DD Rides Again - chapter 1 (54)

Chapter 1
(Texas Gal 54)

By Penny Reed Cardon

This is a Fanfic of Crystal Sprite’s story Texas Gal.
Chapters 1 – 50 of Crystal’s story can be found on Crystal’s Story Site.
Chapters 51 – 53 are found on Big Closet.
This Fanfic is a result of my warped imagination and I take full responsibility thereof.

It has been said that this is not a true fanfic because it is a continuation of Crystal’s story.
It is true that this is a continuation of her story, but according to my imagination.
It is not intended to depict how Crystal would continue the story.

This story picks up where Crystal left off.
There had been a fire in the headquarters building of Piermont Paper Products, in Brandon, Vermont.
DD had just made one of the hardest decisions of her young life,
that of relocating the headquarters to Jefferson City, Mo.
They would occupy the office building that they acquired in the buyout of MoPaper.

And now, this is how I imagine the story would continue.

Chapter 1

The last time I had this much trouble sleeping was when I couldn't figure out where to find the spiral binding equipment for the MoPacs. It was the fourth night I'd spent in the Capital Plaza hotel, so I didn't think it was the unfamiliar bed. Perhaps my subconscious had finally realized that the lives and livelihoods of a couple of thousand people were resting squarely on my tiny, rounding shoulders. Whatever the reason, at 4 o'clock I found myself pacing back and forth, wearing a rut into their very plush carpeting. At 5 o'clock I showered and got ready to face another day. 6 o'clock found me in the Piermont pool-car, waiting for the first rays of sunshine to crest the horizon, so I could legally drive. It still seemed strange, not having Earl driving me around but I guess I'll get used to him not being around.

For the first time since Grandma appointed me the president of the paper division, I was the first to arrive at the headquarters building. I had woken Earl while napping in the limo on many occasions, but I didn't expect to wake the night security guard by arriving so early in the morning. He looked so contented, leaning back in the lobby receptionists’ chair with his feet propped up on something. It almost seemed a shame to wake him, except for the fact that; one, the doors were locked; two, I wanted to go up to my office; and three, he was supposed to be guarding the building. After the recent events in Vermont, to find the night watchman sleeping, caused me to be a little more than mildly upset. I rattled the glass doors until I saw some life return to the guard’s eyes. Casually he walked towards the main doors, while rubbing the sleep out of his eyes.

He was a big man, broad shoulders, powerful arms, huge hands, and he towered over me by at least a foot and a quarter. If I was in the market for a bodyguard he would be a likely candidate.

"You want something?" he mumbled, still half asleep.

"Yes, I want to go up to my office," I replied loudly.

"Well, who the heck are -"

I guess it took his brain a little longer to wake up, or he looked out to the parking lot and saw the Piermont car in the 'Reserved for President' spot and put two and two together.

Pulling some keys out, he quickly unlocked the doors and held one open so I could enter. "I'm sorry Miss Drake. I didn't expect to see anyone here this early."

"That was obvious," I replied. "What's your name?"

"Fisher ma'am, Brad Fisher."

"Do you always sleep while you're on duty Mr. Fisher?"

"No ma'am?"

"This is your first and last warning Mr. Fisher. Pass the word to the rest of the security team; anyone caught sleeping on duty will be terminated without any other warning. Do I make myself clear, Mr. Fisher?"

"Yes ma'am. Very clear."

I turned and headed for the elevator, undoubtedly leaving Mr. Fisher to wipe the sweat from his forehead and possibly in need of changing his pants.

I couldn't tell Mr. Fisher that the fire in Vermont was probably deliberate, but I was determined that history would not repeat itself in Jefferson City, and I would take whatever steps were needed to prevent such an occurrence.

I spent the next half hour working through some ideas and making a few notes to myself. I knew that I didn't have the knowledge to implement all of my ideas, we were going to need a professional. I didn't know where to find such a professional, but I knew that Ben would figure it out. I would chat with him later about what I wanted. In the meantime, I returned to the building blueprints and marked out a large section of unused space on the first floor and labeled it SECURITY OFFICE.

I was working on the housing problem when Bob called and asked if he could come over. I fixed myself another cup of tea while I waited.

