could put off any clearing of furniture and clothes for a couple of weeks. There was no reason to expose Kyle to any more trauma for at least several days. Whenever you’re ready, the police told her. In the meantime, the home had been secured and cleaned.

During the middle of the night, with much prayer, Megan finally fought through all of the negative emotions and decided to handle things “one step at a time”. By 8:00, though, she was ready to arise and the first step was to make a cup of Ethiopian coffee whose blend was freshly ground earlier in the week from a shop close to Megan’s running path at Maxwell Park.

With the tasks that she faced, Megan needed to seek solace in her Bible. For thirty minutes, she read from Matthew and Isaiah, gathering strength from her readings. By the time that Kyle awakened, she was ready to tackle everything that needed to be done and had even begun making notes.

A bit after 9:00, Megan heard the door open in what would now be Kyle’s bedroom. Because it was quiet, Kyle quietly said, “Hello? Megan?”

“I’m right here, Kyle.”

Kyle walked barefoot toward Megan’s bedroom and stood in her doorway. Looking down at Megan, she half-smiled, but Megan’s experience told her that there was much more. Obviously, waking up in a new place left her dazed, confused, missing her old home, but excited to be in a new one.

Megan put down the tablet and Bible and walked over to Kyle and gave her a hug.

“How did you sleep?” Megan asked Kyle.

“Great! My Mom used to have this expression, ‘I think I died’. That’s the way I felt.”

“Of course. It’s been a huge week for you. Are you OK?”

Nodding, Kyle looked up at Megan and remarked, “I woke up this morning and I didn’t know where I was for a minute. I kind of jumped. Then I remembered. I mean, this is nice, but I miss my room. I don’t miss my Dad, but I really miss my Mom.”

“Give yourself time, Kyle. We’re not made to jump from one situation to another, especially as young as you are. Why don’t we sit down and talk before we have breakfast?” Megan pointed to another chair opposite hers.

“Megan, I get really upset with myself when I think about the fact that Mom and Dad are gone.”

“Do you why you do that? A lot of times, we’re trying to tell ourselves that we’re OK, that we can just drop a part of our lives and pick up a new one. We can’t. I just want you to realize one thing – it’s OK to get upset, really upset if you need to. When we lose someone, we have to grieve for them. Grieving is part of being able to let go of people who aren’t in our lives anymore.”

“So, you’re not gonna get upset with me if I start to cry all of a sudden?”

“No, I won’t. In fact, I want you to cry. I don’t want you to play ‘super girl’. If you don’t cry, it’s telling me that you’re holding all of your emotions inside, and that will create more problems for you later on.”

Kyle got up and sat down in Megan’s lap, placing her arm around her shoulders as she placed her weight on Megan. “I knew there was a reason why I felt so good about having you for a Mom. I mean, you care about me like the way that my Mom used to. But you have even more answers than she did about things.”

“When you spend every day talking to people, it’s easier to have answers to a lot of things.”

“I know that’s true, but you have a good heart. “ Pausing to change the subject, she continued, “Did you say we’re going shopping today?”

Megan grinned back at her new daughter. “You bet we are. Better be ready to carry a lot of stuff back up the stairs when we get home.”

“Ooh. I forgot. But I’m way beyond excited.”

“Oh, I almost forgot. The ‘girl things’ that you have at home. Did they come from a thrift store?

“Most of ‘em. Mom didn’t spend a lot of money on them since I couldn’t wear to the school in front of Dad.”

“Are they in good shape? Could you wear them to school if we retrieved them in a couple of weeks?”

“I think so.”

“Well, while you’re shopping, keep in mind what you had at home and if it’s good enough to keep. If it is, then we’ll make sure to get them in a couple of weeks.”

“Is that when we’re going to get rid of my ‘boy clothes’?”

“Yes. As far as I’m concerned, you don’t need to cross-dress as a boy anymore.”

“Wow. This is like a dream.”

“It’s a new start, Kyle. Just enjoy it.”

Picking up her phone from the table beside them, she told Kyle, “Speaking of enjoying it, here’s my cell”, Megan said, “I thought that you might want to call Jessica to see if she wants to go with us.”

“Oh, my God! I can’t believe this!”

“I just thought that you and your friend would be a much better judge of what to get than I would. But, I just want you to know, I’m going to have veto power on what you choose. No slutty stuff is coming in this house.”

“OK, Megan.” Kyle had a huge grin on her face.

Kyle made an excited call to Jessica, and shortly after, Megan and Kyle pulled up to Jessica’s house. The two young girls began talking excitedly the second that Kyle rang her doorbell, and the conversation continued non-stop until they reached a small diner just down the street from the mall. At least I won’t need any entertainment today, Megan smiled inwardly.

Following breakfast, Megan drove the three to the mall. Before they left the SUV, Megan had one last word for the girls.

“OK, we’re going to start here, but I want you to keep in mind something as you’re shopping. Kyle is going to be starting hormone treatments soon. That’s going to change her shape and may even affect her weight a little. Before you pick out anything that’s really fitting, keep in mind that growing boobs and buns are going to need room. I’d rather you concentrate on dresses, skirts, and shoes here and leave jeans and tops for some thrift stores that we’re going to shop later today.”

