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Hello, I just want to say thank you all of you, for creating this site. I have a ton of stories in my head, but I am not the best at grammer. In the future,when I do write, I will welcome all comments. Basically, I could use some friends, as I do not have any that truly know me. I am in disguise as a man, in a girls body. I am in a dream state. I want to wake up and smell the roses. I need friends first as I am too much a coward to do make this giant leap alone. This shouldn't have be a personal and/or lonely transition. alone, I may not have the courage. I thank you admins for the links to other sites. I have been looking for information, but also friends, pen pals even as it were. I think the biggest reason I am so scared to come out is that I have been raised and taught how I feel is wrong and disgusting. That it is against my religion. All this, these taboos? have contributed to my phobias and fears, tying down the girl side of me and refusing to let her out. she deserves life far more than I. Thanks



Hypatia Littlewings's picture

This is a great site!

Keep in mind that:
Religion is Not God, man made religion.

Your last statements makes me a bit nervous since it could have a double meaning.
Please always choose Life, there is always a way to move forward.

*welcoming huggles*
~Hypatia >i< ..:::


As tears run down my face, I thank you and each and everyone of you who have replied. Yes, I am at a crossroad, where I need to decide for myself, who is most important. the girl I want to be may very well be alive and out in public within a week, as I may have no choice but to move since I may be found out today by my wife, as I left my little bag of goodies, my panties and bras etc. on the futon downstairs. if she finds these, I will be made to leave and I will certainly be able to unleash the girl, in a new city, new state. butterflies in my tummy and all. if she does not find my stuff, I will still remain in the closet for the time being. I hope badly she finds it, yet am so scared of the future if she does. at any rate, thanks and I will try to keep everyone posted.

There Are Many Of Us

joannebarbarella's picture

Who are girls on the inside, but have to pretend to be male. You will have friends here.


I hope you like your stay!



I hope you have a long enjoyable stay with the BCTS family . this is a great site hint go to the authors page and just look up different authors as there are many greats who don't post new stories . You have years worth of reading to catch up with .
HUGS richie2

Welcome . You will find a lot

Welcome . You will find a lot of people here who are like you. Relax, sit back, and enjoy the stories. Some of us (me) have
a more experienced author edit our stories before posting. People's comments are never mean, at worst, supporting and


There are wonderful people here, authors and readers, and people to talk to. Take your time and get comfortable.

Jeri Elaine

Homonyms, synonyms, heterographs, contractions, slang, colloquialisms, clichés, spoonerisms, and plain old misspellings are the bane of writers, but the art and magic of the story is in the telling not in the spelling.