"I still can't get over this convention hall that Roy called an office," Bob said as he crossed to join me in my casual area. "What are you going to do with all this space?"

"Well, I was thinking of pushing things around a bit and putting in a potter’s wheel. Do you think the pulp furnaces get hot enough to fire pottery?"

Bob was sitting down as I asked about the pulp furnace; he paused in mid sit and looked at me. I'm sure he was trying to figure out if I was being serious or if I was pulling his leg. After he finished sitting he shook his head and said, "You know boss, I've seen you in action so many times and I still can't tell when you're bluffing or when you're holding a royal flush."

"Good, if you can't tell neither can anyone else," I said, with a big smile.

"So, what brings you in so early? In four years, this is the first time you've beaten me to the office."

"Well, it's a about time I got in at a reasonable hour, don't you think? Besides, I couldn't sleep for some reason, so I thought I'd try and get the housing sorted out. If my coming in at 6:30 becomes a habit, I think I'm going to need some keys to the building."

"Didn't the security guard let you in?"

"Oh yes, he let me in - after I woke him up."

"Woke him up?"

"Indeed, he was reclining in the receptionist’s chair, dead to the world. Of course, that was before I started rattling the front doors. He was more than a foot taller than me when he unlocked the doors, but I think he shrank two feet while I chewed him out."

"You fired him?"

"No, but I probably should have. I'm sure we won't have any problem with Mr. Fisher sleeping on the job again, and I'm quite certain he'll pass the word that sleeping on duty won't be tolerated, by anyone in that department."

"Okay, if that's how you want to handle it, you're the boss. What have you decided on the housing?"

"I think for now we should stay away from the furnished apartments, they all require a six month lease, or more. The thirty-three temps probably won't be here that long and those relocating will be looking for permanent housing long before a lease expires."

"I was kind of thinking along the same lines, so we'll need thirty-three hotel rooms. Did we locate enough that were suitable?"

"Forty-one actually. You're forgetting the six who are transferring down, along with Ben and Tom. Almost everyone should be here by the end of the week."

"You're right. We should probably round it up to an even forty-five rooms, to account for the ‘just in case factor’."

"Good point. We can negotiate for forty-five, but I don't want to rent them until we need them. I'll call Ben to find out how many are flying out tomorrow, and how many are driving and when they are planning to leave Vermont. Speaking of people coming from Vermont, I was thinking about Nancy and Ellen while I couldn't sleep. Nancy has been with the company from the beginning and would therefore have more seniority. So I was thinking, why don't you make her the offer and let her decided which job she wants."

"Which job? How many jobs are available?"

"Let me see, she could be your personal secretary now, or she could remain the executive suites receptionist. If she remains the executive suites receptionist, then in about a year she could choose between remaining as the executive suites receptionist or she could move into my outer office as my personal secretary, after I finish my post graduate work."

"Well, I hope Ellen has excellent skills, because I think she'll be my new secretary. At least if I was Nancy, there wouldn't be any question. Work for me and my day to day running of the business, or try to keep up with you and all of your excited, hair brained schemes and ideas. Me, I'd take hair brained excitement any day of the week."

I couldn't help myself as I started teasing, "Oh, is that what it takes to be successful in this business, more hair? You know, if you let your hair grow out we could put a little curl at the bottom like Marlow Thomas, find you the right dress, a little makeup -"

Holding up both hands and waving, Bob interrupted, "That's okay boss, that's okay. I'll leave the hair, makeup, and dresses to you. Besides, I wouldn't want to scare my kids."

"Oh, all right, if you're sure." I tried to sound disappointed, but I think my giggle spoke louder and he knew I was kidding.

Looking at his watch, Bob tactfully changed the subject, "I picked up Greg Lissum late last night at the airport, and got him checked into the Capitol Plaza. According to him, the first truck should be here before noon. He should be awake by now, so I'll go get him and bring him back here. Should we arrange for some more Piermont cars to be brought to JC or should we get a bunch of rentals?"

