Clarkson shows what a moron he is

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He wrote a disparaging piece in the Sunday Times (Murdoch's flagship) about transgender people which Stonewall are making a meal of. Personally, I think I'd rather listen to my cat squawk than that big galoot, who has offended me at least twice in decrying cyclists and now people with gender dysphoria. That's been sorted but now I have Clarksonalgia - I think he's a total pain.

Christopher Booker in the Sunday Telegraph also had a grumble about the numbers of supposed transgendered individuals in the UK, suggesting it was reportedly higher than in the US which has three times the population. In that respect he might be correct but then it all depends on what you consider transgender to mean and quite honestly, I'm not sure anymore as it seems to mean anything you want it to. Sorry couldn't get a link to that story.


The man is a prize pillock.

The man is a prize pillock. Yes, he's entertaining when he's talking about cars, but he really needs to stop talking about things where he clearly has no idea what he's on about. Talking about 'whims' and 'parents pushing children into being transgendered' just shows that he pulled that entire article out of his backside. God help any of his children or grandchildren if they turn out to be LGBT.

Debs xxxx

Time is a terrible thing to waste

BarbieLee's picture

In each person's life is a given time to live. This time is not definite as accidents, and other things happen which alter the time factor one is given at conception. To spend one's time trying to debate fools and closed minds is a fools errand unto itself.
A closed mind is the worse because the other person has formed an opinion, made a decision, and built a defense against any and all data which could mean they were mistaken. In the truth and lies about transsexuals, there is no one definitive definition of who or what is a transsexual. We make assumptions on experience, those we know, those we read about, the medical research, the things we felt. Yet it is one person's concept of who and what a transsexual is or isn't.
The only truth about transsexuals is, each one is an individual and no two are alike. We can not make a mold and say all who fit this mold must be transsexual and those who don't are gay, lesbians, or gender confused. Those of us who are or have studied transsexuals for years can't agree then how do we demand of those outside looking in understand?
There will always be the bigots who are deathly afraid of what they have no concept of. From personal experience it is best to let them rant and foam at the mouth because they aren't changing. Don't waste precious time trying to enlighten them, debate them, or clue them in. They aren't worth it. If one must, send them a message, point them to research, and if so inclined invite them to meet. The best is when they meet a TG and never know and are never told even as a parting shot.

Oklahoma born and raised cowgirl

Thank you,Angharad,

Clarkson is a fool from way back and proved it many times when he did "Top Gear" .I would use another piece of medical terminology to describe him , a Proctodynia -------procto pertaining to the anus and dynia meaning pain , in plain language,a pain in the butt.


Who Could Disagree?

joannebarbarella's picture

Unlike Alison, I will just nominate him as one of the biggest wankers around (if not THE biggest)

Methinks he doth protest too much

Beneath every bully is a hidden weakness that has to be violently defended.

If he was gay, he'd probably be out of the closet by now, but if he was TG?

Makes you wonder.