Redressing stereotypes

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I found a brilliant youtube video campaign trying to redress to stereotypical imbalance in young (5-7 yo) kids. I think it also address some very important issues.

What are your impressions?



laika's picture

The looks on the kids faces when they met the real life surgeon, firefighter, RAF pilot were great.
That definitely opened some young minds...

But speaking of stereotypes I had to laugh at the name the kid chose when he was drawing his surgeon: "His name is Jim-Bob. He's a brain surgeon!"

("Ooooh-whee, we got us a subdermal hematoma. Hand me that pipe wrench there, Zeke...")

"Government will only recognize 2 genders, male + female,
as assigned at birth-" (In his own words:)

Should be Mandatory

Frank's picture

In classrooms all around the world. Also why not do it both ways. Say a nurse, model, cook/baker, secretary...etc




I wanted to become a Nurse

Uh well I originally wanted to be a Doctor, but there was not opportunity for it, so later I wanted to become a Nurse. I was married at the time and my then wife was angry and brutal when I told her.

Wow, that's a good way to

Wow, that's a good way to show children they can be whatever they desire in life. A surgeon, firefighter, pilot, or more typical
woman's jobs such as a male nurse,
