I've recently been kind of engrossed with the whole idea of gender fluidity and a non binary definition of gender. I guess I've been thinking about these things my whole life, but only recently really started reading and thinking more seriously. The political season has lots of people all fired up and the supreme court case on gay marriage has got issues of "queerness" on peoples minds. I think something that really got me thinking about issues of gender was an argument I got in at work awhile back, this was last year when Caitlyn was in the news everyday.
One of my co-workers is a Rush Limbaugh fan and listens to him all day then tells us about it. So he says, "can you believe this story with the woman who wants to be blind." Of course this was carried on one of his right wing radio shows, but he assumes its mainstream news and we'd all know.
"No idea," I reply trying to sound uninterested.
"Well a doctor actually blinded a woman because she wanted to lose her sight, that doctor ought to be in prison," he exclaims.
"Hmm," I say.
Another co-worker pipes in, "Maybe they wanted to be blind so that they could collect public aid the rest of their life." I thought this comment was so stupid I didn't even respond.
"Yeah, she always wanted to be blind, can't stand her eye sight, finally got some quack doctor to blind her, what these people really need is help for their mental disorder," he says. Now I know where this is going when he says these people. Since he knows that my views are predominately liberal I'm sure he figures I'll take the bait and I do.
"Maybe the right help for her disorder was to be blind," I said.
"That's completely insane, doctors take a oath to do no harm, not mutilate people," he replies.
"Well, it's not really got anything to do with me, not something that I worry about, why are you so upset about it" I ask?
Because it's wrong, things are getting out of control. It's just like these transgendered people, I feel sorry for them, they don't need to be turned into women they need mental help," he says. Yeah so he gets to the point finally.
"Maybe they would need less mental help if people left them alone," I said.
"These people have mental illness and they need treatment, not insane doctors," he replies.
"Yeah I agree some people need treatment, but that should be between them and their doctors," I said ending the discussion thankfully.
I thought about this for awhile that day, I just can't understand why someone feels like they should have a say in what other people do with their bodies when it has no effect on them. I suppose this argument spurred me into thinking about my own gender issues some. I had to wonder, why did it bother me so much that he was so opposed to gender change stuff. I've never felt uncomfortable with my own body, but I have felt uncomfortable with some of the gender role expectations of being a male.
I wish one day we'll live in a society where attitudes like his are a thing of the past.
Aren't we all experts
on how others should live their lives? It's our own that cause us problems.
I didn't mention it earlier
I didn't mention it earlier but this particular co-worker is nearly 400 pounds, type 2 diabetic, and is constantly dealing with wounds that won't properly heal on his legs. Once when I was talking to another co-worker about running he chimed in that exercise is stupid.
I've never once told him he should consider how his lifestyle has impacted his life don't feel it's my place.
In all honesty I actually like this guy most of the time, when he's not spouting off conservative agenda BS, he's a nice guy.
Don't waste your time with a closed mind
Debating those who have a closed mind is an effort in futility. This isn't for the persons who believe transgender is a sickness to be cured by therapy. Sadly many trans were locked up in mental institutions, operated on with a lobotomy, electric shock, and had their minds blown with drugs. Not sure all that is past tense. It was the recommended treatment in the fifties and sixties.
Maybe this will help others outside looking in understand what and why transgender is as real as female and male in our biological trilogy world.
Transsexual differences caught on brain scan https://www.newscientist.com/article/dn20032-transsexual-dif...
I can't find the research a lab did back in the nineties but they dissected male, female, gay, lesbian, MtF, and FtM brains and posted their research in a scientific journal. The results were as follows.
FtM transgender have male brains
MtF transgender have female brains
Gay have male brains
Lesbians have female brains
I DO NOT want to know where they came up with all the brains to dissect.
The medical community came out in an uproar claiming the research had to be flawed. A lot of money is to be made treating transgender and this would put it all in question. Other labs followed suit doing the research and came up with the same results as the first lab. It didn't change the medical opinion nor the general opinion of transgender. They still need years of therapy to make sure they are trans before medical treatment can begin. And as far as the bigots are concerned, transgender is still a mental disease cured in a psychiatrist office.
Have fun with life, it's too short to take it seriously.
All my love to those who can accept God's gift of life different from the male or female designation they were branded with on their birth certificate.
Oklahoma born and raised cowgirl
The second article
is very badly written, the typos alone are an irritation. It's very simplistic in its description and doesn't describe the experience of older transgender people who might not have felt in the wrong gender since age 3, but discover it well into adult life.
While I appreciate that medical researchers are looking for the holy grail so they can delay puberty in young patients, so many of us seem to try and retrospectively justify transitioning, when to my mind, it seems futile. I don't know or care what caused me to be gender dysphoric but I know that I chose what I was going to do about it and have no regrets.
Snopes looked into this but was unable to verify the claim. It seems the woman has been making claims all the way back in 2008. Apparently all the various reports are based on a single source. This source did not reply to Snopes when they asked for information to validate the story.
I went outside once. The graphics weren' that great.
I always wanted to be blind so i went to a lady scientist and
She blinded me.... WITH SCIENCE!!!
And you have to wonder, by what messed up logic
do they equate wanting to be a woman physically
(because FtM's are still barely on their radar)
with wanting to be disabled?????
Well shit, I guess it really CAN happen here..,