Vantier a Whateley Tale chapter 12

Vantier a Whateley Tale.....Ancient and Powerful Vantier awakens in a foreign world, struggling to find her place in it.

In this chapter....Kyley Settles in Whateley and deals with some of her inner demons

NOTE that this chapter Kyley talks over the subject of attempted suicide.
So if that subject bothers you? You might want to stop on this one?

He is saved from the death of his race and start all over again....but can she survive?
A human high school and being a teenager? Will she remember what was? And grow in power?

most of my current stories can be found on Fictionmania

Or if you want to input more?

Drop a e-mail to me at [email protected]

Copyright © 2016 by Shadowsblade

All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced,
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Friday August 31 2007 6:40 am
Whateley Academy
Poe cottage

Once the morning fully arrives I get up and dress in one of my backless shirts made for flying! I am just at my door, when Night flies back in the room and perches on the beds footing.

~"Well you where out all night? Have fun?"~ I ask the old bird.

~"Yes...and you have to get out there and see the area around here soon! As there seems to be some form of 'grove' with a large population of Fae creatures in it near here? You might want to seek them out?"~ She informs me.

~"I back in!"~ I order her.

She vanishes with a pop and I walk out the door. As I leave Poe, I see the 'flag' is red today 'SHOOT no flying!' my mind screams, me stuck walking till it changes! Very mad, I then WALK! toward crystal hall to get some breakfast.

When I get inside and hop in line. My taste today, goes for my standard 'sample box' of food and get 'KK' a large order of pancakes with other small sides. A swipe for all of it and the check out lady even notes, that I am getting food for a kid in Doyle without question?

Now with bags full of supplies, I head over to Doyle. Once in I wave at the nurse on duty and go straight to KK's room. I wave at her, as I come in "Hey how's the morning so far?" I ask with a grin.

I feel from her not so much 'joy?' but she is good in all counts, no real sadness comes off her. As she says "So far? its good? I want my own room....I guess? This place sucks!"

"Well, I will see what we can get done? But here is breakfast for ya." I announce, as I drop the bags on her table.

She tears open the bag, pulls out the top box and looks inside. "Ohh pancakes....yummy! I am not even going to ask how you know this is one of my fav's!"

"I got....evil minions in my employ! That's how" I boast.

She laughs at me "It should be....I have got evil minions.." she then takes out my box and looks inside it "What gives?....with this?" she adds somewhat shocked at its contents.

"I don't eat so much?" I say to her, as my hand takes the offered box.

"So? you got some kind of eating disorder?...or something?" she asks.

"I told you.....not human. I don't need food to live...I 'eat' in other ways?" I say more then embarrassed.


"Please lets talk of this later....out of hearing?" She nods back to me her understanding.

I open my box and start to nibbling. She on the other hand, digs in with gusto "So was last night okay? As my night got disturbed" I ask her.

"Its so boring here" she says between large mouthfuls. I notice that she is eating like....a male still. 'looks like that part in her, has not changed much? So we are both in the same boat? I guess' My thoughts wonder off. "But what happened?" she asks with a large gulp of food.

"Well it seems one of the girls on my floor...let her disguise slip and it freaked out her roommate? I can understand go...bed with....girl ten feet away and wake to...dragon hatchling in that bed...can be a shock for a human?" I say while popping a strawberry in my mouth.

I feel a wave of shock and confusion come off 'KK' "What?..... A!"

"That's not normal?" I ask her confused, that its not?

She shakes her head 'NO' to me "NOPE!"

"Well it is back I just assumed its normal here?" I asked, somewhat confused at this new idea.

"No Kyley they are not 'normal' in the least! AND where in the heck are you from that....that having a dragon in the same room is...normal?" she asks me, more than confused.

"Home is.....gone" is all I say softly.

"Gone? what....gone?" she asks, putting down her fork and looking at me.

"Just....gone. Its no more....and that was very long ago." I sit there, just thinking 'What do I say?...'

'KK' moves the table aside and wraps me in a hug "So you have 'loss' too? But your not trying to 'off' yourself" I hug her back ...but all I can think is 'yet?'...."So I am going to try to get and do better!" she finally whispers.

During that...nice hug she says "Hey...I need this and you do too!" Then she lets go of me.

We just start going back to talking and eating... and what classes to take when a nurse walks in. She sees me and 'KK' sitting there and I feel her get me!

"What is this? You brought in a knife, to a patent in this condition? Are you stupid?" she asks and yells at me.

"NO! I am far from stupid!" I bark back...'silly mortal...this one is in my 'care'! drives through my thoughts.

"Well I am going to have to take that" and she starts to walk over to us.

"No 'KK' is fine, she is eating with it. AND if you take it, what is she going to use to cut that food with?" I ask her. "Besides its so would take one...near forever to kill ones self with it?"

'KK' then says flatly, as she readies a last large bite for her mouth "Let her have it, I don't really need it. It does not matter?"

"It does to me" I then look at 'KK' "You do need it and they should trust you with it?"

"Well I need to get that from her" the nurse says and she comes to the bed near us.

I 'fix' her with a gaze from my eyes and a heavy blast of glamour. As she stands there deep in its grasp. I shove out my will at her "You will leave and forget that this happened. Just go about your duties as normal and don't come in here unless its required to do so."

She then...turns and leaves.

As she goes, GODS! the pain that hits my head! I grab my skull from the throbbing and rub it all over "Ohhh my Great Gods, I should not do that again for a very long time! This near madding! She must have had a shield on her of some type!"

"You okay? and what did you do?"

"I shoved a little of my 'will' at her and it hurt! But she is gone for now?"

"You know, I heard an echo of what you said to her 'in' my head!"

I am startled from her saying that "Are you all right? I did not mean for that to get to you!"

"I think I am okay?....but..I have a sudden urge to empty bedpans...thou?"

My jaw drops in shock "NO? please say your joking?"

She laughs at my face "Yes I am you really fell for it?"

"Thank Gods! But. I am not doing that again, my head is just killing me!"

"Hey I thought you said your 'brain' was not in there?"

"Haa...its not, but the pain has to be some where?"

"You do know, I read somewhere? What you just against the rules?" she says to me, as she readies another bite of food.

"So? I did it to protect a friend from stupidity. So I am fine with it..."

"But Kyley...please don't break rules for will get in trouble?"

"Me trouble?...I have enough of that already! More trouble is to me? Send me to bed without supper?" I laugh.

"Its....'what are they going to do'..." she winks at me.

We go back to eating and talk for near two hours. But I have things to do and I say goodbye to her. As I leave the area, to pass the nurses station. Doctor Tenent is there and stops me.

"Kyley If I may?" she asks of me.


" looks like Kumiko is getting better, she should be out tomorrow sometime. But you have to go up stairs to see Doctor Bellows about a session and your classes. As he is your advisor."

"Okay? I can do that?" I nod and start off to the elevators.

"AND Kyley?" she asks me, as I turn to leave.

"Yes ma'am?"

"You might want to get that 'ethics in psychics' class....soon?"

"Hummm Why?"

"You know DARN! why....never do that again..." she says, more than angry at me "But I will forget it...this time! Because of Kumiko. AND I will see you in magic class or healing? As I teach both..." her voice softens at the end.

"Yes ma'am, I will see you in class...then?"

As she nods back, I walk into the elevators doors. Then I go up a few floors and find a map of the building. After a little looking I find the correct office and go in.

