Quoth the Raven Chapter 8 Essence and Mysticism

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Chapter 8: Essence and Mysticism

“Welcome to the Raven’s Perch,” Jenken smiled as he approached them reaching out to Misty for a hug. “I’m Jenken and I know you’re Misty Dawn.” Then he turned to Serenity for a hug. “You’re Serenity. Judy and JJ have spoken highly about you both. They and the rest of the family are currently busy with customers. Please, take this table. I’ll get you menus and let the others know you’re here. Please, select anything you’d like, it’s on the house as thanks for coming to talk with us.”

Misty and Serenity were clearly surprised by the effervescent and well spoken child and took the seats at the table. When Jenken returned with the menus he touched their minds, first to keep them calm, then to telepathically speak to them.

“Please relax, I’m communicating telepathically. I’m going to link your minds so we can have a silent discussion. Just think what you want to say and we’ll ‘hear’ it.”
“This is impossible,” Misty and Serenity mentally burbled.

“Not with me,” Jenken smiled. “I’m quite unique. Please, make your selections while I let Judy and JJ know you’re here.”

Misty and Serenity were stunned as Judy and JJ both joined in their mental discussion to welcome them to the Raven’s Perch. They stated they were busy with customers but would be over for proper welcomes as soon as they could, then they disconnected.

The women had been able to tell when Judy and JJ joined them and when they left. They also were able to recognize their ‘voices’.

Jenken returned to his stool to ring up a customer. But even as he easily handled that task he spoke with the amazed mother and daughter.

Jenken explained his conception and birth detailing the critical injuries he’d suffered. “At 26 weeks gestation the brain is assuming it’s finished form and the internal wiring just developing. My injuries occurred at that point. Since my brain was fully formed but not yet wired, it adapted to the damage and developed psychic abilities. In addition to the telepathy I can search out and ‘download’ knowledge from the brains of others. I also assimilate all I learn and forget nothing. Through downloads and internet research I’ve learned how brains develop and function. My physical and mental adaptations to the injuries are figuratively and actually mind boggling.”

Jenken then explained the formation of his third cerebral lobe. “As a result, I’ve developed three separate entities, one in each lobe so in effect mentally I’m triplets. The normal right lobe is Ken, a boy, the left lobe is Jen, a girl, and the third lobe is me, Jenken, I’m both a boy and girl. Jen and Ken control our body but I connect them so they can function. That’s as brief an explanation as I can provide.”

Judy came up to their table at that point and hugged the stunned women. Jenken broke the connection after he allowed Judy to know what he’d explained. The astonished Dawns realized the telepathic exchange with Jenken had taken less than a minute.

“You’ve passed Jenken’s inspection,” Judy smiled as she recognized the look of disbelief on their faces. “Outside of his family, and he now includes me as part of his family, you’re the first people he’s revealed his psychic abilities. I assume you’re a bit overwhelmed so I’ll order for you.”

By the time Judy brought their meals the two women had gathered their wits. The fact that Jenken was easily operating the cash register and handling credit and debit card payments while obviously mentally doing the math including the 6 percent sales tax only served to reinforce his intelligence. The customers clearly enjoyed paying their tab and exchanging friendly and often quite witty banter with Jenken. Misty and Serenity were delighted with the tasty fare and the warm welcoming atmosphere. The Celtic decor spoke to their Wiccan interests. The rough-hewn doors, open beam ceiling and heavy wooden furniture gave a natural feel to the interior. The metalwork fixtures were clearly hand made and complemented the texture of the timber, adding a touch of rustic finesse to the overall design. Stories from the rich heritage of Irish folklore and mythology were illustrated in delicately painted wall murals inspired by distinctively Gaelic art forms. Although this was their first time in the place, it felt comfortably homelike.

By the time they finished their meal and desert, the restaurant was closing. All of the family stopped by and greeted Misty and Serenity. Since they had Jenken’s seal of approval they were warmly welcomed.

After the restaurant doors were locked, June, Jane, Jenken, Judy, and JJ led Misty and Serenity to the house. Judy explained how Jenken was able to commune with wildlife. Under normal circumstances, the Dawns would have disbelieved the tale, but their brief experiences with Jenken made them anxious to experience the miracle.

