In many ways, it seems like 2008 and 2009 were the years of vanishing authors of multi-part stories.
Scanning through hundreds of stories, I've hit upon many that started off quite interesting, then just ... stopped.
I've already mentioned Toni Trepasso.
Jesse Rabbit wrote Elan Owen - - and then disappeared. The last comments were about having some issues, but hoping to post up more stories, and then nothing.
Taveena was writing Netherworlds, which was looking fun - - then stopped.
I'm reading several other stories in that period that I'm pretty sure weren't completed as well.
Theide, on the other hand, has been writing, but Rhysling's Rue - - just sort of stopped. (Same time period for the others)
I think that in many ways, what hurts most about these stories isn't that they weren't completed, it's that there was no closure with the authors themselves. No, "I just don't think I can complete the story." Or "My wife is taking away my computer." or even "I've been diagnosed with Pancreatic cancer."
The TG community, from what I've observed over the years, is secretive, paranoid, and prone to extreme depression and mood swings. Unfortunately, those first two don't help the last one. Sometimes I wonder if there could be some sort of encrypted central database that could be accessed when someone goes 'dark' for too long, and then contact could attempt to be made to find out what happened. We know about Bob, and Stan, and Holly, but how many others are gone that no one knows where they were, what their legal name might have been, or what happened to them at the end. Suicide, jail, institutionalized, homeless, moved to another country, victim of violence?
I understand _why_ TG are victimized so much. Animals are driven to attack those things that are strange, and anyone that looks different has always been a target. That doesn't make it right. Personally, I don't care what people want to do, as long as I'm not forced to join in. As George Carlin put it, if two guys want to put on Bugs Bunny suits and beat each other to death with giant steel dildos - more power to them, but if they try to do it to someone else; that's another story.
Me? I don't suffer from the medical problems some folks here have. I don't suffer from Gender Dysphoria. I have curiosity, and need escapism - transformational stories do that for me. I love to stretch my imagination, and have liked this genre since Heinlein and Chalker were both still alive. (I don't know if Chalker is dead, but you get the picture) Prior to that, I read Asimov, Andre Norton, and many other works that dealt with transformations of various sorts. Even so, I understand what's going on. I've always tried to deal with people as they want to appear. Wear a kilt, I'll call you sir. Wear a dress, I'll probably call you ma'am. Wear a dress and have a full beard, and I'll ask how you want to be addressed. (Montrose was an interesting area in the 90's)
I'll ask this of the people that read this thread. If you know someone that WAS posting a story, but stopped, please ask them to stop by and let people know what happened, or at least that the reason the story stopped wasn't due to something truly bad happening, but rather life happening.
I agree
I agree that their should be some way to contact writers that have started but not finished a serial work. I can understand that writers may feel (a very real) need for anomimity, so providing open access to everyone would be a very severe problem, so access to the contact database should be limited.
Taking this one step further, once you begin a serial work, the author should have some obligation to complete the work, or...
Perhaps, some kind of agreement should be developed so that an unfinished work can be completed if the original author is unable to complete the project. A proposal like this should be carefully considered before being implemented. Maybe an opt in option allowing an independent agent (like the big closet "published" authors (as an organization)) the ability to assign someone to complete the work if the original Author is incapable of completion or after a certain period of inactivity.
on completing other stories
while it would be great to get the partial stories completed, since the current load of incomplete stories did NOT get posted with an agreement that others could complete them, any such completion would be at the one doing the writing's legal risk if the original author takes offense.
Maybe such an opt in to complete can be added for current works, but those already abandoned will be a touchy subject.
The Whateley authors for original canon works ( Team Kimba ) have all dropped the work, but no agreement for others to continue so the original characters have all been put on the bus to allow the continuation of the whole overarching plot line. The second generation canon authors have all agreed on the others can complete if needed clause asked of them by the current first gen canon group.
Stupidity is a capital offense. A summary not indictable.
Another suggestion
If an author is unable to complete a serial work (for whatever reason), another option would be to open up a writer's completion - write a new chapter in the story!
