Keep Carla in Prayers Please

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Please keep Carla Ann, my editor and closest friend in your prayers. I have been swamped with real life this week and was getting worried I hadn't heard from her... Yesterday she texted me and told me she had a stroke about a week ago not long after she must have just written me. She's an amazing friend and I hope she bounces back quickly from this!


may she recover swiftly

I hope they were able to help her in time to prevent serious damage and she makes a speedy recovery.

I'm told STFU more times in a day than most people get told in a lifetime

Belated Get-well

I missed this posting back in October, but still wanted to give my sincere best wishes for Carla Ann to have a complete recovery. Strokes vary widely in outcomes, but modern treatments really help. Postings like yours are a reminder that BigCloset is a community of real people who have real-world health, family, and financial issues to deal with. We all need to support each other.