“The top of the Moselem Hill behind us is special,” Jenken explained. “I don’t know why or how, but it seems as if it’s sort of a magnet for spiritual essence. I feel peaceful and relaxed yet super energized when I’m there.”

“It sounds as if it might be a place of power,” Misty said. “I look forward to going there.”

It was late when James came home from closing the bar. By then everyone was tired and they decided to get some sleep. The Dawns were given JJ and Jenken’s bedroom while they camped in the living room.

Saturday morning after a light breakfast, packing drinks, snacks and treats for the wildlife, Jenken explained he was telepathically letting the wildlife know he was bringing friends to meet them. Until the previous night’s revelations Misty and Serenity would have been sure such an announcement was childish imagination but with what they had seen Jenken do, they did allow that his claim might very well be true. The intrepid toddler led the Raven clan and the Dawns down Railroad Street to Moselem Springs Road, west along the berm for half a block, then down Lake Road for a quarter mile. The morning mists were slowly burning off as the sun smiled happily upon them. The 500' before the road ended in a circle was forested but there was a break in the trees where the cleared right of way for a high voltage power transmission line headed up Moselem Hill. Jenken led everyone up the cleared right of way. Although this was private property, everyone in the tiny village of Moselem knew everyone else and everyone liked the Ravens. They knew Jenken liked to hike the area with at least one adult and had no issues with them doing so. Lake Road was at an average elevation of about 360' above sea level. The right of way went up the mostly wooded hill for a quarter mile to open into an overgrown field. About half way up the right of way a family of rabbits scampered from the undergrowth to greet Jenken. They squealed in delight and rubbed his legs as he briefly stopped to pet them. At the same time five squirrels emerged from the leafy boughs overhanging the sides of the right of way to excitedly chitter. The rabbits scampered around Jenken while the squirrels leapt from branch to branch, tree to tree as they all became part of Jenken’s entourage.

Even though his family had seen Jenken interacting with wildlife, it still amazed them. For Misty and Serenity the sight was nearly over-awing. Judy whispered to them they hadn’t seen anything yet.

The top of Moselem Hill was an abandoned field filled with wild flowers with scattered clumps of bushes and small trees as the surrounding forest slowly reclaimed the area. The field was formed by 2 joined rectangles. The larger area was 800' long by 600' wide with the corners pointing in the cardinal directions. The right of way accessed the area in the west corner of the large rectangular field. The entry point was in the north-west boundary of the larger area. The northwest boundary continued past the lane an additional 240' to create the smaller attached rectangle with a depth of 200'. The larger rectangle was centered on a rounded bare limestone summit 10' across at an elevation of 590'. The combined fields were surrounded by forest which filtered out virtually all human created noise.

As they crossed to the highest point a pair of adult raccoons with several juveniles emerged from the underbrush. Cardinals, blue jays, wrens, pigeons and even a small flock of turkeys joined the procession. Serenity gasped as the regal eight point buck emerged from the forest on the southwest side of the area. Behind him followed four does and six fawns already losing their dappled protective coloring. The high point on the hill, a nearly perfect circle of barren limestone 10' in diameter, was weather worn with small pock marks. Jenken settled down on the rock and invited the animals to join him.

The rest of the party stopped about 20' from Jenken and marveled at what they saw. Serenity and Misty could scarcely believe what they seeing. Even his family still found it difficult to comprehend how Jenken so easily communed with the animals. Everyone could feel a sense of peace and tranquility as if it was emanating from the stone that crowned the hill.

Jenken reached in the sack of treats he had and offered tidbits appropriate for each animal. As he began to set out the treats, he mentally linked to the humans. “My telepathic abilities can detect and link to any creature that has a brain. The animals call me an interspecies arbitrator. As we were walking I sent out telepathic messages telling them I would be holding a meet and greet. When I do that I also send out an assurance of safety, a truce. I tell the hunters to stop hunting and the prey it’s okay to come out. I also enforce a ten minute pause when the meet is over to give the prey a fair chance to get to safe cover I’ve also told them you’re my friends and are obliged to obey my safety decree just as they all are.”

