Sex in strange places - Brazil

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A fascinating programme on BBC3 which is now only available via the internet. In Brazil, there are more transgender sex workers than anywhere else on earth. Stacey Dooley interviews some of them and some of the women sex workers, both groups feeling that they have little option if they want to earn a living. For the transgender girls, it appears there is very little else for them to do.

I feel so lucky I was born and brought up in the UK.



It's less these days but even overhere (EU) there's still people for whom it isn't a choice ... Ok it has been easier in the last few decades but it's still happening. A few of the girls I knew from going out when I was still transitioning where forced into it. And that' was only 12 years ago and the girls on Roi Albert 2 are still there ...


What a tease . If you are

What a tease . If you are outside the UK, you can not download BBC programing.

That said, Everyone must be looking forward to a lot of customers during the Summer Olympics.


When I first glimpsed....

Hypatia Littlewings's picture

... the title of this post,

I thought things like,
under the kitchen sink!

Not what you actually were postin about.

Is it really such a strange place?
