Bike rap

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I wrote Trish's rap quite spontaneously then had to try and organise some rhythm to it. It's not a medium I enjoy as few of the exponents of it don't possess clear diction and it tends to sound like a series of rhythmic groans. However, I can accept like all presentation forms, it isn't easy to get it to balance in meter and rhyme. I doubt I shall try it again, which might please some of my regular readers, but felt the inclusion of it given the abilities of the character involved was a distinct possibility. However, she is much cleverer than the poor old dear who reports on them.

As for other bits and pieces, I've done a short story to make you think and one to make you feel good, so unless my muse torments me enough to do something else I shall take it easy over the holiday and just try and keep Bike going. To all my readers old and new - I have just one thing to say, after thank you.

Merry Christmas.png



Thank you,Angharad,

I have heard religious crap but my first time with religious 'rap' ! Thank you for your efforts over the years and may you have a wonderful
Christmas and a productive New Year.


Merry Christmas to you too,

Merry Christmas to you too, Ang

I'm also not a fan of modern rap music. But I can appreciate it as a descendant of earlier art forms - the coffee house and street poets who read/spoke/performed their works without accompaniment, or perhaps with a bongo beat in the cafe.


{I leave a trail of Kudos as I browse the site. Be careful where you step!}

"Rapping" a Bike

Many a parent has found that the best way to "rap" a Bike is to simply put a bow on the handlebars.

Although if you have a "beau" on your handlebars you need to proceed carefully due to balance and vision handicaps.

Merry Christmas, my friend.

Angela Rasch (Jill M I)

Trish's song

I think rap sounds more like grunts, to my uneducated ear anyway. We shall survive until the next dorbike posting.
Merry Christmas to my favourite Road bike rider. Read you on Boxing Day ?


The trouble with Rap ...

... for me is that the words are (presumably) important but I can never make out what they are. I am getting quite deaf and the frequency response isn't what it was when I was young and I measured it as up to 18kHz. It's more like 6 or 7 kHz now even though I wear hearing aids. I do appreciate that it's often very clever particularly if it's spontaneous. I was very impressed with Trish's efforts though :)

In any case contemporary music doesn't do much for me in general and I never deliberately listen to it.


Thank you

And a very Merry Christmas to you and a happy New Year .


And a very Merry Christmas to you as well!

D. Eden's picture

Here's hoping that good old Saint Nick treats you well this year, that you and your family enjoy the holiday season in good health, and that the New Year finds you fit and happy.

As we come to the end of another year, I shall take but a moment of your time to say thank you again for entertaining me, and for offering the ocassional bit of wisdom and advice.

Have a wonderful holiday!


D. Eden

Dum Vivimus, Vivamus

Thank you

Dahlia's picture

The nerve of you dear lady! To thank the reader is to be equated to thanking the waves: the world turns, the tide flows as well as the wind blowing. Whether they be good or bad, waves will come as will readers for a good tale.
That said, my many thanks to you for the time you spend to entertain someone so very far away who can't write a whit.


Right back at you!

Here I am, in Blighty for the Christmas period for the first time in twenty-odd years. As I type, I can look out the plate glass sliding doors onto the wet patio and the gale- and rain-swept garden, with its vegetable patches and the orchard trees.

And one of my favourite authors wishes ME a Merry Christmas!

Special days indeed.

May your pile of presents contain most (but not all) of all you hope for.

I hope you enjoyed the YouTube clip I included in the comments to your story.

Thank you so much for all you have done


"How are we for time?.."

Podracer's picture

Catching up and caught this merry message on Christmas Eve. Too nice to us you are, Angharad, I do hope that your Christmas is as merry as can be, and as peaceful as you need.

"Reach for the sun."