Tragedy of the Spirit

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Resting and somewhat relaxing today after a unpleasant night. I am getting quite restless. I am also kind of sad and as the reality strikes home for me that I may have to have a new liver after a transplant. I wonder what my life will be and become? It is and may sound crazy, but thoughts of a renewal of my life again is oddly appealing and also on the same coin only flipside disheartening. I wonder what may come here if I had not undergone this answer is probably better than laying here with tubes and wires attached. I only have certain visitors arrive, doctors , nurses and the like. I am pretty much kept in ICU for now which has a limited schedule for visiting hours. Kinda sad to think that those I do know do not visit. It makes for a lonely time. One of the night nurses brought me a few books and a newspaper so I can keep up on the news. It is kinda boreing, lonely, depressing too say the least to spend so much time alone and only sleep. I hope to get a pass to walk about. Yeah right. That will be hard. I have the "idiot box" set up here to watch what I feel I want too, however , non stop commercials does not make entertainment. Anyways, I appologize for a bit of a rant on the friday, I would so much like to be outside enjoying the sun today instead of this depressing room that is void of color. Blessings one and all.

Mellissa (prairie_girl_64)


While I can sympathize with your predicament,

and feel remorse over the inescapable fact that there's nothing I can do for you other than offer my very best wishes for your eventual transplant and recovery, in addition to the other 'distractions' you mentioned, you do have your laptop and access to the internet, which gives you many more avenues of escaping the boredom.

I know what it's like to be laid up in a hospital room, although not in ICU, and it ain't no darn fun, that's for sure.

Since my last get well huggle didn't seem to do the trick, I'm including an updated, brand new version of it in this message. Please utilize it at every opportunity.

((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((( :)HUUUUUUUUUUUUUGGLLLLLLLLLLE :) ))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))

Huggles and kisses from,
Catherine Linda Michel

As a T-woman, I do have a Y chromosome... it's just in cursive, pink script. Y_0.jpg

A little stir-crazy?

Hey Mellissa ~

It's always difficult to be the patient & you've had way too much practice lately - do people become better at being patients as time goes by, or worse? I'd think it'd depend a great deal on the individual. I think I'd get worse. I should say I know I get worse.

I know I have to get up and move, and I'm a much more social creature than most, so I need to talk, have conversations. I'd be driving everyone batty. I've too many friends spending too much time in hospitals lately, and it's frustrating that they're all just too far away to go and visit. I'd love to, but due to their and my circumstances, that ain't gonna happen as much as I'd like. Frustrating.

Do you have a Skype or other similar attachment on your magic box there? It's nice to hear a friend's voice instead of seeing lines of text sometimes - and you don't have to worry about sharing your computer with others, do you, or running up a huge phone bill. Although the laptops aren't the panacea that we'd like them to be, they still can be a nice escape & means of communication.

I hope you are getting the rest you need - you've got a fan out here thinking of you and wishing you the best, so take care of yourself & get as healthy as you can.


He conquers who endures. ~ Persius