A Love So Bold - Chapter 26 - 29

LoveSoBold_0.jpgA Love So Bold
by Anon Allsop

The story continues - Hope you enjoy!

-Twenty Six-

Crawling out from under the wagon, Hannah struggled to rise up; looking about in the early light of morning, she could not see any sign of Gideon. She was feeling out of sorts, as she made her way to the fire to replenish the wood to begin cooking their breakfast.

Arden climbed down from her wagon and came to assist Hannah. “You look a mess this morning, did you have trouble sleeping?”

Hannah smiled, “Not really, I slept like a baby.” She bent to pick up a small log and hesitated, a strange feeling of dizziness washed over her. “Whoa, I think I moved a bit too fast there.”

Arden came to assist Hannah, guiding her to sit on the wagon’s tongue, “You’d better just take a seat for awhile, and let me take care of getting breakfast started.”

As she began preparation, she continued to watch Hannah, “How are you feeling?”

“I’m feeling like I was run over by a wagon,” she whispered, gently rubbing her leg.

“Are you pregnant?” Arden said with a smile.

“I’m not pregnant,” she groaned, feeling her stomach lurch slightly, “I’m pretty sure it won’t happen as long as I’m nursing Em.”

“Well maybe you’re just pushing yourself too hard. That could be it you know?”

“Maybe,” Hannah sighed, slowly rising up and feeling the ache in her hips and legs. She had a good feeling that what was ailing her had more to do with the activity with Gideon at the lake than anything.

She sat quietly for a few minutes, watching the young ones slowly climb out of their respective wagons. Cade climbed out and made a beeline into the brush. “Where you going, young man?” she asked the boy.

“I gotta pee, Momma!” he shouted over his shoulder, it caused both women to laugh.

“Don’t go too far, honey,” Hannah called out to him.

Hannah slowly climbed up into their wagon, and then she whispered to Arden, “If it’s okay with you, I’m going to duck inside and nurse Em for a bit.”

Arden glanced up as she was kneading the dough for biscuits, “I’ve got this, Hannah. Do what you need to do.”

She sought out Emma, lifted her from the box and quickly changed her. “How’s Momma’s pretty little girl this morning?”

She was rewarded with a broad toothless smile, “What, what am I seeing here?” She gently moved Emma’s bottom lip slightly; there were two tiny buds from her bottom teeth beginning to show. “Uh-oh, when those little things come in, you won’t be nursing long.” She made a face and caressed her breast, imagining the pain of teeth upon her tender nipples.

Hannah readied herself, exposing a breast to the child who took it earnestly. For the next half hour, the two sat quietly in the wagon. Finally Hannah emerged from the wagon with Em, carrying her back toward the fire. Arden looked up as they neared. “Feeling any better?”

“I can’t say, I’m just feeling puny this morning… sort of queasy or something.” She placed her small hand on her stomach, “One thing’s for certain, I do need to make a trip…”

Arden reached out and took Em, “Katy, come sit with Emma for a moment. Mrs. Shepherd needs to um…get herself ready for the day.”

Katy was Charles Bloom’s eldest child, nearly seven years of age, old enough to assist when needed. “Good morning, Em, would you like to play with my dolly?” she asked her tiny charge.

As she was speaking to Emma, Hannah was already well on her way into the thick brush. Quickly scanning the ground as Gideon had taught her, she looked for the snakes which hid themselves in the leaves. Finding none, she lifted her chemise and almost instantly her bowels emptied. The diarrhea she had was clear and fluid.

“This is the last thing I need today,” she sighed as another stream jetted from within.

After nearly thirty minutes she walked back into camp and leaned against the wagon, her forehead resting wearily on her arm. She stood like that for another few minutes, then spun on her heels and returned to the thicket once again.

Arden noticed with concern, but continued to prepare the breakfast for the children. Again she watched Hannah return only to take up a position once again against the wagon. Arden slowly walked over to her, “You aren’t well, are you? Your face is so pale.”

