The Lyssa Kordenay Missions - Book 04 - Misdirection in the Mediterranean

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Book 4 of The Lyssa Kordenay Missions!
Lyssa goes way off the reservation in pursuit of a traitor.
Is it revenge, or long overdue justice?
Other problems are presenting themselves.

Will Lyssa be reached to solve them in time?
WARNING: The Lyssa Kordenay Missions may be
hyper-violent for some readers.




Misdirection in the Mediterranean



Dannigan checked the reports for the fifth time. Sources in Department of Justice, FBI, DEA,ATF, Customs and Immigration and of course various local and state police but nothing from the CIA,NSA,DOD or his own agency the OICA, Office of Immediate Covert Action. So the question still remains; How in the hell did Padosa stay a step ahead all that time.

The techs also note that some information had been deleted but non-retrievable by disk reconstruction. That meant Lyssa had taken information, the kind she intended to keep for herself and it apparently wasn't financial.

Dannigan swore as he snatched up the phone,"Get me the reconstructions again. Then find Lyssa, Now!"

He slammed the phone back down knowing that Lyssa must have the Washington leak. Ramon Padosa would never have been allowed to die if she didn't. Lyssa would get the cartel leader into a private hospital if she had to just to keep him alive for that information.

His phone rang and he answered,"yes?"

"Reconstructions Sir, how can we help," a young voice asked.

"Tell me everything you can about what was missing from that computer," Dannigan said very slowly.

"Only that it was a video file. About 4 hours of video sir," the tech said.

"That's all," Dannigan asked.

"Yes sir, 4 hours of video titled.....C.A. party, that's all," the tech read, "oh and we tracked down the skype, it jumped 18 different computers to dial from a burn phone in Houston to somewhere on the eastern seaboard, Washington/Maryland/Virginia/Delaware one of those areas sir."

Dannigan resisted voicing his frustration instead he thanked the techincian and hung up.

Walking to the door he leaned out and asked,"Where is she, Madison?"

"Not sure sir, the Brazil number is inactive and the Monaco number isn't active either,"the secretary read from her screen.

"Stay on it Madi, She'll come up soon," he told her then went back into the office and closed the door.

Madison thought to herself aloud, "Lyssa whatever you're doing and wherever you are, surface soon."

The secretary had a very bad feeling. Lyssa wasn't known to go completely off the grid like this, though that's how she traveled. She always kept a phone number active for emergencies, but not this time. She was way off the reservation this time.


Lyssa finished sending the email.

"Gotcha now you sonofabitch,"she snarled and ejected the disc from the laptop.

In a few days she'd be in Monaco but tomorrow she'd be in Greece. She'd bought a burn phone in the Rome airport and a laptop from a local shop was keeping her off normal grids. Lyssa was way out this time but it was neccessary. Corrupt politicians ran dime-a-dozen, all career politicos were to some point but this went beyond appropriations and simple dollars. She needed the whole of Alkowitz' network that he used to burn agents and soldiers in South America and who else knew where. He had to go down, hard and as an example.

A day of shopping in Rome had gotten her outfitted for the trip to Greece. A few italian boys got her the equipment she needed, the funny part was if this all worked out the most it was going to cost her later would be strategically posed nude on the latest Lamborgini for its ad campaign and that was the downside. It was either that or marry the VP of design. He wanted twenty kids so that was out. His mother called him three times during a meeting asking about the women attending so he definitely was out. Lyssa couldn't hold back a chuckle about that so she didn't as she grabbed her bags and went downstairs.

What the agency didn't know was that she had been setting up her own series of safe houses since her first runway job and could drop off the grid anytime she wanted for as long as she needed; either stationary or mobile she could become almost invisible. A hop on a friend's private jet took her from Rio to Johannesburg where she hopped another to get Cairo where Ana had been on a textile trip and was able to bring her into Rome itself. The Italian designer agreed to lend her the plane to get to Athens.

Lyssa's clock was ticking, do the job before anybody figured it out enough to stop her. Lyssa took a powernap during the hop from Rome to Athens and hit the ground running. She would be going full tilt til the very end. She wondered if Dannigan's words would come back to haunt him; this wasn't payback, it was for all the marbles and she could not fail.


Congressman Mitchell Alkowitz stared in rage and horror at the computer screen. The scandalous video playing, the accompanying message was simple; the amphitheater in Athens at midnight. There was no threat stated in the message, there didn't need to be. Ramon Padosa was dead and apparently someone else now held his leash. He picked up the phone and called a service that provided discreet flights and made arrangements to go to Athens. As he came back downstairs from packing his wife stood over the computer, the sounds of violent sex coming from the speakers.