"I am here to see doc Bellows?" I say, to a rather thin kid there.

"Hey you must be Kyley? I am Kelly or Doogie, I am here helping the doc while I am getting ready for college. But the doc will see you right now...if you want?" the boy asks me.

"That's why I am here?"

"Well go on in, he is waiting for ya!" he smiles at me.

The door opens for me at a light push and I close it behind me. As I enter... I say to a man, who is reading a vast pile of files and is sitting behind a rather nice desk "Hi I am Kyley, I was told I need to see you about classes?"

"Hello Miss Barron, I am Doctor Bellows or some call me Alfred. Have a seat and relax, we have some paperwork to do and a small intro session to get done" he waves at the chairs in the office.

I grab one that is nearest to his desk and get ready to sit "Sir? you said I can get comfortable?"

"Yes anything? that helps?" he asks with just a shade of wonderment.

"COOL!' I think and out pop the wings. Now that I am more relaxed, I sit down.

"Humm?" he tones out at me "Feel better? and is that what you call your more normal form? As I have read your file a little and from in here" he raises the file off the desk a bit at me "this one and there are others you can do?"

"Ohh yes...this is much better! and yes this is closer to 'what' I call normal?" I say back to him, as I scoot about in the chair getting a nice good 'spot' in it.

"Fine then, lets start on your classes. Here is a list, I got started on via your enrollment forms and that chat you had with Mrs. Carson" he says, as he slides a piece of paper at me.

:Class schedule
Kyley Barron

Principals of magic
Intro to Magical Arts
Introduction to Magic Theory (Magic Lab)
Special Topics - Magic--Necromancy - Threat Or Menace
American History
Beginning History-World
Advanced Hyper Dimensional Non-Euclidean Mathematics
Dimensional gate mathematics and magic
Mathematics of Quantum Neutrino Fields
Thaumaturgy, Numerology and Mystic Algebra
Powers Theory and Powers Lab
Special Topics - Powers Theory (with lab): Projective Empaths
Flying 1
English as a second language
Basic Martial Arts

I study the list and find the only issue is the 'flying 1' Gods that will bore me to death!

"Sir? the list looks fine to me, but the flying class? A girl on the train ride in she said, I might be able to get flying two? As I was born to it?"

"Please 'sir's here, its Alfred. But I will look into that for you? You might have to suffer a few days in it, till they see that you can actually 'fly'?"

I nod back "I can wait."

"I have to ask? Did you want to add, a class on weapons? For your Axe skills?"

"No...that would be a bad idea right now. As I have seemed to have lost some control over it, so that makes it a little too dangerous right now for practicing with others. I might do that next year?"

"Okay I will note that for later. I want to tell you this, I was chosen from the staff for a few reasons. One I deal with lots of your fellow cottage mates. Another is I have dealt with Sara, you met her at Homestake" he pauses for a little longer than normal "I have to ask this? I read of your reaction at first seeing her, then your defeating and killing of what may have been a rogue 'GOO' at Homestake."

"Yes....and?" I ask wondering what he is leading to?

"If Sara shows back up? Will you have any problems with her?"

"No...I do not start fights or kill, I leave that to others. I will only defend myself. So if she comes back, you might ask her that?"

"I will...'if' that happens? So lets go on? I have little real notes to what you really are? As you don't fit in lots of the categories we have? Your explanation that the man who disappeared at the same time, your metal block showed up. That he became a part or component of your now being here...makes sense? BUT can you add to that for me? I will not write any of it down...I just have to know, who or what I am helping here?"

What I feel off him is to understand and no real hint at he is garnering information for others uses....He is telling me the truth, as he feels it.

I sit there for several seconds, then minutes and I can't think of what to say to him. How much? How far? Who I am? What I am? Who may or may not be after me?

After some time, I put my head down in my hands "Alfred, I really don't know what to say? And for me that's saying allot."

"I understand...I can wait for that answer... if you want to?" he asks the kid...then Doctor Bellows feels via his small telepathic powers, a large mass of held back sadness in Kyley. She is hiding something?....something that drastically changed her life. He has to at least 'try' to help her someway? "But I can tell your holding back a wall of ...something. It just flows off you."

I shore up my shields to him "I should have figured that a fellow...empath. Would do this job best."

"I felt you just....slam that door on me, you know I can help?"

"I offer your word on keeping secrets. But if Sara's dad came in here and asked about me? Could you stop him?"

"No...that is beyond me."

"Now you see my issue, along with what I feel maybe a threat to me. So why don't you tell me what to do? As I have no idea?"

"Well talking always helped? But in your case me knowing things about you....might be a threat to you? So, I don't know...either? You may just have to as they say....chance it?"

I lean down, start nervously running my hands through my hair and then flop my long braid to one side. Then stop with my face buried deeply in my hands "I don't know? All I will say is, I am like Sara in some ways" I say some what muffled by my hands.

"Okay Kyley...But I still feel you may need more help? Can I ask some more questions? And you just nod or something, it may let some of what your holding out?"

I nod to him, as the phone in my pocket rings at us both and disturbs the near silence.

"Is that your phone? If you want to answer it?"

"I know who it is....its Becky, a good friend. When I shut you out, I closed her out too. She is just calling ...worried is my bet? I will talk to her."

As the phone rings on, I open up my mind to Becky and tell her all is fine.

All I get from her is worry ~'what's wrong!"~ she asks me.

~"Its fine...I am just talking with the doctor here....about issues."~


~"No my love...bad memories, ones that I don't want to burden you all?"~

~"I understand...but you can always talk to me?.....please?"~ I feel her near beg me.

~"Yes I will tell all of this to you...very soon. I have to get back to the doctor, as he is looking at me rather...funny?"~

I sense some humor at that from her ~"I will be there soon and we can talk then?"~

And then she fades, as I once again close my shields.

As I glance up at him, he asks me in a near whisper "Is everything alright? If you need more time to talk to her....I understand."

"No...I told her what is happening. I will talk to her later on" I lean back down into my hands to think 'This...human is a smart one....he knows I can mentally 'talk' to others? I guess that could be normal this school!' I find humor at that last thought.

"Well let me ask some simple questions to help...and maybe a nod or two from you can help guide helping more?"

I nod, almost unnoticeably to him.

"I am going by what you said to Mrs. Carson a month back. Is some of your held back sadness or anger...because there is no one like you here?"

I nod.

" also said 'your world is gone and you have to get used to it' that another issue?" he asks gently.

All I can do is nod...'I start to feel the need to be alone, with this.'

" you feel any blame for that? Any at all?"

My simple nod gets me to thinking on that issue 'Did I do something that killed us all?' I try to find that one memory on it....but it keeps slipping away from me.

"Good some progress...So you think your the only one to blame?"

My head nods so fast, to answer him and I find I can't control it...This surprises me...'was that an unconscious move on my part? Did I get my world destroyed?'

"Very good Kyley? Now did you have a personal"

My body near jumps from the chair "NEVER ASK THAT AGAIN!" I yell and demand him. My inner rage is tearing at me now.

"Kyley I am only trying to help you? It can not be your fault? All of that?"

The tears just roll off my face, I bury my face in my hands and collapse back into the chair. The sudden shock of what he is saying....opens a dark memory in me and I start to really sob out at seeing it.