Hannah shook her head, “I seem have a touch of the stomach flu.” She slowly walked to the water bucket and lifted out the ladle, took a long drink, and then a second. “Do you know when the men will return? Did either say anything to you?”

“Sorry, Hannah, they were gone by the time I woke up.” She gently used the back of her hand to feel Hannah’s forehead. “You do seem to be running a touch of a fever; maybe you should go in the wagon and lay down for a spell.”

“Best idea I’ve heard all morning,” Hannah replied wanly, forcing a smile.

Arden helped her climb into the wagon, and then followed her inside to clear a spot for her to lie down, “You stay put, and when Gideon returns, I’ll send him in.” Hannah only nodded as she lay down on the blanket that Arden prepared. When Arden left the wagon she quickly gathered the children, “Mrs. Shepherd is feeling poorly, so you stay away from the wagon and keep the noise down, okay?”

They nodded quietly, then slowly moved away to finish their breakfast. Arden motioned for Katy to come to her, “I know you want to play, but for the time being, can you help me with Emma?”

The youngster grinned, and then carried Emma around as if she were her own. Arden watched her and smiled, as she was beginning to feel like Katy’s mother already.

-Twenty Seven-

Late in the afternoon, Gideon and Charles returned to camp. Even before he dismounted Blackie, Arden was at his side. “Gideon, Hannah is ill.”

He dropped to the ground and met Arden as she was coming around the horse, “She’s powerful sick, and what makes matters worse, now Emma is too!”

“Go on, Gideon. I’ll take care of your horse,” Charles spoke as his friend and fiancée began to walk away. As Gideon walked stridently toward his wagon, Arden informed him of Hannah’s and Emma’s condition.

He quickly vaulted up the gate of the wagon and stepped inside. There his Hannah lay, and nearby was Em. Arden followed him inside, “I’ve been wiping their faces down with cool water… I’ve never seen anyone get so sick, so quickly!”

He frowned and glanced back at Arden, “It’s cholera, the main camp buried three just yesterday, and another two this morning.” She could see tears in his eyes as he collected his thoughts, “Two of the dead were fine in the morning and by nightfall, yesterday… they had died.”

Arden raised her hand to her mouth; the horror of the situation was evident in her expression. “There has to be something we can do!?”

“I wish there was.” He gently touched Hannah’s hand, “She looks so gaunt and drawn.”

“She’s been throwing up quite a bit this morning and afternoon.” She looked over to little Emma, whose skin had an ashen look to it. “Will they die?”

Gideon’s tears rolled down his cheeks, he pushed them out with his thumb and forefinger. “I don’t know; there haven’t been many who get it that survive.” He then looked toward Emma, reached out and caressed her tiny cheek, “No children that I’ve ever heard speak of.”

“Maybe someone at the main camp could help?” Arden offered, “I could send Charles over to see?”

“Do that.” He looked at Arden, his bottom lip quivering, “I can’t lose her again!”

Arden quickly vacated the wagon, leaving Gideon inside with his loved ones, Hannah’s eyes fluttered open, and she weakly turned her face toward his. “You’re back…good.”

“How’s my best girl?” He fought through the overwhelming sadness he felt and forced a smile.

“I’ve been better,” she whispered.

“Would you like a drink?” He offered her a tin cup of water that Arden had left nearby.

Hannah nodded and Gideon gently raised her head so she could drink, when done, he lowered her head back to the blanket. “I sure have made a mess of things, haven’t I?” she sighed.

“We’ll be okay - you’ll be okay,” he corrected himself.

“Is Katy still taking care of Em?” she asked softly, not noticing that Emma was laying only feet away from her.

“She’s right here, Hannah.” Gideon moved aside, to where she had a better view past him.

When Hannah saw the ashen coloring of Emma, she began to cry, “Oh God no!”

“No, no…honey, she isn’t…dead,” he said, in his mind he feared that she might be, within the not too distant future. “We just sent Charles over to the main camp to fetch someone who can help, he should be back directly.”

