After posting the last Atalanta chapter of book #3 it occurs to me the stories order is not very clear. I found an organizer page that seems to be for Book Title and Chapters. I assume each chapter in the sequence is listed in the body.
But how do I actually move the listings or is it the Book and Chapters that needs moving. Do I tag each chapter entry and it is updated. Do I for example create an Organizer page for Atalanta's Story Book one and in the body list each individual chapter or do I create the Organizer page and open each chapter and tag it with the Organizer Title. Or am I plum off-kilter.
Anyway I hope you all can help me as it seems to me that the organization and order of events appear random.
Thank You
Titles and Chapters
If you don't have an Author page already, create an Author page for yourself using ++Organizer in the top menu above. Put your author name as the title of this page and repeat it in the text box. Save.
Next create a Title page for your novel or series using ++Organizer in the top menu above. Use the title of your novel or series as the title of this page and repeat it in the text box. Save. Use the Outline tab at the top of the page view to pick your author name off the first rolldown. If your series is a sub series or a sequel, you might want to use the second rolldown to add it under its parent item.
Now open Chapter 1 of your work and use the Outline tab to find your author name in the Book rolldown. In the second rolldown, you will find the Title page you created above. Add chapter 1 there and save.
Repeat for chapters 2-9, just as above.
Repeat for chapter 10-99 as above but you will also have to set the Weight rolldown to 1.
Repeat for chapter 100-999 as above but you will also have to set the Weight rolldown to 2.
If you have chapters 1000 or above your name is Angharad and you know how to do this.
There are wrinkles and niceties but this is essentially how to do this.
= Give everyone the benefit of the doubt because certainty is a fragile thing that can be shattered by one overlooked fact.
I goofed
forgot about the titling protocol. Atalanta's Story lumped it with the first book. I've tried to edit the title and haven't had any luck. You have any suggestions. I thought I'd change it to: Atalanta Continued: Reaching Home
Did you solve it?
I checked and it looks like you did.
= Give everyone the benefit of the doubt because certainty is a fragile thing that can be shattered by one overlooked fact.
No Erin I haven't
I titled it incorrectly as Atalanta's Story and the software program took that to mean it is a continuation of the first book. I've tried to edit the title and haven't had any luck.
Should I add an weight number to show up last in the first series and then start over re-titling this series and include chapters 1 & 2 in it.
I don't know what to do
I apparently have created two story series that I can't access. Or something.
I'm confused
What are you trying to do? What happens when you try to edit the title?
= Give everyone the benefit of the doubt because certainty is a fragile thing that can be shattered by one overlooked fact.
I might have an idea
If one creates a book page and then subsequently renames the book, the new name shows up in the lists. (I have had this happen with one of the SEE entries. I know better now.) However, the record is still stored using the original title as the filename. I think this might be what Katelyn means.
I think the only way around that problem would be to create a new, correct book entry, move the contents over to it and then delete the incorrect entry.
I'm not sure what "software program" she is referring to, though. I do not think that any textual change to a file will have any effect at all on the file's position in the hierarchy. Maybe her problem is local.
Not how it works
There are no files, it's database entries. What can stay the same is the human-readable label for the entry. I can change that easily. I just need to know what is being talked about in terms I can interpret.
Working in PMs, I believe I solved this problem.
= Give everyone the benefit of the doubt because certainty is a fragile thing that can be shattered by one overlooked fact.
Thanks, Erin!
This is information many of us can use, and it is all laid out so neatly. This will be going in my saved file for future reference.
“When a clown moves into a palace, he doesn’t become a king. The palace becomes a circus.” - Turkish Proverb