The Lyssa Kordenay Missions - Book 34 - The Chrysalis Project pt1

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TCP1 cover.PNG
Book 34 of The Lyssa Kordenay Missions!
  Kimberly is still struggling
 with recent events.
  and she's not the only one.

WARNING: The Lyssa Kordenay Missions may be
hyper-violent for some readers!




The Chrysalis Project pt1


Kimberly sat as if looking out the window but not seeing the vista outside it. Inside her mind was far away, a small room that reeked of blood and fear. Screaming echoed in her mind. She nearly jumped out of the chair when the black belgian shepherd barked. She looked over and saw Warlock standing at the window looking up wagging his tail. That was when she heard the sound of the jet on final approach.

"Go ahead its Lyssa," she said in German.

Warlock woofed and bolted out of the office. Kimberly herself walked out to the tarmac and waited as the Gulfstream parked in front of the hangers. The door opened and stairs lowered as the plane powered down then Lyssa and Rodrick walked out. As hard pressed as she was not to, Kimberly still smiled as Warlock ran up to Lyssa and barked a greeting.

"Hey Kim," Lyssa said as she loaded Rodrick's and her own suitcases into the cart.

Kimberly knew the casual greeting was anything but and sat in the cart with Lyssa, "Welcome home. Cool job in Bhomeini."

Lyssa drove toward the house with Warlock running along side, "just another day on the job Kim. Brought you a souvenir and a box of dates."

Once inside, Lyssa began sorting the clothing to be cleaned with Kimberly's help as Warlock laid on the balcony in the shade. After starting the first load to wash Lyssa had Kimberly sit down in a chair facing her on the pool patio and handed her a glass of wine. Kimberly sat quietly and soon felt Lyssa's intent gaze focused on her. Even Warlock felt something and laid down beside Lyssa's chair looking at Kimberly with his dark eyes.

After a couple of minutes under the scrutiny Kimberly finally spoke.

"Am I supposed to talk," Kimberly asked

Lyssa casually answered, "cliche; nice. You're the one with the thousand yard stare. Stay in that room forever or walk out anytime you like."

"Like the basement," Kimberly asked.

Lyssa didn't flinch at the mentioning of it, "yes."

Kimberly sighed.

Lyssa's steel grey eyes bore down on Kimberly, "I could have stayed in that basement. beside the pit. The building where I spent a week tied to a chair. There are many places I could have stayed Kim. Things I've seen. Things I've done."

Kimberly looked around idly then back to Lyssa, "I'd heard it was horrible. The chemical. the torture. I thought I could handle it."

"Who says you didn't,"Lyssa asked.

Kimberly looked at her, "Look at me Lyss. I'm a fucking mess. I go back there so much during the day and its even worse at night. If Joe isn't waking me up, I'm waking him. Neither of us are sleeping worth a shit anymore."

"The fact that you're having problems means that you're still with us Kimberly. I'd be worried if you weren't having problems. And since you are having problems, I'll help you solve them. I can't do it all but I can help you help yourself," Lyssa said softly

Absently Lyssa began running the pad of her finger along the rim of the wine goblet, soon it began to hum.

"I've always dreamed of living somewhere like here. the sound of the ocean close by but not roaring. Breezes that are just cool enough to take away the sting of the sun while the palms sway gently," Lyssa said softly as the glass sang at the same volume.

a steady ebb and flow of the single note as she continued, "walking along the water's edge on the damp sand just out of the waves. Brilliant purple, red and gold sunsets in the cobalt blue sky. Crisp white light of the moon rising. A true home. Where nothing bad can touch you. You can hide away from it all there, can't you?"

Sleepily Kimberly answered,"yes. a place to hide from everything bad and it can't touch me."

Lyssa slowed down softening the song of the glass, "and you can go anywhere ad see anything. relive any experience without it hurting you. You can put it back where it belongs, far away."

Kimberly nodded gently, "far away."