I think inwardly 'I did do all this! I killed them all! I remember now...I ordered four of my best to come here and help fight the Dark Ones. When they died, the Dark Ones. Must have surly read their dying minds and knew where to strike! They knew they had to gather a large force, to destroy US! We were, far too big a threat to them!'

"Kyley? are you alright?"

I look up and sob to him "I did this..."

"What? you can't be...all the blame for anything?"

As he says that, I see what and why I could not... See that dark memory..... till just now! was buried deep in my NIGHT!

"NIGHT you...backstabbing bird! get out here NOW!" I roar at nothing.

Doctor Bellows gazes at me, more than bewildered by my sudden out burst "Kyley please calm yourself... its all right?"

Night suddenly 'pops' into the room perched, on a small coat rack just behind the doctor.

I feel her come out and glare at her in rage. "YOU! concealed this from me...why?!" I point at her savagely.

~"Because till now? You could not handle it...AND even now? I still don't think you can?"~

"Why...why...why? would you do that?!" I cry out at her, with streams of tears now flowing.

~"Because of this....this raging outburst of yours! I promised to watch over you in life! AS MY DUTY."~

"Heck with that! You should have told me!?"

~"AND! have you kill yourself on that first day!...I am no fool...You would have done it!"~

"I would have never done that?...taking ones life is not the answer?"

~"On that first would have...But now? have a 'love' back in your life. Then there are others to support you and care for you."~

"Yes I see that now...I do have someone to care for me and I them. BUT you still kept that from me! It was my choice! damned bird!" I sob out and look for something...anything to throw at her.

Bellows is only getting one side of the conversation, but he knows it too well to interfere in it. It has to come out. He watches as I berate the large bird for several minutes. Then he gets a bit worried, when I look hurriedly about, snatch up a small box and throw it at the large bird with vicious intent of harm.

He watches as the box hurls at great speed at the large hawk. Then it abruptly stops midair and lowers rather gently to the nearby table.

~"It was not your fault. Your father or bothers or even the long dead Emperor. They all would have made the same choice you did, a friend in need. How could any of us have known, it would lead to our demise?"~

"But I sent them...I made that choice? A choice that doomed us all to death?"

~"They came and attacked did not go and find that fight found US!"~

I sit down and brood over that notion...'They did come and attack us? I did my job'

"Your right....Night...they did attack us. I did not bring death to us. It came on its own black wings of death?"

As I fall back in my chair again and all I can do is cry.

Alfred talks to me in very gentle tones "Kyley? I think we are done for now? I think you should take some time out and process this out. You can go or stay here...It is always your choice."

My legs stand me up, near not even knowing I am doing it. My mind twisting in circles and bends over itself. All those thoughts are forming knots in my head, made of deep dark memories. PAINFUL! ones.

Doctor Bellows watches me, as I walk slowly to his door and start walking out. "Kyley? Are you all right? Do you need an escort?"

"No I am fine...." I whisper out, not even thinking.

I walk in a daze, right past the kid who greeted me and out the main office door. My body takes itself on a small trip outside, to an area and bench that sits on the far off on edge of the forest adjoining the main campus.

Like a bag of bones....I plop on a small bench, that faces a nice stand of trees and I start to think. No actually dwell, on what I had done. Why?

As I sit to ponder, all that happened


Doctor Bellows starts out of the office to follow Kyley out and ask if she needs more time? or help. Only to get near nothing in the return answers.

Doogie watches the freshman leave the office, without one word even said. She has the look of one in shock and walks past him. Right behind her, the Doc is there and asks her is she needs help.

"Hey doc? should I go get her?"

"No Doogie....not at all. But could you go and watch her for a little bit. As she just had a major revelation and what I would call the biggest shock I have ever heard of." Bellows says to the boy.

"What? If I can ask?"

Bellows shakes his head "Its best you don't know....heck I don't think even I should know....honestly?"

Doogie gets up form his chair and rushes off to try and keep up. "Doc? what should I do.....if?"

"Call for help and hope...its all you can do. Do not try and stop her...AT ALL. Please."

Doogie nods and runs out the door.

Bellows walks back into his office and sits at his desk. He spins his chair and gazes at the large hawk still perched on the coat rack.

"Well? My friend. I wish, I could ask you what is going on. But I can guess pretty well what is going on" he chuckles out. "So I guess your staying for a awhile?" he asks, as he turns back to his work

The bird glares at him. Then Bellows feels a tingle in his head, along with the feeling of 'yes'....

"Humm?" Alfred looks at the bird again "Was that you?"....then once more that feeling of..'yes'

"Well then...are you here to talk?"

...'yes' feeling again.

"Okay...I think I know someone who might be able to speed this up a bit?"

....'yes' the bird blinks once more at him.

Bellows turns to the side of his office "Ohh Louis. I need ya buddy." he sounds out mentally as well as verbally.

A human form of a middle aged man appears in front of the doctors desk. "Yes Alfred, how can I help you?"

Alfred turns back around to point at the large bird "This my friend, is the familiar of Kyley Barron...and it wants to talk. Would you mind helping me out?"

Louis reaches out with his mind to the bird and hits a wall of resistance. He pushes just a little more and finds the bird can easily keep him out. BUT then a small door opens and the bird talks to him.

~"Humm I see your a little like the Dark Ones or as you call them GOO?....Funny? But for what was once a human, I find your mind quite ordered....nice. But please let the good doctor in on this?"~ Night asks the man.

"Alfred? I got through to her. I will act as your 'bridge'... Funny that a familiar talks independent of its owner?"

Night squawks verbally and mentally at them both ~"FAMILIAR! humph! I am no PET!"~

Bellows laughs out "Louis? I think we both, just got snubbed by a bird?"

~"Yes you did! But Doctor? I ask you to please...keep talking to her. As she...found this out today and I did not want her to know this...till she was better able to...cope?"~

"Yes...Night? she called you?.... I can do that for her? But what are you and her? If not mage and familiar?"

~"I am part of her and she me. Bound souls in away. I can think and act on my own ....but she does and will order me at times. But...back to my and her issues. I closed all those dark memories of what she did, just before her death...away. As I was sure.....and she still may....decide, that joining the long dead is a better way?"~

Bellows and Louis look at each other "Should I have her taken into Doyle?" Bellows asks the Hawk.

~"NO! don't! That would be a large mistake. She would surly...fall into the Darkness, escape and do damage or kill. Keep an eye on her, let her mingle and see goes on. Please let her help....Kumiko. As that will give her mind a project that in it and hope."~

"Darkness? I don't understand the term?"

~"Think of Darkness? as what your worst GOO's are? That they want to destroy life....that is like one of us, that has fallen to Darkness. BUT! we are not GOO. But...We like all things......can fall."~

"So? Night...I did get from that one-sided conversation, that you two just had...That she made a bad choice and her world paid the price? That can't be true...that one choice, could do all that?"

~"It did....But any of her linage would have done that VERY same thing. We all value life that high...we would help any that would ask. She made back then.... choices like that everyday, for most of her long life."~

~"What she did...was long ago, send some of our kind here to help in your fight with the Dark Ones or GOO. Most likely they died. The GOO saw, we were a threat. Tracked us down to home and destroyed us all. But I have to go and sooth that mind of her's ...before she acts rash. As she has been known to do that!"~ the bird laughs at them. Then vanishes.

Louis's phantom body takes a seat and looks at Bellows "I know my messed up as this worlds ancient history is? you think?"

"That the butcher's bill...for me and you, even being here? Is her world? Its too sad to even think about."