Her eyes were glassy with tears as she stared at her little Emma, “I don’t care about me, Gideon…please don’t let Emma die!”

He quickly rose and looked out the wagon; Arden was standing nearby crying, “Where the hell is Charles?” he shouted in frustration.

She only shook her head and buried her face in her hands; somehow she was feeling as though she were to blame. Gideon noticed and sighed, “Please forgive me, Arden…I…” As he was speaking, Charles came riding in hard. As soon as his mule stopped, he dropped to the ground and ran quickly to Gideon.

“Doc was one of them that died last night.” He peered over the side of the wagon at a gaunt faces of Hannah and Emma; both had a grayish cast to their complexions. It was hard to pull his eyes from the once vibrant female, seeing her so close to death as she was. “His wife said all we can do is make them comfortable and wait it out.”

Gideon sank to his knees and fell over Hannah, crying like he had never cried before. “I’m so sorry! I’m so sorry!” He kept repeating as he kissed her hand, slowly she raised it; he grasped it and gently caressed it against his cheek.

“Don’t apologize,” she weakly whispered, “You have given me so much over the last few months to last me a lifetime.” She smiled weakly, “If I had to do it, even knowing what I know now, I’d do it all over again.”

He kissed her fingertips; tears fell from his cheeks onto her hand, “I can’t lose you again, my love,” he whispered, his voice trembling with emotion.

Hannah lifted her hands to his face, using her thumbs she brushed aside his tears, “I became Hannah by accident, I probably should have died when the Indians attacked and killed my parents. I’m just happy to have been her, and got to know your family in the short time I have been here. I can die today knowing you, Cade and Em, will always remain in my heart and prayers…forever.”

His throat grew tight; he swallowed hard at her words, “Don’t say that, Hannah, as God is my witness, I’ll find a way to save you two!” She pulled her hand away and lowered them to touch Emma; tears were in her eyes as she held her tiny hand.

Gideon sat back, his mind racing for a way to save them. Suddenly, as a realization lit him from within, he quickly stood up and began searching. Finally he pulled down the tin he was looking for, the one which contained the little amulet. “Please work like I think you will!” He whispered as he slowly removed it, being careful to keep from touching it to him.

He quickly pulled out one of Hannah’s dresses and trapped the amulet against her exposed skin with it. Then, tossing the dress aside, he did the same for Em, using one of her articles of clothing. As soon as he had performed this miracle on the two females he loved so dearly, he returned the amulet to the tin once again.

He left the wagon and gradually made his way toward the fire, crouched down and poured himself a cup of coffee, but it was very difficult because his hand trembled. Arden saw his sadness and quickly came to his side. “Is she…”

He shook his head, and then looked back toward the wagon. “I hope there is enough time…”

It began as a soft whimper, and then turned into a loud wail; it was Emma. Gideon stood and hurried to the wagon, once there he peered over the gate, a grand smile upon his face. There was Hannah, pulling aside her chemise, readying herself to nurse again.

“How are you feeling?” Gideon asked his beautiful wife.

She smiled, “Well enough to take care of business.”

He smiled and turned, leaning his back against the wagon he slowly sank to his knees. Gideon was so thankful that Hannah mentioned being changed all those many weeks ago, because it gave him the idea. He stood up and returned inside the wagon, he found the little amulet and wrapped it in the cloth once again.

“Where you headed to?” Hannah asked as he threw his leg back over the gate.

“I’m going to the main camp; I’m going to find whoever is sick and pay them a visit.” He smiled, and then quickly dropped to the ground. Within moments, she heard him ride off with Charles’ mule.

-Twenty Eight-

The wagon train was again heading west; many who rode in it was happy to put the area behind them, and some unfortunately were not. In total, seven of the participants from their group were left behind including the doctor; shallow graves were their final resting places.

Both Hannah and Gideon rolled past the seven graves, piled high with rocks to prevent coyotes from digging. Everyone who passed was lost deep in their own thoughts. Tears wetted Hannah’s cheeks as she looked back at what could possibly have been an additional spot for her and for Em.