"Like that room at Quantico. Its so far away. You've come all the way home. You can't smell it here; blood, fear, burnt gunpowder. Its so far away you can't hear the cries, the screams, the pleading. It happened there. then. but you're here. Now. So far away from it. The smell of the salty sea. The sighing of the wind. creaking of the trees," Lyssa told her through the singing of the glass.

Kimberly echoed dreamily, "home. the sea. the trees. the wind. Joe."

Lyssa softened the drawn out note more," yes. Home. with Joe. He holds you to make it all go away. Warlock chases anything wrong. Its all so far away Kimberly. Far away from home. Home where it can't be heard. Can't smelled. Can't touch you. Only if you want to go there can you hear and smell that place and all the bad things."




"Will this work,"LoneStar asked Rodrick in the kitchen as they quietly tried to hear Lyssa's soft voice.

"I don't know Star. *This is the quick way and it barely works less than a quarter of the time," Rodrick answered.

His opaque visor hiding his face as he turned to face the ex-SEAL, "Did it work for Lyssa?"

Rodrick sighed, "nothing works for her. She has to work it out herself. Lyssa was DemonWraith. They can't be hypnotically influenced, firstly they have to have a natural resistance and then trained to repress it further. Hardening. That I do know. Now I've heard other stories about some of the training they go through. Hell, I heard they even are taught how to defend against those psychics."

"What do you mean," LoneStar asked.

"Its no secret the CIA uses remote viewers, but rumor has it they also have telepaths or empaths or something like. People that can read your feelings or thoughts from inside your head. Word has it DemonWraiths are trained to counter that kind of interrogation too but Lyssa won't say and I'm not asking. All Operators go through POW training but DemonWraiths don't simulate. They really lay into them. harder than CIA NOC agents," Rodrick explained.

"I hope it works," LoneStar replied.

Rodrick looked out to the patio,"If it don't then we're not any worse off than before. This ain't an overnight thing. It'll take a while."

LoneStar nodded as Lyssa quietly walked in with Warlock following her.

"She's asleep for now but she'll awake in a little while by Warlock. She needs the rest," Lyssa said setting the empty wine glasses on the counter.

LoneStar turned to Lyssa, "What happens if somebody tried to hypnotize you?"

"Full cataclysmic memory back-lash," Lyssa answered.

When he stayed silent she elaborated, "I remember everything in full startling detail. All of my life. Including the person trying to hypnotize me and how. Before I kill them. Before you ask; yes. Its horrible."

LoneStar nodded.

"Warlock," Lyssa said then finished in german,"wake up Kim. go boy."

The belgian shepherd trotted back outside and laid his head in Kimberly's lap then woofed. He then nudged her with his muzzle and woofed again. Kimberly stirred then slowly opened her eyes.

"Did I fall asleep,"she asked the dog.

He stepped away then looked back and woofed again.

"I guess so. I'm coming," she commented then followed him back inside.

"Sorry I fell asleep Lyssa. I need to get back to the office, I have a search running," Kimberly said.

"Ok Kim. Call us if you need anything," Rodrick answered then gave her a hug.

LoneStar followed her out leaving Lyssa and Rodrick alone as Warlock looked from his bowl to Lyssa. She poured a measured amount of the kibble into it then began making their dinner.




Dannigan stood looking out the window. The morning was late and still no Madison. This was the third day she hadn't shown up without a call. He reached into the desk and grabbed Homeland Security credentials then left. Within half an hour he was walking up to the door. Gently he tested the knob and found it locked. A quick glance assured him privacy then he took out the lock-gun and used it to throw the locks and walked inside.

Madison sat in the middle of the bed, resting her chin on her knees. She looked as if she'd not slept in a week even though the chemise suggested otherwise. Finally she looked over to him with frightened eyes.

"You want to tell me what this is all about? The three idiots you had to shoot or the snit your sister threw because you won't tell her who you work for and what you do," he asked.

"What was it I did that was so wrong Major," Madison asked.

Dannigan locked eyes with her,"nothing. Absolutely nothing. From what I understand she has a problem respecting boundaries. You set a boundary and she doesn't want to accept it. That's her problem, not yours."