"Shut that off Carolyn," he said.

"You said this would go away, Mitch," she whined, "you said it was taken care of."

"Just shut up, you and your damn habits have caused enough problems," he spat back at her.

Carolyn rubbed her nose unconsciously at the mention of habits. She stumbled past him and up the stairs. In their bedroom she opened the hidden drawer of the vanity table and took out a packet, razor blade and a slender silver tube then cut two lines and loudly snorted them quickly. A few moments later as the tingling feeling crawled through her she fumbled in another drawer and brought out a vibrator and thrust it roughly inside herself, turning its intensity to high.

Mitchell slammed the door as he left closing himself off from her drug enhanced orgasmic moans and shrieks to drive to the private airfield. Ever since that one night ten years ago he had been under Ramon Padosa's thumb. Somehow his wife had ended up at a party that quickly turned into a cocaine enhanced orgy on a hidden camera. In no time at all she had bcome addicted to the white powder and multiple rough partners. The sadistic drug lord had held that over Mitchell's head in blackmail for information about actions against the cartel. Padosa was now dead and someone different held control. He'd find a way to deal with this threat, nobody could worse than the columbian had been.


Lyssa smiled and waved at her friend Arianna as she passed through the private customs gate.

"Finally you come to visit Lyssa and I am on my way out, shame on you,"Arianna teased.

" Oh but I am only in for a couple of days on business then I'll see you in Monaco, I promise," Lyssa assured her friend.

Arianna looked around then frowned, "Why is no one is waiting for you?"

"Don't worry, I'm doing for myself today. I'll take a taxi to where I need to go," Lyssa answered.

"Oh please," the Greek socialite and model rolled her eyes," I didn't drive myself here. My driver will take you where you need to go. Look there he is now."

Tanned and in a casual dark suit, the driver stepped up and nodded.

"Well then, by all means, lead on to my friend's grand chariot," Lyssa joked earning a laugh from Arianna.

At her nod the driver switched lyssa's bags from the cart and place Arianna's on it then took Lyssa's to the limo outside and held the door for her. She mentioned the address to him as she slid into the car. It took a little over half an hour to get to the safe house then she was alone again. After settling her things and the call to a friend in London, a designer that had asked a favor. Favors for favors, the designer would provide her certain pieces of wardrobe for the time in Monaco in return for a favor Lyssa would ask in the future. Lyssa turned and looked out the window to watch the sunset, now was the waiting game.

A week of Hell and four years of angry frustration were coming to hand quickly. The number of lives lost couldn't be estimated, but it was only a handful that truly mattered to her.

"The world as you bastards know it is coming to an end," the beautiful blonde said flatly at the last light of day,"if they're smart they're already blowing their brains out. I hope they're too cowardly as they've always been. Washington will feel like its been hit by nuke."


The President's daughter checked her disguise again then laughed to herself, "pretty good. Nobody recognized me so far, I can finally have fun!"

It had taken six months to get everything just right so she could slip away from the secret service and right now as far as they knew she was in a spa in Virginia. Away from the United States and all officials she would need only the wig just in case a paparazzi crossed her path. Tonight would be great, a rave in Mykonos; the party capital of Greece and the mediterranean. Who knew; she might even be able to sneak in a quick fling and some ecstasy.

A little fun never hurt anybody, besides she was still young and not even the president so why should she have to be cooped up forever. She was 'supposed to go out and have fun' she thought as the elevator stopped. Beth stepped out, the platform heels making a hollow sound as she walked across the lobby with the occasional tug at the hem of the micro dress. Beth smiled at how clever she'd been, in three days she'd walk back through customs re-entering the states without the disguise and make everybody go ape-shit. That would show them they couldn't run her life. She flagged a cab from the curb and rattled off the address to the old driver. The night was young and so was she, party time had waited long enough.


"There, walking out now dressed as a slut with brown hair," a dark woman in the passenger seat of the van pointed at the girl in a micro dress flashing anybody that happened to look as she stepped into the cab.

"I see, we will follow her and watch for the time to strike," the driver said pulling away from the curb.

The information had been right, the President's daughter had slipped away from all protection to attend a decadent rave party and that would be her father's undoing. For too long the movement of the rebel Phillipine people had been ignored, now that the Al Queda fools were no more, the true cause would prevail. No more false religious pretenses, the Phillipines would become truly free and a nuclear super power.

