When I see a blog asking for help to find a story my heart skips a beat and I hope that the story they're looking for is one of mine.
Does that make me a whore?
When I post a new story, I have a personal standard for comments and kudos that I expect to meet.
Does that make me a harlot?
I love my stories and want them to be read and appreciated.
Does that make me a camp follower.
And . . . a much bigger question, maybe even HUGE. Why are all the synonyms for whore so dated? They all sound like something out of an 19th century novel.
It is used to describe th second oldest profession so... Who really cares if the words are dated.
Just wait a bit and the PC brigade will be along to clean it up.
Whoever dreamed up 'co-workers' when colleagues is just as good and AFAIK not sexist.
I could go on but I'd bore everyone to tears.
PC in my world stands for Pissing Contest.
PC ...
... is used for lots of things.
Police Constable (in the UK) or Printed Circuit (in my former profession) as well as Personal Computer, for example as well as the ones you mention. Of course Politically Correct is often just another way of saying be polite.
Any author here
Who claims not to be interested in the numbers of reads, comments or kudos is deceiving themselves. It's the only recognition or payment we receive.
Sorry, gotta disagree with you. The system is completely arbitrary. Stories that get small or no response would get lots of comments and kudos if they were posted by a "name" author. Page views can be inflated by people checking back to read other comments.
“When a clown moves into a palace, he doesn’t become a king. The palace becomes a circus.” - Turkish Proverb
your stories are like children; it's natural that you would want them to succeed.
Could not have said it better myself
You get a good feeling when you know that your 'children' are doing well.
annecdotal strumpet? tale trollop? narrative hustler? storyline harlot? lady of the evening deadline? plot ho? nah....
but yes... I do appreciate you!
Love, Andrea Lena
not a harlot, a concerned writer
For some of us comments are bits of inspiration that help us solve situations that we have accidentally written ourselves into or find plot holes that we didn't know we had left.
There are also the comments that show gratitude for understanding a problem or show empathy for having endured similar situations. It's a mild form of therapy, you are helping someone else out just by writing something.
I try to read every comment that is posted on my stories, it's always uplifting when someone cares enough to say "nice work" or something similar. Feeling the way you do about your stories is universal and there are probably very few who wouldn't feel the same way about their stories like that.
I'm told STFU more times in a day than most people get told in a lifetime
Just means you are human,
and yes, our stories are our children. On the few I've written I spend weeks clicked to see the Kudo's and comments. Even now and then I'll go back and see if anyone new has read them.
Comment Courtesan?
And a Hit Harlot, and a Kudos Kween (bit of a stretch that one!). Still, I am all of the foregoing. Do I write for myself? Well...Yes...But.
I do get self-gratification out of writing what I hope is a good story and sometimes I pour enough of myself into it that I even get emotionally affected by my own scribbles. However, I do crave attention by way of a decent number of hits, a respectable amount of kudo-thingies and oodles of comments. As soon as I have posted something I get positively anal scouring the site for signs of recognition. I am sure that if I wrote stories that got zero attention I would soon give up.
That's why I post here rather than on certain other sites, where your story seems to just sink into oblivion and you have no idea whether anybody actually read it, let alone enjoyed it! This is the only site where people let you know that they care for your babies....and where it is easy to let others know that you care for theirs.
So I shall continue to flaunt my fishnets, heels and mini on this street and flutter my eyelashes at innocent passers-by in the hope of enticing them to help a poor working-girl.