USA: Here I come!

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So, after a little more than a year of wrestling with the United States of America's really unfriendly immigration system, I was approved and I have my immigration package. I'll be heading there this Sunday to marry my fiance.

I don't know entirely what to expect at the border, but it's the last place I can be denied entrance. Naturally, I'm nervous but hopeful, any tips from anyone?



Alecia Snowfall's picture

look presentable, smile, be polite and give direct answers to direct questions. make sure of instructions before doing anything. when you're done and in, go directly to the nearest McDonald's and get an order of fries.

quidquid sum ego, et omnia mea semper; Ego me.
alecia Snowfall

preferably ones that are

preferably ones that are fresh out of the frialator! Whether you get a cheeseburger to go with them or not is your call ;)

I'm told STFU more times in a day than most people get told in a lifetime

USA entry

Rhona McCloud's picture

I've been in and out of the USA for 30+ years with no problems at the border although like you, and everyone else, I found getting my last visa expensive and time-consuming.

Rhona McCloud

A few hours ago

I entered the US after flying to Las Vegas from London.
The ESTA Machines were installed but not working so it was stand in line time.
Thankfully as I flew at the front of the plane (almost) there were not that many in the queue in front of me.
And for once, the Immigration Official was friendly. We even engaged in a bit of chatter about Elko, NV.
If you read long multi-part story, Elko appeared in a few episodes.
The downside was once again getting my rental car. Why oh why does it take so long to rent a car which you had reserved anyway....????????
Then it took 10 minutes to check-in to my Hotel??? Why? I'd booked ahead and they had all my details yet they insisted on entering them all again.

Pah! (Definietely getting grumpier as I get older)

Double and triple check to

Double and triple check to make sure you have everything in order before going, it'll seem like overkill but it's better to know absolutely that things are in order.

And above all else calm yourself! Anxiety and fear is justified but if you aren't calm it'll cause unwanted attention and trouble for yourself. There's a valid reason why they pull people out of of line or look closer at people who aren't calm, it's often these people who are smugglers and criminals. You don't want to be suspected as being either of those. Even if you have things in order the checks and humiliation over being singled out for your uneasiness aren't worth it so please calm yourself and center yourself. Despite the horror stories you don't have a thing to fear, you are legitimate and have everything in order.

And congratulations to the both of you!

I'm told STFU more times in a day than most people get told in a lifetime

Good luck

Angharad's picture

I hope it works out well for both of you.