The phone rang and they both listened as her sister again berated her loudly over the answering machine. Dannigan went out to it and replayed all the messages. There were none other than the several from her sister of the same nature. Dannigan took the cassette, pocketed it and placed in another. He then set up his laptop and hacked into the phone company and changed her number as well as her cellphone after downloading the voice-mails.

"Pull it together Madison. There's work to be done and you're the one to do it. I couldn't even find the coffee cups while you've been out," he said gaining a feeble smile from her.

"I'll come in tomorrow sir," Madison sputtered with a laugh.

"You know this ol' man; totally screwed if some joker takes the L and R letters out of my shoes," he commented.

Madison gave him an honest laugh, "Super-spook would forget how to walk straight. Senile ol' codger."

"I resent that allegation. Forward! March! 1,2,3,4," Dannigan barked then began walking backwards.

Madison laughed whole-heartedly as the door closed behind him. The benefit of being with such a small agency, they did all they could to look after their own.




A month later and much had improved. Lyssa looked over Kimberly's shoulder.

"So what's this," Lyssa asked

"A possible replacement for you. I'm running facial recognition between the transgender sites and service record photos," Kimberly answered.

"that's slick. anything yet," Lyssa commented.

Kimberly shook her head," no but this will take time Lyssa. Not a lot are so open. they know about what happened with me and are going deeper into the closet. CID and NCIS are gonna do all they can not to get caught with their pants around their ankles again."

Thirty minutes later as Lyssa confirmed that she'd be in Milan for a fall/winter show Kimberly's computer beeped. Lyssa finished the call as Kimberly waved her over.

"What's up,"Lyssa asked.

Kimberly stared intently at the screen, "image was uploaded two years ago. Confirmed though by forty facial points."
"hello there Master Sergeant David Sunders," Lyssa commented, "good face. what is there to know about our lovely possible candidate."

Kimberly pulled up the service file and began reading, "enlisted at eighteen Air force, 12 years. ParaRescue for six, cross-trained and transferred into Military Police. done some undercover work; a drug ring and thefts. One murder investigation. Smuggling. Speaks fluent german, japanese, french and spanish. rated to fly rotorcraft; UH-60 and UH-1."

"Smackhawks and slicks," Lyssa commented using the informal nicknames for the Blackhawk and the old huey helicopters.

"A good review from the FBI on a joint case. Apparently she does play well with others," Kimberly mentioned," no other direct inter-agency tasking. Pretty much stays within the Air force community."

Lyssa said nothing as she read the comments in the case file by the FBI proclaiming that the Sergeant had been critical to the investigation, citing success had only come from his expertise and relentless dedication.

"Smile warmly and carry a big fucking gun,"Lyssa commented distractedly making Kimberly chuckle to herself, "earmark this one and send it to the Major. He has the final say so, but I think we found ourselves a ghost."

Kimberly nodded and made up the packet and sent it to Dannigan.




Rodrick sat in the chair and worked the controls, "wow flys like a dream Star. the fly-by-wire is perfect."

"Its carrying four Hellfires, two Sidewinders and two thousand rounds of 7.62 on a disintegrating belt," LoneStar answered in his customary cold voice.

"Damn. without the IFF this thing's invisible," Pete commented.

The masterstroke had been Pete's camouflage. It was select-able, in the mission menu you could select the outward appearance. Desert, polar, woods/jungle and night were the options of the upper shell and the bottom shell would be three shades of blue or full black.

"These things will eat Predators and GlobalHawks for lunch. Can midair refuel or swing its wings back to land inside a C-130 for re-arming/ re-fitting," LoneStar said with a bit of satisfaction.

"I'll get Paul to set up a meeting with the DARPA guys. The Hair Farce will love these," Rodrick said, "Navy will too."

"make it ten mill for the aircraft and fifteen for the control system. A bargain for them considering we did all the hard work. They'll probably contract it out to Boeing or Lockheed," LoneStar remarked.

"Sounds good to me,"Pete stated.

"About right. Twenty-five for the package," Rodrick agreed as he brought the aircraft in and landed it.