"And even worse Alfred, She made that choice? I think....both of us should just forget about this?"

Bellows nods "Agreed...we will help her, as best as we can...and hope."


As I sit on the bench, I can hear that boy from the doc's office behind me. He is trying very hard NOT to be heard. But he is failing....badly.

"Doogie?...You might as well come over here and As my guess that bush....not too comfortable?"

"Am I that bad?"

"As loud, as an elephant walking on peanut shells" I laugh as best I can.

Doogie gets up from his bushy hide and walks over to the bench. Before he sits, he lays a small pack of tissues by me "I never leave that office...without one of these."

"Thanks...but I think I am cried out." I mumble to him.

"I don't know what happened? goes on" he states.

I sit there in my own personal hell of memories "Really? it goes on?" I sass at him.

" does."

"You have no clue, what I did.....or lost?"

"It does not just go on."

Night 'pops' in front of us both perched on a bench across the path. ~"Listen to the boy...he is repeating exactly what you said to Kumiko. So heed your own words?"~

"Kyley? Is that your hawk?"

I hiss out at Night "Yesssss for now. Or until I kill her!"

"Humm I guess.." he chuckles "Your mad at her?"


"I should go get lunch...but I have an idea?"

I glare at him "What?"

"When I am mad, I go over to Eastman annex and pound the crap out of a practice dummy" he smiles at me.


"Or if your REAL! mad area 99 is fun!"

I stand up "Lead on?"

"So how mad are you?"


"Well lets start small and work our way up!"

Fifteen minuets later, Doogie is introducing me to a small, older Asian man.

"Sensei Ito? this is Kyley...she is a incoming freshman and she just got done with the doc? But she needs a little 'venting' time. Can you let her in for a few?"

The small man walks around me and looks me over. "I can do that...but she has no practice clothes yet?"

"You need clothes to practice fighting in too?"

"Yes..." he laughs "Unless you like to do it naked?"

"Well...besides armor? How would you do it then? As where I am from, its normal?"

Doogie's eyes are now the size of dinner plates "Fight naked? that's nuts!"

"Its how I was taught. You don't think of....'kissing' an opponent when they are trying.....tear your heart out?....unless your 'into' that kind of thing?"

Ito tones out slowly "Humm that style of fighting is not unheard of...but Whateley? Likes its students...dressed. I think I have a bodysuit for you to borrow. AND Doogie my boy, go get dressed. You invited you will fight with her?"

"Yes Sensei.....Kyley please come with me and I will show you where to change."

After some fussing, they find me one that has nice cutouts on its back for my wings to be out. Then I am given a locker and I get dressed. As I walk out I find the outfit FAR from comfortable!

As I exit the locker room, I find Doogie waiting for me. "All set?" he asks.

"Yes...but I hate this....thing? Its far from comfortable. My armor is better" I near hiss out. As my anger has yet to settle.

We both walk back out to the main area and I follow Doogie to a large mat. he kneels down on its edge and says out to the old man "We are ready Sensei?"

"Fine, instead of Kyley...just practicing on a dummy. How about a match?"

"I am fine with that Sensei" says Doogie.

"I guess? I can try your way?" I say, not even knowing what is to come.

I follow Doogie out to the mat and he gets in the center. He guides me to the opposite of him.

Ito says to us both in a commanding voice "All right, I will keep this simple. No hits, only grappling to start. And I will command in English for Kyley to keep that Doogie?" Doogie nods back.

"Grappling? Why? If I am fighting....I hit!" I hiss. I am far too mad to think right now. Why all this show?

"Well this is practice and you need to learn how to subdue. As well as hurt?" Ito informs me.

"Okay I can learn this?" I question him.

"Fine...get ready.....and fight!" he barks at me.

With that bark. Doogie leaps at me, grabs my arm and flips me to the mat on my stomach. Then tries to bend my arm to pin my body. BUT he finds, that it keeps on bending and bending. My arm keeps on bending till, until it bends in a most unnatural way.

I smile at the mat "Doogie, if your looking to pin me with my arm, you will find. I have no...bones to use as leverage and I don't feel any real pain?" I growl at him.

I start to 'roll' with his move. Then reverse it on him and flop out on to the mat. As he lets go. I get up to my feet and face him. He then tries to make a leap at my middle and grab on there. As he does, I grab him, flap my wings to flip him over on the mat and end up with him on top of me. I then wrap him in arms, legs and my large wings. Now he can't budge at all.

"STOP! its over!" Ito barks.

I let go of Doogie and help him up. He leads me off to stand by Ito.

"Well Doogie has been a good student...but you? I have to think hard to teach one that feels near no pain and 'bends' like that. I have had one before and if she was still here? I would match the both of you" Ito looks around after talking to us and goes over to a student that was practicing by themselves.

"What is he doing?" I ask Doogie.

" finding you a better match?"

"Well...this is not really helping...Maybe I should just beat something and leave? As I am not.....patient right now!"

After I said that Doogie walks over to talk with Ito and the girl. I watch them for several minutes talk back and forth. As they go on talking amongst themselves, I take mental notes on the new girl, dark skin, thin, athletic, and it seems by her moves...practiced at fighting. AND she knows it!

The whole group finally walks over to me. I on the other hand I am more than upset, while they where gone. I have been doing nothing but STEW in anger.

"Kyley I have found a great student, that can help with your training." Ito tells me.

"Ito..sir I think I should just leave...As this is not helping at all."

"Nonsense you should stay? Then try to lose some of the pent up anger. But get at the ready in the center. This student here is, Chaka or Toni and she is in your building."

I huff out "Fine..."

She leads me over to a new mat, this one is a bit different. It has a large metal cage on each side of the mat.

As I get to its center Ito yells out the match basic rules to me "In this match. To win all you have to do is get your opponent into the cage and close the door. There is a time limit of fifteen minutes. But few need it? Are you ready?"

I nod and she does.


My body falls into a low crouch. Then I see her run at me, spin around to leap behind my back and grab an arm. That arm she grabs up, is used to toss me across the mat to near the far side. I land on my feet with a small beat of my wings."

She quips at me "So they told me, your all mad because of some stupid dwelling on loss? You might want to pay attention here, as we are fighting...not crying!"

"You might want to shut-up?"

" mouth and fighting are near one in the same!" she says. As she runs at me, to slide under my legs and come to her feet at my back.

I make a defensive move with my arm up and spin on my one heel to face her at the ready. She then chops at my arm to move it. Then tries to grab my other arm and flip me with it. I flex out of her move. To end up standing in near the same spot but a few feet back toward the center.

"Humph have skills. But if you would stop with the boohooing. You might be a challenge! So stop the whining about whatever and fight will ya?!"

"SHUT-UP child! You have no idea what you speak of."

"KID? I am older than you...I think?" she laughs "But how about this...for ya to cry about?"

A near ear shattering KIIIIIYA! comes from her, as she kicks at me at blinding speed an sends me flying into the cage and I land in it with a crash. She then runs over and closes the door on me.

"Done!?" she says rather happily, as she dusts-off her hands "Your easy? don't think when your mad?"

I glare at Ito, as I stand up and roar at him "YOU SAID NOTHING OF USING POWERS!?"

"I did not say NOT too? now did I?" Ito answers me.

"OKAY then, I want a rematch?"

"Fine I can understand...Toni are you alright with that?" Ito asks her.

