Shattered Glass 1

"This is fan fiction for the Whateley Academy series. It may or may not match the timeline, characters, and continuity, but it's fan fiction so I hope it's forgivable."

Rona is from the novella "Never", and Ruth is from the novella "How Far", both of them have been in very bad situations previous to this story, and it will really help to read both of them before reading this one. Don't worry, this story isn't as quite as dark as their origin stories.

Oh yes, Mercy is dorothycolleen's character from the Whateley Fanfic Mercy. I liked the character's intro, so I asked permission to use her as a bit character, and was graciously given permission.

Late November 2007

Rona read over the list of things she had to show her new roommate, while waiting in the administration office. She was pretty nervous about that, having arrived only two weeks ago, but as Mrs. Horton carefully explained, Ruth had been kidnapped and confined for several months. Having her meeting all sorts of new people immediately, might not be the best for her. So as the roommate, she got to play tour guide as well.

Since she was just recently freed from her own kidnapping, only a few days fortunately, most of it spent drugged up, and was still coming to terms with being a girl, much less a girl who looked to be made out of transparent glass, even if they'd discovered her skin was pretty resilient and could heal from cracks, she wasn't sure how sound their logic was. But since no one else in Poe, except for Mac, and that girl had some serious problems even if everyone said she was getting better, had been put through similar situation, Rona was considered the best option.

Leaning her head back, letting her long slightly curved hair dangle and rattle like a wind chime, she thought about turning invisible, especially when Ms. Hartford glared at her for making noise. Going from being a boy to a girl was freaky, not really bad, but it was taking some getting used to. Finding out her mother was a famous mutant porn star was humiliating, even though she still loved her mother, especially after everything she'd done to rescue her. Getting kidnapped by her maybe father to be turned into a mutant prostitute, was bad, and she was talking to the school psychologist just trying to wrap her head around it. Having her mother being wanted by the MCO, FBI and the police for killing her kidnappers using a variety of plants, had her fending off nightmares at night. Being a mutant who could turn invisible, had a little harder than average skin, and could pull out her hair to make fairly solid weapons, in a school full of bricks, psychics, energizers and other people who could shatter her into a million pieces was really humbling. Throwing all of that together, had her a nervous wreck, how they thought she could help anyone was beyond her.

The door opened up, revealing a tall, well built girl, with great breasts, awesome curves, and a beautiful face. The girl was wearing a wool skirt and warm legging, which Rona still wasn't willing to try, and had a bandanna covering shoulder length blonde hair. If she was still a guy, she'd have been drooling, but since her change, it seemed that she was almost asexual. Dr. Bellows wasn't sure if that was because her tastes were changing to fit her BIT, or a result of everything she'd experienced causing a mental and emotional block.

Whatever it was, she was happy enough to not worry about dating for the foreseeable future.

Getting to her feet, she smiled as best she could, seeing the scared look on the girls face, and how Ms. Carson squeezed her hand encouragingly, before introducing them. “Ruth, this is Rona. She's your new roommate.”

“Hi, Ruth,” Rona said as cheerfully as possible.

The girl looked at her for a few seconds, not speaking, until she finally whispered, “Hi Rona. Thank you for having me.”

Well at least she wasn't freaked out by her appearance, Rona thought. “It's my pleasure. Come on, I'll show you a few mandatory things, and then we can get some lunch. Are you hungry?” she asked, trying not to babble, or clam up. She saw Ms. Carson give her an encouraging smile, and guessed that she was was doing ok.

“A little,” Ruth answered, in the same whispery voice.

They headed for the stairs, “I guess since we're here I'll take you to the Homer Gallery, some big shot wants all students to see his picture when they arrive at school for the first time. Did you get your student card and bead?”

The tall girl nodded, keeping her head down, her shoulders hunched and her bag in front of her almost like a shield.

“Good, we can go straight to lunch as soon as we're done, and then I'll show you the class buildings, security, Doyle, uh that's the clinic, and the tunnels. Then I'll take you to Poe. It's a bit of walking, so if you want to take a break or call it quits after I show you the important stuff, we can finish up tonight or tomorrow.”

“You decide,” Ruth said.

