Does Fiction Influence Life?

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For the last nearly twenty years I've been writing TG fiction. Most of my work contains one basic theme. "People know more about us than we think they do, and accept more that what we imagine."

I continue to regurgitate this theme because I hate the guilt feelings that I, and others like me have about our desires.

Sometimes I feel like I'm shouting into the wind. Other times, worse.

I wonder of what we read does shape how we think?

When BC as a community sets a fictional standard of excellence that includes transforming our bodies to Hollywood's fantasy of what a female looks like, are we as guilty as Hollywood and Madison Avenue have been in increasing eating disorders and mental anguish?

Recently a person I respect and have come to have affection for, complained to me about her weight. She said "I feel incredibly uncomfortable with showing my body." I believe this person is one of the truly beautiful people on this site, although I've never seen her. I wonder if she realizes that the people who would be repulsed by a few extra pounds aren't friends worth having.

My spouse is incredibly beautiful, yet she didn't have reconstructive surgery after her masectomy. She said she didn't believe the risk was worth it. She made that decision thirty years ago and we've never regretted it.

Are we crossing an ethical line as TG writers when our heroines find happiness only after they become physically lovely?

I'm interested in what you think.


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