Interesting piece about a condition I find perplexing although sufferers draw comparison with transsexualism.
TopShelf TG Fiction in the BigCloset!
Interesting piece about a condition I find perplexing although sufferers draw comparison with transsexualism.
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I'd give my right arm
To be ambidextrous ...
Too much for me. Couldn't play guitar or drums without all my limbs intact - and before anyone says a word about Rick Allen of Def Leppard - no my electronic kit cannot be reconfigured.
I've heard of self mutilation, but this takes the cake and gives a whole new meaning to the phrase - "give me a hand"
Lady E
nor would they be able to get a leg up on the competition.
sorry, John, first come, first serve.
The Show Nip/Tuck
Did an excellent show with this topic. Man wanted his leg removed. I only see a minute similarity with TG as they want to modify their body. The reasoning is a lot different however.
Thanks for an informative news story
I have seen three videos of people cutting there male genitilia off on the internet.One was posted At the sister site of a TS group I belonged to and I opposed the posting of the video.The whole argument for keeping it posted was that it was a reminder of what can happen because some of our sisters can't afford or are refused medical treatment.I felt showing the video could be viewed by some as empowering and pornographic by others although I do believe it's important for stuff like this to be discussed.The other two were part of a contest of who could modify their bodies in the most radical way and a 10,000 prize was offered.Both presented as male and used kitchen utensils to facilitate their mutilation.Both of those video's had a pretty high amount of hits and comments.I also noticed in the story that Ray Blanchard defended the practice of srs and stated that this is a different thing.Amy
some'll do anything to get to park in the handicapped space
While there may be no connection between TG and BIID there do seem to be some strange parallels.
For starters, the way we view these unfortunates mirrors the way much of society sees the trangendered. That they must have a screw loose someplace, or otherwise they wouldn't be feeling what they're feeling. And the REAL disabled, who didn't want it but had no choice in the matter, probably don't want these deviant weirdos lurking around THEIR handicapped toilets ....... There is at least one story site---called "the yeti" for some mysterious reason---that has entries conveying a wide gamut of apto-mopto-whatever-it-is fiction. The tenor of these stories (if not the content) is very similar to a lot of the ones here; moreso than, say, the S&M story sites. Nevermind what I was doing there, but there do seem to be a few folks who have both GID and BIID. The strange and imaginative t.g. stories of Beverly Taff over on Fictionmania seem to always have at least one character missing some limbs (and there is often also a conjoined twin theme, an obsession that I don't think is even on the radar yet, though any day now we may hear of two people disappearing off to Thailand to get sewn together.) ........ For some the idea of missing certain limbs is highly eroticized, while others see an amputee simply as who they ARE (or should be) and find the notion that it has anything to do with their sexuality distasteful and wrong. Then there are the trans-gimp-ites, who don't really want to lose
a limb, but like to sit in a wheelchair with their leg tucked under them admiring how it looks...
~~~hugs, Laika
Well shit, I guess it really CAN happen here..,
Of brains, and the lack thereof
Ah, good ol' Ray Blanchard.
"Dr. Ray Blanchard, a professor at the University of Toronto and a member of the DSM work group (which decides which disorders are included in the manual), says that if amputee-identification really stemmed from the brain, there would be other symptoms beyond just the desire to amputate—it would be difficult to use the leg, for example, or there would be signs of neglect."
Leave it to Ray to presume that his ideas of how the brain should work, trump any evidence as to how it actually does work. Leaving aside the sheer hubris that it takes to make an absolute statement like this--or at least the profound lack of grasp of the sheer complexity of the human brain and how much we don't yet understand about it. That man has The Ego that Ate Toronto.
I wouldn't be at all surprised to find that my brain's map of my body corresponded to how my body would have turned out had it developed as female from the start. I think that's an interesting hypothesis, doesn't contradict anything I know about myself (though it doesn't necessarily explain everything either), and could certainly account for some general similarities in self-description of how it feels between these folks and my own experiences. I'll withhold judgment until there's stronger evidence one way or the other though. Unlike Ray Blanchard.
I think you nailed him. LOL.
- Erin
= Give everyone the benefit of the doubt because certainty is a fragile thing that can be shattered by one overlooked fact.
= Give everyone the benefit of the doubt because certainty is a fragile thing that can be shattered by one overlooked fact.
Downright Scary
Found myself tossing and turning last night, thinking about the amputation compulsion, reviewing my own reaction to the Newsweek story. Wierd, incomprehensible, downright scary was how it struck me. Worse, that must be exactly the way the woman I married and loved felt when I came out to her about a lifetime of transgender dreams and compulsions. When your brain is wired for bodily integrity, there's no understanding a compulsion to amputate, and when your brain is wired for sexual bipolarity, it must be damn'd hard to understand people like us.
Hugs, Daphne
Dr. Frankenstein
One connection: John Ronald Brown performed botched surgeries for both TS and BIID victims.