First Step to HRT -- Update

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Well I went to the appointment I discussed in my last blog post, which I thought was going to be the one where they'd prescribe me hormones.

No such luck. It was simply an "intake" interview with a nurse, who reviewed all the stuff I already knew about hormones and made an appointment for me in 5 weeks with someone who can prescribe hormones for me.

I'm still oscillating back and forth. One minute I'm convinced that I'm trans and always was (even if I didn't know it), the next minute I know I've made it all up and am just doing it for the drama and/or the lulz. One minute it seems like my life will finally go from black-and-white to being in color, the next minute I'm sure that I'm destroying what little value my life has left.

Stay tuned for my next meltdown, in 5 weeks....



Not nice of them to get your hopes up by leading you on with a less-than-accurate description of what the appointment was going to be.

Don't worry, you'll get there. {{{HUGS}}}

- Leona

build a life

You need to focus on building your life. Make friends, do things for others, build up support systems. These are the things that are important whether you transition or not.