The muslims had subjugated the cause long enough but no more, all they cared about was the death of all non-muslims, infidels they called them, Rani didn't care for their religion. He didn't care for any religion to be honest, the only thing he believed in was a future for the islands without being forced by bigger nations even if it cost the use and death of a silly girl who ignored measures to keep her safe from being exploited in such ways. Yes, undoing indeed.


Dannigan slammed the phone down again, just what he needed, now the President's daughter was missing. Supposedly she had gone to a spa in virginia, yet nobody knew anything.

"MADISON," he simply bellowed instead of wasting a walk to the door," Has any way to contact Lyssa come online yet?"

"No Major, I sent out a message to each phone number and email account. I even called some of the hotels that she's stayed at before but nothing. She hasn't been seen," Madison said exasparated.

It was unlike her to be rendered unproductive and she was starting to take it personally. Lyssa was hiding from everybody and she was needed now. Madison had never asked Lyssa how it was she got around outside U.S. borders, she'd always flown in and out commercially and as of late; first class. For the past six months she had been able to move all aroud the globe with no footprint until returning to the states. London, Bahamas and Hawaii were where she would resurface to return to the states all depending on her direction of travel.

It was great when it served to protect them all from enemy counter-agents, but it sucked rocks when Madison couldn't find their own Operative when needed. Madison was going to have a long talk with Lyssa when she popped back up. Everyone social, film and fashion related were converging on Monaco and Lyssa should have been there by now but she hadn't passed through the customs in Monte Carlo's airport, or any other for that matter.

Though a unorthodox attempt, she even checked the gossip websites of european tabloids just to see if she had been sighted. no luck, everyone was either in Monaco or on their way there except Lyssa it seemed. Madison sent the round of messages out again to all sources for Lyssa.


Mitchell Alkowitz stared angrily at being ignored by cab drivers that were paying more attention to the obviously dressed tourists, finally one pulled up and asked in english if he wanted a taxi. He jumped into the backseat immediately and asked for to be taken to the Hilton. He checked in wanting the penthouse but had to settle for a small suite as a japanese business delegation were using it and had paid in advance. Apparently American politicians had the reputation for being very cheap when traveling without a committee on a fact finding tour.

Normally He'd have waited at the terminal until the Ambassador showed up with a detail of drivers and security men in tow, but he didn't want any of those around, he'd never get rid of them if they were. Embassay people all knew that if they wanted a better assignment the way to get it was to make the Secretary of State look good, and one did that by finding dirt on embassy staff or visiting dignitaries such as a congressman or senator. Promotive relocation via creative distribution of sensitive information. Well any information about his visit to Athens was going to be keep to himself, away from embassy staff.


'What an idiot,' Lyssa thought of the congressman as she drank coffee with a photographer discussing a possible shoot on Mykonos in two months.

Dimitrios even had his own yacht that would serve as transport to the island and also living quarters during the shoot which would only be four days.

"So you will be with Marco for the film festival," the Greek photographer asked.

Lyssa smiled, "you know its nothing serious. He asked as a favor."

Dimitrios chuckled," Lyssa's favors. What do you get from this I wonder?"

Marco was a film producer of moderate fame. He owned a very nice yacht as well. The yacht was currently in Monaco, his private plane would be transport to Monaco. First things first though, business then playtime. Lyssa said goodbye now that she all she needed. She had taken note of which suite he'd been given and finished her coffee then thanked Dimitrios and made her way out. It was late morning and there was alot of waiting to do. She needed to stop at an internet cafe though.

Two blocks away she stopped inside and paid for an hour of time. Lyssa had forwarded all of her phones and emails to one central account, by using a public access, it was a special loophole that didn't allow any tracking programs through. Over fifty messages were stacked all demanding her to contact the office and Dannigan. The last round of messages were different, subject line read "Princess in the wind, call office."

Princess was the radio callsign for the first daughter, Porkchop- the President and Pickle for the First Lady. The callsigns had been around since the Secret Service started using portable radios for each agent on the security detail. If the First Daughter really was in the wind then there was going to be serious hell to pay, starting with the team of agents assigned to her and the girl's handler. That wasn't her priority, besides she hadn't seen her. Didn't expect to either. Somebody else would handle that situation, she didn't babysit anyway and had more important things to attend to. On that note she left to get started preparing for the evening.


