In Too Deep - Ch 10

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Chapter Ten

Sloan was setting the table as Dana got home. On the drive back, while fighting the LA traffic, Dana had debated how to broach the subject of Danielle's idea about surprising Matt by pretending to be a woman at the Carnaval party. She had finally decided that the best way to convince Sloan would be to appeal to him as an actor. Sloan was rightly proud of his ability to play any role. His ego would never back down from a challenge like this, especially if the reward might be a starring role in Matt Sharp's latest blockbuster.

"Hi baby, I'm home! Wow it smells delicious.", she called out as she placed her bags on the floor.

"It's almost ready" came the reply, "How was your day?"

Sloan stepped out of the kitchenette and saw the bags. "Did you go shopping?"

"No sweety I just brought some things home from work."

He nodded and went back into dinner. As he began pouring pasta through a colander, his wife moved up behind him and wrapped her arms around his waist, pressing her cheek and breasts into his back. He paused, allowing her to hold him.

"Long day?", he asked.

"Weird day" was the cryptic reply. "Need any help?"

"You could toss the salad if you like."

Dana took out some romaine with assorted veggies and began tossing a salad while Sloan finished the pasta and began placing dinner on the table. Soon they were eating the meal, and the conversation stayed casual as Dana occasionally took notice of her husband. It was true that Sloan was not the stereotypical macho stud, but she had never before considered how soft and feminine he was. That is not to say that he was swishy or effeminate, but there was a feminine grace to the way he moved, the way he talked, the way he related to her as a human being that she had never consciously noticed before.

Dana was in the movie industry. Moreover, she was in the make-up and special effects part of the industry. Most of the men she met within her department were gay. Many were flamboyantly effeminate. That was most definitely not her husband. He was gentle, kind, thoughtful and considerate. She had just never realized that these were all considered to be feminine traits. The only thing that separated him from women was the lack of breasts and the eight-inch package he sported between the legs. Everything else was feminine...his face, eyes, lips, height, hair all screamed female to her. It was quite a shocking revelation. She had never noticed it before. Could it be possible that neither had Sloan? What would happen if Sloan ever began to see himself through her eyes?

She started abruptly, as she realized that Sloan had asked her something.

"...I'm sorry sweety, I was just kinda woolgathering. What did you ask?"

He smiled, gently. "I asked what weird means"

Dana took a few moments to scramble her thoughts back into some semblance of order. "weird?"

"You said you had a weird day."

"OHHHH....that" she giggled, "I apologize for losing my mind. I guess it started this morning with Danielle Sharp talking to me about the party, as well as her husband's new film"

"I heard about the film. Lotsa buzz from the buzzards about it"

'The buzzards' was Sloan's nickname for the Hollywood shakers, hangers-on, and wannabes that he met at The Anvil. They were always buzzing about some movie gossip, hence the name.

"What were they saying?"

"Something about a gay hit man that dresses in drag and assassinates people."

"Hmmmm. I think, from what she told me, that it goes a lot deeper than that. The character in the film is very complex and struggles with a gender identity issue. He is actually trans-gendered and has had to suppress his identity to survive."

" mean like those lumberjacks on Jerry Springer that claim they are women in a man's body?"

"Kinda like that, but this man actually makes a convincing woman. He is like one of those comic book superheroes that have a meek and mild male identity, but a strong and powerful female identity. That is what makes him so successful as an assassin. Nobody realizes that he isn't a woman. Totally feminine to the nth degree."

"Sounds like a huge challenge."

"Apparently Mr. Sharp is considering shelving the script. The star just went into rehab."

Sloan looked thoughtful. "Can't they get someone else?"

"Well, I suppose it's possible, but how many big action stars are willing to risk their image playing a gender-bending assassin?"

"So? He should find himself a new actor. I would kill for a chance to play it"

"Would you, really? Think about it from his point of view. He needs an actor who could commit and not balk at the masculinity issues. He would also have to be extremely talented. Finally, Matt and Danielle would need to be convinced, I mean totally convinced, that the actor could do it. After all, they would be risking their reputations, as well as a hundred million dollars of investor capital. If the actor couldn't hack it, they could lose everything."

She let the idea hang there for a few minutes before adding, "She also asked what we will be wearing to the party"

Sloan looked confused as she changed tack. "What party?"

"Their party, you silly goose" she giggled, "you know...Carnaval...costumes...mystery"

"Oh." he seemed non-plussed as his mind was still focused on the film role.

"Danielle had a few suggestions" was the casual reply.

"What kind of suggestions?"

"She remembers meeting you at the wrap party for Demarcation....remember?"


"She asked me if I was bringing my lesbian lover."

"WHAT????" he spluttered.

"I told her I was bringing my husband. When she seemed surprised that I was married, I explained that she had met you at the wrap party. She was amazed to find out that you were a man."

"Thanks for boosting my image", was Sloan's sarcastic reply.

"Baby. She asked me if you are truly a gifted actor. When I reassured her that you are, she made a very interesting proposal. She said if you can play a female so well without trying to, maybe you could be more convincing if you truly try. She suggested that if you came to the party en-femme, and were introduced to her husband as a woman, he could quite possibly be convinced that you could play the role."

"Are you kidding?"

"Baby, this could be that big break you keep talking about."

Sloan's eyes went from excited to a bland opacity as he realized the task she was suggesting. He had suppressed any desire to cross-dress as a young man. The idea was exciting but terrifying. What would Dana see? Could she still love him if he appeared to be less than a man?

"What's wrong, baby?" Dana asked at his expression.

"I'm afraid that it would be too difficult to do....maybe it isn't a good idea...I don't know if I can....." his voice trailed off.

"Sloan Taylor, you are the most talented actor I have ever seen. You can do this. I know it !!!!"

"I....I'm not so sure..."

"If I can make you look like an eighty-five-year-old, one-armed Vietnam veteran, I can make you look like a red-hot babe. You just have to believe in me as much as I believe in you."

"You think so?"

"Let me show you. Just go to the bedroom and strip while I grab the bags."

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It's a two-fer

waif's picture

I didn't expect to have this much free time, but I have no interest in football so I just kept writing.

Be kind to those who are unkind, tolerant toward those who treat you with intolerance, loving to those who withhold their love, and always smile through the pains of life.


I think I am going to really like this story.
It seems that Sloan do have crossdressing desire. Hope Dana can dig it out. hehehe

Opening a door

waif's picture

Dana and Sloan each have a few things to dig out.

However, I do expect that Matt and Danielle will be the ones to strike the mother lode.

I hope you enjoy the ride.

Be kind to those who are unkind, tolerant toward those who treat you with intolerance, loving to those who withhold their love, and always smile through the pains of life.

I'll come clean, I'm reading

I'll come clean, I'm reading this in reverse. That said, You still surprise me !
Slone must be in seventh heaven at the TV opportunity.
