Katie was taken to the hospital last night with labored breathing, elevated heart rate and a high fever. She has bronchitis, pneumonia and even more alarming, septicemia (blood poisoning). I talked to her about an hour ago and she said she is likely to be in the hospiital for some time.
I'm sure she would appreciate the prayers and good thoughts of the community here at BigCloset where she has been a member for more than twelve years. She has promised to keep me posted and I also talked to her boyfriend. I'll blog an update now and then.
Hugs to all,
Please send along my best wishes for a speedy recovery and to know she's in my thoughts!
Dear Katie
I will be at your side in my thoughts until you are back with us here again.
Here's hoping for a quick and full
recovery. You will be in my prayers, Katie.
Catherine Linda Michel
As a T-woman, I do have a Y chromosome... it's just in cursive, pink script.
Bad flu
Yes, I will pray for her. Though the Docs don't seem to be calling it Influenza, it is quite bad this year and making lots of people very ill.
Get well soon Katie
Katie Leone
I will send positive thought to Katie and my wishes for a speedy recovery.
Courage is resistance to fear, mastery of fear - not absence of fear.
Mark Twain.
Leigh Veritas
For a child in need of your care Father
Lord, one of your children needs your care
I beg you to send your Angel of Healing
Your Angels of Kindness and Mercy
Those you bless the most seem to struggle the hardest
Is it not time for comfort and healing for this child
Grant Katie a smooth quick recovery
In Jesus name I ask of you these things
John 14:12
Get well Katie, all my love
Oklahoma born and raised cowgirl
I hope she gets well soon...
I send my best wishes her and hope she has a speedy recovery with as few hiccups as possible.
- LKPridgeon
Prayers and positive energy
Prayers and positive energy to you and to Felix!
Oh gosh...
Do get well, Katie!
hugs and hoping,
Well shit, I guess it really CAN happen here..,
please send along my wishes for a full recovery
I'll be praying for her
Best wishes
for a speedy recovery, Katie.
Sending Healing Prayers!
Will be sending Healing thoughts and magic her way!
Goddess Bless!
Best Wishes
For a speedy and full recovery. Being in hospital is no fun however great the necessity.
Hope You Get Better Soon
Hope you get better soon Katie, hospitals are lousy places to spend a few days.
- Formerly Turnabout Girl
Best of luck to Katie
We might not always get along, but the site would be a lot less without her input.
Get well and good luck!
Melanie E.
I hope that you feel better soon
Katie - My prayers are with you for a quick recovery.
Oh, that is bad.
I hope Katie recovers. I wish her all the best.
Get well soon Katie.
Get well soon Katie.
Oh, no!
Katie, I am so sorry to learn of your medical problem. I know you are aware of your many fans and readers of your stories, so I also know there are many, many of us who know of your current problems and thus wish you
You are loved here and at other sites very much, and your Good health and proper care from those who are caring for you during your hospitalization and recovery are very much in our prayers.
Katrina Gayle (Stormy)
Don't let someone else talk you out of your dreams. How can we have dreams come true, if we have no dreams?
Katrina Gayle "Stormy" Storm
Get Well Soon Katie
Please add my best wishes to everybody else's. So sorry to hear that Katie is ill.
Sending my wishes and prayers
Sending my wishes and prayers to Katie.
Get well Katie
All of your friends and readers are waiting here for you when you come back to us.
Teri Ann
"Reach for the sun."
Please know that there are so many of us who truly love and care about you. My thoughts and prayers are with you and may your stay be short and your recovery complete. Come back to us please. We are not whole without you.
Lots of love and hugs, Sarah Ann
Get well, Katie!
That's so sad. We are all pulling for you, Katie. Get well.
{I leave a trail of Kudos as I browse the site. Be careful where you step!}
for a swift recovery
Love, Andrea Lena
My best wishes go to Katie
That she recovers fully and quickly to return to her friends
Rhona McCloud
Just got here...
So I'm a bit late... but better late than never.
Best wishes, Katie.
If you appreciate my tales, please consider supporting me on Patreon so that I may continue:
My thoughts are with you
Katie I hope you make a full and complete recovery
*sends prayers and best wishes*
Get Well soon Katie!
~Hypatia >i<
My prayers are with you,
Please get well soon girl!
Wishing you well, Katie.
I pray you recover soon.
Only just saw your post about Katie, Erin
I hope she is responding well in hospital and recovers soon.
John in Wauwatosa
John in Wauwatosa