Bike 3000 -- the future

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Each episode I write is breaking new ground as no one has written this amount over such a period before, at least in this genre and on this site. I have the support of Erin to continue posting this interminable saga, the transgender equivalent of watching paint dry, as long as I wish to continue. I suppose it has become something of a feature of the site alongside the reasonable literacy of its authors compared to some other sites.

As we approach 3000 episodes, quite when that will be I'm not sure because I'm having a holiday to go and play in Switzerland at the Tour de France courtesy of another author, which will upset my writing schedule. I would guess therefore, that we'll probably achieve 3000 somewhere around the end of this month.

I asked Erin, I 'm now asking the readers if they wish me continue beyond this magical number, helping Cathy to narrate her adventures and that of her family in Bike. Please let me know.


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