Misty and Serenity were totally flabbergasted when Jenken opened mental links to the animals. They understood Jenken was not only the conduit, he was also the translator. The amazing toddler opened their eyes to the very essence of life. They found the rabbits cautious but simple, the squirrels skittish but playful. The deer were cautious but dignified since the only predator they faced were humans. The birds were cheerful. But what was even more surprising was the absolute and utter simple acceptance of life. They didn’t worry about what tomorrow would bring since they had absolutely no control of events. For them, life was good, even if they fell victim to a predator, it was just part of nature’s way. This easy pure acceptance of life led to enjoying the moment, trusting in Mother Nature that life would go on and that each of them had a role in that life.

This was the first time James and June had accompanied Jenken on a forest trek. They had witnessed Jenken’s interplay with the animals that came to their yard, but this was the first time they saw him in full communion with the creatures of the forests and fields. Once more they were honored and humbled to be Jenken’s grandparents.

Misty realized Jenken had been right about the high point of the hill being a power spot. It was unlike any she’d ever sensed before. There was more than a hint of great power there, yet it seemed somehow muted, almost as if it was linked to another source or the epicenter was buried deep down in the hill. What really made her shiver was that the power seemed to warp itself into and through Jenken. The situation puzzled her.

During their walk back to the Raven’s Perch, they assimilated the mind boggling experience. For Misty and Serenity, the experience confirmed their practice of Wicca. While they wanted to share their experience with fellow Wiccans, they understood the need to keep Jenken’s abilities secret.

June and James headed into the Raven’s Perch to prepare for opening. Misty, Serenity, Judy, JJ and Jenken headed to the family home and sat around the picnic table. Jenken opened a mental conversation link.

“I know no one who experiences what we did this morning can remain unchanged,” Jenken began. “I know Judy and JJ want to marry as soon as possible and I’d like to help. Misty, could you explain your Wiccan priestesshood?”

“I have been an ordained Pagan clergy member for the Universal Life Church since June of 2002,” Misty thought-spoke. “As far as the United States is concerned, the laws regarding who can legally officiate a wedding are fairly ‘iffie’ at best. For all of the lip service that is given to ‘freedom of religion,’ we still fall a tad short of the meaning. The Universal Life Church (ULC) is a legitimate Church and has fought for the legal rights of ALL religions be they Christian, Pagan, or whatever. This does not mean ULC Ministers, are exempt from following and obeying any or all of the individual laws per State. I’ve done my homework and found out what the legal marriage requirements for the states surrounding Pennsylvania are in order to be sure that I adhere to them. All the neighboring states do actually recognize the ULC as a legitimate religious organization. Pennsylvania law empowers clergy of any regularly established church or congregation to perform marriages. The statute requires an activity that occurs on a habitual or patterned periodic basis at a place of worship or before a group of individuals gathered together for the same purpose. I hold monthly Wiccan services with a base group of practitioners. I can legally perform marriages. I would also truly love to marry Judy and JJ.”

“I know Judy and JJ would love to have the ceremony performed where we were this morning with the animals in attendance,” Jenken smiled. “Between now and when school starts, what would be the most auspicious date?”

“The best date would be on the eve of a full moon,” Misty replied. “The next full moon is Thursday a week from now. If we arrive at the hilltop at dusk, we can pick the best location, where the power is strongest, then wait for the sun to fully set. The full moon should provide us with enough illumination.”

“I’ll invite the animals,” Jenken declared.

“I’ll talk to the landowners and get their permission,” JJ added. “They don’t mind us hiking in the area during the daylight, but since we’ll be doing this after dark, it’ll be best to get their okay,”

After a bit of discussion Judy asked, “Do you have any recommendations to make the occasion even better?”

“To enhance the spirituality I’d recommend eliminating as much man made material from the ceremony,” Misty began. “Wearing cotton, linen or wool, natural fibers woven into fabric, will allow a closer bond with nature. Also, Judy and JJ, I suggest you individually look deeply into your hearts to understand your love and the depth of the commitment you’ll be making. With that knowledge write a wedding vow to give your mate.”

A few other details were worked out before they headed down to the Raven’s Perch for lunch. Serenity, Misty, Judy, JJ and Jenken ate while Jane began to help out. One of the topics was that the hilltop indeed seemed to be a place a power.