"That's fantastic, I'm glad that Greg is here and that the first truck could be here so fast. The sooner our records are securely stored downstairs, the sooner we can all relax a little. I arranged for an additional ten rooms at the plaza, last night. When you go to pick up Greg, tell the clerk at the front desk to subtract Greg's room from the ten reserved by Piermont. As far as transportation goes, do we have any more Piermont cars in the area?"

"Not that I know of. There were only four cars shared between the offices and the plant. We won't need as many in Brandon with the headquarters moving down here, some of those can be brought down."

"We should probably leave the keys for the company cars at the front desk, so they can be better utilized throughout the day. We'll have someone at the front desk check cars in and out, and keep track of who has what. I don't want to rent a fleet of cars until we have a better picture of what we'll need. It might turn out that a large van or two would work out better. We'll just have to play it by ear for now."

"I hadn't thought of vans, but that makes sense for groups that come and go at the same time. We may need to do something different on the weekends so people can do their own thing, but we can cross that bridge when we get to it. For now, I'll go get Greg and show him the layout of the building. I'll see you later . . . then we can go over the possible acquisition folder, it is Monday morning."

I could see that Bob was trying to look serious, but he just couldn't hide the little grin that crept onto his face. After a moment I asked, "Now who's working on their poker face?"

"All right, you win. You have the best poker face," Bob conceded, as he left.

I had Bob take the keys for the car I was driving, down to security; so someone else could use it, while I didn't need it. Needing a little break, I went to see if Ellen was in. She was, so I described what I wanted and had her make a simple form for keeping track of who has what car. She would take it down to security when it was ready.

My next order of business was to call Ian Thorehill, over at the plant, to see how many of the temporary workers at the plant were using rental cars. I asked him to ask around and see how many would be willing to carpool, thereby freeing up some cars to be used by headquarters personal. After that was done, it was time to call Ben.

"Good morning Ben."

"DD? You're up early."

"Bob said the same thing. He was surprised to find that I was in the office before he was. What I'm calling about is the list of those who are flying out tomorrow and who are driving. We're still working on housing, which should be finalized today, but the question of transportation came up, so I've started looking at those options. Getting the list from you will really help in that area. I know you won't have it put together right now, but as soon as you have it, I'd like it sent down to the sales office here, via the telex. I'll alert them that it's coming and arrange to have someone bring it upstairs when it arrives."

"No problem DD, in fact I'm just about finished with those arrangements. As we were signing people up last Friday, I started collecting that information. Obviously, those driving down will have their own cars. Those that are flying will need transportation, but how many are able to carpool, once they get there, will depend on job similarities and housing."

"Exactly. We'll do our best to work everything out at this end, before our people start arriving. Please tell everyone that is driving down, to come directly to the headquarters building and we'll give them directions to the hotels from here."

"No problem, I've already told them to stop by my temporary office before they head down. I've arranged to advance them money for gas, as I indicated, equivalent to what the flight would have cost."

"That's terrific Ben. Look, I know that you have your hands full right now, but I'd like you to start thinking about a couple of things. "

"You just say the word DD and I'll add it to the list.”

"Thanks Ben. First off, I'd like you to start looking for a new position, someone who is up on all the latest security systems, public, private, and even military. Retired secret service, FBI, CIA, military Special Forces, something along those lines. Of course, if any of our existing security people are qualified, that would be great. The position will be Piermont Chief of Security."

"Military, FBI, are you planning on starting a war?"

"Start a war, never, but if we have to, we'll finish one. Not to mention that if the fire was arson, as we suspect, I'm not about to give anyone a second chance. Second, I want you to start hiring additional security personal."

"How many more are you thinking?"

"I want to double the security at all of our office buildings and have 50% more at all of our plants."

"DD, do you know how many people you're talking about?"

"I have a rough idea, but like I said, I don't intend on giving anyone an opportunity to hit us like this again."

"Whatever you say DD, you're the boss."

"Thanks Ben, I really appreciate all of your hard work. I'll be watching for that list. Do you have any idea when you'll be coming down here?"

"It won't be until late in the week, perhaps not until next week. We’re still working on temporary offices for our plant and regional office needs."