"Yep, lets do a she did not understand the rules?"

"IT would? VASTLY help...say them all first!" I hiss at them both "But I am ready now!" I say as I stand once more at the mats center.

My eyes never leave her this time, I even stop blinking to 'keep in the game' this time.

"Are you ready?" Ito announces.

"Did the rules change?" I ask more than mad.

"NO same rules. Get your opponent in the cage and use any powers to do so."

Humm I ponder "Alright I am ready...this time!"

"Ready to beat down a froshie" boasts Toni.

Ito warns her "Keep it civil Toni!" as he hears that retort from her.

Toni moves fast to my right and readies a kick. I know she is faking me, so I slide a little to the left, but stay in her range to lead her on...that I am dumb! She moves fast to my rear, but I do not spin to greet her. I keep my back to her and listen for the move to come.

She tries to cover, her coming move with words and taunts me "So little girl done crying for that crap? yet!" Then she jumps at me and I side step her.

"Please shut-up and just fight, as doing this is not healthy?" I tell her. As she fuels my growing anger at her. I feel I am getting unbalanced...and that is a bad idea.

"What ever..." then she tries another hit with that ROAR, that tells me she is using her power....what ever that maybe?

The KIIIYA comes and I shift in to my BIGGER form and armor. Her incoming hit just bounces off me.

"Owch!" I hear from her, as her hand bounces off my chest armor and then I hear "What in the heck?!" as she looks up at a Seven foot PLUS! tall girl.

As that happens, Ito turns to Doogie "Did you know, she did that?"

"Ahhh nope. All I knew about was the wings!"

My chest and its armor takes the blow...BUT Gods it hurts! I yell at her through my covered face "Did not expect that? Did ya?"

She tries another kick to my head with a KIIIIYA added and it bounces off me. I am stunned ALLOT! and stagger a little. But not out of the game.

"SO any witty words now?" I say as I make a grab at her legs.

She easily dodges my move, BUT I see a mistake. She thinks...size makes me slow?!

"Haa big and slow" she jabs at me "then add a cry baby over what ever?"

"You really need to be quiet...As you have no Idea my loss...kid!" my anger grows "Ever lose a family member?"

"NOPE and you will not see me moping over it for years!" she boasts.

She then tries a move on my leg, to cripple it. I hear the KIIIYA wind up. My body moves as fast as I can, grabs her arm in mid swing and I slam her to the mat.

I wrap a large hand around her neck and keep her pinned. I lean down to, whisper through my helmet. At her so softly...that she can only hear me "You...child, have no Idea of loss? I killed a whole world by accident by ordering my men, to help this world! and MINE DIED FROM THAT!"

Now raise my right arm and my Axe appears in it. She beats on my arm trying to get lose. I sob at her "Now meet fate!"

AND I swing down, as Ito yells out "NO!"

My arm buries, my Axe deep into the mats padding by her head and into the spring surface beyond it. I stand up and say to her "You done yet with that mouth?" I hiss at her.

She looks at the blade buried by her head. Then stands up with ease. "Hey Ito did not say weapons were okay!"

"Yes...but he did not say NO to them?....or killing?" I say flatly too her. As I move to retrieve my Axe.

As I take my Axe out of the hole it made. I turn, grab her fighting Gi and then toss her into the cage. I only succeed because, she is so surprised and then I slam the door on her "AND I win" I shout.

"What?! the fight was over!" she shouts from the cage and then opens the door.

"Ito never said, the fight was over.... only...NO!" I shout back at her.

"Hey big girl? We are not done yet!" she says to me.

"If you want one more match-up I need...second." I say back to her, as I go sit at a bench.

My hand waves over my face and head. With that motion my helmet vanishes and shows my bruised face. I lean over to a waste bin and spit out a little of the my blood that collected in my mouth from her last blow. I spot a bunch of water bottles next to the bench and open one, to clean out the last of that messy blood from my mouth. As I do, Doogie sees me and walks over to me, from his talking with Ito.

"Hey your hurt! Let me look at that?" he asks with concern and I feel its genuine.

"I am fine... I just have to wait a little for my healing to catch up. As her last blow, to my head. Was more than strong and seemed to get through my armor a little."

Doogie grabs a towel and wipes some of the blood off my face. Then looks at the bruising. As he does Ito comes over to us both. "What is this? Are you hurt?" he asks, as he steps up.

"I am fine just give me...minute" I mumble back to him.

"Kyley I think should stop, as an injury like this. It shows me that Toni and you may have gone a little too far during that last fight. As both of you are showing a lack of restraint" the small man informs me.

My hands find that same place that seems to be getting quite common with me today. They are rubbing and fingering through my hair...nervously. As I lean my face down into them.

A heavy sigh comes from me as I think and look inward 'I am off balance badly...all that I have found out today has caused this. The sudden finding that Night was hiding my decision from me, that cost my whole world its life...Then add just now I nearly CHOPPED that kid to death...I came so close! too close!'

I start to stand up "Ito...Doogie, please tell Toni. I feel its best we stop this match and save it for later. As I am far too off my mental balance to keep from hurting someone today" I start walking back to the locker room.

My body shrinks back down, as I walk back to the locker room. With my armor now gone, all I have on is this 'body suit' they lent me. I am almost to the door with my head down....when I see, what I really need. A group of large, long cylindrical bags hangs down from the ceiling. I saw Toni beating on one as we came in.

I get up to one and START! beating on it as hard as I can. For some reason I will never know. I wail and sob at it in English....maybe I just needed others to hear this and understand it.

I yell, as I strike the bag "WHY!...why did they have to come and do that! WHY! did they have to destroy a whole world? I would have greeted them in friendship!" I beat on the bag even bad are the blows, I am landing. That I am feeling the pain from the them "WHY did I do that! I sent my kind to their deaths....and caused us all to die!" I sob even more "THEY took it all from me... I had to feel all that DEATH!" I am now hitting the bag so hard. I am breaking my own hands while doing it.

Doogie makes a move to get up from the bench, he was sitting at with Ito. Ito puts out his hand to stop the boy "No...let her have this. She needs to let it out a little. Before it eats her."

The blows I hit the bag with are hurting me badly...but I keep going for several minutes. Then I gab on the bag and slide to the floor sobbing again "WHY was I saved!? WHY am I here? Someone....Something PLEASE tell me? ARE they coming for me? IF SO, THEN COME NOW! Take away the pain!"

As I kneel there, Ito and Doogie walk to me. Toni watches from across the room...not knowing what to do.

Ito asks in a soft voice as he walks up "Kyley? Do you need help?"

"NO!" I bark at him.... as rage still fills my mind.

I stand up and flex my mangled hands. To get them back into shape. From the beating I just did with them. Then I finish my walk to the locker room.

Doogie tries to step up to me "Kyley?" he asks and Ito stops him once again with a gentle hand.

"No let her go...she is fine" Ito says to him.

"But those hands?"

"She is fine...I have seen worse. She will heal fast."

Ito walks off toward Toni, where she is back at her practicing. "Toni? please come here."

"Yes Sensei Ito?"

"I have a request of you....Please keep an eye on that one for me. You don't have to get close to her...and its best you don't. But keep an eye on her, none the less. Then, what you saw and heard here today....forget it. As I am sure, she let all that out only because of anger."

Ito glances to Doogie "And you, please tell Bellows what you saw and heard here. As it will be of use to him in her....healing. Now go..get cleaned up and have lunch?" Doogie nods as he walks off.