Misty described what wiccan and druids believed about places of power and ley lines. “I’ve experienced several places of power. In the past when I was near a place of power I was thrilled to feel a tickle, similar to the tingle that makes the hair on your arm want to stand on end. But today... I swear I could feel waves of power descending on Jenken! Just being on the periphery made my very soul tingle! It refreshed and renewed me.”

The others added they felt something similar although not as intense. Jenken had felt the power sweeping through him and decided the phenomena needed further investigation. After the delicious meal was finished and goodbyes made, the Dawn’s left for home.

On Monday morning, Judy and JJ went to the Berks County Courthouse to get a marriage licence. Once they returned home, the lovers went to the neighbor who owned the hilltop and requested permission to hold their small private wedding there on Thursday evening. The neighbor, who had known JJ since he’d been born and had met Judy, readily agreed. They did invite them to attend an after hours reception in the Raven’s Perch. James and June staffed the Raven’s Perch with trusted employees to operate the business while the family was at the wedding. A notice had been posted in the Pub since Saturday announcing it would be closing at 9:30 Thursday night for a private party.

Although not expecting a reply, Judy attached thank you notes to her parents for honoring their deal along with a formal invitation to the wedding. Everyone was surprised when the enclosed RSVPs were promptly returned with positive responses. Jenken declared he had nothing to do with their acceptance but promised to keep tabs on them so they would not create any issues. Judy called them and told them it would be an informal but legal Wiccan ceremony held on the hilltop and required almost a mile hike uphill. They should wear comfortable casual clothing made of natural fibers, long loose skirts for the women and khakis for the guys.

After the family trek to the top of Moselem Jenken explained to he wanted to explore the hill top to examine the place of power. They could tell Jenken really needed to do this on his own so provided a cell phone with GPS tracking to ease their safety concerns. Jenken summoned some of his animal friends to make the trek back to top of Moselem Hill to explore the power flowing there. As he basked in the flow of positive energy Jenken began to understand it was indeed what the ancients, druids and many Wiccan and new age believers call a place of power. Since he had already mastered the art of psychic detection of mental and electronic emanations, linkage to and the use of innate energy flows, what he sensed on the summit was quite similar but came from earth itself!

Searching minds for knowledge and data mining for everything he could find on the subject he began to understand what constituted a place of power. The synopsis of the different theories and beliefs is that the Earth is a multidimensional structure with all manifestations of multidimensional space present, from the basic physical four dimensions in which we live our lives all the way up to the plane of the Creator. With it’s biosphere the earth is a massive living organism. To the living earth humans as well as all other life forms are simply a type of symbiotic infection. The structure of the crystal lattice of the Earth, as a whole or of some parts of its crust, focus the natural energy fields of certain spatial dimensions. Places of power are like “wells” in areas of compacted spatial dimensions, ‘filled’ with layers of subtle energy. Those energy layers can be positive or negative. Physical places of power, both positive and negative, are the result of ecology which is the relationships of animate and inanimate things with its environment. There is the ecology of plants, the ecology of animals, the ecology of human beings and the ecology of the earth itself which encompasses all earthly ecologies. The task of human ecology, the only sentient able to think abstractly, is to establish the harmony of each person with the entire environment, including other people, air, water, all forms of life, and all things non living.

While he was mining and consolidating the available knowledge Jenken was walking around the exposed rock time after time slowly spiraling in on the epicenter of the power. When he pinpointed the exact spot on the bare limestone peak, the focal point of the place of power, he sat down into the lotus position feeling the power flow through his body. With practiced ease he shut out all other senses as he meditated on the power flowing through him.

Jenken cautiously merged some mental tendrils into the powerful flow of positive energy. Within moments, thanks to his expanded abilities, he was able to tap into the positive power flowing into the hill top. Thanks to his rapidly growing abilities, knowledge and wisdom, Jenken was able to detect the energy pathways warping as the positive power was being drawn from the atmosphere to the top of Moselem Hill. The normally linear world wide flux lines curved the closer they came to the hilltop until they poured their energy into the center of the limestone crown. It was like the energy was liquid pouring into a funnel. Jenken allowed his mental tendrils to link with the power flow and ride it down into the earth. As he rode the stream it plunged down inside the hill for 256' emerging into a large undiscovered crystal laden cavern.

