That is how many pieces of fiction I've posted to the site.
Of course, this is a bit selective. I skipped title pages, obviously, but I'm also not including things like the lyrics to the "Hollywood!" theme song (a story I still plan to write, one of these days,) the BC Chat Gaming posts (don't remember those? not surprising, nobody read them :P ) and similarly not-really-stories-but-in-the-stories-list-anyway bits. Likewise, it ALSO doesn't include blog entries or forum topics, both of which have seen short bits of fiction shared as well.
Still, 142 pieces of quantifiable fiction is pretty out there, right? That's spread across eight or so multi-part stories (about half of which are complete surprisingly enough,) 21 Drabble Theatre pieces, 22 short stories, 2 pieces of fanfiction, and 1 rather creepy piece of poetry, and averages out to more than a piece of fiction for every month I've been a member of the site. Sure, it pales in comparison to some other authors here, but it's still the largest and longest continued effort I've put into any group or activity I've ever been a part of.
Thanks, everyone, for giving me the support and friendship that's helped to inspire me throughout the years. Everyone here is wonderful (even those of you I've had personality clashes with in the past!) and every one of you deserve a great big hug and a round of applause.
I'm thinking I need to do something gory for my 144th story, just because it'll be gross :D
Melanie E.
That is an impressive amount of work to accomplish. Congratulations on that.
ending that great post like that.
Stupidity is a capital offense. A summary not indictable.
Are shooting for Morpheus's
Are shooting for Morpheus's 286 that they have on fictonmania?
Don't forget ....
your challenges which I found to be very helpful in widening my perspective as a writer. Thank you for all you do. Your writing is superb and your support is much appreciated!
Love, Andrea Lena
Well done!
A creditable effort, just keep churning 'em out and we'll read 'em.
Dare to 'Ream
Shoot for 500!
Angela Rasch (Jill M I)