Her eyes fell to her hands as she fumbled with the shawl that hung off her shoulders. She inhaled deeply, thankful that it was not her time.

"Are you okay?" Gideon asked as the wagon rocked along, Hannah merely nodded.

They rolled along for almost a full mile without a word passing between them, before Hannah finally spoke. "I want to thank you for saving both of our lives yesterday."

He smiled and looked toward her, then leaned in and kissed her cheek. "I wouldn't have been able to go on if either of you had died."

She gently reached out and placed her slender hand on his thigh, "I just wanted to know that I'm grateful.” He nodded and continued to call out to the mules, encouraging them over a particular rough patch of terrain.

"How much of being ill do you remember?"

Her eyes slowly drifted downward as she thought, coming to rest on the prairie grass as the wagon passed. "I remember feeling mightily poorly, laying in the wagon and just getting worse.”

"I used the amulet. I touched some clothing to it and against you, and then I did it to Emma... I was gambling with your lives…but at the point of losing you, I'd have made a deal with the devil himself to save you." He tightened his mouth to fight off the flood of emotion he was feeling.

She slipped her arm through his and hugged him, "Have I ever told you that I loved you?"

He thought for a long while, "Hannah never told me for a long, long time. You on the other hand, never had to tell me.... because I already knew."

She beamed at his response, hugging him again. Then leaning her head onto his broad shoulder she smiled and sighed. She rode for awhile then sat up as if she had recalled something. "Arden said you had left to go to the main camp."

"Yes I did," he admitted.

"Why? After you used the amulet on me, what reason did you have to go?"

He nodded slowly, "That's a fair question." I slipped into camp and found those who had what you had and touched them as I had touched you." He drew on the reins as he was riding too close to the wagon ahead of them, and then continued. "I simply changed them into who they were before they became ill."

“Did anyone see what you did?”

He glanced at her shaking his head; there was a look in her eyes that made his heart leap for joy. It was a look of unconditional love, a look he had not seen since he and the original Hannah married.

She sat up straighter and leaned forward slightly, her hands clenching the seat she was on, "So what do you suppose was it that exposed me to cholera?"

He glanced at his hands and pursed his lips, "Well, I'm sure that you gave it to Emma through breast feeding."

"I suppose that would be a pretty accurate statement... but how did I get it?" she spoke aloud as she sat deep in thought.

"Did you drink any water?" he asked, glancing at her as he drove.

"None. I only drank what was in our barrel," she replied perplexed.

They rode on in silence for a distance, "When you were... um... kissing me, down there." He motioned with his head toward his crotch, she glanced down too, "I was naked and in the water."

Hannah leaned forward, "But it wasn't like I was drinking from it!" Her voice gradually got louder as she finished her sentence. Her face was red and she was looking right at Gideon as if he held all the answers.

"I don't know, Hannah. You asked and I am just guessing. Somehow you ingested some of that water, maybe while you were swimming?"

"No, I didn't 'ingest' water while I was swimming," she said frowning.

He sighed, and then leaned close whispering. "Do you suppose it was when I... well, you know... shot my seed into your mouth?"

She shrugged her narrow shoulders, "Perhaps, but I didn't swallow it." She made a face, "If you remember correctly, I spit it into the water."

He reminded her, "And then you rinsed your mouth out using the lake water!" He looked over at her; she was staring, recalling her exact steps from that night.

"I almost killed our daughter because of my idiocies," she sighed and hung her head in shame.

"Honey, it was an accident. I wouldn't expect you to..."

"Swallow?" She made a face, "I should have - I could have killed the both of us!"

"But you didn't." He reminded her, "The amulet saved you both... and several others."

"I suppose." She again grew quiet for several more minutes, "I have to ask, because when I was younger I had always wondered... was what I did pleasurable? Did you enjoy it?"

He smiled and tipped his head, "What do you think?"

"I think you liked it a lot more than you're letting on," She squinted at him playfully.