Jenken immediately christened it Moselem Cave. Utilizing his ability of remote viewing he was able to explore the cave. The energy flux flowed through the crystalline accretions created a scintillating green flowing light that illuminated the vast cavern with a warm, welcoming aura borealis type of light. Roughly teardrop shaped the chamber sloped from the higher narrow northeast to lower wider southwest. At it’s longest the cavern stretched roughly 115' while the widest part was about 38'. The highest point was about 25' from the southwest end rose to a height of about 38'. There was a pool of still water about 25' long and 13' wide at the southwest end that reflected the walls and ceiling like a mirror. The water level was 290' above sea level, just a foot above the water level of nearby Lake Ontelaunee and about 13' lower than the floor at the higher end of the cavern. Glistening multicolored stalactites and draperies hung in abundance from the roof. Varicolored sparkling flowstone and glittering crystals covered the walls. Impressive multihued stalagmites rose from the floor which was covered with gently undulating accumulations of crystalline accretions. The still water in the pool was crystal clear yet highly reflective. Dozens of crevices and a few side corridors opened into the chamber.

While mentally exploring that location, Jenken sensed a second slightly smaller power flux was merging into the main power descending from the top of the hill. This power flux was flowing underground entering the cavern from a large fissure in the northeast tip. With ease he traced the energy flux, splitting his probes several times as the power split into smaller trails. It didn’t take him long to find their points of origin. Each of those flux lines came from nearby lesser places of power that were innately connected to Moselem Hill. Linking to the internet he delved into USGS maps and surveys as well as Google Earth to pinpoint five smaller linked places of power each centered on interconnected caves.

What he discovered made sense of what he’d detected. The area lies in the Great Valley of Pennsylvania in the Ordovician geological area which consists of shale, dolomite, sandstone and most importantly limestone. Massive formations of limestone underlie the region. Over the eons water dissolved tiny bits of limestone as it percolated into the earth from rainfall. These tiny erosions grew and merged to create caves as well as numerous connecting channels. On the surface the locations of the five caves form a slightly jinked line running almost west to east that runs just south of the village of Virginville. Virginville is almost two miles north of the village of Moselem on the east bank of the Maidencreek immediately south of the convergence of Saucony Creek.

Starting in the west is Onxy Cave, 6500' NW is Dreibelbis Cave, 6000' E is Dragon Cave, 6000' ENE is Crystal Cave, and 9500' ENE is Schofer Cave. Onyx Cave is 8750' SW of the Virginville bridge over the Maidencreek and 10,000' NW of Moselem Cave. Dreibelbis Cave is located in triangular woods 2300' SW of the Virginville bridge over the Maidencreek and 10,000' N of Moselem Cave. Dragon cave is located in a small copse of trees in field 600'N of Virginville Road, 1100'SE of a pond, 3700' ESE of the Virginville bridge over the Maidencreek and 12,000' NEN of Moselem Cave. Crystal Cave, a well known commercial cavern, is 9250' E of the Virginville bridge over the Maidencreek and 16,000' NE of Moselem Cave. Schofer Cave is 300' across Saucony Rd from the Kutztown New Dutch Campground and 24,000' NE of Moselem Cave.

All the caves had narrow unexplored fissures that led deeper into the earth, meandering through a maze of tunnels, caverns and shafts to interconnect them. What made the caves and their myriad connections magnets for mystic power was calcite, a carbonate mineral and the most stable polymorph of calcium carbonate (CaCO3). As water percolates through limestone it leeches calcium carbonate from the rock. When it reaches a cave drops of water evaporate creating stalactites, stalagmites, flowstone, and crystals. The crystals in particular drew in and focused the innate power of the living earth.

The positive power drawn to the complex of caves and their crystals energized and enhanced Jenken’s already formidable innate abilities. It didn’t take him long to figure out how to tap into that energy to amplify his abilities. A probe plunged into the flux allowed Jenken to draw the massive power into himself. While maintaining his individuality his very essence blended with that of the Earth. That link supercharged his ability to clearly see everything that emitted energy. Every living thing, every electronic device and even the planet itself was opened to his probing. Utilizing the positive power Jenken was now able to confirm his suspicions that the bits of wire and microchips trapped in his brain were responsible for the empathy he’d exhibited from the very beginning of his life. Now he understood that his basic empathy had been stimulated by the positive power flowing into the area. Not only the flow from the atmosphere warping into the top of Moselem Hill but also the underground flow that coursed directly beneath the Raven home with the epicenter of both flows barely 2000' away. Being raised within the confluence of positive power, the massive incessant natural power had influenced and enhanced his injury induced psychic abilities.