The new chapter could be a "continuation" or a "conclusion". After the contest period ends, the original author (or a selected panel) could select the winner. The original author could also stipulate a reader's poll instead.
If the contest is for a "continuation" chapter, then the winner could be "awarded" the duty to continue the series!
Now, if the community wanted to really go overboard, have a group of writers selected to write one chapter apiece. The mechanics would have to be worked out to provide character/ story arc continuity. This concept could work as a standalone big closet project (aside from the unfinished works problem).
there was a pretty good story called The Taylor Project
I really liked it, then the author vanished.
lest we forget
lest we forget, some of those disappeared authors have expressly forbid using any of their characters, etc. I hate to be a wet blanket, but that's the case with some. I'll admit its not fun to sit and wonder about how some stories would, could and should end. Especially the ones we've come to love. Sometimes things happen. writers' block, illness, financial strain, social obligations. In some cases; even death. There is one story that I wish was finished and through gritted teeth I say I won't take upon myself to meddle. I will confess that even if I did finish that story on my own (and without permission just to thumb my nose at them for leaving it unfinished in the first place) I still wouldn't feel right because it would pure B.S. to me. Unless I have the original author's input I won't use their characters because I would have them doing things out of character. That's one things I think is important. Working with my great friend Jess is an exercise in understanding. We both love our characters and want them to be held in high regard. Not just by ourselves and our readers, but by our characters as well. This requires discussion between the two of us to ensure that we agree. Sometimes there is minor and major insult. We have to discuss it because if there is that insult we have to make sure that it is in character and VITAL to plotline. Otherwise its just two people trying to one up each other.
I've enjoyed collaborating with Jess on her Marshals series and welcomed her characters for my LKM/CP series as she has welcomed mine for hers. I constantly look forward to every chance to work with her, even when its just simple dialogue editing. *many hugs to Jess*
I guess the point I'm trying to make is: sometimes its better to leave things as they stand because what we envision and what the original author envisioned can and usually are, vastly different. (note: I do say that while gritting my teeth because of one story)
quidquid sum ego, et omnia mea semper; Ego me.
alecia Snowfall
Finishing stories is nice, but...
I care more about the people I have come to consider friends here. Whether they have an unfinished story lying about or if they have just completed a story, I really worry about folks that seem to drop out of sight.
I really like the idea of being able to know if someone is okay. I know that Erin and Piper do so much already here that I do not see how we could ask them to also undertake the management of a clearinghouse for us all. The biggest challenge I see is finding someone who would be trusted with contact information.
Erin and Piper: Do you have any thoughts on this subject?
Why we stop writing
As you say, there are lots of reasons we stop writing. For some of us, the writing was about working off our pain by writing about it. I'm not the best writer here, nor the most popular. One heart breaker for me was the lack of votes or comments. Oh, I still publish the odd story but when I do it is because I have something to say and am not particularly looking for approval. The thing that makes me still try is the loyal few who seem to like my stories.
Some have the opinion that this site is for TG stories and for me the TG element is a very minor part of the story. One writer I know said, "I had something to say and I said it".
I have aged a lot and now days writing is a lot of work.
The Author's Responsibility
I firmly believe, with the exception of those stories in the genre of Bike, that one should not start publishing a novel, novella, etc. until that author has completed the story. Many 'serials' posted here are novels that the author for what ever reason, has not finished. When starting a story, the author must have a clear view of where the story is going to go. it is not fair to the readers to leave them hanging. Authors need to have a goal in mind when they start to write, and they should resist posting anything until the story has been completed. If you are not sure where a story is going, don't waste our time putting it here, Suck it up, give yourself a figurative kick in the ass, and do your job. You don't paint half a room or half a house. Hopefully, you don't go out half dressed. Don't be a half assed writer.
Submitting Stories
With all due respect I must disagree with you regarding story submissions. While it would be nice if their stories were complete before posting, it really is the writer's choice. And even then, a story that is complete but being posted in parts will be unfinished from the reader's POV if something happens to the writer. Many here are not young people, the older you get the more likely you are to having something happen to you. A heart attack, a severe stroke, or other things could happen without warning. And the story remains incomplete. Sad, but it does happen.