“Um, right. Here we are,” Rona said happily. Knocking on the office door, she got the lady inside to open the secret door to the school museum/trophy room. “Ok, first things first, this is Lord Paramount, he's some big shot leader over in Europe, who gives the school lots of money. So we have to look at it... like I already said.”

The girl looked at the ugly picture intensely, as if trying remembering every little detail.

“You must really like him,” she tried to joke.

“You said I have to look at it. Am I doing something wrong?” Ruth asked, starting to shake and looking at the picture even more closely.

Rona remembered a little bit from her first power testing, when she'd been scared, drugged out of her mind and made to believe that if she did everything perfectly she could go home. She was pretty sure she had looked exactly like Ruth did just then. Snapping her fingers to get her attention, Rona grabbed the girl by the elbows and forced her to look away from the picture.

“Ruth, look at me.”

The big blue eyes focused on her with an unnerving intensity, the shaking got worse. Taking a shot in the dark, she leaned in and gave Ruth a hug. Her Mom hugging her like that had helped when she'd had a few panic attacks on the way to Whateley, waking up from nightmares of being photographed practically naked, or when memories of hands groping her had popped up. “I know a bit of a what you're going through, it's going to be ok. Just relax, your safe right now. Just take a couple of deep breaths.”

The shaking gradually subsided.

When it seemed safe, Rona let go of her roommate. “We've looked at the picture, how about we go get you something to eat?”

“Yes, if you say so,” Ruth whispered.

Heading to Crystal Hall, she tried to keep things light. “This is where we eat. You can get some ready to eat food from the campus store, there are hamburger vending machines in some of the buildings and tunnels, and little fast food stalls in the tunnels to. I just got here two weeks ago, so I've only eaten at Crystal Hall. You need your student card to eat, so don't forget it. According to the sophomores, there was a lot of trouble for one girl in Poe who didn't get her student card until she'd been here for a few days, and it was a bit of a mess. But if you're with me, I'll cover for ya.”

“Thank you.”

“So what do you like to eat? They have a bit of everything here, although the main dishes tend to follow a theme. I think today they're doing ham.”

“I like ham.”


They entered Crystal Hall which wasn't too busy, since it was Saturday after the main rush. It still seemed a bit much for Ruth, who grabbed hold of Rona's arm and squeezed up against her, if her skin had still been normal, the squeezing probably would have hurt.

“You don't like crowds?”

“I'm not used to them. Not many people lived in my community, and then I just didn't see anyone except... him and people he hurt... or hurt me,” Ruth whispered.

“Don't worry,” she said, squeezing the hand that had a death grip on her arm. “We've got a few bullies, but no one will do anything too bad. Just stay with me for now and I'll help you avoid anyone really nasty. And you'll get friends at Poe and in class who will help you out.”

They made their way to the buffet, half the trays were empty, but there was still some ham dishes. Grabbing a tray, she got a big pile of ham and rice with some steamed vegetables. Ruth got the exact same dishes, and it looked to her like it was in the exact same proportions.

“You know, you don't have to take exactly what I do. There are a lot of other things you could have.”

“This is good,” her roommate said, not even looking at all the choices.

Shrugging, she led the girl to the drinks fountain, where Ruth got a glass of water, and then they ran through the check out procedure. Taking an out of the way table, Rona explained what would be happening for the next few days, power testing, choosing classes, the near daily counseling sessions, and more.

Ruth listened to it all, while shoveling the food into her mouth as if she was afraid it would be taken away from her at any second. From how closely she was paying attention, Rona was willing to bet she could recite everything word for word if asked to.

“What classes are you interested in?” she finally asked, after running out of things to say.

“I don't know. What would you suggest?” Ruth asked.

“What classes were you taking before?”

“I stopped going to school in grade eight. Too much education makes a person proud, and isn't necessary for living.”

“Who told you that?” Rona asked in shock.

“M-my parents, and the elders. I am...” she wiped her eyes with a napkin. “I was Amish.”

Rona wanted to ask what had happened, had she been thrown out for being a mutant, turning into a girl, or what. But it was definitely a sore spot. Nibbling on the inside of her lip, which was about all she could do since her outer lips were about as soft as glass, and would chip her teeth, she tried to get the conversation back on topic. “Well you're a devisor and a gadgeteer, at least that's what they told me. So you'll be taking a bunch of math and engineering classes. You'll have to take martial arts or survival, they say you have the option to take them, but unless you really argue about you're put in one of them.”