The girls were obedient, and sure enough, the only clothing that was purchased at the mall were shoes and clothing that would be “safe” for Kyle’s changing shape. The girls wisely waited on a lot of purchases until they shopped at three different thrift stores later in the day.

Eight hours later, after dropping off Jessica, Megan and Kyle dragged back to Megan’s townhouse with over eighty pieces of clothing, including tops of all kinds, pants, dresses, and skirts, plus numerous packages of lingerie and ten pairs of shoes of various kinds.

Even with both of them, it took a long time to haul the clothing upstairs. Megan instructed Kyle and Jessica to pile it on a futon in Megan’s “office” which was housed in her third bedroom. After it was all accumulated, Kyle looked at the pile and sobbed from a combination of weariness from the week and happiness that she could finally live as she felt.

Megan stayed close, but wanted Kyle to let out all her emotions from the moment. “What do you think, Kyle?”

“I’m so tired, but I’m just so happy, too. This is like some kind of dream.”

“I’m tired, too, but I’m so happy that we could do this together.”

Suddenly, Kyle grabbed Megan and gave her a tight hug. “Thank you, Mom!”

Megan was caught off guard by both the hug and the words. “Mom?”

Kyle answered as she released her grip and looked Megan squarely in the eyes. “You ARE Mom, now. There’s no way that some foster parent would have taken me to do all that we did today. Only a Mom could have taken me in and let me live my dream.” It was impossible for Megan to hold in the tears any longer.

The pair resumed their hug, tired but happy. They didn’t have any idea of what was ahead, but both inherently knew that it would be together, at least for the foreseeable future.


Ten days later

Thanks to her academic record, Kyle was dismissed from school for the three weeks that remained of her ninth grade year. Megan took several days of vacation to be with her since there was little to occupy Kyle’s time other than to watch television or cruise the internet on Megan’s desktop computer.

It was difficult for Megan to leave the role of psychiatrist behind when she came home and talked to Kyle. But she did her best, and in spite of being single for so long, Megan adapted quickly to having Kyle there.

Megan didn’t ask, but Kyle sporadically talked about what she wanted to retrieve from her home. It was difficult for the teen at first. When she began to think about what to remove and what to leave (for disposal), Kyle was reminded that her mother would no longer be there.

Two weeks after Kyle’s release from Metro, mother and daughter sat down together and made a list of the items that Kyle wanted to take from her former home. Megan was surprised at how little the teen wanted. Other than her girl clothes, the desk in her room, and some memorabilia of her mother, she didn’t want anything else. Surprisingly, Kyle didn’t even want her own bed from home. This was in spite of Megan’s offer to sign a lease for a storage unit for anything that Kyle wanted to keep.

By Friday evening, the two were prepared for “moving day”. Megan had decided, if Kyle was strong enough, to take all of the clothes in the house to Goodwill, and to retrieve any valuables that remained, regardless of whether Kyle wanted them. There was no use in leaving the house vulnerable to burglary until the liquidation company could come in and take everything for auction.

Kyle was still sleepy when Megan awoke her the next morning. There was a rental truck dealer a scant two blocks away and Megan wanted to get an early start. The two half-walked, half-jogged to the dealer in the cool morning air.

After they picked up a twelve foot cargo van, they drove to an IHOP where they quickly ate a protein-heavy breakfast. Megan guessed that they might be making many trips up and down stairs and wanted to avoid a “sugar crash” midway through.

After leaving the diner, Kyle remarked to Megan, “You can really drive this thing.”

“Honey, I can drive anything except a semi. I spent a summer doing jeep tours in the Colorado Rockies. Once you drive on those canyon roads, nothing scares you anymore.”


At that moment, they rounded a corner in Kyle’s “old” neighborhood just a block from her house. As Kyle looked at the home where she grew up, she realized that things would never be the same – no Mom, no Dad, no flavorful meals prepared thoughtfully by her Mom, no tutoring sessions in the kitchen. The thoughts overwhelmed her, and by the time that they made it into the driveway, she was crying so much that it was almost a wail. Megan had to hold her for the better part of ten minutes until Kyle could calm down. After drying her tears, Kyle took Megan next door to meet Velma Hodgins. Then the two excused themselves so that they could start the day’s work.

This is one strong young woman, Megan reflected, as they left Velma’s house and carefully made their way around the yellow crime scene tape that still surrounded the house.

Fortunately, the cleaning crew had been to the home and all evidence of the Jerry Britton’s horrific crime and Kyle’s cutting were long gone. Other than some furnishings moved around, Kyle’s room was much as it had been when she last saw it.

Kyle took time to show Megan around so that her new mother would have an understanding of Kyle’s childhood. Then over the next few hours, the two loaded everything that Kyle wanted to take. The girl wanted more than she listed, which didn’t surprise Megan. Fortunately, she had made arrangements for a small storage unit “just in case”. After two trips to Goodwill, all of the clothes, bedding, and domestics were emptied from the house and donated. Then it came time for the rest. Some of it would end up in the storage unit, but for the most part, the load ended up in Kyle’s bedroom in the townhouse.