I went outside once. The graphics weren' that great.
Conversely so.
I am leaning toward being extremely militant about votes and comments; perhaps even going so so as to not allow readers to open another story until they voted and commented on the one they read. You fail to accept that one of the factors that discourages writers from continuing and finishing stories is the selfish and uncaring attitude of many readers. Their conduct is despicable.
Sometimes the nicest thing a reader can do is to not comment at all.
I went outside once. The graphics weren' that great.
Try to be encouraging
Sometimes just a bit of enouragement will help the author smooth out the rough edges.
I don't see such a policy working out well. At all.
People have reasons for not posting comments. Usually good ones. The site will not benefit from forcing readers to post spammy, zero-content comments just to be allowed to read. And forcing a vote, when the only options are Kudo or nothing, is just begging for Kudos. Why not just ask Erin to make the number of Kudos equal to the number of times the story has been read? It will have the same result.
For my part, when I have something to say, I say it. When I don't, I remain silent so those who do have something to say can say it without it being lost in the flood.
forcing a vote/comment
the only way it could be done, reasonably, would be to make it a thumbs up thumbs down vote option.
and that could have even more of a detrimental impact on authors than the lack of kudos or comments.
Stupidity is a capital offense. A summary not indictable.
I agree but also disagree...
I would love to be able to comment on everything I read as I know alot of authors rely on the readers to do so to help maintain motivation although it can be really hard at times to know what to say. Sometimes I have to re-read multiple times to come up with something otherwise I just leave kudos.
However knowing what to write is also hard for the authors even more so and I most certainly can't do it to the standard of most...
With series I tend to try and comment at the end however am trying to comment more instead of lurking (like I did for two years). Sometimes I am not able to be logged in and other times I just don't know what to say however I agree kudos should be given to show that they like it and wanr more.
- LKPridgeon
This comes up from time to time
People want rules for OTHER people. If it bugs you to read an incomplete story, simply do not do that. There, problem solved. You want other people to supply the willpower you lack? Ain't gonna happen.
And no author owes anyone anything. Not a damn thing.
There are dozens of stories here that would not EXIST if they had to be finished before posting. Three I can think of off the top of my head are Wanda's Kelly Girl, my own Urban Renewal, and Donna Lamb's Blue Moon.
The site you describe above bears no resemblance to BigCloset, either in actuality nor to my intent in creating the site.
Does it sound like I feel strongly about this? I hope so, because I do.
= Give everyone the benefit of the doubt because certainty is a fragile thing that can be shattered by one overlooked fact.
Erin nailed it
Work in progress
I don't take exception that some stories are not (yet) finished but understand there are those who would never start reading a story if they thought it might not be completed. For them might tags 'Work in progress' and 'Writing Done’ help to distinguish those stories that the author has completed writing but not completed posting.
Rhona McCloud
Good idea Rhona
Good idea Rhona
Those tags exist
Ongoing and Completed.
The problem is that people want rules for OTHER people to follow. If it really bugs you, just don't read a story till it's finished. See?
= Give everyone the benefit of the doubt because certainty is a fragile thing that can be shattered by one overlooked fact.
Thank you Erin
I have either never seen (or never registered seeing) the 'Ongoing' tag and assumed 'Completed' was a tag to use when posting the final episode. I will try to be good in correctly tagging my posts in future.
Rhona McCloud
What I was getting at wasn't
What I was getting at wasn't so much that the stories were unfinished, but that the reason why was unknown.
As for a contact list, what I envisioned was an encrypted database that took two "administrators" to unlock. Much like nuclear warheads are controlled. Even if the President issues 'release', it takes the Captain and the First Officer to arm them for launch. (for nuclear armed subs. Silos have similar structures)
So, the database would be encrypted, but if two private keys were plugged in, it would generate a 'release' for the contact information. That way nobody could just randomly let the information go.
