Seems I'm really back to the me of 20 years ago. The only difference is the fact I'm not having my gender issues which is good (post-op for 11 years now) although I'm still having body issues.
The bad? Well, my weirdness factor is going trough the roof. Can't seem to 'read' any situation. back to being afraid to walk out of the door (and no it's not agorafobia) and my mistrust due to not being able to 'read' thse situation I mentioned earlier is back t it peak. Not even going to start at the rest.
It's one of the reasons I'm rambling on here 'cause I don't have anyone except the pets to talk to. And that trickcyclist of would start thinking about subscribing med's which I refuse to take so she''s also out (pills are still beter then if they start thinking about judges and paperwork 'collocatie' (don't know the word in english). Luckely I'm still eating (1 big meal a day) -> those judges came about with 1 meal every few days >facepalm<).
Wishing it was the first of march already. That way the worst part of 2015 and 2016 would be over (always heaving problemens in december, januari and februari it seems.
And the price is still to steep ... >for those that know me and/or what I'm talking about). I also know that I'm not, by far, at the top of people that have it bad > still a lot of people that are having worse circumstances.
Nothing wrong with talking to
Nothing wrong with talking to your pets, I do it all the time having no family or friends. Personally I detest Xmas and always have and think it should be banned.
It's difficult having to live in a caravan with space being very limited and the weather as it is at the moment always bloody raining
Hi Jacquimac,
Hi Jacquimac,
Trouble is that I really love what Xmas (outside the religuos part) is supposed to be about :(. Well I'm living in a big house (5 rooms on paper and a stable) although it needs a lot of work and love. And ... it's bloody empty except for me and the pets.
I wanted a big house for family. For things like peepz staying over or having dinner :(.
When my daughter still lived
When my daughter still lived with me (she moved out in Oct), we both talked with the cats, she has 3 of them. They are living creatures and intelligent. Yes, I talked with my daughter as well.
I wish for you (all), Happy days and good times.
Erin of Wis <3