The toughest thing for the two to move into the townhouse was Kyle’s desk. The two tugged and pulled as they struggled to get it up the two floors from the garage to the bedroom. In the end, the two women laughed loudly as they finally made it to Kyle’s room.

At the end of the day, Megan and Kyle were “dog-tired” but happy. It had proven to be a day of tears, anticipation, and even excitement as they continued to share.

A week later - Monday afternoon

As well as the computer and television, Kyle had brought her video games from her old home and had spent a lot of her premature summer playing them. As she was playing, the phone beside her rang.

“Hello?” Kyle had finally gotten her own cell account thanks to Megan, but she was still unsure when she answered it.

“Hi!’ Megan’s voice was upbeat while talking to her new daughter.

“Hi, Mom! How are you doing?”

“Well, it’s been a busy day and I’m tired, but a run always helps out. You want to go with Susie and me on a run? It’s her off day, so we’re only going to go four miles.”

“Well, I’ve run three miles before, but not four. Are sure you want me to run with you two marathon veterans?”

“There’s a lot of difference between a marathon pace and what we do every day. We have to train ourselves to adjust our pace, and the last time we did it, we had to do it for months. We ran between fifteen and twenty miles every Saturday and it took forever sometimes. And as far as inexperienced teenager, it’ll be up to you to keep up! You’re far younger than us!”

“I’ll be ready! What time will you be by to pick me up?”

“Around 5:00. Make sure you eat some carbs just before. Susie and I don’t want to have to carry you back to the car.”

“Don’t worry, I’m tough. And yes, I’ll grab some trail mix.”

“That’s my girl. I’ll see you later.”

“Thanks! Love you, Mom!”

The last part made Megan smile. The two were developing quite a bond, which was miraculous considering the trauma that Kyle had been through. It had only been a bit over three weeks since her cutting episode landed her at Metro, and only twenty three days since her father had killed her mother and then committed suicide by cop.

Megan soon pulled up to the townhouse and opened the garage door. Kyle came bounding downstairs, opened the door from the garage into the townhouse, and checking her purse for the key, slammed it. The psychiatrist didn’t even put the SUV into Park, having changed herself at the office before coming home.

As Kyle ran to the car, Megan looked at her lovingly. She is one pretty girl, she decided, then quickly corrected herself. How can that possibly be a boy? But so what? She has an appointment with an endocrinologist on Wednesday. She won’t be a “boy” much longer, Megan reminded herself. Even so, in brightly colored running shorts, a pastel t-shirt, and a (gasp!) sports bra, she looked every part a teen girl, not a teen boy.

Kyle opened the door with teenage enthusiasm, flipping it open, jumping in, and telling Megan, “Let’s go!” As she clicked her seat belt, Kyle stared at Megan’s legs and smiled. “Woohoo! It’s a wonder some guy doesn’t try to lasso you as you fly by. Those are some great legs, Mom!”

“You’re cute”,
Megan smirked as she put the X3 in Drive and stomped on the gas.
Once at Maxwell Park, Megan found Susie in her usual spot.

Susie had met Kyle only once in spite of being with Megan for over two weeks. The blond smiled as Kyle jumped from the passenger seat and slammed the door behind her.

“Hi, Susie!” Kyle yelled as Megan shut off the SUV and grabbed her cell phone and keys.

“Looks like we have a threesome today! Are you sure you’re ready for a couple of real runners, sprout?”

“Why not?” It was obvious to Susie that Kyle was one tough teen, at least in attitude. We’ll see how she does after a few miles, Susie decided.

“Hi, Sus”, Megan greeted her best friend as they traded a friendly shoulder hug. “Yeah, I thought it was time that we test the newest addition to our family”, nodding her head toward Kyle.

Turning to Kyle, Susie spoke authoritatively to the teen. “OK, here’s how we stretch before running.” Kyle obliged, and before long, the threesome were on a four mile run. Midway through Kyle thought, ‘I’m going to die. But I can’t let them know that.’ But sooner than later, the run was over, and the spent teen was at long last able to rest.

“Almost too much for you, Kyle?” Susie decided to rib the teen as she saw Kyle’s look of desperation midway through their run.

“Oh, no! Not a problem!”

“I know better. Don’t you, Megan?”

“Kyle, we’ll take you again on our short runs before we build up to our six mile normal. Maybe you and I can do some running on the nights that Susie can’t make it.”

“OK, Mom!”

“Megan, I hate to run, ooh bad pun, but I have a conference call this evening with an attorney and a client. Last minute, you know.”

“Thank you, Susie.”

“Yeah, thanks, Susie”, Kyle added.

Before long, mother and new daughter were back in their vehicle headed home. After dinner, Kyle would be unusually quiet as she recovered.

Finally, Megan could stand no more. She asked Kyle, “Did you enjoy that?”

“I did. I just need to get in better shape. You guys were fantastic. There isn’t one girl out of a hundred in my school that could run the way that you two did.”

“Thank you. It’s just that she and I have run for years. You don’t get to where we are overnight. You did really well considering you haven’t ever run regularly. Just be patient with yourself, and I’ll especially try to look out for you.”