As for completing stories? If the original author was _dead_, then that's one thing. If the author abandoned the story, then it should be left alone unless that author gives permission. Either way, author wishes take precedence.
I'll get a life when it's proven and substantiated to be better than what I'm currently experiencing.
As for a contact list, what I
For a group of us @Crystal's Story Site, there was such a thing.
There was a site setup by I believe Sandra Pal, and I forget whom else. You could designate 2 contacts that knew your real name/phone/address and how to address your family, and in the case that you went missing for x amount of time, these people could be contacted for a "wellness check".
Sadly most the people involved have either passed away, or disappeared. I still have methods of contacting a few people from "back in the day" if needed. Heck, Facebook has managed to suggest that I friend the person I know to be a well known, but currently silent author via their Legal name on my Legal name Facebook. It's gotten quite creepy like that.
Hm. I wonder if there's any
Hm. I wonder if there's any way to get the code.
I'll get a life when it's proven and substantiated to be better than what I'm currently experiencing.
You wouldn't want the site code, it was written in FrontPage :P I'm trying to remember the name to see if I can resurrect it in spirit.
Hey! I've converted FrontPage
Hey! I've converted FrontPage to something usable before. Mostly it's simply stripping out all the redundancies.
I believe I still have a copy of it somewhere in my 'CD Case of ancient Software' (well, four cases. Was 8 cases, but I put all the drivers on an external hard drive to make it easier to carry. )
I'll get a life when it's proven and substantiated to be better than what I'm currently experiencing.
I think you nailed the
I think you nailed the reasons why writer's disappear but one issue with this site is it encourages serial postings with the way the kudo system works. Should a writer post 1-50,000 word story for 80 kudos or 10-5,000 word stories for 500? I'm sure most writers don't kudo mine but I think it is safe to state this site is serial friendly. Sometimes this place feels like a writer's workshop and readers need to understand that limitation in exchange for free stories.
I've posted serials here myself but only after I've finished a completed work. If I hadn't done that I could easily see a situation where after writing 3/4s of a story I find I've written myself into a corner and can't finish without a total rewrite. At that point I'd be forced to decide between two bad options --- confuse my readers by changing stuff they've read or struggle through to an unsatisfying conclusion. I could easily see a situation where I'd give up and move on to another story. It's not hard to imagine this happening as my hard drive is full of things I considered strong concepts that turned into half baked stories.
No simple answer
We are all different and we live in different countries with different circumstances but one common interest thanks to this site. Some like to read the stories, some like to write, some like to comment. Some writers are busy, some have personal problems, some ill, some are looking for contact, some are casual members and some are passionate members.
Some writers need encouragement, some are trying to provoke a reaction, some want to put feelings into print, some have thoughts that inspire them to write a story, some are sensitive if they are criticised or don't get many hits or comments.
You can also take this as an apology if I'm on your list.
Some stories are easy to write and some are based on an idea or a challenge. Sometimes we may feel it is difficult to meet the increasing standard and write something that is fresh or of interest.
There are some great writers and some who are just starting out. Some might be burnt out and some who start a story with good intent who become distracted or are influenced by comments. Sometimes it's simple like a computer hard drive crashing and sometimes its illness, work pressure, domestic pressure etc.
I posted my first episode of a story that was just for fun and I expected to follow it up with two or three more episodes. I found I wanted to expand it so I carried on. Sometimes I adjusted the story because of comments and sometimes after I sat back and reflected on what I'd written.
I never like leaving a story incomplete but I'm not always inspired or satisfied with what I've drafted. That's why the competitions help or why I tried a few solos. If the kudos score is low it's hard to decide whether to stop or try to improve a story. I target at least a score of 40 per chapter or story and it is very satisfying to exceed 60. That's the standard I set myself after the first postings.
I am selective about the stories I read and influenced by past experience with certain authors who I will always read. I expect that happens with my stories that influences the hits and the kudos and then my inspiration and motivation.
It would be nice
if Authors had a way to mark stories as abandoned without being finished. Is there such a mechanism? If not, perhaps a paragraph could be inserted into the first chapter. If the author later decided to continue the story, a blog entry could alert readers to that fact.