"Perhaps sometime I can return the favor?" he said with a wink.

Hannah's face grew beat red, contrasting greatly with the yellow in her bonnet. She put her hand to her face and turned away from him, too embarrassed to show the smile she wore.

-Twenty Nine-

They had crossed the South Platte and began the trail toward the North Platte River, crossing many swiftly flowing creeks along the way. Within the week they entered the Sweetwater River Valley and the train headed almost due west. Looming far in the distance was Independence Rock.

As their wagon rolled on the seemingly endless trail, Hannah felt them gradually progressing uphill. It wasn’t as noticeable at first, but she could feel the incline nonetheless.

Thankfully they had ventured into better water; the cholera seemed to be behind them now, although the constant concern of whether it would return was always foremost in all of their minds.

Ever since Gideon used the necklace to save them, Hannah had noticed little nuances that had changed on both herself and Em. One she discovered right away. Em’s little teeth that had just begun to protrude were nowhere to be found; it was like she had lost a month in her development. She had heard that children sometimes would have their teeth float in and back up from time to time, but Em’s were absolutely gone. It was as if she was starting all over from day one. She too seemed to be slightly smaller, even lighter.

On her, she noticed that for the first couple of days, it was harder for her to breast feed Emma. It was as though her milk was still trying to come in and she wasn’t completely sure, but she felt smaller in her bosom.

She once heard, long ago when she was still Ezrah, her father say, ‘When a woman has time on her hands, she’ll start to scheme; when that happens, there will be hell to pay!’

She smiled as she ran the needle through the light cloth, dragging the thread along behind. Ever since Hannah and Em came down with cholera, Gideon had burned what they had been wearing so Hannah had been forced to sew new items. It was easy enough to clothe Em; she just reverted to the clothing that previously fit her. But for Hannah, she was forced to learn to sew on the fly, and had begun to create herself a new chemise to wear. She grew tired of the lack of support in the rocky terrain they were constantly on; her breasts grew sore from the constant undulation. This garment would take care of that, but it was the extra little effort she put in that caused her to grin.

She smiled as she again drew the needle through the pleats and darts that would encase her breasts, thankful she had found a new bolt of cloth that Hannah’s mother had sent along with her daughter. Just a few more stitches and she could be finished, and then…she stifled a giggle as she pushed the needle through the white material once again.

Gideon was proud that she had taught herself to sew. It wouldn’t have been to his mother’s standards, but compared to what the original Hannah knew, she was years more advanced at it. Again Hannah smiled as she knotted the final thread and bit through the tether that still was attached to the needle.

She would experiment tonight with the new chemise she had made, saying nothing to Gideon. She smiled ruefully, and bided her time, preferring to wait until she readied herself for bed. Quietly she folded the garment and hid it among her belongings, then moved to the front of the wagon where Cade and Gideon were seated.

“There it is - Independence Rock!” He smiled and glanced toward his son, and then noticed Hannah had scooted up behind the seat. “Hi, honey, you finished nursing Emma?”

She grinned broadly and leaned against the back of the wagon seat, “All done. She’s been nursed, changed and readied for bed.” She reached up and tapped Cade’s hat, “How about you, buster, are you getting hungry?”

Cade nodded as his father spoke the obvious, “The boy is always hungry, aren’t you, son?”

He giggled and turned back toward his mother, “I’m always hungry - you should know that, Momma.”

She sighed as their wagon lurched, “I’ll be so glad to get out of this wagon!”

“You can say that again.” He guided their mules around a large boulder and back onto the trail once again, “Up ahead is where we have to cross the Sweetwater around nine times before our trail can cross over the Continental Divide at South Pass.”

“And then what?” she asked dejectedly, her heart sinking with each destination he mentioned.

He sighed at her reaction, “From South Pass we go on to cross the Big Sandy Creek. From there it’s onto the Green River crossing.”

She sat back in frustration, “I’ll be an old woman before we ever see the Willamette Valley!”

“No you won’t… at least, not to me,” he added with a wink.