“Thanks, Mom. I want to do it again, soon. I really want to start running all the time, if it’s OK with you.”

Megan was surprised at that last comment, but happy. Hopefully, it would be a habit that she could keep up, she reflected.


Two months later, Megan’s apartment, a Thursday evening/Friday morning in July, 2008

It had been a hectic eleven weeks in Megan and Kyle’s life. A custodian had been named to dispose of the house and remaining contents, and as hoped, there appeared to be a substantial gain, relieving Kyle of any worries in funding college.

Shortly after being given temporary custody, Megan arranged for Kyle to see an endocrinologist, Dr. Fred Snyder. Blood tests showed that Kyle had very little estrogen and no testosterone in her body. In Snyder’s words, “It’s no wonder that there’s no development one way or the other.” As a result, Kyle did not have to have a testosterone-blocking drug as part of the hormonal recipe to begin her transition from male to female. It was only a few short weeks after beginning the estrogen drug regimen that Kyle began to experience the first symptoms of her transition – her chest hurting as breast growth began.

While it was coming up on the end of the temporary custody period, Megan had been assured that permanent custody was practically a non-issue. She had begun the necessary paperwork, though.

Kyle was looking forward to beginning the new school year. Fortunately, Megan’s townhouse was located in the same school district so the teen wouldn’t even have to change schools.

Megan’s psychiatry practice had no further upheavals during this transition period. In fact, she was able to continue her almost-nightly runs with Susie Templeton, and had even convinced Kyle to come along sometimes. Her relaxing practice of a Jacuzzi soak was able to take place most of the time, too.

The teen and the woman had managed to meld their lives almost seamlessly, although at times, there was still teen drama on Kyle’s account. Sounds of “Moommmm…” had begun to be heard in the townhouse as much as it’s heard in houses with teen girls all over the country.

It was a Thursday evening in early July. Megan came home and the two had dinner. Kyle was learning to cook, and had managed to prepare a salad and pasta with meat dish for them, for which Megan was exceedingly grateful.

Around bedtime, Kyle began to experience mild cramping in her abdominal area. Thinking that it was just because she had too much excitement in a video game earlier in the day, the teen took some ibuprofen with her mother’s blessing. The pain went away and she fell asleep around 10:00. At 10:30, Megan had checked on her daughter before going to bed. But Kyle was already “out”, so Megan went to bed herself without thinking much more about it.

Just before 2:00 a.m., Kyle awoke in severe pain. “Mommm, hhheeelllppp”, she shouted to Megan, who immediately threw on her robe and came into Kyle’s room.

Kyle pointed to both sides of her upper abdomen as the source of the pain. Megan stopped being a Mom and became a doctor, pushing and prodding in a search for the source of Kyle’s pain.

Instructing her to lower her panties, Megan had begun an abdominal exam when she noticed the area where Kyle’s penis should have been located. Instead of a fully formed organ, there was a small stub that remotely reminded one of a penis. In addition, there was a scar extending from the “penile area” downward – a light one, but a scar nonetheless.

Temporarily ignoring Kyle’s pain, she began examining the external organ. There were no visible testes, and “his” urethra wasn’t located at the tip of the appendage. Megan then spotted the scar where Kyle’s vaginal opening had been sewn shut. Could Kyle have Congenital Adrenal Hyperplasia? Did Fred Snyder perform a full exam on Kyle, and why had he not caught this, Megan asked herself. The physician regretted her decision to remain in Fred’s office during Kyle’s exam.

Megan left her thought as Kyle writhed and yelped with pain once again. Stroking Kyle’s hair, Megan waited for the pain to once again subside and then continued her exam of Kyle.

Gently pushing on her abdomen, she located the young woman’s ovaries, a uterus that was of juvenile size, as well as the other major organs. Nothing seemed to be out of place except when Megan pushed on Kyle’s ovaries, which drew a cry.

Megan had a theory, but she would need to have another physician to order an ultrasound. To her, it seemed that Kyle might be having her first “period” and was suffering more than usual due to the large amount of female hormones currently circulating in her system. It was obvious that everyone had been caught off guard, believing the birth certificate that labelled Kyle as male, when she was in fact a female with a fairly rare condition.

Since there was nothing else for her to do, Megan carefully led Kyle downstairs and loaded her into her SUV for the short trip to the Metro Hospital emergency room. If the psychiatrist could get another physician to order an ultrasound immediately, the results might be very, very interesting, she concluded.

Metro Hospital Emergency Room, around 2:30 a.m. on Friday morning

The E.R. physicians were fortunately not busy, and within ten minutes, Kyle was hustled back to an examination/treatment room. Since Kyle was still a minor, Megan followed closely behind, not wanting to repeat her mistake with Fred Snyder.

The resident who first examined Kyle was as perplexed as Megan, but there was an Obstetrics/Gynecology specialist on duty in the hospital. Dr. Jason Jones came down to the E.R. shortly after being called by the resident.

Whenever Jones entered the room, he immediately recognized Megan. Megan had some issues with a vaginal infection at one time, and “Jason” had succeeded in getting rid of it whereas two other doctors had failed. Megan told him that if she ever had any other issues, she would call only him. To have him was more than a pleasant surprise, it was assurance that Kyle would have competent care.