As Erin posted earlier -
As Erin posted earlier - Ongoing and Completed.
I don't recall seeing anyone actually _using_ the Ongoing tag, and I don't think there's an 'Inactive' tag (what would you call it - "Abandoned"? )
I'll get a life when it's proven and substantiated to be better than what I'm currently experiencing.
You're not on the list ....
You're not on the list .... yet... *wink*
When you know you've hit a wall, it's not being a horrible person to simply put up a blog, or edit the title page, and say "This story isn't likely to be finished, unless I do a major rewrite or have a revelational inspiration. I wrote myself into a corner."
Many of the unfinished stories are perfectly entertaining to read. Nothing wrong with that. The ones that make you stamp your feet in frustration are simply the ones that stop right at a major plot point. That can't be helped - but then, even in real life, you see something happen, and continue on, and never know how it turned out. (I had the lovely pleasure of witnessing a fatal auto pedestrian accident. I did find out that the person pinned under the truck died, but I'll likely never know about his friend and coworker, who was thrown into the brush at the side of the road. He, at least, broke something. It was two people trying to get a stalled truck working, and they were too close to an intersection and freeway on-ramp. If they'd pushed the truck another hundred feet, they would have been safely away from both. Instead, the back of the truck was hit and shoved over the owner, and the guy helping him (parked in front of the truck) was thrown into the brush)
Lilith Langtree left a lot of stories unfinished, but she posted several times, making it clear that she wasn't going to repost unless she had completed stories - because of the complaints. That doesn't stop me from re-reading them.
I'll get a life when it's proven and substantiated to be better than what I'm currently experiencing.
Almost Wrote a Forum Message...
...last week on a similar subject.
(Unfinished stories, not disappearing authors. Though I wonder if some of those who disappeared did so -- or came up with a new byline -- because they had an incomplete story posted that they wouldn't or couldn't finish and didn't want to answer questions about it.)
Anyway, I was going to plead to those who still check in here -- if they know there are stories that they've left up in the air for some time, and they have no realistic plans of doing more with them in anything but the distant future -- to summarize the rest of the plot and let us off the hook. Or, if the story got off track and can't reach its expected conclusion, let us know where it was supposed to be headed.
I realize there are situations where that's impractical or worse. And I suspect there are or were people here who were so confident (and misguided) in their ability to create on the fly that they don't have any more clue than we do as to where their story was headed.
But anything we can get leaves us better off than we are now.
Thanks, Eric
An incentive to write
These days I mostly write what I want when I want to. I am deadly certain that some unfinished stories did not continue because of lack of reader support. Fine. Perhaps what should be done is that an author posts the first chapter, but does not post any more until that chapter has a demonstrated interest base ... let's say 50 kudos. There, all done, all solved, everyone is happy.
I can say the same for a bunch of my stories.
Hey Gwen.
I totally agree with you and empathize. When I first started posting stories I got a lot of useful feedback from readers and other authors, but with the last several stories it was like performing for an empty theater--in a blackout. I'm not saying the stories were fantastic--but they certainly didn't seem to be any worse than the ones I had posted before. I started posting in chapters to see if that would get more comments/feedback/discussion, but it didn't work. And then I also got trolled. I'd finished all of them, but I just felt like I shouldn't keep posting when there wasn't enough interest.
disappearance of authors and the use of story characters
1) Yes, I'm still around. No longer (over two years now) in the United States and very busy with other things BUT...
2) I AM still writing, albeit slowly.
3) I have one story 'Duty Calls' for which I have five completed chapters which will be posted once the final chapters of that story are finished (and edited).
4) I have a storyline (Last of the Fey) which has moved to Kindle. The second book, when finished, will be placed there.
5) in lieu of the LotFey story, I and Red MacDonald are collaborating on another which will be posted one chapter at a time once it is completed. Don't ask for a date we expect to reach that milestone.
