Prop 1 in Houston Failed it looks like.

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There was a Proposition on the Houston City Ballots today. It was called Proposition 1. It was a Equal Rights Ordinance. It basically would have made discriminations of any type. for Ethnicity, Age, Gender, Sexuality, Gender Identity, Genetics, etc...

The thing that really got to me is that they played those same your little girls will not be safe from Male Pedophiles in the bathroom TV Adds.

I live just outside Houston so could not vote, It is just so infuriating, At least the current mayor and her supporters are not going to stop trying to achieve get the protections past.

I hate fear mongers, they twist things present half-truths, and lies, and predictions of doom and gloom just to get there way. I feel like these people are trying to drag us back to the days of the KKK, and Bigot groups running everything there way the national law be damned.



Rhona McCloud's picture

My hope is that recent attempts to ramp up fear and hatred have reached such ridiculous extremes as to make the perpetrators and their adherents unelectable. I am positive their are plenty of people in Houston, as elsewhere, ready to stop making excuses for such candidates.

Rhona McCloud

Its about voting

Frank's picture

People just don't vote in odd years and non presidential even years. At least democrats don't vote which is what has hurt them horribly since 2010.



It's times like this......

D. Eden's picture

That make me ashamed to be a citizen of this country. I mean, don't get me wrong - I am a normally a proud American and I have and will always stand up to defend this country and its citizens. But seeing the stupidity, the prejudice, the reactionary attitudes, and the scare tactics employed by the opponents of a simple law designed to guarantee the same rights to all US citizens irregardless of gender identity, sexuality, race, creed, etc......

It makes my stomache turn.

How can we claim to be the bastion of freedom, the protector of human rights, the last true defender of the innocent, if we allow a small percentage of our population to deny the equal application of rights to all people?

This is not the America I fought for; this is not the country I lost friends defending; this is not the land that I bled and suffered for.

D. Eden

Dum Vivimus, Vivamus

Stupid knows no borders

Sadarsa's picture

It isnt just here in the US, stupidity is like a plauge. It's infectious and mutates with each generation.

~Your only Limitation is your Imagination~

I'm simply surprised that

I'm simply surprised that someone didn't go after them for false advertising.

Let's see, there was the supposed "pregnant woman" worried about "men in women's bathrooms". There were the 'girls' about "Men in women's bathrooms". Then the women supposedly worried about "men in women's bathrooms". Not to mention the insults. All of which carefully ignored the fact that any 'men in women's bathrooms" would be 1) dressed as such, and 2) have a piece of paper from a doctor. If they didn't have either, they could be arrested. You know, _just like now_.

I tried to backtrack a couple of the groups, because they had to give their name as a paid political advertisement, but the one I did manage to get anything about, because they listed a web site, traced back to a nonexistent address (box at a store) and a corporation name.

I'll get a life when it's proven and substantiated to be better than what I'm currently experiencing.

Well, in California, there are no laws about who can be....

Puddintane's picture bathrooms marked with either gender. There are local regulations, or private property customs, such as at some athletic arenas, theatres, stores, and such, but that's it. It's perfectly okay for any private business to enforce a dress code, so a restaurant can ask gentlemen to wear a tie, for example. Californians are generaly civilised, and (other than a few unruly emigrants from rowdier parts of the country, generally try to be nice and avoid offending people.




A tender heart is an asset to an editor: it helps us be ruthless in a tactful way.
--- The Chicago Manual of Style

Interesting question is...

Who will you be suing if there is no one real associated with those ads?
Independent of that question I just can't grasp the US obscession with bathrooms.
IMHO only rule should be: "if you are interested in anything other than relieving yourself in bathroom, you should not be in that bathroom."
So authorities need to get busy not with building "unisex" or "TG" bathrooms, but with the building of "busibody bathrooms".

And that is why we need national laws

For us to do this for every podunk jurisdiction. I will die of old age and there will always be some jurisdiction where we are not protected. Total BS. That is the great thing of having a national government, writing laws that are not popular but is the right thing.

Have you ever heard of the

Have you ever heard of the phrase "Vote with your feet"?

That's what the Mormons did. They moved from the area where they were abused to an area that they could abuse others from. (Old history, and they got it out of their systems within a generation)

If you're in an area that's very abusive to you - MOVE. Then let everyone you can know that it's a hostile area. Vidor, Texas is that way. Even people driving through tend to -not- stop there, not even just for gas.

I'll get a life when it's proven and substantiated to be better than what I'm currently experiencing.