“Hello, Megan! Pleasure to see you again!”

“Hi, Jason. Sorry to bother you so late.”

“No problem! I was already in the hospital with another patient when they called me. They said this involved your daughter?” Jason looked over to Kyle with curiosity. “I didn’t know that you had a daughter.”

“Oh, we’ve only been mom and daughter a couple of months. I get permanent custody in a couple of weeks if everything works out.”

“Congratulations. What’s going on, Kyle?”

Megan let Kyle tell her symptoms to Dr. Jones. Then she followed with a request.

“Just let me know if I’m dying, ‘cause I sure feel like it when these pains hit.”

Both doctors laughed heartily. Jones instructed Kyle to lay down for him, and as he carefully lifted the hospital gown, Megan strode over to stand behind him. She decided to point out what she found, then let the OB/Gyn doctor come to his own conclusions. Megan started the conversation, “Jason, look at this appendage. This can’t be a penis. There are no testicles, nor are there any signs of them. And look at this.” She pointed to the scar where she suspected some delivery room sewing had occurred. Either Kyle had accidentally been assigned male, or she was purposely mutilated.

“Kyle, were you born at Metro?” asked Jones.

“Yeah. Mom told me she had an eighteen hour labor and that it was hard. Then she had to have a hysterectomy a little later because of all of the problems that she had.”

Jones then turned, looking straight at Megan with a serious expression. “Why don’t you look in the medical archives? They digitized everything a couple of years ago and I bet that Kyle’s birth records would be in there.”

“Darn it. Of course.” Psychiatrists aren’t normally awake at this hour of the morning, she thought.

While Jones continued his examination of Kyle, Megan logged in to system using the computer in the examination room. Within a couple of minutes, she was staring at Kyle’s birth records and notes from Dr. Peter Nicosa. What she saw greatly disturbed her.

After Jones finished his examination of Kyle, he looked over at Megan and asked, “Find anything?”

“More than I want to know. A Peter Nicosa delivered Kyle and what he documented could have been grounds for a lawsuit.”

“I remember Nicosa. Died of cancer a few years ago. He was this little guy, prob’ly five feet six, real small. Seemed to have a good rapport with his patients.”

Megan said with a serious tone, “Read this.” Jason went over to the monitor and began reading the notes where Megan pointed.

“Oh, shit. Dang it, I’m sorry. Too early in the morning.”

Kyle, who by this time was feeling much better, laughed at his comment. “What’s going on?” she inquired.

“You think she’s CAH?” Megan inquired of Jason.

“I think so. I’ve only seen two cases of it in my career and neither one was this involved. But if we do an ultrasound, I think that it will confirm what you suspect.”

“So tell me!” Kyle insisted. The teen was tired of the doctors speaking between themselves about her without any explanation.

Megan began explaining her hypothesis to Kyle. “I’m sorry, sweetheart. I think that Dr. Jones is just as shocked as I am. We think that you have a condition called Congenital Adrenal Hyperplasia. It means that your body is unable to make certain hormones. When you were born, you had what we call ambiguous genitalia. The clitoris gets enlarged until it almost looks like the penis of a boy.”

Whoa, this is getting good, thought Kyle as she listened intently to her Mom’s explanation.

“In your case, Dr. Nicosa, who delivered you, noticed that you had this issue and wanted to call a specialist. Your Dad objected and threatened the doctor. Then he told the doctor to sew up a hole that was down in the area. That hole was your vaginal opening, we think.”

“Does that mean I’m really a girl?” Kyle asked curiously.

“If what we think is confirmed through an ultrasound, then yes you are.”

“Now, here’s what I think is happening right now, and Jason, correct me if I’m wrong here, or if you think otherwise. Kyle, when we started you on HRT, we thought that you were a boy and Dr. Snyder gave you the normal estrogen dose to transition you from boy to girl. In your case, though, the estrogen just jump started everything. Your ovaries and other hormone producing glands woke up and started to do their job. What happens once a month, roughly, in a woman when everything is working normally?”

“She has a monthly period. And all of the waste cells slough off from the uterus and come out through the vaginal opening. Wait a minute, I’m starting my periods?” This was almost too much to comprehend. I’m really a girl, and now I’m having my period, she thought with a bit of alarm.

“There’s only one problem, besides just the cramping that you’re having. We may have to back off your estrogen dose. But your big problem is, where is your vaginal opening?”

Kyle looked down at herself.

“Sewn up?”

“Yes, so how are you going to get rid of the waste products from your period?”

“Uh-oh. That’s a problem.”

“No kidding. If you don’t have an opening, a place for the waste to go, then it builds up and bingo, one humongous infection develops.”

“Ughhh. Not good.”

Megan looked up at her counterpart who was much better versed in the process. “Am I explaining this right?”

“Better than I could. You’re a woman, after all”, the OB-GYN doctor smiling.

Both women booed the doctor, who waited on the laughter to die down. Then he explained to Kyle, “We’re going to do an ultrasound to see if we can confirm what we’re thinking. If it’s true, then what we expect to find are your two ovaries, your vagina, your fallopian tubes, and everything else that we would expect see in a female. However, due to the condition, yours will probably be small – like someone half your age. The estrogen that you take, once we get your dosage adjusted, will allow everything to catch up, and hopefully, I’d say there’s a better than even chance you can have children.”