6) My characters are copyrighted, ergo, no one can use them as they are nor use the exact same names, even if writing a fan-fic (which I doubt would occur anyway).
conclusion? Well, I suppose you'll all just have to wait. I know, it's difficult. I have a number of favorite stories which have not been completed or which have gone for several years between chapters. Teddi's 'Duty Calls' which I'm trying to complete suffers the same fate and I have placed a "INCOMPLETE STORY" warning in the first chapter which will remain until such time as I can finish the last three or four chapters. The total number of chapters will reach close to fifty.
I thank everyone for their tolerance and God Bless You all
You're not even close to
You're not even close to being on a list like I've described.
1) You've completed stories.
2) You've been working diligently on RL as well as other people's works.
3) You posted up, where it's easy to find, that you've been otherwise occupied, and you still show up as active (Like Theide)
You've covered everything I talked about. You haven't vanished, and the stories aren't just sitting there, future unknown.
I'll get a life when it's proven and substantiated to be better than what I'm currently experiencing.
Unfinished stories
I admit I am sometimes disappointed when a story is dropped without a ending. But I also understand that writing is difficult work as the stories evoke strong emotions in the reader I imagine it is the same for the author if not more so. I do always try to kudo the stories I read but sometimes I have a hard time expressing myself in a comment, especially when a story has left me empting half a tissue box and tears running down my cheeks. I really do appreciate the work you authors have chosen to share with us and eagerly look forward to the next chapter or story.
So thank you to our authors who give us such stories and thank you Erin for your tireless work keeping this site open.
I think there's another factor
Maybe it's been alluded to, but since I need things straight-forward, I'll post my observations.
I think there is a common life course with TSs and maybe other TGs. Either end could be very brief or things mentioned like sickness, death, etc. could happen. Anyway, this might be more typical of later (than young adult/teen) transitioners.
Some are TG/TS; thoughts/fantasies about transitioning could have been on their minds for much of their lives. For what ever reason they don't start transitioning as soon as they're free of their parents; they're undecided, scared, not knowledgeable enough, in denial, etc. but they still think on TG subjects. If they are good at writing they might write then post stories. Time goes on; they know themselves better, denial stops, they have enough money, they meet other T people, they can't stand living wrong anymore, etc. They start transitioning; this might take up all their free time. After awhile they pass well and go into gender euphoria. They go as far as they were planning. If they still have time and inclination they go back to posting TG fiction. This may continue, but other things may happen. They may get partnered/married, even start a family somehow; this takes up much or all of their time. They advance in their career, work more and this takes up much or the rest of their time.
And this is the big one, which really startled me. They may decide that hanging, talking with, learning and sharing things with other transitioners was fine when necessary, but unpleasant, dangerous to their passing, etc, now that they've transitioned. They might still write but their interest declines. A subset of these people feel, after a while, 'why should I care about the TG community, their ideas and issues.' 'I was TS, but I'm done with that phase of my life, it's over, I'm a woman and nothing else.' Especially if het, they don't want any reminders of Tness; they just want to be with other (cis) het people and blend in. They train themselves to never think of anything TG, including their fiction.
Yeah, I'm still a little bitter, but I was dumped from my friends decades ago. I've got worser shit to deal with.
Hugs and Bright Blessings,
Regarding my proposals for completing unfinished works, I started out by suggesting the possibility of developing an agreement that would allow for a process that would allow completion of unfinished works by another author. I still think it is a good idea. Some people objected to the idea believing that an author owns what he has created. I understand this. That is why I suggested an agreement. After reading the other comments on this blog, I realize that there would have to be several ("standard") agreements developed for this proposal to be viable.
In order for the agreement to be valid for a specific work, the original author would have to accept one of the agreements. If an author does not accept any of the agreements (or offer a modified agreement) then the proposal would not be used on that work. For prior authors that have not posted recently, a general notice could be periodically posted requesting the authors (or heirs/relatives) contact the website to (possibly) approve one of the standard agreements. This would hopefully, allow continuation/closure of some of the unfinished works.
Existing or future authors should be encouraged to accept one of the standard agreements (BUT NEVER BE REQUIRED TO ACCEPT A STANDARD AGREEMENT).
