Transgendered Media Personalities

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A transgender media personality, like Caitlyn Jenner, is both a good thing and a bad thing for all trans folks.

1) it is great, they raise public awareness in a way that most can't.

2) it is terrible, the money they have gets them surgeries most cannot afford, which leaves us feeling even more depressed and critical about our own appearance.

the flip-flop we all go through when we first start transitioning is a part of the reason the HBSoC have been so strongly entrenched. The real life trial is meant to put us into that flip-flop so that we can work through it. The new WPATH care setup removes that, we just go to our GP and get the hormones, go a year on those and off to get assessed for the operation. sounds great but the much maligned psych care the HBSoC have is a major benefit for us in transition, the new care setup removes the mental illness diagnoses and leaves us floundering without the counseling that helps deal with the stresses. Can you afford the $100+/hr for counseling since we aren't mentally ill and it is not covered by healthcare?



Are pregnant women sick? They're covered by health plans.

There's a disconnect here.

Angela Rasch (Jill M I)

yup, but

dawnfyre's picture

the new standards do not consider trans people to be mental patients, so mental health treatments [ counseling ] is not covered.

the transitioning and medications are covered, but the mental health aspect isn't.

just basic coverage, 10 visits a year. [ and depending on source of your particular coverage for it, you might not be able to get reimbursed, since the services cannot bill the coverage provider ( I cannot get reimbursed if I see one, my coverage provider doesn't have any means for me to claim the expense, it is welfare coverage)]

Stupidity is a capital offense. A summary not indictable.