“Oh, my God”, Kyle whispered.

Jones turned to both women and said, “I’ll see if there’s a tech available right now, and if there is, we’ll do it right now. Can you get up OK?”

“Sure.” The teen’s pains had subsided and she was just mainly tired and sleepy in spite of all the excitement and news.

Jason started to leave the room, explaining, “Let me make a couple of calls and we’ll see where we go from here. If not now, we should be able to do it later today.”

After he left the room, Megan examined Kyle’s face closely. Suddenly, tears began to roll down the face of the teen and she began sobbing. Megan went over to hold her daughter and talk to her.

“Honey, what are you thinking?”

“Mom, I can’t believe it, I really am a girl. I mean, I grew up my whole life with that stupid Dad of mine trying to tell me that I was a boy, when the whole thing was a lie. He wanted me to be a boy, and he made the doctor make me into a boy. That son of a bitch!” Stopping momentarily, her tears stopped, then abruptly restarted as she sobbed again, “I might be able to have kids and to be pregnant and be a real Mom. God!”

Megan didn’t like the language in some of her outburst, but she wasn’t going to stop it. It was good for Kyle to get these feelings out while she could. At least Kyle won’t grow up with the stigma of being transgender like me, Megan reflected.

After a few minutes, Jones came back in the room and announced, “By some miracle, we have an ultrasound tech and she’s free. Let’s go on down there.”

Turning to Kyle, he asked, “You feel like walking?”

“I do now. Not during those cramps.”

“I understand.”

Turning to Megan, he asked, “You know where outpatient imaging is?”

She answered nodding her head, “Been there, done that.”

“OK, I’ll see you down there in a few minutes.”

Although stiff from having been in pain, Kyle got up from the bed with relative ease. It was close to 3:30 a.m. by this time, and the lack of sleep and the dramatic news was catching up with her. Yawning aloud, Megan said, “Sleepy, hun?”


“Well outpatient imaging involves walking to an elevator down the hall, then down two floors. It’s basically on the same level where my parking space is.”

“In other words, journey to the center of the earth.”

“You’re funny!”

Within a few minutes, they were there. As promised, Dr. Jones and the ultrasound technician, Casey Sturgeon, were waiting for them.

The four of them walked into a small room just off the reception area within Outpatient Imaging. There was an ultrasound machine there, along with a large hi-definition color television.

Casey said, “I thought it might be easier in here, since the screen’s big enough for all of you to be able to see it. OK, Kyle, Dr. Jones has already told me what he needs, so I just need for you to lay down here on the bed. Then I’ll run a probe over your abdominal area so that we can take a look at everything. Now, the jelly that I use with the probe is kind of cold, so here are some blankets that I’ve heated to help it from being so cold.”

Kyle hopped onto the bed and laid down. Casey grabbed some pre-warmed blankets and her lubricating jelly, along with the ultrasound probe. Within a couple of minutes, they were all examining Kyle’s abdominal area.

As Megan and Dr. Jones expected, Kyle was most certainly a girl. Her ovaries, uterus, and vaginal area showed up with amazing clarity. The teen was spellbound at the sight of her internal organs.

After several minutes of ultrasound examination, Jason Jones had enough information to guide Megan and Kyle. He told Casey to stop looking, that he had enough information. Casey began to help clean Kyle of the lubricating jelly used during the procedure, and as soon as she was finished, helped Kyle up. After Casey left the room, Dr. Jones summarized everything for Megan and Kyle.

“Well, that just about wraps that up. I think I know where to guide you from here. Kyle, you need to have your vagina opened up and reconfigured so that you can appear and perform as a normal woman. The urethra will need to be re-routed to its normal location. That’s not something that we do here, nor are any of the surgeons here are qualified to perform such a specialized surgery. I would recommend that you go across the country to a surgeon that I know and it fixed. I can go ahead and at least get the vagina opened so that you won’t get poisoned. And I can do it in such a way that it won’t mess up your corrective surgery later.”

Megan asked, “When can we schedule this?”

“Early next week. Call my office and I’ll leave some notes for them. In the meantime, I’ll prescribe some medicine for you that will help with the cramping. Welcome to the world of women, Kyle!”

Both women smiled at this last comment.

While Kyle had no more pain the rest of the evening, she had a repeat the next evening, but the medication helped. Surgery was scheduled for the following Wednesday to re-open her vagina. This was fortunate for Kyle, for by that time, by-products had settled in the vaginal canal. Much longer, and an internal infection would have started. Antibiotics were prescribed, and Kyle was able to fight off the infection quickly. Kyle would need to wear a sanitary pad for several weeks until all of the waste had been captured and her vaginal area returned to normal.

Arrangements were made to have permanent corrective surgery done during Kyle’s fall break from school, just three months away. It would involve flying across the country, something that Megan had done many times, but it would be something new for Kyle.


