A long overdue comment to all the authors of the Retcon Universe

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i've been slowly working my way through all the Retcon Universe stories and one thing has struck me. Every one of the stories, no matter who wrote them, has been totally logical in the context of the premise. What a group of talents went into these tales!

So, with that said, I just wanted to thank each and every one of the authors who contributed their storytelling skills collectively instead of commenting on each and every story, which would take months at the rate that I type.

All of you have given me hours and hours of enjoyment, laughter and tears via your talents and the wonderful idea Lillith had of beginning this great Universe for others to play in. So Thank You... all of you, I have, of course, kudoed each and every story I've read, but I felt that a bit more was required of me, hence this big group thank you.

If there are any continuations of the stories in Retcon, they would be welcomed by me and, I'm sure, many others.

Catherine Linda Michel


I fully agree.

The Retcon story series is very well put together.

I only have one minor complaint. Please, finish the stories you posted.

Exactly, unfinished stories

thliwent's picture

Exactly, unfinished stories are the bane of my reading. I've committed to the characters, I need resolution, even if it's unsatisfying!


So many excellent stories were unfinished in this universe it is a crying shame.
Loved the universe idea and "Marked Target" is one of my favourite stories of any of the very many I have read over the years.
Any more contributions will be gratefully received (as mentioned above).

I've been on this site for years, but...

...I'm still green behind the ears on many aspects.

I don't know what the Retcon universe is. How do I view the stories, especially the early ones which introduce me to the universe and tell me what a Retcon is?

Retcon Universe

BarbieLee's picture

Go to the "search" link close to the top of the Big Closet home page. Put in Retcon Universe and get ready to have your mind boggled. Hundreds of stories listed there. You will have to scroll down to find the first one but not necessary.

Oklahoma born and raised cowgirl

Marked target

After reading this post, I went back and re-read "Marked Target" What a great story. How frustrating that it was just seemingly dropped. I would LOVE to see it finished one of these days.Writing at it's best.......... Adoy