"Sensei?" Toni says.


"Was all that she yelled at the bag...true?" Toni asks.

"Yes...I am afraid it was. I read her file, like I do all of yours. AND its says they suspect she is older than Aunghadhail far. How and why she is here? No one knows...I don't think, by that last outburst of her's? She even knows?" Ito now gives young Toni an evil eye "I saw and heard you 'egging' her on. A very dangerous game, indeed young one. She could have cleaved your head!. But she was the one who showed restraint. You on the other hand? Hit her in the head with one of your full power might have killed her!....Today you learned a lesson...restraint. The other... keep that mouth in check! Now go back to your practice!"


Friday August 31 2007 3:10 pm
Whateley Academy
Poe cottage

My feet pad their way down the hallway from my long shower. I had taken such a long one...just too think. The day had worn on my mind greatly, I needed the time it brought me, to relax and dive deeper into what had happened today. As I get to my room and close the door. I toss off the robe that covers me in anger 'why I need such a thing....makes me even madder!' my mind roars at me.

My mind and body finally calm down enough to get dressed. As I toss my dirty clothes into a bin in my closet, as a knock sounds at the door.

I yelp at it “It's open!”

My door opens and I see a Drow holding the doorknob while she opens the door. Then I almost jump in fright, the other person at my door is the 'Harvester' I saw here a month back!

My mind jumps to many conclusions 'Did she finally find me and this is my time?' then actually thinks for a second....'this might be a good thing? I finally get to see everyone again?'

'But NO? her...harvester blade is not at the ready? AND a Drow, as a partner...that makes no sense at all?'

So I go with....manners! "Can I do anything for you?"

Then she says to me...“Uhh sorry I just wondered, I kind felt I would need to know who was living? Inside of this room.”

I say back to her...while keeping my surprise and fear in check! “I'm Kyley. And who are you?”

“I'm Melanie. Sorry for the interruption” is what she says back to me.

Then she leaves the doorway and the Drow closes the door. My knees instantly give out on me and I collapse onto my bed. Then start crying again.

Night says in my head ~"Whoa that was close, I thought she was here to...take us? Why she did not, I do not understand?"~

"Night? I actually hoped she was here for us? As that would end all this pain...."

~"STOP! THAT! your a fighter and a Emperor! You have to restart our race!"~

"But it would be so much easier....I should just go out there and...."

~"AND! what? ask her to take you? You after all those battles....know how they work? You have to be 'called'....THEN they take you?....SO be strong!"~

"But...its so hard?"

~"Stop that! go and and have fun? Go find that other winged mutant from the train and fly?"~

"All right I am going?" I sigh out.

At Nights insistence I go and seek out Angel or Mary as she is called. I hop up the stairs to the floor where they have the sophomores and start looking around. As I wonder next to the stairs, a boy stops me with a question.

"Are you lost or looking for someone?" The boy asks me. My eyes look over the boy, as he walks up to me. Nice looking kid, five foot, eight and in good shape.
"Yes...I look for Angel or Mary? I met her on the train in and want to see her?"

"Hey your in luck! I am heading up to her room, as her roomie is my girlfriend and I have to help her unpack?" he then looks over my shoulder a bit "I can see why, you and Mary might want to talk! With those wings and all?"

"Thanks...I am Kyley"

"Glad to meet ya, I am Hank. So lets go?"

He goes to lead me up the next flight of stairs and as he does. I stop in mid step, when I see a girl down the hallway in jeans and a tee shirt, with long red hair. I watch her for a second, as I know that person from somewhere, she turns and I know now!

"Aunghadhail?" is the word I whisper out.

That word stops Hank in his tracks and he turns to me really fast "What did you say?"

I whisper out again "Aunghadhail? Is that not her name? Then why...she here?"

He pulls on my arm and leads me up the flight of steps, I go with his urging and come. Once we are up on the next floor, he stops his pulling on me and then confronts me.

"Where did you hear or know that name?"

"I just know it..." I stop in my thoughts 'how much should I tell Hank?'

"That's not good enough...please tell me more?" he pleads.

I think for some time as he glares at me, with a look of wanting to know...for some reason other than his own?

"Okay....Can you swear, you will not say anything?"

"Humm okay...I swear I will not say anything...till you let me?"

"I met...Aunghadhail? When she was a kid....not much older looking than she is now?" is all I say.

"That makes no sense...but it might? Are you an avatar?"

"No...they kinda say I am, but they also, think I am a reincarnation or I used a human here as a conduit to come here? I really don't know it all myself?"

He looks at me for sometime, then asks "How old do you think you are?"

"I was well over Five hundred thousand...when I died? And that death was...long time ago?"

"Ohh boy! Anything else?"

"They think and its best to use this as a comparison? Think of me as allot like Sara? If you know her?"

"Ohhh shit, another GOO?!"

"NO!...not GOO! I do not kill to live or feed like she does!" I almost shout at him.

He puts up his hands to calm me "Okay...I get it. So please for her sake...don't say anything? As last year..." I can see its hurting him to say this "Nikki..that girl, lost Aunghadhail as her avatar...she was killed. That near ripped Nikki in two!"

"Ohh I understand...I know loss. I will stay quiet. But from what...saw in her? Aunghadhail....still in someway?"

"But she died?"

"Death is not an end....only a change? I know, I have been 'dead' more than once"

"Okay...I will take your word on that. But please don't tell Nikki this stuff? She just got over the death of Aung?"

"I can do that...too bad. I really want and need to talk to someone that old...I have questions?"

"We do have some kids here that are...old in some ways? Rohanna and maybe Kayda?"

"Are they like me or Nikki...was it?"

"No...Rohanna is a Drow and old as heck. Then Kayda is a avatar for a native american sprit, of some sort?"

"A Drow? I saw one my room. She opened my door for a girl to ask a question of me. She would not be old enough is my guess? Then the human? She or her sprit will not know all happened so long ago" After I say that, I start losing my thoughts to why a 'harvester' opened my door...and what they do?

Hank has to snap his fingers in my face to get me back to the 'now' "Hey are you alright?"

"Not really, it... been a bad day?" is all I mumble out, then add "Can we go to Mary's room now?"

"Okay?" and he starts to lead me up the hallway to a room near the end.

He leads me into an open door and hugs a dark haired girl in the room, he finds there. As I stand there waiting for them to finish hugging and kissing. Mary comes up behind me and yelps out at my back "Hey Kyley! I see you found my room and brought Lily her 'bo'..."

"Ya I did...." I said, then watched as she tossed her stuff on her bed and turned to wrap a hug on me.

After she let go, she looks me over "Hey I can feel you had a bad day? or something?"

"Yep a little..." is all I get out, as she just set my mind to wondering again.

"Hey, lets chat awhile?" she then, offers her chair at the desk to me and I sit on it, as she grabs a spot on the bed.

After I get all seated, Toni from the workout, pops her head in the door and she must have heard my voice? "Hey Kyley? You better now?" she asks at the door.

"Ahhh...not really. But I will...cope?" is all I can get out, as she just reminded me of what I said during that workout and I almost killed her during it!

"Hey what's this all about Toni?" Mary asks.

"Kyley, she had a bad session with Bellows is all and she needs some time?"

I glare up at her before she speaks more, that gets her to say softly to me "Hey what I overheard? I promised Ito, to never tell? But if you want too? I can listen?"