After shutting it down they watched Eddie store the drone in the hangar with its mate then walked up to the office.

"Hey girls; perfect flight. what you two working on," Pete said.

Lyssa looked back, "Kimberly found us a potential ghost and then this came up."

"oh? whatcha got Kim," Rodrick asked

The ex-SEAL looked over Kimberly's other shoulder along with Pete and LoneStar.

"Nothing concrete but the subtle signs are there for one Lieutenant Erick Kohler, U.S. Naval Intelligence. Cryptography, image analysis, counter-cyberwarfare. Masters degree in computers. Bachelors in math, cryptography specific," Kimberly listed.

Pete looked hard at the photo," ok. Pardon my ignorance but he doesn't look real girly to me and then there's the question of 'ok...looks great on paper but can they hump through the boonies full tilt boogie like our own resident SuperChick'. I really don't see that in the resume."

Lyssa chuckled, "Well Pete looking girly when you weren't born one is a real to-do and as for that compliment, thank you. This one wouldn't be romping through the bush unless we were all seriously screwed. More along the lines of being here helping Kim or in D.C. with Madison and the Major."

All three of the men in unison, "OH ok."

Lyssa and Kimberly laughed.

"You mentioned subtle signs. What are they Lyssa," LoneStar asked.

"During a routine Psyche Eval the examiner thought there was a misunderstanding of a question so three months later the evaluation was done again and two questions were hinky. The same one from previous and another one. Both were answered in a fashion consistent with a female answer. and also there's this," Kimberly pulled up several photos of halloween parties featuring Kohler in female attire.

"I can tell the difference between make-up done by somebody else or themselves. She has a skilled hand and then there's the fact that a guy doesn't go out and wear three pairs of four and a half inch stilettos just for a one-time thing. and a couple other things that only somebody like Kimberly or myself would know," Lyssa said with a chuckle.

"The earrings. They're the wire kind and not a set with the necklace in each. They're different and the rings too. Blingie but not over the top," Rodrick said staring closely, "Lyssa and Kimberly mix and match a lot of their jewelry. That's a woman thing."

"Bonus points to the hubby! Yes," Lyssa commented, "and the hair. Its a wig yes but looks natural and is closely the same color as the real hair. by the way. these pictures are from high school and college, Berkley. No eastern colleges applied for. Berkley only."

LoneStar surmised, "ok; grew up in Indiana and bails all the way to the west coast specifically to go to Berkley. You think he or rather she chose Berkley specifically to be close to the free atmosphere of San Francisco?"

"That's possible but we don't know for sure. I can't find anymore photos of this nature online anywhere," Kimberly answered.

"So its off to San Diego for the super spook," Pete asked.

"Actually no, this is one for Kimberly or myself," Lyssa corrected.

When he looked back puzzled Kimberly clarified, "the last thing we want to do is blow our covers and we don't want her to think that we're out to slam dunk her either. for now we may be the only ones that know the truth. if it is truth. Lyssa can't go but I can."

"ok so what's the plan,"Rodrick asked.

"I start tracking the cellphones to see where they go and then using a worm determine what web content they get into. If the information I get is consistent with what we think then we get a green light to go further," Kimberly summed up.

"sounds like a well thought plan," Dannigan said from a small computer window.

Kimberly pulled up the window larger, "Its what we have to go on right now Major. its 'wait and see' until I get more."

Dannigan nodded, "That's about it Kimberly. As much as we all hate waiting, that's the name of the game for now. Good work. anything else come up?"

Rodrick answered, "The drones are ready Paul, can you get us hooked up with the DARPA people?"

Dannigan could be seen writing that down, "no problem. Don't worry about a formal presentation. I'll get you the right guys down there to check it out."

"Good, I hate power-point," LoneStar grumbled.

"that's for admin types. I'll get engineers down there for you,"Dannigan replied.

Rodrick said, "ok Paul. thanks, that's it for me."

Dannigan nodded then closed out his window.





