... wishing to improve their skills.
I stumbled across this article on another site, and offer it here.
I take no responsibility for the content.
Maybe it would make a good discussion base?
Happy reading ... and writing.
Good advice
The one piece of advice I get more than any - whether I ask for it or not ;-) is cutting down on exposition. I actually mentioned this in my last blog entry even. I have a tendency to ramble.
It worked great for the late great J.R.R. Tolkien, but he intentionally set out to write an epic experiment in linguistics. And he was a professor, whereas I've taken two writing comp classes in my life plus four years of AP English back in high school.
Even in this response I'm doing it again, rambling, giong off on tangents, when the simplest thing I could say is summed up in the title. I'm going to make a copy of a story that I've already edited, and then try and apply this advice and see what happens.
If nothing else it should be an interesting experiment :-D
I'm glad SOMEONE found it useful
In my JoB stuff, then I cannot pare it all down to the bone, as their very speech patterns are flowery ....
But I would be interested to know how you got on.
Thanks for taking the time to comment.