Now able to freely tap this source of power Jenken discovered even greater flexibility for the myriad mental tendrils he had flung about the world in his living and electronic tags. While he’d been able to jump a probe from one brain into a nearby brain now he could project a probe from any tagged electronic device. With little effort he was able to tag all broadcasts throughout the world and follow the signal to any device picking up the broadcast to create new tags. He could also remotely view the area surrounding any tag. With this ability he could literally pop into every communication device, computer and data storage device in the world. With virtually no effort he learned and understood the operating and computing systems that controlled aircraft of every type, commercial and military. Following signals beamed from earth he was able to enter satellites, the manned space station, space probes and satellites. From each contact with a new CPU and affiliated hardware his knowledge increased. With virtually no effort he was able to project a tendril probe from an electronic device to tag and step into the human operator or adjacent electronic device. In effective he was able to tag the users and other components of any electronic device. His reach not only spanned the globe but extended into the solar system.

Police, fire, civil defense, FBI, State Department, military, CIA, the US Supreme Court, the US Congress and the US Presidency communications and data storage systems were now open books to his probes. That was only a portion of his probes as he delved into virtually every commercial, religious and government network throughout the world. Needless to say he was upset with the multitude of unsavory hidden truths he uncovered. Part of him wanted to expose the ugly truths but due to knowledge gained from his many tags he realized greed, lust for power and corruption were a sad fact of human civilization. It unsettled him a bit to keep his discoveries hidden but he realized there may come times when he could release the multitudinous hidden skeletons to benefit his goals or deflect scrutiny from his activities.

With Jenken’s vast and constantly growing learning, wisdom became a major part of Jenken’s sweeping intake of knowledge. Wisdom is the ability to sort truth from fiction, fact from fable, and even more difficult: to differentiate mysticism from illusion. Mysticism is the personal experience of states of consciousness or levels of being or aspects of reality beyond normal human perception. This sometimes includes the experience of and communion with higher beings or entities. Faith in God (or gods, nature, Mother Earth, Buddha, Hindi, Gaia, or whatever people choose to call those other sources of power) is enhanced by mystic communion.

The vast majority of people seldom if ever make the connection although many are blessed to get a brief glimpse. Some people claim, either intentionally or delusionally, to have a mystical connection to entice gullible disciples or shills. A fortunate few can detect the mystic but most wisely do not advertize their ability. The few who do not hide their ability become messiah like leaders whose devoted followers fall under their magnetic personal charms. Sadly the vast majority of those messianic leaders are quickly corrupted by the power they wield and ultimately leave death, destruction and disillusionment in their wake. The high profile immorality incidents of TV Evangelists, Charles Manson and his ‘family’, Rev. Jim Jones and the People’s Temple in Guyana, David Koresh and the Branch Davidians, Marshal White and Heaven’s Gate, and Osama Bin Laden and Al Quida are prime examples of such corruption.

Jenken’s psychic ability to detect energy emanations from living beings, electronic devices, and the earth enabled him to identify real mysticism from the fake as well as from the living, breathing planet itself. Jenken could quite literally sense genuine mystical communion as well as physical places of power such as the top of Moselem hill and the five nearby caves.

Jenken also realized that he’d developed another new mental ability. When he’d reached inside his grandfather to manipulate his body to repair the damage, his reiki talent manifested. With the boost of tapping into the earth’s innate power he discovered he could reach out to psychically manipulate objects. From the initial manipulation of cells inside a nearby human being, with practice he was able to flip switches, unplug power cords and cables, and actually pick up and move small items. He’d developed telekinesis.


Thursday afternoon of the wedding day Misty and Serenity arrived a little after three. Adelle and Sean arrived about four. With the tags he’d installed, Jenken knew when the guests neared. It was he who greeted them as they arrived. Jenken was wearing a floaty flowery knee length cotton skirt and simple linen top with white strap leather sandals, looking like an adorable little girl.


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