I've only gone and published a NON TG novel under the Tanya banner.
I have published some books under different names, and kept Tanya completely separate. The problem is that now Tanya's sales exceed all my other efforts. Ironic that even though I sell into the narrow TG niche market, I still outsell my other names' efforts in the mainstream world. So, my latest work - ENTIRELY BLANK was intended to go out as just another mainstream novel. However, I realised that I have created some great characters, e..g. Josie Fullerton (When Fortune Smiles &Changed Fortune) , Maxine Smith (The Offer) and Mikki the sniper (Killing me Slowly), it seemed a shame for them to be languishing in the back of my muse's mind.
I make no apology for not writing a TG work (Okay, there is a little, incey wincey bit in there), as I hope to show the world that TG writers can compete with the best of them.
For those of you that have supported me by buying my work...BE WARNED - there are very little TG elements in this book. Okay, some characters have cameo appearances, but the main characters are.... wait for it..... CIS gender and happy being so.
As you will see, from this book comes a character that we get a brief glimpse of. Her story is told in 'Before Grace', and I have already started it. Hopefully it will be out next year... but you all know what I'm like.
So, a non-TG book written by a TG writer . ENTIRELY BLANK, out in the next 12 hours (If Amazon can be believed).
It's another mystery/thriller.
Nothing wrong with going with what is profitable for you. The fact that your work will speak for itself is a bigger bonus but money matters- never apologize for doing something for your own benefit!
It'll also be great to read up on characters that you may or may not write more for. Incentive to buy the book to see who you have included and how you include them, especially with those three being so secretive ;)
I'm told STFU more times in a day than most people get told in a lifetime
Rock on, dear!
Love, Andrea Lena
Good luck Tanya
It isn't yet on Amazon UK but then you did say 12 hours. I do notice the times on my posts bear little resemblance to my local time. As I post this it is Sunday at 0849
Rhona McCloud
Good for You
You haven't weakened, you've diversified, and isn't diversity something we applaud?
Using characters from one brand of novels you write in another brand is an excellent idea. One of my favorite characters, Lady Kat Trent, is playing a role in another non-TG book I am working on. So, don't feel like your the Lone Ranger, or Rangerette. After all, the most import thing to remember about creative writing is you need to be creative.
I wish you best of luck in all your endeavors.
Nancy Cole
a.k.a. HW Coyle
"You may be what you resolve to be."
T.J. Jackson
I think what you did was perfectly appropriate
Regardless of storyline and subject. I've enjoyed every one of your books that I've read and I own 90% of them because the stories are good plot lines which are well developed with well developed characters. This book was no different in that respect. And it has nice ties into other books in you vast portfolio. I look forward to your next book. Ty for the many hours of enjoyment your books have supplied me.
Rhona, My posting times are crazy off too.
I,ve tried to encourage others to do a non tg story as a novella or full novel. If successful, enough royalties would handsomely pay for a day of beauty!
I'm looking for your book at the US Amazon site now. Good luck, It should do fine.
I'm reading it on my kindle
I'm reading it on my kindle now. Great story, you did sneak a few past tgs in,but only someone who has read your other stories would pick up on it. Love the exMarine sniper in the ghillie suit.