I give her a nod and she closes the door with "Hey I want a rematch ...someday!" she gives me a evil grin and is out the door.

Mary turns back to me to begin, asking softly a question "You want to talk?"

"No not really? I would like a bit? And maybe you....give me a tour of the campus?"

Mary slides off her bed, goes to the window opens it and stretches to lookout of it. After a second or so, she leans back in "Well we can do that, the flag is green"

Hank laughs at her "You did not read the new book on the rooms here...did ya?"

She studies him for a second and gets a little cross with him "NOPE have not had the time!"

"Well that panel over your door?" he points to "It has both the flag for the school and our cottage on it! See the green light is showing on both! Then add the other there is for the ...ahhhmmm tub?" he looks at me embarrassed.

Lily looks up and notes it all "Hey its all green and even the tub is open? Maybe we should go?"

Hank squeaks "Me alone with the three of you? the tub?" he then stutters out.

I then feel a wave of embarrassment off him and a load of lust. I then catch him eyeballing both Mary and me.

Mary shakes her head to him "Nope! not going to happen! You know that I can barely stand you the tub cave? NO WAY!"

"What is tub? and you can't stand him?" I ask her.

Lily speaks for her "The tub is a hot tub...a rather large one in a cave next to the cottage. Then poor Mary" she starts sassing her "Can't be near guys. It makes her a little sick?"

After she says that, I finally notice why Mary is on the bed, as far as she can get from Hank.

"But its just a hot tub, why is he so embarrassed?"

Lily informs me "Its nude honey!" she then grins at her boyfriend.

I sound more than overjoyed "Nice! Just like at home!"

Mary tilts her head to me "At home you had a hot tub"

"No....well yes sort of? But...home no one wore clothes near at all...except...very rare events?"

Hank is now totally beet red faced at the thoughts and stares at me, while he asks "So all of your family?"

"Yes the whole family and...castle I lived in, several thousand or more at times?"

He gulps "Did they all look like you?"

"You mean wings or beautiful?"

"Ahhhmmm both? I guess?" then Lily slaps his side at the question.

"Yes and some even better than I?"

"Ohh brother! What a place that must have been?"

I sigh "It was."

Mary sees that pain of mine and knows it well...too well of late "Hey we are all fliers lets go, we can unpack this crud later!"

Then Mary flings the window open and gets in the frame to leap out "last one to the store buys!"

Then she leaps out, almost the foot she can get out the window and clears her wing span. She starts to beat them fiercely to gain speed and keep from falling.

I spring out of the chair, then jump out next and just fall. As I know I am up over forty feet. So I use the fall to its fullest and pull up, just as the ground comes up to me. After that fall and my pulling up. I look back to still see both Hank and Lily in the window, their faces seemed shocked at my action.

"Hey you better get going? I may not at? But I will beat you both there?!"

After I used the fall for speed, I pull up to Mary very fast and then pass her. I look back as I do, to see both Hank and Lily coming out of the window as fast as they can.

I pull up to gain height, to get my bearing on what is where. I remember that there is only one real big store on campus and I aim for it. Far below me I see Mary going for a set of metal rings on tall poles.

She yells up and me "Hey...try this out!"

Then she darts through one big ring, to yet one more in the line of them. I note one thing? She is going for the larger ones and seems to stay away from most of the smaller ones that would only fit her body.

"OHHH! a challenge" I yell at her "You think you can fly better than me! I was born....this!"

My body slides into a quick spin to better line up with the smaller rings and then I dive at them from up high. As I 'bomb' through the first one, I tuck in my wings and pass through it, at over a hundred. Then, as the ground comes up at me, I give one giant beat to them, use the speed for lift and dart through the next one. A show off spiral to the next and I am done with the first set, she showed me.

Mary glides around to me and yelps out "Your nuts! Even my teacher, does not do that crazy stuff?"

"Well then? I guess, I can teach your classes with you?"

"You mean a teachers assistant like me?"

I shrug to her "I guess?"

I then see one of the many flag poles near the rings, fly up to it and perch on top with one leg. Then wait to see if Hank and Lily do the same run on the rings and they both do...just a bit slower than me and Mary.

I laugh at them both, as they fly through the rings "So I guess is buying?"

Hank yells at me, from the last ring in the set "Show off!"

I laugh once more at him and leap off the pole, to go keep up with Mary. After a few minutes of flight, she lands just in front of me at the store. Just behind me was Lily and Hank was last. My bet is, he lost on purpose to be the 'gentleman' that he is.

Hank then opens the door for us, by standing in the automatic door! Then Mary leads us all over to the ice cream and lunch counter. She points at the long list of what's available "So what do you want? As it seems Hank is buying?"

I look a the mile long list! My mind has no idea what to get, there is just so darn much! "Heck I don't know? I....only had....few of these?"

Lily laughs at me "Don't get out much?"

Mary after she hears that, almost scolds Lily "Hey I know you have not been told this! But Kyley only came to here...our world, last April. She has some catching up to do?"

Both Hank and her look at each other and then back to Mary "What?" they both sound out.

Then Hanks adds "You told me you were an older Avatar like mutant...but not that?"

I am about to say something when Mary jumps in for me "She was is some kind of hibernation at Homestake, for One hundred and Fifty years, then woke up in April? So she told me on the train in?"

I nod at her glance to me "That... about right?"

Mary laughs a little at me "You left out that 'is' again?"

"Thanks? I do need that help"

Hanks asks her "What was that for?"

"She also just got into learning english and has trouble with it?"

I nod back again "I do."

"Well, I will try and help with that? But lets eat!" Hank says, as he gets to the counter and gets a salespersons attention.

He turns back to me "So what did you want again Kyley?"

"I don't know? Can you pick...good one for me?"

"Humm how about a mint chocolate, then I know Lily likes strawberry and Mary? ...what did you want?"

"I'll take the fudge brownie!" she beams.

"Okay Three cones of those!" he tells the salesperson.

After we all get served, the group goes outside to sit and enjoy the day. Hank finds us a nice couple of benches to sit on. I note that once again, Mary keeps away from Hank, as best she can and sits next to me on the bench facing the one that Hank and Lily got. Once we are all settled, we start to chatting.

"So Kyley? What are you studying as a major here?" Hank asks me.

After I get a good yummy lick on that cone, I say "Well I am studying Magic and the basics, then my major is mathematics... Advanced Hyper Dimensional Non-Euclidean Mathematics ...Dimensional gate mathematics and magic... Thaumaturgy, Numerology and Mystic Algebra...Mathematics of Quantum Neutrino Fields" I spurt out and go back to licking the cone.

After his eyes uncross...."Wow! So I guess your the math wiz for this freshman class then?"

"I guess? They sent me here to a person here and then I am to work in the library here?"

"So what's your job there?" Lily asks.

"In the library....I am going to translate most of the Class 'X' section. Then the one at ARC and the Medawihla tribes."

Lily looks at me in shock, as she stops eating her cone "CLASS 'X'? that's nuts! It might hurt you?"

Mary shakes her head at Lily, while she licks that cone of her's "Nope...she can do it. Belle and I met her on the train in and Belle confirmed it. One of the books she was reading at the time, was Class 'X' stuff."

Hank adds in "I guess Mary has been told what Kyley is?" and she nods back to him "Well Lily...what Kyley is like in some ways, is a 'GOO' like Sara. BUT she does not feed like she does?"