Beth was having a ball. A little ecstacy went a long way and she was dancing with the best now up by the dj booth. An older guy tried to slip into her dancing clique but the younger men had easily shielded her, after a couple of minute he backed off. She managed to slip out for a few hours to rest and eat then was back on the platform strutting and shaking in front of the dj.

an hour later when the next dj took the booth, he waved her down. They stepped out into a hallway then into a side room containing boxes of liquor and a small bed. The Dutch dj guided her down then gripped her panties and yanked downward as she struggled to reach for his pants. He took charge and shoved his pants and boxers down then held himself steady and pushed into her.

Beth yelped then moaned,"ooooooooh....YES! can have my panties if you make me cum hard!"

The young man took up her offer and powered into her harder and faster holding her legs wide and in no time Beth was screaming from the orgasm wracking through her body. Luckily she managed to compose herself enough to push him back in time as he came. She reached down and pumped him by hand as he spilled his semen on her thighs and hips. The young man groaned in pleasure then watched as Beth slid down to the floor then took him into her mouth licking and sucking him clean. Beth picked up her panties and wrote her first name on the front and stuck them into his pocket.

"later again," he asked her.

"Oh yes, again later," she giggled stroking his length gently then gave a lurid lick and stood up to go back out to the rave.

He whistled as she stood in the doorway with her feet apart and bent over making the micro dress ride high exposing herself then stepped out. Half way down the hall she found a bathroom she could clean up in then rejoined the rave as the clock showed midnight.


The taxi let Mitchell out just down the street from the Amphitheater. Moments later, after the taxi left, he was almost inside when someone hit him from behind making lights explode behind his eyes as he fell to the ground. Lyssa dragged him to the car then manuevered him into the trunk. She secured his wrists, taped his mouth and bagged his head then she searched his pockets and pulling his PDA, passport, roomkey, wallet and some loose local money. She also took his watch, belt and shoes to bag them all then hid the bag and drove out to an abandoned industrial area.

When she stopped and shut the car off she could hear him thumping and screaming in the trunk for attention. Lyssa opened the trunk and hauled him halfway out then let him fall the rest of the way out and slam to the floor. Roughly she got him back up and over to the other end of the building and into a chair then slammed the door. His eyes were wild with fear when she yanked the head bag off and he saw her. Slowly she pulled the tape from his mouth. Mitchell launched into demands but was immediately silenced by a pistol shoved into his mouth.

His silence continued as Lyssa pulled the pistol from his mouth then turned and walked over to the table. He watched silently as she laid the gun down, turned on the laptop and selected a file. Ramon Padosa, secured to a chair just as he was. The Congressman watched the video of the blonde woman in all black and facial paint loaded a syringe and said something in either spanish or portugese then jabbed him in the neck amid his screams.

An hour of video passed as he watched the woman use a car battery and various other things to torture him then practically skin him alive. Tied to a table and a small explosive used to emasculate him and set the room on fire, the video cut out as his screams dulled from being burned alive.

Lyssa set up to record and then turned around and walked toward Mitchell, a syringe in her hand.

She said softly,"your tab is due. I've been to hell thanks to you, but where I'm going to take you is worse.......much worse."

The Congressman fought the bonds to try getting away but was held fast as Lyssa grabbed his hair to hold him still to jab the needle into his neck and press the plunger down.

"Never before have I done this and enjoyed it. I'm actually going to this time," Lyssa hissed in his ear.

Alkowitz remembered what he'd been told about truth agents. None of that instruction was going to help him he knew as first he began to feel warm then hot as the first punch slammed into his gut. When the heat left and coldness set in while pain began to amplify the vision of the beautiful blonde blurred and turned into a creature so hideous.

It leaned closer to snarl," tell me all about your contacts. The ones you use to get information you know you're not supposed to have."


Rani nudged Nilia. Nilia watched as the disguised President's daughter snuck back downstairs with the dj, very likely to have sex again. They both noticed that she returned from the first time without any underwear on. How typical. Now was their chance. Nilia had found another way downstairs and led Rani. They waited a few moments then could hear the moans and cries of sex. Rani rushed the door, kicking it open.

The two stopped and looked behind them in confusion just as Rani's fist impacted with the dj's face, slamming him across the bed and almost taking Beth with him. Beth looked up and screamed as Nilia covered her mouth and nose with a rag. Beth went limp within moments from the chloroform. Rani picked the girl up and carried her out as Nilia led the way from the club back to their van.

Beth was dumped into the back followed by Nilia who began handcuffing and gagging her as Rani climbed back behind the wheel and drove them away to a small house high on the cliffs. As soon as they arrived they took beth inside and stripped her of make-up, the wig and dress then took several photos and emailed them to their faction's communicator. Demands would be issued within the hour.