The girl slumped down, looking at her empty plate as she picked up the last few grains of rice with her finger, delicately placing them into her mouth. “Martial arts. That's where you fight?”

“Yeah. I'm thinking I'll take it in the spring term, definitely next year, but for now I'm in survival. I was told it would help me learn how to get around looking like I do. I don't want to be like my mother and have to wear a bag over my head,” she said.

“Why does she wear a bag over her head?” she asked in an almost normal voice.

“She has a burqa, the same thing Muslim women sometimes wear.” That got a blank expression. “It's like a robe that covers your entire body including your face. My Mom has really bad GSD, she's green with tree branches for hair, and her arms and legs are more like vines. So she wears it to hide her appearance.”

“I don't want to fight anymore,” she whispered.

“Then guess you'll be joining me in survival. I've only gone to a couple of classes myself, but I've already learned how to deal with police, spot danger signs when moving in a crowd and the best places to hide when running away.” She paused to think. “You may want to get into costume shop next term. I'm in it, but I'm way behind and I don't think I'll be able to catch up.”

“Costume shop?” Ruth asked, looking bewildered.

“It's where you learn how to make a costume to protect yourself, either with armour, or by disguising how you look.”

She shook her head. “I don't need that. I have forcefields.”

“That's another power?”

Another head shake. “I had to learn how to make them, how to power them. I have a suit that they let me keep. I begged them to let me keep it. So I would feel safe. The heroes backed me up.”

“Ok. Forcefields are good. You won't have to worry about bullies much if you have that. How about we go and look at the classes now, I'll take you to the tunnels and show you where you'll be working. I have a map with me.” Her roommate kept her head down, staring at her hands. “Or we could go to Poe and get you settled in.”

“That would be good. Thank you. I was told to take it easy, and not push myself.”

They bused their trays, and headed outside. It was a green flag day, so Rona didn't have to worry about her features. Unfortunately that meant others were out and about to.

“Rona!” a small fairy like girl shouted, flying out of the sky to land delicately on her shoulder. “Have you thought about my offer some more? Ethereal Beauties would be perfect for you, and we already have a couple of photo shoots planned. You'd be great as a living statue, or the invisible, or a ghost! And if I can finally convince Miriam to join in, you two could work together, her light shining through you, creating a human rainbow!”

“Teri, not now. I told you yesterday I'd think about it.”

“Oh sorry. Is this your friend?” the little girl asked, jumping to Ruth's shoulder. “Hi, I'm Teri, I haven't seen you around here.”

Ruth actually grinned for the first time that day. “I just came here. My name is Ruth. Can I touch your wings?”

“Sure!” she said, stretching one wing to stroke Ruth's cheek. “No one ever wants to massage my wings. And I can't massage them myself, do you know how stiff they get after flying around all day? Oh that feels nice!”

Rona watched in disbelief as her roommate and the fairy smiled at each other, while Ruth stroked and massaged the fuzzy blue wings. Teri just kept nattering on about her day, the modeling club she was making for GSD students, teachers that were good and who were boring, and all kinds of other things that made a normal person want to run away from before their brain cells gave up the ghost. But Ruth seemed to like it, nodding along, and actually listening.

Finally Teri remembered she had something to do about ten minutes ago, with a quick good bye and a kiss on Ruth's cheek, she flew off, a little blur of energy yelling at people to get out of the way.

“It seems you've made a friend. Be careful she may not leave you alone,” she warned the newbie. “She's been bugging me everyday to join her modeling club since I became a student.”

“She's nice,” Ruth whispered, rubbing her cheek. “And safe.”

“She's very nice, and VERY cheerful, and so full of energy it's amazing she doesn't explode. That's the problem, she doesn't know when to stop. But if you want to be friends with her, she's never turned anyone down yet. And if you do run into trouble with bullies she's very protective of her friends to the point of artful cruelty and torture.”

She stopped when she realized that Ruth wasn't beside her anymore. Turning she saw the girl standing stock still, shaking in the snow, her face ghostly white. “Whoa! What's wrong?”

