Tragedy of the Spirit

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I have returned from a semi successful surgery on my liver, the surgeons removed approx 80 % of my liver and have now placed me on a wait list for a liver transplant. I am at a point of a slow recovery here in the hospital. I have a private room and therfore have access to my laptop. I am greatful of the support I have recieved from the freinds I have been able to know since "Tragedy" was posted on BC. This is the firstoppertunity I have had as I am so bored right at this point. I have been able to slowly catch up on Emails etc. The physicians expect me to be laid up here for another 4 weeks. I am bored. lol I do not get alot of visitors etc. I am able to sleep a significant ammount of my day away here. I am slow to comprehend what has transpired with me over the last while. I feel the im,pact of losing a significant portion of a organ and a functioning one at that is and has not quite sunk in as of yet. I am in considerable pain and agony and have shed my fair share of tears already. My days are long and my nights are short. I will be able to get out of bed late next week and try and gain my strength with my arms in my chair. It looks so lonely as I cannot sit in it and go wheel about the floor. :( However, I will place my energies on recouping and gaining what strength I can. I am also hopefully contributing a short story I have been thinking about as I lay awake here about my stay and pevious surgery. Many Thanks and many Blessings to those whom have sent emails and comments on "Tragedy". God Bless you all.

Mellissa (prairie_girl_64)

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