Lyssa stood firmly still as Mitchell finally lifted his head still shaking from the pain and hallucinations. He knew from the video earlier that he must have surely told the woman everything she wanted to know, no matter what it was she asked.

"are....Are you going to kill me now," he asked meekly.

"No congressman, I'm going to destroy your friends first and then ruin your wife and when I'm done with that," Lyssa leaned in closer," I'll start killing you."

"No.....please," he begged," do it now, please. Why are you doing this?"

Lyssa looked at him coldly," Demon Wraiths. 4 years ago. I was the one Padosa couldn't break."

His jaw dropped as she simply walked from the room taking the laptop. An hour later, her creative editing done, she emailed the interrogation to the directors of the CIA, DEA, FBI, ATF, NSA, Homeland Security and Congressional Committee of investigative Actions along with the Senate Sub-Committee on internal Sercurity. She also sent out the video of his wife to 27 various media outlets. It didn't take long, the wildfire spread fast spurred on by the media.

Lyssa came into the room hours later and set down the laptop where he could see and pulled up a news website and brought up the streaming feed. The reporter announced that the Congressman's wife had been found overdosed on cocaine and also that two congressman, four senators and numerous members of the intelligence and law enforcement community were being brought in on federal indictment, treason. Congressman Alkowitz himself sought for high treason.

That was when he noticed the rope being lowered to swing in front of him. He was suprised when Lyssa took that free end and tied it to the chair instead of around his neck then started hauling him upward. A large round tub was rolled underneath and a small rod of metal was dropped inside the liquid. The clear liquid immediately began to bubble and froth around it. He knew then it was acid.

"No one comes here, you will be completely alone," Lyssa said flatly then put a loop of rope in his hand then released the tension.

The tips of the chair skimmed the surface making the acid sizzle.

"when you can't stand it anymore, just let go Congressman," Lyssa looked up with cold eyes.

Mitchell started crying as Lyssa picked up the laptop and placed it on the edge of the container on a slanted stand and turned the sound up louder. She had looped the news feed then turned and walked away. Just as she started the car she heard a loud bang then a scream. She had led him to believe that it was deep, it wasn't he would slowly dissolve into the tub but be so damaged he'd not escape. Lyssa drove out as the sun rose, going back to her safehouse.

Lyssa went in, stripped and got under a scalding shower. I t took a couple of minutes then all her feelings came to the surface. Anger, happiness, relief, disappointment and grief had her going from crying to laughing to screaming after she sank to the floor of the shower. There would always be missions. Lyssa would always take missions. It went beyond obligation or duty. it was her purpose. She wasn't just a soldier, a spy,an assassin. Lyssa was an Operator. She never know peace until she'd served her life fighting mad men. Dancing and modeling brought her joy and provided a means to be where she needed to, but there were always missions to complete. Always.


Dannigan and Madison stood there in front of the tv in his office staring in shocked horror. Lyssa had been so thorough there was no escape for the network of turncoats, traitors and fools. Already there had been twenty-four federal indictments for treason. One count of High Treason. The name Alkowitz would go down as the modern day Benedict Arnold, last known sighting was the Athens Hilton. Lyssa had not been confirmed or denied in the area, but they knew she was there. More than likely hiding in plain sight.

"Madison, try raising her again, she might answer now,"Dannigan said quietly.

Madison knew that quiet demeanor was hiding a seething rage. She went to her computer and pulled up the list. Sure enough, Lyssa's phone number for Monte Carlo was active. Madison dialed in, Lyssa answered on the first ring and waited for the transfer to Dannigan.

He didn't bother with pretenses,"I could have your fucking head for this stunt."

Lyssa gave no quarter though," The hell do you want Dannigan, I'm busy."

"Have you found the First Daughter," he asked.

"Why should I be looking for her, I'm here and she's there," Lyssa said sounding annoyed with the conversation.

"Negative Kordenay, we have reason to believe she may have went to Mykonos for a rave but she's no longer in the wind, she's captured. Move fast and get her back," Dannigan ordered," do that and I might be able to keep a lethal finding off of you for that stunt with Alkowitz. I won't even ask where the body is."

Lyssa was quiet for a few moments then answered,"oh for fucksakes.....alright. I'll see what I can do," then hung up and called Dimitrios...she needed to get to Mykonos immediately.

Lyssa returns in Butterfly in the Dark!!!

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