Kimberly sat at the table sipping a chardonnay and watching the table between her's and the stage. Suddenly the irony hit her and she smiled. Had it been so long ago that it was her being watched and Dannigan doing the watching? the thought of that night made her slowly look closer at the crowd. None of the men or women looked military in bearing. She did glimpse a couple of concealed pistols, the owners of which struck her more as undercover police than NCIS agents or JAG investigators. She didn't see any that stood out and no one really felt out of place to her.

Carefully Kimberly slipped the microdot from her purse then stood up and wandered towards the ladies' room slipping the small device into a blonde's open purse. After a quick check of her make-up in the restroom mirror Kimberly made her way out to the silver Lincoln Navigator that LoneStar sat in the driver's seat of waiting. An hour later they saw the blonde and her companion leave and walk across the street to a parked toyota and pull out.

Slowly and carefully LoneStar followed them as he and Kimberly listened to the conversation inside via the microdot. Three blocks down things went south in a major way, their target got carjacked of all things.

"stay on the car Joe. I have an idea," Kimberly said quickly.

Lonestar murmured, "no sweat."

Within minutes after leading them on a merry chase the car pulled in behind a closed convenience store. LoneStar and Kimberly slipped up along the sides with their pistols draw and before the two would be car thieves knew they were there found themselves with muzzles pressed to their heads.

"You've been very very bad boys. The question remains is whatever shall we do with you," Kimberly said in a mock drawl.

"Fuck it. I say blast 'em," came the slightly muffled reply from LoneStar.

"Ah shit man! We din hurt nobody. Its just a car man," the driver said.

"Out. NOW," LoneStar ordered.

Slowly the two young men got out with their hands held up.

LoneStar stood in front of them, "Drop the iron...both of you."

they reached down into the fronts of their pants and dropped the pistols on the ground.

"Back to back,"Kimberly instructed.

She then zip-tied their wrists together along with their ankles and the guns as well after unloading them.

"I'll drive the car and meet me at the condo," Kimberly said.

LoneStar nodded and after she pulled away he glared down at the two youths.

"Gonna smoke us now, Hardcore," one asked.

"I'll do you a favor. I'll have the cops come pick you up and take you to jail,"LoneStar said.

"that's a favor," one scoffed.

"Either that or you can be pretty. Like me," He hissed then raised his helmet.

"Oh FUCK MAN! DON'T LOOK! Take us to jail man! TAKE US T' FUCKIN' JAIL," the other hollered trying to forget the face.

LoneStar pulled the helmet back on and tapped the bluetooth connection, He dialed the sheriff's department and reported in then left.




Lyssa read the file again. Rangers. Special Forces. Now pulling a crap duty assignment back at Bragg. Demos and indoctrination. Translation: Todd Dunkirk was on somebody's shitlist. The psyche evals were conspicuously missing. Off post activity was non-existent for the past five months. and the pay grade from Sergeant First Class to Staff Sergeant was a dead give-away. A company level Article-15. This was an interesting development. His superiors were hiding an infraction and punishment.

Kimberly's system had gotten her the bank statements. Rent was being paid to a place in Charleston. Kimberly had also found out the exact unit by the utilities. A burn phone was also registered to the location. a pre-paid credit card as well with several interesting purchases tracing back to transgender related vendors. That answered that. All that was left was for him to be caught compromised and it would all be over with except for the shouting.

"I know that look in your eyes," Rodrick drawled from his desk looking at her, "somebody, that would be you, thinks that a field trip should be undertaken by a certain party, that would be us, to go do a bit of snoopin into somebody's business, that would be him, that a whole lotta people, that would be them, don't want out in the open."

Lyssa swiveled the chair around and gave him a 'come hither' look and purred, "mmmm. Such a naughty suggestion. You talked me into it."

"Rather talk you into something else that would definitely be much more fun. Wouldn't have to file a flight plan to get there either," Rodrick leered.

Lyssa stood up and walked slowly over to his desk with an exaggerated swing to her hips, "don't you mean 'we wouldn't have to go anywhere at all' baby?"
"damn. Ya read my mind," Rodrick growled pulling her closer then leaning Lyssa back onto the desk.