This proposal would have to be discussed and revised by current authors before being adopted.
Sherlock Holmes
I remember reading about the author of the Sherlock Holmes stories. The author of Sherlock Holmes wrote a story killing off the character of Sherlock Holmes. This prompted an outrage by his readers in England. There were even demonstrations outside his home!
Disappearing author.... Me!!!
I started a series in the 'Aunt Jane' universe.... Taking 'Tucky Season' and writing about those misadventures from the viewpoint of 'Charlene'.
Life did happen! I asked my wife to attend a Halloween Party as a Medieval Couple, Me as the lady, her as my Beau. She agreed! We got the outfits, went to the party and after that my desire to crossdress and write just faded away. that was a number of years ago. I still have no explanation for it. I have tried to pickup the story where I left it 4-5 times and I get 3-4 paragraphs written and rewritten and then deleted.... So I put it away again for a few months or years..... lol I have no idea if it will ever be finished! I have no idea why I have no desire to dress anymore either?? I promise that I will continue trying to finish it....but it may be a while before that happens....
Hugs to all.
Lisa Elizabeth
Hey! That's perfectly
Hey! That's perfectly reasonable.
Sounds like an excellent story to simply put a note saying 'No promises', or use the 'Incomplete' Tag. (Seeing above, maybe a personalized tag saying "Thought Train Derailed. Toxic spill, waiting for superfund. Line closed until further notice")
I'll get a life when it's proven and substantiated to be better than what I'm currently experiencing.
Possibly this should be a
Possibly this should be a separate post, but I wonder about something.
One of the things that's made it difficult to browse through the history is all the 1 to 200 post serials.
I wonder how hard it would be to do the concatenation like has been done with the early Bike episodes, with other stories. Could it be done as a 'print to file' command that just generates a combined episode, which could be made the 'complete story', and then the individual serials with their comments remain, but not to casual browsing?
This isn't being put forth as a 'let's do it to everyone, no matter what they want!'. It's a 'Can it be done without killing Erin, Piper, Sephrena, etc'. Jaye Michael's "'Neath Quicksilver's Moon", or "Daughter to Demons", or even Maggie Finson's "Maiden by Decree" are good examples. Lots of posts, the stories are complete, and they could be put together into one story that could show up in the 'browse'.
Conversely, maybe just have title pages only show up, and not any of the individual posts. (I think this would be harder)
I'll get a life when it's proven and substantiated to be better than what I'm currently experiencing.
If I understand...
If I understand what you are asking, you can go to the title page or first chapter if a serial has no title page and just hit Printer Friendly. All the chapters will be collected into one page. Yes, this works even with Bike, though expect to wait several minutes. :)
Once Collected, you can select the whole thing, copy and paste into an offline document for your reading leisure.
= Give everyone the benefit of the doubt because certainty is a fragile thing that can be shattered by one overlooked fact.
That's a good one
Thanks a lot! I've checked - it works. If there is a title page - hit Printer friendly on it.
Server Load Testing.
As a side note, one of the way we test new server configurations is to see how many concurrent requests for the Printer Friendly of BIKE the site can handle without crawling to a halt. :)
What was your max?
What was your max?
I'll get a life when it's proven and substantiated to be better than what I'm currently experiencing.
1.6 Completed Requests per Second.
1.6 completed requests per second, I don't remember what the concurrent connections was set to at the time, but about 50% of all requests failed. It took 1999 requests to produce 1000 complete requests. At the time of testing, it was a 37MB wall of HTML compiled "on the fly" with little caching, that was literally comprised of THOUSANDS of database requests.
As a note, I should probably mention that this test was using CentOS6 with Apache 2.4/HHVM/Memcached on the front end, and CentOS7 with Percona on the backend.
BIKE has more computer related uses than that!
For AI people, it serves as the next step after the Turing test to see if the AI has lock up problems. And for CPU test sites it is a substitute for the Prime torture test.
Oh and for storage people
It can be used for SSD write endurance testing :)