Late July, 2008 - Megan and Kyle’s townhouse

It was the eve of the hearing to give permanent custody of Kyle to Megan. In spite of assurances from Amy West, the two women were still nervous. With the revelation of Kyle’s true gender, she wanted to change her name, as well. Amy had helped them with the latter request, as well. Kyle and Megan were conversing, when Megan’s cell phone rang. It was a little after nine in the evening.

“Hi, Susie!”

“Hi, lady. Sorry I had to stand you up for our run tonight.”

“Oh, I got your text before I arrived at the park. It just meant that Kyle and I went on the run by ourselves. So, if I may ask, what was this big ‘meeting’ that you had.”

“Well, I could lie, but I won’t. Brad Tankersly asked me to dinner.”

“THE Brad Tankersly? The vice-mayor?”

“That’s the one. He was looking for a new investment advisor, and one of his friends is a long-time client of mine. He invited me to dinner, said it was easier to talk than in some sterile office.”

“I kind of agree. How did it go? I mean, you’re young, single, available…”

“And you’re mildly desperate for me to get hooked up, I gather.”


“OK. He is single and available, too. He asked me out again, just for fun. We’re going to the opera next Friday night.”

“All right!! Worthy catch, my lady.”

“I AM looking forward to it. He’s one of the easiest people to talk to that I’ve ever met. He just seems like a lot of fun.”

“Seriously, good for you.”

Susie changed demeanor from playful to serious. “I didn’t call to tell you about my evening. How are you and your daughter doing?”

“Well, she’s OK. Just a little nervous. So am I. We both want this to be permanent, but until the judge gives his OK, it’s always subject to change.”

“Didn’t you tell me that she’s going to get her name changed, too?”

“She sure is. Amy West took care of getting it on the same docket. The same judge can rule on both, so it just takes care of both things at once.”

“So what it’s going to be? Didn’t she say ‘Lara’ last time we ran together?” Actually, Susie was stretching the truth. Kyle had called Susie the day before to ask about something related to the name change. Kyle wanted to become ‘Lara Phillips’ instead of ‘Lara Britton’ and she sought Susie’s opinion. Kyle was afraid that Megan might react badly, but Susie quickly corrected her and told her that Megan would be honored, in her opinion.

“It’ll be Lara if the judge approves. He shouldn’t have any problem, other than having to read through the medical material to find out why we need to change an “M” to an “F””.

“Well, I just wanted to make sure that you and ‘Lara’ are OK. I’ve been thinking about you.”

“More than Mr. Tankersly?”

“Stop. Just stop. We have a date. We’ll see how this goes. I really wouldn’t mind having a boyfriend, though.”

“Me, too, but right now, I have to think about a daughter.”

“You do that. Good luck tomorrow. I’ll talk to you later.”

“Bye, Susie.”

When she hung up, Megan looked back toward the young woman seated across from her. From her facial expression, Megan could tell that Kyle just wanted it over with. “Mom, I’ll be so glad when tomorrow’s over”, she admitted. Still slightly sore from the surgery to open her vagina, she grimaced as she got up from the couch where she was seated.

“I know, sweetheart. I can’t wait, either.”

After a fitful night, the two headed downtown to the County Court House. Unlike the temporary custody hearing in the hospital, this one was more formal and was held in a “real courtroom”. The case was the first on the docket, so they promptly arrived at 8:30 for their 9:00 hearing. They were dressed in their best clothes, looking more like an executive and her assistant than a Mom and her daughter.

Megan and Kyle munched on a protein bar outside the courtroom, then disposed of the wrappers. The women still brought water with them, hiding them in their purses. About 8:45, they entered the still-empty courtroom to await Amy, the judge, the court reporter, and the bailiff.

At 8:55, Amy West arrived and greeted Megan and Kyle warmly. “This is no big deal”, she assured them. “The judge will just look over the paperwork and ask if there are any objections, according to the social worker. “ Then he’ll say, “I so order that Megan Phillips be granted permanent custody of Lara Britton until she is of the age of majority.” Amy was careful to use Kyle’s “new” name, not wanting to offend the teen.

Just a few seconds later, the bailiff entered from a side door and announced, “Court is now in session, The Honorable Terrance Jenkins presiding, all rise.”

Amy, Megan, and Kyle all stood, along with several others who had arrived with later items on the docket.

Judge Jenkins then said, “I have two items first this morning, first making the custody of Kyle Britton by Megan Phillips permanent. Anyone have a reason why this shouldn’t occur?”

The judge waited a few seconds, then continued, “So ordered.” Obviously, the judge didn’t bother with the formalities, Megan thought. Yay, one down.

“The second item concerns a change of name and gender for Kyle Britton. I’m curious for the reason behind the gender change. The petitioner is pretty young for having surgery, right?”

Amy answered the judge. “Your Honor, it was discovered a couple of weeks ago that there was a mistake made in listing the subject as male on her birth certificate. You have information regarding the discovery of female organs and anatomy by the hospital two weeks ago, and the subsequent determination that she is indeed female. “

“I have to admit that I scanned it instead of reading it.” Looking over the paperwork, Jenkins continued, “This is pretty fascinating. OK, I don’t see any problem with that. Regarding the name change, is the subject here?”

“I am, Your Honor”, Kyle shyly answered.