"Oh HELL NO," Pete exclaimed walking in, "I thought there was a strict 'no fuck' policy here in the office."

Lyssa laughed, "so much for that. Gotta take me to North Carolina instead."
Rodrick gave Pete a hateful look, "why don't you take a fucking hang-glider to Antarctica. No rush on the return."

"Hold your breath waiting. Asshole," Pete grumbled.

Pete looked over at Lyssa's computer screen, "so what's the story? found another candidate?"

Lyssa walked back over, "yeah. deal is though, he. Or rather, she, is on the shitlist. If what I'm reading between the lines is right, the battalion may already know about the extra-curricular activities. that makes things a bit more touchy."

"how touchy," Rodrick asked.

"Well, restricted to post and more than likely restricted to barracks when off duty and just to make sure boredom doesn't rear its ugly head; extra duty," Lyssa said.

"how you going to get some private time then," Pete asked.

Lyssa pointed to the training schedule, "night after tomorrow. There's a demonstration of night ops for the cherries. We'll slip into the boonies and grab some quality time. After a quick look-see at the apartment kept in Charleston."

Rodrick stood up and picked Lyssa up and began carrying her over his shoulder.

She giggled, "um. Guess we'll go over specifics later. night Pete!"

Pete shook his head as they left to go back to their house.




Dannigan walked up to the door of the trailer and knocked. A moment later it opened and warily the person looked out.

She asked, "uh. Can I help you?"

Dannigan casually replied, "Good evening Master Sergeant Sunders."

David tried not to show the panic that now raced through himself, "I'm undercover doing surveillance."

"We both know that you're on five days leave Sunders and this is day two," Dannigan stated.

Sunders steeped back and gestured for Dannigan to come in. Dannigan looked around once he was inside.

"Nice place," Dannigan commented.

"Thank you, why don't we fore-go the usual banter and get to the chase; who are you and what do you want," David asked.

"Call me Dannigan. Major Dannigan and quite simply; I want you to work for me," Dannigan answered.

"Doing what," David asked.

"More of what you do now plus a whole lot more. You could say that I'm in the resolution business," Dannigan said absently.

David fixed him with a stare, "and just what exactly do you resolve Major Dannigan?"

Dannigan didn't blink, "covert action. wanna know more, have to sign up."

"And you wouldn't have a problem with my; off-time activities,"David asked.
"Actually more along the lines of; how about going from 'sometimes' to full-time," Dannigan said.

David shook his head, "no way would any agency go for it."

"We do. I won't beat around the bush. Defecate or evacuate the facility, here's the brass ring. Take it or whine forever and maybe you can keep all this a secret til you ETS," Dannigan said flatly.

David glared, "that a threat?"

Dannigan leaned forward and stared level, "I don't need to threaten. For the past year there's been a serious uptick in the washing out of transgenders in the services. I helped one reclaim her life. You can join in or not. Its up to you. Two months left of service unless you re-up."

Dannigan held out a card, "you can live on your own terms and still do what you're good at and become better. or you can waste away."

David watched as Dannigan walked out and left. the card had only a phone number. No name or agency, just the number.




Erick walked in to a ringing phone after digging out the hidden spare key.

"Yes," he asked then noticed the caller ID.

It was his own cellphone. The cellphone that had been in his purse. in the car. that had been stolen at gunpoint.

"Good evening. Would you please come back downstairs," a casual voice asked, "no need to change, you're fine as is. Lieutenant Kohler."

Erick closed his eyes and slowly hung up the phone. the big secret was out. His career was toast. Slowly he walked back to the elevator and rode down. Outside the lobby he saw a woman leaning nonchalantly against the car. Strawberry blonde and looking non-plussed. When he got closer she turned and

She smiled and said, "Hi there. I'd ask how you are but we both know that your otherwise nice night out went to shit twenty minutes ago. How about instead I'll ask if you'd like some good news."

Erick sighed, "you know I'm an officer in the navy and can be all but keel-hauled for what I'm doing right now. What's good about that?"

"Relax sailor. We're not gonna slam dunk your career," a muffled voice said from behind him.