"Of course, of course. Listen, along those lines, set up enough office space for Matt, his sales staff, and his graphic design people. We have a sales staff at each of the other regional offices, so there's no reason not to have sales staff working out of Brandon."

"I figured on offices for a sales staff, but why the graphic design folks? Shouldn't that operation be moved to JC?"

"One thing at a time. The most important thing right now is to get data processing and accounting up and running. Once we have A/R money coming in and A/P's going out, we can work on the other areas."

"I guess that makes sense. It means I may need to stay here another day or two. "

"I understand, get here as soon as things are settled in Brandon so we can start building our headquarters staff here."

"Will do, DD."

"Good bye Ben."

"Good bye."

The next order of business was to dig a phone number out of my purse that I've only called once before.

"Wells Investigation."

"Mr. Morris Wells please, Darla Anne Drake calling," I replied.

"One moment Miss Drake."

"Miss Drake, I've been trying to reach you."

"I thought you might have been. I'm guessing you've heard about our little B-B-Q."

"B-B-Q? I guess that's one way to look at it. Yes I heard about an incident at your headquarters building in Brandon. In fact it made the front page of the Sunday morning newspaper, here in Boston."

"The front page and Sunday morning, my, my, news travels fast in the Northeast, very fast indeed; or the paper had an informant. Tell me Mr. Wells, have you heard anything interesting from your operative at South-Core; other than they probably had a week long party, because of our misfortune."

"Anything interesting? Are you thinking that someone at South-Core might have been responsible for the fire?"

"The local fire chief did call in the arson investigation unit from Montpellier, the Vermont state capital. They haven't released their report as yet, but I think it’s safe to say the fire was deliberately set."

"I see. No, we haven't heard anything that would make us believe that South-Core had arranged for someone to torch your Headquarters building. That doesn't necessarily mean they did or didn't, just that we haven't heard anything."

"I understand. South-Core is one of the top two suspects on my list."

"Who is the other, if I might ask?"

"Robert De Forrest - of Alliance Paper. Their Headquarters is in Spokane, Washington. You don't happen to know someone out there who could provide me the same service you're providing?"

"I may know some people on the Pacific Coast that might be able to help you. Let me make a few phone calls and I'll get back to you."

"Fair enough. Have you heard any more about the spy that South-Core planted in Piermont, a name perhaps?"

"I'm sorry to say that we haven't uncovered their identity."

"Hum, that's too bad, I was hoping that something was going to be easy this week. I don't believe we've seen the last of South-Core and I don't think Stanley Broward would let go of what he probably believes to be his ace in the hole. However, based on that assumption I think we can narrow the field to one out of thirty-nine instead of one out of one hundred twenty-eight."

"I'm not sure I understand, Miss Drake."

"It's quite simple, of the one hundred twenty-eight employees that comprised our headquarters staff in Brandon, only six have requested to be transferred permanently to the new headquarters building, in Jefferson City, Missouri. Another thirty-three have agreed to temporarily assist with getting the company back on its feet. Some of those may decide to stay on after they get to know Jefferson City a little better. I'm betting our spy is one of those thirty-nine."

"So how can I help?"

"Do you have a fax machine in your office?"


"We didn't have one in Brandon, but we do here. It looks like an interesting method for sending information. Anyway, when I get the list from our VP of Personnel, I'll send it to you. I'd like you to do a background check on each individual, going back, oh let’s say ten years."

"That could take some time."

"Well, we've been trying to figure out who this person is for almost two years, what's a little more time."

"As you wish, Miss Drake."

Mr. Wells gave me the phone number to use for his fax machine and I gave him the numbers for the headquarters building in JC, then we hung up. Next on the agenda, I needed to call three of the better hotels and reserved a block of ten rooms at each. I had the phone in my hand when I realized, without Ben's list, I didn't know how many on what day. Setting the phone down I realized - I had nothing to do. I didn't even have any trade magazines to read.

The problem with having nothing to do is your mind starts to wander. I thought about my family and how everyone has started going different directions. I thought about my extended family at Brandon and how we've been brutally torn apart. I thought about the thousands of people who were depending on me to keep this company together, so they'd have employment. I thought about calling Grandma to see how she deals with the stress that goes with responsibility of corporate management.