Her roommate tried to say something, but nothing came out. Some people were starting to stare. “Ruth, come on, let's get you lying down. I didn't mean Teri hurts anyone, she hasn't, she just does pranks if someone hurts a friend of hers. She's been know to rip the pants and skirts off of bullies, hang them from trees, and things like that, nothing dangerous, just embarrassing, and if they don't apologize, she keeps doing it.”

Slowly they made their way to Poe, fighting a panic attack the entire way. She knew Ruth was in bad shape, but this was ridiculous. How many landmines were in the girls head? They got to the dorm room, and she helped Ruth lay down on the already made bed. The one side of the room was bare, but Mrs. Horton had pulled out some spare bedding since the girl was coming with absolutely nothing except the clothes on her back and some gadgets and devises. Rona hadn't been much better off when she arrived, but at least all of her clothes and things had been delivered a few days ago when a benefactor who wanted to remain nameless, hired a moving company to go and clean out her and her Mom's old house.

With Ruth calmed down, falling asleep curled up in a tight ball, completely covered by the quilt, Rona went to tell Mrs. Horton what had happened, and ask for some advice.

Waking up in a strange room, Ruth tried to remember how she'd gotten there. She'd had lunch, and Rona was talking, then the tiny fairy had come and talked to her, and then she'd heard Sadist speaking, saying how he was a 'Picasso of pain'. Just thinking about it made her hands start to shake, her teeth ground against each other, her eyes moved wildly around the room trying to see where the attack would come from, where the demon would come from to punish her, demanding she fix something for him, humiliating her to show her her place.

Shaking her head, she told herself that she was starting to panic again, that she was afraid but nothing here was going to hurt her. Reaching into her purse she pulled out her panic diary, breathing as regularly as possible to avoid gasping for air, trying to ride the wave of panic rather than fight it.

In her diary she began writing down what she was feeling, what had set off the attack, how it felt. As she went through the well practiced motions, the panic began to die down. By the time she was done, her hands were steady and she was able to say she was as calm as she could be.

Looking at the clock on her roommates side of the room, Ruth saw she'd only been asleep for an hour or two. Or she'd slept through the night and most of the next day, again. Since she wasn't hungry she was going with the first thought. She noticed a naked green fairy sitting on the wardrobe, watching her.

“Do you talk to?” she asked.

The fairy didn't answer, instead flying down to stand on her shoulder, it's dragonfly wings tickling her ear, making her giggle.

“You really should have some clothes on,” she told the fairy, who merely grinned blankly.

Fixing the bandanna on her hair, Ruth walked to the door, carefully taking smooth, graceful steps so as to not knock the fairy off, took a deep breath and stepped outside. She saw that she was in a long corridor, a bathroom for girls clearly marked just across and to the left, and there was a lobby or something halfway up the corridor on her right. She stood there uncertain of where to go, when the fairy pointed at a door near the lobby.

Not sure what else to do, she followed the instructions, and went to the door which was opened by a green haired girl with long pointed ears and she had a fairy on both her shoulders. “Hi Ruth, I'm Absinthe, come on in.”

Uncertain, Ruth stepped into the room which had a couple of comfortable chairs, a couch, a table and a stereo system. Rona waved from her seat, and a person who could have been a man or a woman with long white hair, large golden eyes, and a perfect build, stood up with a smile.

“Hello Ruth, I'm Kenneth, or Bishonen, the wing adviser. If you have any problems or just want to talk just knock on my door, it's right across the hall,” the man said, speaking with a strange accent.

“Thank you sir,” she replied, ducking her head for a moment.

“You don't need to be so formal with me, I'm just a senior, not a teacher,” he said, gesturing for her to have a seat. “We just wanted to welcome you formally to Poe, give you a tour, introduce you to some of the residents and of course Mrs. Horton the housemother.”

She nodded, not sure what to say.

“You like my fairies?” Absinthe asked.

Another nod, she'd grown out of the habit of talking over the last few months.

“I manifest them, they're a side affect of my magic. Hold out your hand,” Absinthe said.

Her hand went up automatically, without any conscious thought. Suddenly a fairy appeared, smiling and waving. “She'll last all day before disappearing. I'll give you a new one every morning if you want.”

Grinning at the pretty little creature, she nodded. “I would like that very much. Thank you.”

“Let's check out the rest of the cottage, then we can go to the store to get you somethings. The school's given you a small allowance early to help you buy your uniforms, basic necessities and things like that,” Rona said.