Erick whirled and came face to helmeted face with a man that was completely covered in black flightgear and a helmet with the opaque visor down.

"who are you people," he asked warily.

"We're the ones that can offer you your lifelong dream. If you're interested," The strawberry blonde answered.

"And what pray tell is that," he asked pointedly.

The helmeted man answered, "to be able to do what you do so well, as the person you should have been all along."

"you can't be serious," Erick said flatly.

"We are. you interested," the woman asked.

Erick decided that he'd play along, "ok, let's say I am. What happens?"

"the hard part," she replied, "you leave everything behind. it all gets packed away and stored. No contact with anybody from this life ever again. Friends, family, service contacts. nobody."

"Sheep-dipped. that what you clandestine types call it right," Erick asked.

"CIA and DIA sheep-dip. We go beyond that," the man answered.

Erick thought for a moment then asked, "how far?"

"We're both buried in Arlington if that gives you an inkling," the woman answered.

"And I bet your funerals were very heart-breaking," Erick said sarcastically.

"We weren't invited," the man answered.

Erick couldn't help it and laughed at that. The woman stepped forward and held out a card. It was blank except for a phone number on it.

"Think about it Lieutenant. Call the number and ask for Major Dannigan. Good luck," she said.

They both began walking away.
"Question," Erick said then continued when they turned to listen,"what about changing me, is it on the table?"

"Kohler you were approached specifically because you want to change," the man said.

"For some its a pre-requisite," the woman added.

"ok....I'll take the deal," Erick answered.

"Call him up and get the ball rolling. My name's Kimberly," Kimberly answered.
LoneStar looped an arm around her waist and together they walked around the corner and were gone. Erick called his friend and told him the car had been returned then went back up to the apartment to make another call to the mysterious number.




Todd Dunkirk slowly stalked through the woods. The candidates were going to get a taste of being in group. All they had to do was make it to the parade ground on the other side of the woods. It sounded much easier than it was. He'd already located ten and was closing in on a group of three. Strangely there came some muffled noises directly ahead. two minutes later he located the source. seven candidates tied ankle and wrist with their own bootlaces.

'Ok,' he thought to himself, 'somebody else is in on the party apparently. Probably some Delta got bored.'

Fifteen minutes later he found another small group of four the same way. quietly he moved on until he reached a cluster of rocks by a stream and stood stock-still. A blonde woman in a form fitted black bodysuit and a man in black BDU's sat on one of the rocks apparently waiting for somebody. Both had their faces streaked with combat paint.

"gonna make us wait all night Dunkirk or you want to take advantage of the five minutes of free talk time," the man asked.

"oh I think he wants the free time. All that restriction and extra duty have to be driving him stir crazy," the woman commented.

Todd slowly approached, "ok. What's the story with you two?"

"We came to talk to you because you're on somebody's shitlist big-time and you can expect to be FUBAR anytime now," the man drawled.

"You a Delta or somethin," Todd asked.

"Nah. I used to be a SEAL. I'm Rodrick," Rodrick answered.

"Just think of us as your possible fairy god-parents," the woman said.

"I'm listening," Todd said warily.

"ok, the C.O. knows you're trans and in the closet. You got a company level '15 for it and they are hoping that eventually you'll fess-up and request to be chaptered out," the woman stated.

"What if we could pull a string or two and get you transferred somewhere else and pull a smoke and mirror to get your freedom for you and then you go to work for us," Rodrick asked.

"What and be arm candy like her," Todd asked sarcastically.

"Nah. She did all the hard work, I just stood there and held her purse like a good hubby," Rodrick answered with equal sarcasm.

The woman eased off the rock and stood practically nose to nose with Dunkirk

"One time offer sweetcakes. jump on the bandwagon now or sit and watch your career go to shit faster than you can 'holy fuck I'm being slammed forty-two ways from sunday and its only tuesday' because the blanketheads up top want you out and they have yet to get nasty about it. Hold no illusions. You're screwed and they haven't even started yet. We're your only way out. yes or no soldier," she said flatly.

