Testing times indeed

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I'm off South in the morning to the town where I spent twenty years of my working, and married, life. I have some great friends there and some happy memories. Both of my children were born there and my daughter will be going with me so she can see her nan. It's also entirely possible her mother will make an appearance.

I no longer have any communication with the ex and am unlikely to see her even if my daughter does. For legal reasons that meeting will be supervised to ensure my daughter's safety.

So I can't relax completely and I can't go wandering out of town in case I'm needed.

Eventually, around 6pm, I'll meet up with my daughter and we'll head back home, via London. If you add up the travelling and comapre it to the time spent in the town, they balance - we'll spend half the day sat on trains or stood on platforms.

So, please don't expect and more of Tammy's Tales tomorrow as I'll barely be able to read Bike when I get in.

However, I do have Chapter 33 finished so if there's enough requests ......




Maddy Bell's picture

Like one of your storylines - hope everything goes well.


Madeline Anafrid Bell


shiraz's picture

Hi Maddy,

One of these days I'll write my autobiography but no-one would believe it! So I fictionalise it through my writings. The only spanner in the day as far as I can see is having to come back through London (Stratford to be exact) at around 8pm on a Friday night. Reminds me, I should download part 2 of Girls to read on the train.


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Paperback cover Boat That Frocked.png

Formal request

Alecia Snowfall's picture


quidquid sum ego, et omnia mea semper; Ego me.
alecia Snowfall

So Post It Already

A day early is better than a day late in my book. I hope all goes well for you. I recall that your EX caused you a number of problems in the past.

You have my best wishes, cbee

Next Tammy

shiraz's picture

More Tammy on Saturday if you're lucky, otherwise Sunday - that was 3 in 3 days so I need a break!


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Paperback cover Boat That Frocked.png

no need for apologies

You gave us three story parts in three days, you earned a couple of days off. Family always comes first, and this means a lot to you judging by how you worded it.

Posting the next part should be the farthest thing on your mind tomorrow. Please try to enjoy the trip and make the best of it, if things go pear shaped at least you tried to do something good for your family.

I'm told STFU more times in a day than most people get told in a lifetime

I know!

Hypatia Littlewings's picture

You are really a spy like Tammy , and you are off in a mission. Tammy's story is case of misdirection, fiction to hide the truth.

I am not here, I did not say this. This comment is just more fiction. Pay no attention to the person behind the curtain. etc. etc.

"Worm Hole Extreme"!

Good luck, hope everything goes well.
~Hypatia >i< ..:::

PS. Don't have me killed no one will believe this anyway!