New York Times article about a group of doctors at Johns Hopkins planning to attempt a penis transplant.
Within a year, maybe in just a few months, a young soldier with a horrific injury from a bomb blast in Afghanistan will have an operation that has never been performed in the United States: a penis transplant.
From what the article is
From what the article is implying unless something happened to the nerves, blood vessels, and urethra of transgender men this operation could be a godsend for them.
But unless they wanted to make a point that this could benefit more than just genetic males and shame people into setting aside their bias there might be a long time before transgendered men are able to benefit from this groundbreaking transplant.
I'm told STFU more times in a day than most people get told in a lifetime
penis transplant
It may take time, but once the genie is out of the bottle, it's hell to get him back in. By the way a company in Europe is working on growing a new kidney using stem cells grown on a bioframe. They have already successfully implanted one in a dog. Sexual organs should be at least as easy to grow, and since they use stem cells from the recipient there is no danger of organ rejection or need to suppress the immune system. We live in a wonderous time.
I'm willing to donate, as I
I'm willing to donate, as I am not using mine :-) Johns Hopkins has been on the fore-front of many medical advances over the years. Hope it works out for them and the injured soldier. I will be praying for them all.