WARNING, cute cat pictures ahead. Shot just this morning
Yesterday, March 26th Audrey turned one year old.
Her half sister/cousin Gracie turns one on April 7th.
Our oldest, Sniffanie turn 3 on September 3rd.
John in Wauwatosa
P.S. Oh, right, almost forgot. my dad turned 89 yesterday as well. But as he is not a cat he does not get a picture!
Why did you
have to shoot your cats? (and I thought I was strange!)
Hey, I could have shot my dad...
BTW, how are Bonzi and company doing?
John in Wauwatosa
P.S. I HATE the University of Notre Gosh-darn-it for beating UW Madison the other day in the NCAA basketball tournament
P.P.S. Shot as in "I took a photograph"...
John in Wauwatosa
You and every
Big 10 fan.
You know how old your cats are???
For some strange reason I had to fight for my share of the bed last night. Scooter wanted to lay on my chest, Kat on my legs. They usually don't try and take over like that. I shoved them off the bed, went to sleep, woke up with Scooter under my right arm, Kat back on my legs, Sable and Weeble up against me on my left. I would have shoved them all out the door but for the coyotes and owls taking turns picking on my cats from time to time. I have both those problems under control right now but they always come back. Losing cats does not make me a happy camper. Especially those who were orphaned and I raised when they would fit in the palm of my hand.
Oklahoma born and raised cowgirl
Only Three
You have got a ways to go. We have six, all spoiled rotten and a new one that is bringing the rest of his luggage as we speak. When we grocery shop, at least a fourth of the groceries are for the cats, gourmet food, regular cat food just not good enough for them.
Sia, Pumpkin, PeePee, Buffy, Abbey, and Tessie and one not named yet
- Formerly Turnabout Girl
Official count and qualifications
You are not officially a crazy cat lady until you own 26 of them and a laundromat, used bookstore, or shoe repair shop. :)
= Give everyone the benefit of the doubt because certainty is a fragile thing that can be shattered by one overlooked fact.
Is that 26
all at the same time?
Yes, yes it is :)
This is based on actual research. :)
= Give everyone the benefit of the doubt because certainty is a fragile thing that can be shattered by one overlooked fact.
Are you sure a double wide home does not come into the mix?
I hear so much of that kind of stuff ^_^
You forgot to post pictures
You forgot to post pictures of George and Gracie LOL and Mikii
Sorry couldn't help you open the door!
as dorothy knows
my two find me whenever i am on the phone.
Talk to dorothy less than a minute later i usually say "what!" which is so not said in a mommie voice!
Pepper is 8 or 9 i think.
Kittkat is a year and a bit. Not sure since we do not actually know when he was born as he was found in a ditch malnourshed and abandoned, along with 2 younger kittens, on november 30 2014. Which also happened to be the coldest night of the year. He and the two other kittens would have not survived. However he is very healthy and loves attention. Being left alone for a few hours a day...not so much.
I started a story for him once, hd crashed lost all the stories I was working on. Kinda makes one not very interested in writing when that happens twice in a year.
yes, it is a mommie voice
and it makes me laugh every time!
I keep telling you i do NOT have a mommie voice.
Thats for girls like you!
it is totally a mommy voice
why do you think I laugh at it?
you mean giggle
You never laugh you giggle.
And its a daddy voice if anything.
nope, its a mommy voice
and I clearly chuckle!
its a giggle
Even your mom says you ALWAYS giggled.
Daddy voice right glad you agree.
my mom says you have a mommy voice
so listen to mommy!
i do
She says you giggle quite well always have.
she also say's you're girly
girly girl!
She clearly said you were girly. Like mother like daughter.
Blog Police Incident Report 2016-01
Friday Cat Blogging will be held on FRIDAYS!
Kitties in bed
At least my wife and I have a kingsize bed. One white dog, and 2 black cats sleep with us. Dog at our feet and a cat apiece on top of each of us. not always the same cat either.
try having 13 cats inside
We have 13 inside and 1 outside. Lucky we only have to buy can food for 2 of them(the one that stays in my mom's room cause he tries to fight with my male cat) plus we have a dog. Got 3 litter box's in the laundry room that get scooped daily n they are still bad but atleast 99% of the time it's on the laundry room floor. Poor dog she is surrounded by the kitties and is scared of them even though she's much bigger than them. They are always laying on her bed so she has to make the sacrifice an sleep on the couch(big sacrifice there :P). All of them are rotten.
We have 21 indoor cats
We have 21 indoor cats so I think I've crossed the line into crazy. We didn't set out to have this many cats. We took pity on the feral cat with kittens in our back yard and started feeding her. A city ordinance says if you feed a cat for 72 hours, it's yours. We finally caught her after her fifth litter two years later. We also now have the kittens that did not get adopted. So much fun. :(
OMG the cat hair!
I have a hard enough time just dealing with a shedding outdoor cat.
Cat hair is everywhere
I got a new car in November. There has never been a cat in the vehicle and there is still cat hair blowing on everything just from my clothes. I used to be allergic to cats but I've had so much exposure that now I'm not. I joined a rescue group and we are always comparing the scratches we get from handling less than friendly cats.
sweet pictures
Thanks for sharing these, John.
And it's good to see you're still knocking around in the Big Closet.
Who doesn't love cats? Cats and dogs are some of the best
friends you can have.
Well shit, I guess it really CAN happen here..,
Thanks again to all who commented on my kitties
Or more correctly on my masters, well mistresses actually.
John Brown
P.S. if you have the time and the inclination, DO adopt a stray from your local animal shelter.
John in Wauwatosa