“What do we know about the Green River?” she innocently asked, really having no understanding of the places he had mentioned, other than in name only.

He raised his eyebrows, “The Green could be a bad one. Coming in when we are, it could be pretty treacherous. I heard someone say that you had to use a ferry to cross it. The Wagon Master said he heard tell that they were running three to five of them during this time of year.”

She did not look happy, but held her facial expression so Cade wouldn’t see the fear that was in her heart. She decided to change the subject, “Do you have any idea how much longer before we will stop for the night?”

He shrugged. “This morning he was saying that he wanted to get across this rough patch and stop at South Pass. It’ll probably be dark before we stop for the night, might as well feed the young-uns what you can. We can make up a hearty breakfast for them in the morning.”

Hannah nodded and opened up a tin of biscuits she had baked in her Dutch oven the night before when she had some extra time. It often came down to this sort of light meal when the Wagon Master wanted to push on.

Reluctantly, Cade took the biscuit from her and began to chew. “It’d be better with some honey, jelly or even a glass of milk,” he sighed, taking another bite.

Gideon looked down at his son and smiled, “We have to be thankful for what we have, son. There are probably young ones on this very train that don’t have it nowhere as good as you do.”

“I suppose so.” He took a second and handed one to his father, “At least Momma can make them better than she did before Emma was born.”

“She must have figured out how to do it. Practice will do that to a person,” he said smiling, then looked at Hannah and winked.

She smiled as she settled back into the wagon and woke up Em, then changed her before nursing. Once she had readied herself, she lifted the little child to her breast. As Em suckled, she busied herself by eating the biscuits she had set aside for herself. As she sat there with her daughter at her nipple, she watched the sun sinking lower toward the horizon.

As the evening enveloped them, they located a flat spot and settled down for the night. Cade and his father walked just out of view so they could use the privacy to defecate. After they left, Hannah burped the tot and readied her for bed, and then she changed into the new chemise she had just finished.

She quickly looked out the back of the wagon for Gideon and Cade, neither were within view. Carefully she returned to the tin where the amulet was hidden and opened it. With a wry smile, she slowly pulled it out and watched the little object spin in the night air. She patted her chest where the material hung loosely to her, then allowed the cool necklace to lightly touch the creamy slope of her bosom.

Hannah could feel the tingle once she had been touched, within mere moments, her breasts swelled slightly. While the average person might never see a difference… she would know. Carefully she placed the amulet back in the tin and closed it, returning the necklace to where she had found it.

Darkness had nearly fallen as she gracefully climbed from the wagon, down to the ground. Hannah passed Gideon and Cade as they returned from their toilet. "Do you want me to come along... for protection?" Gideon asked as she passed.

"I'll be fine," she chirped and continued on.

Gideon put Cade to bed and built a small fire nearby to their wagon; he hung the curtains on the wagon and was lying inside when Hannah finally returned to the campsite. Throwing aside the curtain, she crawled in.

Gideon held a biscuit in one hand and was just finishing off another. She watched him chew, as the muscles flexing along his jaw line and temples was quite handsome.

As she was crawling into their bed, Gideon could see that something was slightly different about Hannah. "You couldn't leave well enough alone, could you?"

She followed his eyes; the chemise was untied and hanging open, offering him a wide view of her cleavage. "It is barely a change, Gideon. Nobody will notice."

"I noticed," he replied as he bit into the second biscuit. "You were beautiful already; why take the chance of messing with that damn thing?!"

"Are you forgetting that you used it to save both Emma and me?" she reminded him as she lay down on the blanket, facing him.

"You know that was different, Hannah. Besides, after what happened to me back a piece, I don't want you touching it." He scolded her, and then felt guilty for doing so. "Look, Hannah..."

"No, that's okay, I understand," she whispered, interrupting him. "It’s easy to figure it…you don't like what I’ve done."

"I'd be lying if I said I didn't like it." He chuckled, "What guy wouldn't like his gal having a bigger bosom?" He sighed and then reached out to caress her face. "I'm just scared to death that something bad could happen with that thing... we really should get rid of it."