After wallowing in feelings of guilt, remorse, self-doubt, and general sorrow, for about two minutes, I shook my head vigorously and left my cavernous office and went to bother Ellen. I wouldn't normally bother the receptionist, but I figured since she and I were the only two on the fourth floor and I hadn't given her any work to do, she was probably as bored as I was.

"Hello Ellen," I greeted.

"Hello Miss Drake. Is there something I can do for you?"

"As a matter of fact, there is. Would you show me how to run the fax machine, you've got behind you?"

"I'll be happy to take care of anything you need sent, Miss Drake."

Holding out my empty hands, “I'm sure you would, but I don't have anything right now. We didn't have a fax machine in Brandon and I'd just like to know how the system works."

Ellen still seemed a bit confused by my request. However, she taught me everything there was to know about the fax machine, where the blank cover letters were stored, and to wait for the confirmation report to print out. I thanked her for the education and then took the elevator to the first floor

"Might I inquire as to who is in a position of authority in this office?" I asked in general, as I arrived in the sales offices.

Everyone looked around for a few moments, appearing to be in shock that I was even speaking to them in the first place. Eventually, a woman stood, “I guess that would be me Miss Drake. I'm not in management or anything, but I've been here the longest. My name is Rebecca, Miss Drake. Rebecca Wheeler, but most everyone calls me Becky. Is there something I can do for you?"

"It's nice to meet you Becky. I'm sure in time we'll all get to know one another. I'm waiting for a list of names from Ben Phillips. He'll be sending it down from Brandon via the telex. If someone could bring the list upstairs as soon as it comes in, it would be most appreciated."

"No program Miss Drake, I'll get it up to you as soon as it comes in," Becky replied cheerfully.

"Thank you, Becky."

I went back to the elevator and it was ascending when I realized I again had nothing to do. The doors opened and I nodded at Ellen as I passed, when I had a sudden thought. Turning back I asked "Ellen, is there a library of any kind in the building?"


"Yes, library. A place where books on a variety of subjects are stored and available for anyone to read. You do know what books are?"

Ellen giggled for a moment before replying, "Yes, Miss Drake, I know what books are. I'm sorry but we don't have a library in the building. There are usually some current magazines in the employee cafeteria, on the first floor, but I'm afraid that's about it."

"Oh well, I guess we'll just have to build one. Ellen, were going to have about forty people from Brandon arriving in the next few days. Would you put together about fifty information packets?"

"I'd be happy to, but what kind of information were you thinking of?"

"I'd start off with a large fold out map of the city, like the maps they have at the Texaco gas stations. Then check with the chamber of commerce, or visitor information, for information about the city and surrounding areas. Points of interest, places to visit, things to see, recommended restaurants, unusual eateries, whatever they have. Oh, also include information about the various religious denominations in the area. Add anything else you can think of that would help our people get to know the area."

"After I have them assembled, where would you like me to put them?"

"Why don't you keep them here, behind your desk. Tomorrow you can pass them out during the orientation meeting, in the first floor conference room."

"You want me to help with an orientation?"

"Is that a problem?"

"No ma'am, no problem at all. It's just a little unexpected. I've never been asked to do anything like that before."

I was still talking with Ellen when the elevator doors opened and Becky stepped out.

"Hello again Becky," I greeted.

“Hello Miss Drake. Here's the telex you were waiting for." she replied.

"Terrific. Thank you for bringing it up so quickly, Becky. Now I've got to get to work and arrange for hotel rooms for everyone."

"Oh, I can take care of that Miss Drake," Ellen cheerfully volunteered.

I was going to thank Ellen for her offer and go to my office to finish what I'd started, when I remembered the difference in our two positions. My job was to make a mess, stir up the hornets, and solve the problems that nobody else could. Ellen's job was to manage the paperwork, make the phone calls, and help clean up the messes that I make.

Smiling I answered, "Thank you, Ellen. I've already arranged for a tentative block of rooms at several hotels. Come to my office and I'll get you that information." I continued as we walked. "I'll also show you how I want to group them by jobs and arrival dates. When you’re done I'd like a separate page for each of the four hotels, indicating who will be staying at each, what room number they're in, and arrival dates. Make four copies of each, one for me, one for Mr. Warren, one for Mr. Phillips, and one for you."

