Trans & Bathrooms

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Karen Taylor shared Steve Rudner's post.
Just now ·

A friend on FB sent this to me, and I thought I'd pass it on.

Steve Rudner
April 14 at 5:03pm ·

I'm the father of a 21 year old daughter. There are lots of things I worry about. I worry about her being sexually assaulted, because that happens a lot. I worry about her being the victim of a drunk driver, because that happens a lot. I worry about her being the victim of gun violence, because lots of people die from gun-related injuries. Here's what I do not worry about: I don't worry about her being attacked in a restroom by a trans woman because (a) it has never happened; and (b) trans women are the most victimized group of people I've ever met, and the least likely to commit a crime of indecency in a restroom, because they are afraid of getting beat up when all they want to do is pee. And here is something else I don't worry about: I don't worry about my daughter being cruel and inhumane to trans men, women or kids, because my wife and I have raised her to have values and because she is a kind person. There are things to worry about. and then there are things people want you to worry about to conceal their agenda of discrimination and hate. Wake up.


Wouldn't It Be Loverly

It would be sweet if the legislators and governors who pass these stupid laws had to be the ones to enforce them on the streets (actually in the johns). A few days of checking that everyone is anatomically correct according to their birth certificate and those bozos would scurry back to their rat holes and repeal their madness.

Angela Rasch (Jill M I)

I Wonder?

I wonder how long before these bigoted men and women decide the folk in their State must carry identity cards to prove who they are so they can use the loo.

Just how far down the road to a Nazi style USA will their supporters be perpared to go in their hatred of Trans people?

Seen a ton of these posted

Seen a ton of these posted on the site the past few months. I still think they should use my idea of individualized bath/locker rooms.

For a locker room, instead of renting/using a locker, you get a key to a small room instead. Inside is a personal locker, a partitioned toilet area, and a shower stall. It could be big enough to have your own kids use it too (if they're too little to have their own.) Yeah, it might take a larger space, but it would be completely genderless. Works for gyms as well as schools. Would also end quite a bit of locker room hazing in school.

Same thing for bathrooms, only minus the locker, and replace the shower with a sink. Instead of walking into a communal area, you walk down a small hallway and pick an unoccupied stall. There isn't as large a space difference with this. Just a reorganization of the space.

It would be a ton of work to redo thousands of bathrooms across the continent, but at least it would end the bathroom wars.

~Taylor Ryan
My muse suffers from insomnia, and it keeps me up at night.

If your representatives try to pass such a law...

You can organize and find some big, burly and menacing-looking transman. (There are more than a few such ones.) Have him visit the women's restroom in the representatives building during a break in the discussions, visibly enjoy the view of the ladies there and tell them there that he didn't knew that the law is not accepted yet...

my two cents

Alecia Snowfall's picture

I think it would be a good idea just to simply remind all these holy rolling jackasses of one thing that is constantly being overlooked. Over the last 70+ years more children, especially boys, have been sexually abused in churches by clergy than in schools or other public locations. That statistic has not been mentioned in any of the press releases as counter-argument.

quidquid sum ego, et omnia mea semper; Ego me.
alecia Snowfall

Distraction from other things?

I am beginning to wonder if this is the "smoke and mirrors" to hide "the man behind the curtain". The politicians are using this to distract people while they do things in the back room behind closed. I don't usually ascribe to conspiracy theories but it feels like there is a "committee" in the background that has decided who the nominees will be and need this distraction to cover things over.

Meanwhile ...

... in France, Italy, Germany, but for accuracy, far more frequently in France, many (I cannot say ALL) hotels, inns, restaurants provide one cubicle, clearly marked with both the women's symbol and the man's.
That is one cubicle only.
So there is no choice.
And no problems either.

Or there are establishments with more than one cubicle, but each cubicle is decorated with both symbols.

Indeed, I could take you to one restaurant that offers 9 cubicles - and each of them are for anyone.

And never a problem.


To the proponents of this Bathroom Insanity ...

in the words of one of our recent sages, with some liberty taken ...

"You are sad, strange little men, and you have my pity."

A group of people who can fear being beaten to death, with their assailant's actions being excused in the judgement of the courts, are not going to cause any form of alarm in a public restroom. Personally, I'd either stitch it shut, or travel 40 miles out of my way to find an extremely secure bush in preference to risking it.

Total Bollocks

The unwarranted fear that Transwomen (and yes we Transwomen are being made out to be the new boogiewomen de jour) would attack other women in the restroom because of they are intrinsically predisposed has no more reality then black cats being bad luck.

Sadly, the fear of both come from the same type of fear.