Todd lashed out with the punch but Lyssa pivoted and felt his arm slide across her body then grabbed his wrist and stepped back throwing him over. Before Todd was finished rolling back up she was already there and swinging in with a punch of her own.A solid connection with his jaw threw his head to the side but the kick following it launched him toward a tree. For two minutes he attacked but each maneuver failed and was countered until Lyssa had enough and came around slipping the Marauder from the back of her thigh and stopped with the tip pressing into the notch between the base of the skull and his jaw.

"Whenever you're done trying to play grab-ass with me,"she muttered.

"Fuck me. You aren't even breathing hard," Todd gasped trying to catch his breath.

"Yes or no, I don't have all night," Lyssa reminded.

"What about my; issue," he asked.

"Haven't figured it out yet? Your issues are EXACTLY why we want you and why you'd want the offer," Lyssa asked.

"I'm in. What do I do," Todd answered.

Lyssa released him and slid the Marauder back into its sheath.

"You'll know what to do when the time comes Sergeant. have a good night," Rodrick answered.

Dunkirk watched as the couple practically disappeared within seconds into the darkness, then began making his own way to the rally point.




"morning Madison,"Dannigan greeted her as he walked into the office.

"Morning Major," she answered, "Messages from Kimberly and Lyssa."

The phone rang and Madison answered it, "yes? one moment please."

She put the line on hold then looked up, "David Sunders."

Dannigan walked into his own office and took up the phone, "morning Sunders."

"I thought about it. Ok, I'll give your little dog and pony show a try," he answered.

"Start getting all your affairs in order then. I'll move up your discharge a month. You'll get a briefing packet when all is ready for you," Dannigan instructed.

"ok," Sunders replied then hung up.

Dannigan cradled the receiver and looked at the two messages from Kimberly and Lyssa then picked up the phone and dialed.

"General, good morning," he said when it was answered.

"Oh shit. You don't need another dog do you," General Singleton asked.

Dannigan chuckled, "not this time. I need a body."

"Somebody, anybody or everybody," the General asked.

"I need one Todd Dunkirk. Currently on somebody's shitlist down at Bragg," Dannigan said.

"Oh? This is news to me. If I facilitate this, who benefits," Singleton asked.

Dannigan didn't miss a beat, "win win all the way around if it matters. You owe me anyway if it comes to that."

"Save the blackmail for a rainy day Branton; I mean Dannigan. You can have him. What do you need from me," Singleton said casually.

"In three weeks get him a TDY to the Pentagon for a month as a runner between you and DIA. I'll take care of the rest," Dannigan answered.

Singleton was quiet for a moment, "Sounds too cut and dry, what's the catch?"

Dannigan laughed, "I'm not that bad. You make me sound like a used car salesman."

Singleton laughed, "you could convince the salesman to buy the car for you Dannigan."

Dannigan continued to laugh then finally settled down, "Sergeant Dunkirk will meet with an unfortunate accident that will bring about his extremely messy untimely demise."

"Oh. One of those things," Singleton sighed, "fine. I'll get him up here and have him hang around the pentagon for a few days while you get things done, but don't forget to dot the I's and cross the T's."

"Not my first rodeo General," Dannigan chuckled.

"Don't I know that, Major. Call me if you need to," Singleton said then hung up.

Dannigan buzzed Madison, "Madison. Send a message to our people; Chrysalis is a go."

"Yes major," she replied and sent out the message.

Dannigan began assembling the mission overview and sent it to Kimberly. Three new to be molded in Kimberly and Lyssa's image.

Lyssa Kordneay returns in The Chrysalis Project part 2!!!

* author's notes- Hypnosis has not proven to be a viable therapy for PTSD/ Battle Stress. It has only proven to reveal more details of isolated stressing events. Lyssa's use of hypnosis to resolve stress is FICTIONAL and used SOLELY for the story.

The psychic/psionic research conducted by American Intelligence agencies OFFICIALLY found results to be inconclusive as to the true viablility of utilizing such rumored talents. There are groups working in the private sector that claim to have participated in those research programs.

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