"Do you think that would be wise?" She looked fearful, knowing what just had happened to both Emma and her. "A rash decision or an accident could doom one of us or another member of this train."

He nodded, "Not making a smart decision could also doom one of us just as well." He lay on his back; Hannah scooted close to him, laying her head upon his shoulder. "I'm just afraid of that thing, even though I know it saved you, Em and those others."

"Hide it or lock it up then," she reasoned.

"I can do that." He looked down at her face, and was thankful that he had it to use when Hannah and Emma were so close to dying. "Just promise me one thing; you will stay away from it, from now on. Okay?"

She nodded and took her slender finger and crossed her heart. He looked down as she made the motion, and then noticed her open neckline. "So was there a reason for doing that?" He indicated her breasts as he spoke, not taking his eyes from them.

"Whatever you used to cure me left me slightly smaller in the bust." She placed her slender hand over her chest, "I felt that if I could notice it, everyone else could too!"

"Well, for me the jury is still out." He looked at her expressionless, when she frowned he added, "Of course, I'll just have to investigate this case further." He began to draw up the hem of her chemise, until it was above her unfettered breasts.

He leaned over and began to kiss her, their tongues entwining in passion. Gradually she guided his kisses toward her breasts; he obliged and let her, falling upon them with the primal lust that he had building for her.

His kissing had aroused her fiery passion; his tonguing of her nipples was sending her to the brink of ecstasy. Slowly, his hands slid down to her soft thighs; to his surprise she was not wearing any underclothes. She reached down and gently guided his hand onto her pubic hair, then pushed again so he was at the opening of her vagina.

He began his manipulation of her, and within seconds he had her writhing from his efforts. His kisses slowly drifted in a downward spiral, past the underside of her breasts, and onto the smooth flatness of her stomach.

Gideon caressed the soft red curls of her pubic hair, and then drifted downward onto her, kissing and nuzzling her warm vagina. During his ministrations, he could feel her slowly elevate her hips to allow him access, and then her knees parted outward.

Without realizing she was doing it, Hannah arched her back to allow Gideon room to maneuver. As he positioned himself at her maidenhead, her fingers sought out his head and held him at her opening. Desiring him to continue, and yet unable to control him as she wanted.

Her legs began to tremble; he looped his arms around them to hold each steady and continued to assail her womanhood with his mouth and tongue. Hannah became lost in little stars and bursts of pure delightful energy; they permeated outward into her willing extremities.

After her third such orgasm, she found her voice. "Oh my sweet lord… Gideon... please make love to me!" she panted. He made the slow climb up to her, kissing all the way; each kiss was tantalizing and sexually charged with eroticism.

Hannah was completely out of sorts and panting when he reached her lips. She wasn't waiting any longer; reaching through her legs she guided his erection into her. He began to assail her slowly and methodical, picking up speed with the passing of time. Again and again he surged within her opening, rapidly at first then slowing to prevent his own orgasm, then again built up speed again.

Finally after teasing her for nearly twenty minutes, he thrust in and jettisoned his seed directly into her womb. She shuttered beneath him and her eyes fluttered as her body was racked with another powerful orgasm. It had fallen over her like a tsunami, obliterating everything within its path.

All she could do was pant savagely, and attempt to collect her thoughts. Once he could no longer penetrate Hannah, he rolled off and lay beside her. She lay on her side facing him, both were still naked. In the darkness he could see the reflection of the dim fire outside in her eyes, making them all the more beautiful.

Without any words spoken, she scooted closer to his naked body, relishing in the warmth he emitted. Gideon in turn enveloped her with his arm, caressing her delicate skin as she laid her head to rest upon his thick chest.

He lowered his face toward her and kissed her forehead, she in turn kissed his chest, placing her slender arm over him and covering his nipple with her palm. There they lay, in each other’s arms, the two lovers drifted off to sleep, thankful to have each other.

To be continued...

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