"One for me?" she questioned.

"But of course, you're going to be helping tomorrow and Wednesday in handing out the room assignments and the information packets. You might as well have a copy of the list. After you've got the list organized, call the hotels and make the reservations. I'd also like a single sheet with just a typed list of the names. After the reservations have been arranged and you’re working on the information packets, if it would be easier for you to personally collect the information, then by all means do so. Take one of the company cars; it will do a little advertising by driving the Piermont car around. It will start to show people that Piermont is in town to stay."

Twenty minutes later, Ellen had all the hotel information organized. She was back in my office with a preliminary hotel organization lists and my single sheet of the thirty-nine names. I took my sheet and approved the hotel organization so she could call and make the reservations.

Well, there I was again; just passed 9:00 and I still had nothing to do.

Just after ten, Ellen brought in the room assignment lists. She'd made the reservations at the four hotels, had contacted the visitors’ information center, and was ready to go collect the supplies for the information packets. About ten minutes after Ellen had left I took the single sheet of names and faxed them to Mr. Wells. About eleven Bob called and asked if I knew where Ellen was. I confessed to having sent her on an errand and I invited Bob to take me out to lunch, being that I was also without a car. When we returned Ellen was at her usual place, eager to show me the information she'd collected.

I left the office early Monday afternoon; I had a list of places to go as I was in search of a book. Stopping at several bookstores I purchased a dozen books. I also ordered almost a hundred books on subjects that encompassed all facets of Ameri-Moore's operations. They would be delivered to the office building as soon as the bookstores receive them.

Tuesday morning, Bob and I discussed the status of the records going into the basement vault and how they were being organized. We also discussed the status of the Whorton purchase, as well as my desire to put in a library. The paperwork for the purchase of Whorton had been in the hands of the attorneys at the time of the fire, so at least that wasn't lost. There was a small problem with the plant in Louisiana; it seems that a section of the parking lot, that everyone assumed was owned by Whorton, actually belonged to the neighboring property owner. It was decided to let Hollis Homes work out the problem with the neighbor before we would close the deal.

Roy had built such a massive building that we were going to have several empty offices adjacent to the executive suites, Bob and I decided to use one of those empty offices for a corporate library. Bob would make arrangements for some quality bookcases once the books I'd ordered started arriving.

Tuesday afternoon, Bob, Bill, Ellen, and I were waiting in the conference room when security informed us that the chartered bus had arrived from the airport, with twenty-two of our headquarters staff. Bob and I went out to meet the bus in the parking lot. When the doors opened I went aboard and used the onboard PA system.

"Hello everyone. Welcome to Jefferson City. If everyone will please follow Mr. Warren and me to the first floor conference room, we'll get you your hotel and room assignments. Your luggage and the rest of your personal items will be fine here. After a brief orientation, the bus will take everyone to their hotels. So if you'll come inside, we'll get started." I handed the microphone to the driver and stepped down.

Back in the conference room, the room assignments were quickly distributed and the information packets were handed out. Bill took the accountants on a tour of the building. Bob did the same for the DP folks. After their tours, everyone met back in the conference room where meal information was distributed. Everyone seemed happy with the arrangements as they returned to the bus for the trip to their hotels.

Wednesday was a repeat of Tuesday, with the exception that our people straggled in, in groups of three's and five's. By Wednesday evening, everyone was accounted for, no one had gotten lost and fortunately there had been no accidents.

Bob talked with Nancy Wednesday afternoon, as he suspected she was willing to remain the executive suites receptionist for a year with the option of becoming my personal secretary after I finish with school.

Before Nancy left Wednesday evening, I asked her to personally get in touch with each member of the executive staff and inform them that there would be a regular Friday meetings and I wanted everyone there. Bob would make the necessary travel arrangements. Even though we were surrounded by chaos, I felt it was important to restore order within our upper management team. I knew that the proper attitude and an optimistic outlook at the upper levels would be contagious and it would filter all the way down to the most recently hired employees.

* * * To Be Continued * * *

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