How to use the MENS as a Lady

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The NC law was written by people who have NO IDEA what transgender is. It was as stupid as the laws other states have passed where every bathroom is anyone's bathroom. Take your pick. Funny how we managed to figure out women belong in the female bathroom and men belonged in the male bathroom before government got involved mucking up the basic concept.
Anyway, I think what Nayfack is doing is a hoot. Maybe those in charge will get the message but I doubt it. Bigots seldom think their thought train is the one on the wrong track.

How To Use A Urinal Like A Lady: A Trans Woman’s Rebel Tour Of North Carolina…
Apparently it’s really quite difficult to use a urinal – if you’re a woman. But actress Shakina Nayfack is sure going to try.

All over North Carolina (and Facebook), in fact. So if the men doing their business up against the wall there are suddenly joined by a busty blonde in a frock, don’t be too shocked – remember, it’s the law.

Nayfack is happily and successfully living her womanly life in New York but her birth certificate says “male”, so according to the new laws in North Carolina she is effectively banned from female public restrooms in that state.

She’s so peeved, she’s mounting a rebel tour. And from the Capitol in Raleigh to the gas stations of Greensboro and cafes of Charlotte, she plans to tinkle in men’s toilets galore, tweeting and taking selfies as she goes.

“Hovering over a urinal is actually very tricky. I’m going to need a lot of Purell,” she said.

She could scuttle into a stall and hope no one notices, of course. But that’s not the point.

North Carolina defiant over 'bathroom bill' deadline: 'We will take no action'

“They are trying to create a situation where trans people are supposed to be invisible. This is an absurd, panicked reaction from the ignorant, it’s a massive step backwards, so I felt it was my duty to go down there and take selfies in as many men’s bathrooms as possible,” she said.


There is a device that would

There is a device that would fit in a pocket or a small purse that allows women to stand at a urinal and pee standing up.
Until NC passed that crazy law, I forgot all about it. Now wouldn't it be funny to see a row of women standing at urinals using these little PINK gadgets to pee !
Doesn't the UK allow changing the sex ,on petition, on birth certificates ?


I thing it would be

I thing it would be a hoot as a protest to that law if some of out LGBT or the L side of us would go in as group to the men's room and use the urinals wonder what they would say and do about that.
How crazy is it to make a law on a non problem in most of the eyes of the world ONLY IN AMERICA

Transgender Bathroom? Does it have a yellow star on it???

Why not just put a 'KICK ME' sign on people going in or maybe an ankle bracelet that unlocks the door...

We don't want a special bathroom (or at least I vehemently don't) we want to go pee with other women.

I don't want special treatment I want to be ignored!


That was my thought as well

Though it would be we who would be the ones wearing that star if they had their way to make it easier on the 'bathroom police' and we don't want to keep those trains waiting to take us to 'camp' eh? Of course, why be half-safe and do to us what they did to the citizenry like during World War 2 since we are so 'untrustworthy' and dangerous.

But why would they do that, after all, requiring ALL public accommodations to have a colored only ... erm trans only bathroom would be an unfunded mandate wouldn't it? But there's that pesky small government and anti-unfunded mandate for facilities that are for only a couple percent of the population, tsk tsk, don't we even rate separate but equal accommodations? And where is the funding for the uptick in false alarms to police for this snipe hunt? Why it must be in that little ol' law of theirs *looks at the law again* ... well, why no, they didn't, it MUST be an omission, they could not be so spot on conservative not to think of those things since they are all about fair play? Right? Right?!!!

For the most obtuse folks out there, yes the above is *sarcasm*..

Did You See The Movie?

joannebarbarella's picture

The movie "The Full Monty" had a very early scene where women stood at the urinals in a Men's loo and peed, which caused much headshaking amongst the blokes who were secretly perving on them. It was the end of the world as they knew it.

Sometimes a little humour is more effective than outrage.

I'm not sure how their going

I'm not sure how their going to enforce that law anyway. How many people carry their birth certificate around with them especially when heading for the bathroom. I doubt it will last long anyway, the first time they accuse someone of using the wrong bathroom and their wrong about their gender there will be a lawsuit.
For that matter a F to M trans person in male garb going into the ladies room will cause enough outrage among the ladies that it will get changed very quickly.