A couple of interesting videos that YouTube decided to recommend to me.
First up, a witty animation (in the style of BUPA adverts) looking at gender stereotypes:
I would advise you stay away from the comments though - there's some troll feeding going on (one commenter equating feminism and lesbianism with satanism. Oh dear...)
Second up, "What's wrong with Gender Roles?"
Oh, and Lizzie appears to have attracted a much nicer bunch of commentators :)
Then, talking of YouTube comments (and completely unrelated to issues of gender)...
The cartoon was funny in a limited way, my daughter would been in the shop three or four times before buying, and would then a day later take it back.
The second one I had difficulty hearing what she said, she spoke so quickly and was too far from the mic, or possibly the speakers on this laptop leave something to be desired.
she was too far
I had to turn my volume all the way up to hear her and I have very respectable shelf speakers.
If she had just done some decent post-recording editing work it wouldn't have really mattered, but either she doesn't know how to, or just couldn't be bothered to.
Abigail Drew.
The first vid
Reminded me very much of the COGIATI test, and objections by certain feminists that transwomen perpetuate the 'patriarchy' by reinforcing gender roles. I actually found it irritating. As Ang says, the others were difficult to follow, but my impression was very much of exhibitionism: 'Look how clever I am'.