I have returned from a semi successful surgery on my liver, the surgeons removed approx 80 % of my liver and have now placed me on a wait list for a liver transplant. I am at a point of a slow recovery here in the hospital. I have a private room and therfore have access to my laptop. I am greatful of the support I have recieved from the freinds I have been able to know since "Tragedy" was posted on BC. This is the firstoppertunity I have had as I am so bored right at this point. I have been able to slowly catch up on Emails etc. The physicians expect me to be laid up here for another 4 weeks. I am bored. lol I do not get alot of visitors etc. I am able to sleep a significant ammount of my day away here. I am slow to comprehend what has transpired with me over the last while. I feel the im,pact of losing a significant portion of a organ and a functioning one at that is and has not quite sunk in as of yet. I am in considerable pain and agony and have shed my fair share of tears already. My days are long and my nights are short. I will be able to get out of bed late next week and try and gain my strength with my arms in my chair. It looks so lonely as I cannot sit in it and go wheel about the floor. :( However, I will place my energies on recouping and gaining what strength I can. I am also hopefully contributing a short story I have been thinking about as I lay awake here about my stay and pevious surgery. Many Thanks and many Blessings to those whom have sent emails and comments on "Tragedy". God Bless you all.
Mellissa (prairie_girl_64)
Take Care Of Yourself Melissa
And please do not rush yourself my friend. We will be here when you are ready.
May Your Light Forever Shine
May Your Light Forever Shine
I'll include you in MY thoughts as well, hon.
I can only imagine how you must feel, and I'll keep my fingers crossed for a complete recovery for you.
Since I cannot be right there with you, I'm sending along one of my patented, warm and fuzzy, get-well huggles. One size fits all. We're all here for you sweetie, and I hope you'll keep the lines of communication open.
Being in hospital sucks, and the food is...well, I'm sure I don't have to tell you that. I hope you've got someone to smuggle in a quarter pounder and fries, or some other junk, comfort food occasionally.
All my best wishes and hopes for you in your recovery.
Catherine Linda Michel
As a T-woman, I do have a Y chromosome... it's just in cursive, pink script.
Mellisa, please get well
All of us here at BigCloset wish you for a speedy recovery and return to being able to be your old self and hammering away at writing ^.^ I know I miss you and hope to keep seeing updates from you on your condition and maybe a PM or 2. I am there with you in Spirit and hope that your pain eases.
BigCloset TopShelf
Get well
I so sorry to hear you are having such problems. Please get well soon.
My thoughts are with you.
My prayers & good wishes
Get well, Melissa! Hope you are healed from the surgery and up & about soon.
And I don't know what the waiting list for a liver is like,
but I hope you get a really good one, real soon.
~~~careful hugs, Laika
Well shit, I guess it really CAN happen here..,
Trying to do my best today....
however not working to well. I had my doc's visit today and I have a minor infection. I am on a heavier antibiotic...yuck. I only wish I could have someone sneak in "comfort food". The hospital food, is yuck... I am on IV's and a lot of monitors. There is a significant wait for replacement parts for the body. I am lucky in a sense that I have voice software to type here on the lappie. It will be a long process to recover. Thanks to everyone that is continueing to pray and offer thoughts of kindness . I have been through worse than this in my life, compared to that this is a mini picnic...smiles faintly. Thanks everyone, Catherine, Stan,Laika,Sephrina,Grover. Many blessings to you all. I will try and post when I can. Hard to do when one sleeps for 22 hours aday. I am not used to it. Mind you I am under alot of physical stress and pain. and I stiched up too...sheesh. Anyhow, God Bless everyone on BC ...You are all in my thoughts and prayers.
Mellissa (prairie_girl_64)