I nod my thanks to Hank "Thanks for telling her this?"

He then adds in "She told me, she is or has the memories of a being, that is or was Five hundred thousand years old?"

"Hank's right for...most part. But I 'AM' that being, not just the memories. Then I was that old when I died...that was long time ago? I think? I am still finding out....things."

Mary asks me, after she tosses her trash from the cone away "So what are your powers Kyley? As mine is easy...I just have the wings. saw fly and has invisible shields of a type. Then Hank here, he can wrap his body in a shield and is strong."

I drop my trash in the same can, after I get up and then turn back to her "Well I do magic" as I say that last word. I zap her top clean of a spot of the ice cream that fell there.

She looks at it, after I am done and giggles out "Well that saves on wash day! But I noticed you don't say words or use jesters of your hands?"

"Who needs that? All those are, is a crutch, that some use to help their mind do what it does naturally? I don't need or use them?"

"Humm I will have to ask Belle about that?"

Hank asks "Well what else!" egging me on playfully.

"I have this.." then I wrap my hand in my life force glow "its, it can heal or hurt some more than other?"

"You mean 'hurts' and 'others' ..might be the better word there, with the S on both? Then I think you missed a 'of' again?" Mary corrects me.

Hank jumps in quickly I thinks it should be "it can also hurt some people more than others?.... is what I think would be best?"

I laugh at both of them "With this much help I will get english in ...weeks?"

"in A few weeks!" Mary sings out at me.

"Thanks Mary...but what else can she do? I am curious?" Hanks tones out dryly.

"Well I can do this!" and then I pop up to full size, as my armor flows out.

"Holy shit!" Hank yelps as, he goes to protect Lily in a gallant way. Mary on the other hand, just stands back and says "COOL! Big and with wings like me!"

Mary then gets closer and feels over my armor a little, as she asks "Why so black?"

" thing that happened to me. A curse and a gift at the same time. I am...or was the only one, who had this were a nice silver!"

I then call my Axe out, for them "Then there is my weapon. My Axe...I...not going to use it much here at school, as I have seemed to have lost some control over it of late?"

As Mary looks at it and before I can even stop her..... she touches it. I am more than shocked to see her still standing there...not laying on the ground, DEAD or blasted to bits.

As she runs a finger on the flat of the blade, to feel its metal. My mind races to question my Axe ~"Why does she killed all the other humans who touched you?"~

~"She has a part of 'us' in her....the wings show that. It maybe small...near nothing, but its there?"~ it says back.

After I am done 'talking' I shift back to my new normal. Then sit back down, as I think on this. As I do, Night wants to come out and I let her.

Night 'pops' out, perches on the other bench and looks over the other three. she cranes her head about examining each in turn.

Mary is instantly 'drawn' to the bird "Who is this Kyley?" she beams at me.

As she spoke, that got my attention back "Oh, this is companion in life."

"Cool, can I pet her?"

"Go ahead...she seems to be in a good mood today?"

Mary pets on Nights back and scratches her neck. And Night seems to be loving it all, as she moves her head about, to be scratched by Mary all over.

~"I like this human...your Axe is right, she has just the smallest part of us in her? Maybe one of those you sent here..."~

~"What!.... mated with the humans or the elves of here?"~ I ask her.

~"Well they were here for a few months?....before the gates crashed and fell and trapped all here. So its possible that all of them did...before meeting death?"~

~"I will have to think about this...more"~....a light of some hope, that some here might be kin? Dawns on me.

I watch on, as Mary stokes Nights feathers even more and she pets her even more. She asks me "So is she a pet? Or a familiar?"

Night squawks a little, as I answer. "She likes you allot and that's saying quite a bit these part of me, my soul in a way? Then I am part of her also? Its complicated?"

Lily giggles at me "Its 'likes you allot'...Then I would figure a bird, would like all have wings in common?"

"Yes we do...don't we?" I laugh out.

I get up and walk over to Mary and Night, to give Night a pet and talk to her "So are you going...go hunting?"

~"Yes and explore near here...for you?"~

"Then go?"

Mary looks at me more than confused "Are you talking to me?"

"No" I laugh "I am talking to Night."

"She talks?"

"Yes to me...mentally and she is very smart!" I boast for her.

After I say that, she spreads her wings and flaps off into the growing dark. I watch as she loops around the campus and then drops into the forest beyond.

After Night as flown off, Lily gets up and asks me "Hey While I unpack, Do you want to hang out in our room and chat?"

"Ohh yes! That would be great!"

Hank now looks a little disappointed, my guess he had hoped. That Mary and me would go off somewhere, then Lily and him would get to be alone? I can hear him sigh as we all walk off, to go back to the Cottage.


Shadowsblade here.

This is my newest story in a joint venture with a group of fan fic authors, so far this group is made up of Nuuan, then Branek and finally myself. We all got together and after a jumpy start decided to make a group of stories that all take place within the Whateley fanfic universe. This one here is my second one and hopefully its a good one.

But remember all. I am not leaving Shadowsblade behind! I will start writing her soon!

To have an idea about the main protagonist this story's will develop
around here is a short introduction.

Angels Peril a Whateley Tale: Written by Branek
Tormented by the past, Angel is struggling between light and dark.

Melvin a Whateley Tale: Written by Branek
They say old soldiers never die, Melvin is about to learn that the hard

The Way of the Dragon a Whateley Tale: Written by Branek
Born for eternity but vulnerable like a child, dragons shouldn't leave
their nest.

Every Rose has it Thorns a Whateley Tale: Written by Nuaan
Watch what you say around rose, could give you more trouble than you ever
asked for.

Kelly a Whateley Tale: Written by Nuaan
Struggling with fate, Kelly has to deal with love and loss.

Shadowsblade a Whateley Tale: Written by Shadowsblade
Created for war and forged in pain, dealing with deamons within and the

Vantier a Whateley Tale :Written by Shadowsblade
Ancient and Powerful Vantier awakens in a foreign world, struggling to
find her place in it.

You might ask yourself what is the Whateley Universe? To make it short,
here is a abstract straight out off the wiki.

Whateley is a Prep School for different teens. VERY different ones. Where else could a kid go to a school that has a resident demon living in the furnace? Or meet magic users, mutants of every imaginable kind, get trained in how to handle some rather odd abilities, and worry about
flunking Freshman English? Come visit Whateley Academy, nestled in the
lovely hills of New Hampshire. Just down the road from a town named
Dunwich... (Mythos jokes purely intentional).
This is the Whateley Academy Universe, a shared universe with over a dozen authors and more than a hundred stories (and counting). The stories range in size from vignettes to novels. It's a Mutant High scenario with both a strong transgender theme and a slightly watered down Cthulhu Mythos theme.

It's also very much a work in progress.'
If you want further information you will find them on.


But I have to thank, Both Branek and Nuuan for their vast input and the ability they both have to 'bounce' off ideas and improve them!

To all my readers who have e-mailed me and given support--THANKS!

Please feel free, to add a review to this story and others. As those kind words are 'cookies' that keeps that muse well fed on the 'sometimes' long breaks between stories!

Copyright © 2016 by Shadowsblade

All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced,
distributed, or transmitted in any form or by any means, including
photocopying, recording, or other electronic or mechanical methods,
without the prior written permission of the Author, except in the case of
brief quotations embodied in critical reviews and certain other
noncommercial uses permitted by copyright law.

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