“You have petitioned to change your name from Kyle Andrew Britton to Lara Ann Britton. Is that still your wish?”

“Your Honor, the Lara Ann part is correct, however, I would like my last name to be Phillips, like my mom.”

The last comment totally caught Megan off guard, and she began to shake as the news penetrated.

“OK, we can change the last part. The name change of the petitioner from Kyle Andrew Britton to Lara Ann Phillips is so ordered. Thank you ladies for being on time and having everything ready.”

Judge Jenkins turned to his clerk and said, “Next case, please” as Amy, Megan, and the now-Lara exited the courtroom.

Once outside in the hallway, they thanked Amy and she left to return to the hospital. After she was out of earshot, Megan asked Lara, “You didn’t warn me! I had no idea that you wanted to share my last name. I mean, you aren’t related to me by birth.”

“But you’re my Mom, and I should have the same last name as you. Besides, I’ve become a new person and what better way is there to make a clean break than to change my whole name?”

Megan hugged Lara tightly. Then she smiled and said, “Let’s get out of here. Would you like some coffee, Miss Phillips?”

“I wouldn’t mind if I do, Doctor Phillips.”

The two women giggled at each other.

The Café Especial, a coffee shop specializing in fresh-ground African coffees, was just around the corner.

Once inside, the two women were greeted by the owner, a Mexican immigrant woman in her forties with a surprisingly loud, booming voice. Speaking to Megan, she asked from across the room, “What I can get you and your daughter?” While not the first time that the phrase was used for Megan and Lara, it warmed Megan all the same. Now it was official – they were mother and daughter, maybe not in blood, but legally nonetheless.

“I think have an Ethiopian Yirgacheffe with a side of cream, please.”

Lara gave Megan a quizzical look. She had never had a specialty coffee before. Even though Megan had fixed herself some coffee in the townhouse since moving in with her, Lara didn’t know anything beyond Folger’s, Maxwell House, and Yuban.

“Um, I’ll have the same, please.”

Within a few minutes, both were seated at a table looking over the downtown street. After Megan took a sip, Lara took a sip, then smiled and proclaimed, “Mmm. No wonder you like this stuff. Thank you, Mom!”

Before Megan could respond, she quickly added, “Mom, thank you for adopting me. I could have been the only teen in a houseful of screaming little kids. And I could have died if my cramps hadn’t been diagnosed. I mean, you’re not my birth mom, but you’ve given me everything that I’ve needed. Plus, you just love me. I’m just so, so lucky to have you.” The teen squeezed her mother’s hand tightly as their arms extended across the table.

“Lara, like I told you right after you moved in with me, this is God at work. You know, He fills multiple holes with one sweep of His hand. We’ve both benefitted.”

Lara had begun attending church with her mother not long after she moved in. She didn’t have any opposition to it. Like many her age, she just didn’t have any exposure. But when she started to meet up with members of the church’s youth group, she found another group that she could identify with, a place where she could feel safe to express herself. While she didn’t understand everything that they talked about, she was starting to understand. What her mother said made sense.

Megan continued, looking directly into Lara’s eyes with a serious expression. “You’ve been a blessing to me. I’ve always wanted to be a Mom, but I knew that adopting a baby would be the wrong thing to do. I work too many hours. I was always afraid of adopting an older child, not knowing if they could accept me when they found out the truth about me. And a teen? That was even worse. Could I identify with him or her? Could I discipline them? But when you came along, it was different. You needed someone who could understand you, someone who not only understood having to live two lives, but had actually lived two lives. For you and me, it’s been a ‘God thing’.”

Finally she paused after pouring out her emotions. Her expression changed to one of love and understanding and she finished with “I love you, Lara.”

Lara reciprocated by looking up at Megan. “I love you, too, Mom.”

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wonderful story. very heart warming how things worked out for kyle. keep up the good work.


A wonderful story and I am so

A wonderful story and I am so happy that Lara finally found out that what she always knew was true from the beginning. I am wondering what her BFF Jessica and her mom thought about all this, as they had accepted Kyle/Lara as a girl from the beginning.
What if anything has her school done regarding her and her "new" status in gender?

If the surgeon 'across the country'

is who I think it might be, we're in for an interesting reunion.

Love the story. Thank you for sharing it.

Some things are better left to the imagination!

I was careful not to name any specific surgeon, nor a part of the country to where Megan and Lara flew. Everyone has an opinion as to who is good and not so good, and I didn't want to spoil the story by specifying any certain physician. So I just left it to the reader to decide.

Wow, quite the story

Jamie Lee's picture

This is quite some story, one that really tugs at the heart strings.

It's sad about both sets of parents, but it set the stage for events yet to come. Had either Megan or Lara never gone through their related experiences, neither would have those experiences when it came time to help heal the other.

And had Susie not knocked on the window of Megan's car, Megan might not have been around when Lara needed a new home. Or there to help Susie when she was at her lowest point. In essence, it took all three helping each, caring for each other, loving each other, to reach the point in their lives they are at at story end.

This story is nicely written and flows well from scene to scene. Would it be nice if people in the real world cared as much for each other as those in this story. And as much happiness.

Others have feelings too.