With a nod, she followed the trio out of the room, and tried to follow everything they had to say about the cottage, and memorize all the people she saw, afraid to forget anything that might be important later.

Rona grabbed her things to get ready for bed. She had it easy compared to the other girls. She didn't need shampoo, lotions, razors or anything, she didn't even need a towel unless she decided to take a shower for fun. While Ruth got her net bag with some shampoo, soap and toothbrush kit, she just got her toothbrush and paste, glass polisher, a soft cloth and a specially made microfibre cloth.

Turning invisible she walked to the bathroom, ignoring the gay boys and the male changelings who were further down the hall. Sitting on a bench in the bathroom she began pouring the glass polisher on her skin and gently rubbed it in with the cloth. She didn't need to do her back, that day fortunately, that was about the only time she needed to use a shower to actually clean herself. After getting her legs, body, face and hair polished, she turned invisible to wipe her privates and bum with sanitary wipes, and then began to wipe the polish off her skin with the microfibre pad. Learning how to properly clean her skin had taken a bit of work, at first she'd used ordinary soap and water, and she'd been covered in streaks.

Ruth walked in and headed immediately for the shower, not taking off her robe until she was actually behind the shower curtain. Rona figured she was still nervous about being around so many people, and hoped that she'd eventually calm down. She wasn't buddy buddy with all the girls, some of them just rubbed her the wrong way, but none of them were really bad or anything. At least with the green fairy riding around on her shoulder, she seemed to be able to avoid panicking so much, just a couple of shakes and looking at her feet for a minute or two. It was still hard to get her talking above a whisper, and she did what she was told without question.

That last one actually had Rona very worried, Ruth was a pretty girl, even if she wasn't exemplar beautiful. What would she do if a dickwad told her to do something disgusting? She'd have to bring that up with Bishonen and the others, at least Absinthe could keep an eye on her with that fairy.

The shower curtain opened, and Ruth stepped out smiling a little while she reached for her towel. Rona was watching her and was the first to see the tattoos that covered almost every inch of her skin from her upper arms to her ankles. They were well done, but they weren't beautiful, or even nice. They spelled out things like cum bucket, $1 whore, bitch, slut and worse. Arrows pointed at her vagina saying men at work, free ride, one dollar an hour, and things she couldn't read. Pictures were there as well, women with Ruth's face being raped, caricatures of her begging men to fuck her, cum spots, dicks, chains, and god knew what else on her back and sides.

Everyone was staring at her. Mercy, a girl with wings made of pure energy, managed to speak first, saying what everyone was thinking. “Why did you get those tattoos?”

The tiny smile died, Ruth grabbed the towel with hands that were shaking so badly they were almost a blur, trying to cover herself and almost dropping the towel. “I-I didn't want them,” she stuttered. Tears began pouring from her eyes like a dam bursting. “He gave them to me. He said it was to remind me what I am!”

Everyone stood horrified for a second as the tall girl began bawling sliding to the floor, covering her face with her arms.

Mercy was the first one to rush over to Ruth, hugging her tightly, Rona was a second behind, and then pretty much every girl in the bathroom was huddled over the crying girl, trying to give her some support, even Absinthe's fairy was hugging an ear for all it was worth.

Once the crying lessened, they got some order and managed to dry Ruth off, slip her into her robe, brush her teeth and walked her to their room. Bishonen came in at lights out to find out what was going on, Sphere opened the door, and whispered something to him that Rona couldn't hear. The wing adviser popped his head in, saw how practically every freshman female changeling in Poe was in the room talking to Ruth, getting her talking about her favourite foods, hobbies, what she wanted to learn, and anything that would take her mind off of what had happened to her. With a look of satisfaction at what was happening, he closed the door and didn't bother them for the rest of the night.

It was almost midnight when the room finally emptied, and Ruth was asleep curled up tightly in the furthest corner of the bed buried under the quilt, gently clutching the fairy hobgoblin to her cheek.

Rona turned off the bedside light and rolled over, trying to keep her tinkling hair as quiet as possible. She realized as sleep came to her, that if her Mom hadn't rescued her from the pimp in Portland, after a few months she might have been as badly off as Ruth. Grabbing her cellphone she sent a quick message to her Mom, it was short and sweet, 'Thank's Mom.'

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