Chapter 8
By Penny Reed Cardon
This is a Fanfic of Crystal Sprite’s story Texas Gal.
Chapters 1 – 50 of Crystal’s story can be found on Crystal’s Story Site.
Chapters 51 – 53 are found on Big Closet.
This Fanfic is a result of my warped imagination and I take full responsibility thereof.
It has been said that this is not a true fanfic because it is a continuation of Crystal’s story.
It is true that this is a continuation of her story, but according to my imagination.
It is not intended to depict how Crystal would continue the story.
Chapter 8
"The name - is Mark Johnson," Mr. Wells coldly answered my question.
"Mark Johnson?" I hesitantly repeated. I paused a moment before continuing. "This could be a problem."
"Why's that a problem? Just fire his low life stoolie ass-et."
"In Brandon Mr. Johnson was an accountant, just one of many. He was part of the group that handled the coordination of shipping to our customers. Being that, he was the only one from that group to make the move from Brandon to JC. Our VP of Personnel just promoted him to supervisor of the shipping department."
I could hear Mr. Wells sigh, "Well, as I said before, we're not one hundred percent sure he's the spy. It's just that he did work for South Core and his actual work history had been, expertly, concealed."
"I understand, Mr. Wells. We’ll have to keep a close eye on him, from now on,” I replied, with a sigh. “Is there anything else, Mr. Wells, any threats against Piermont, or perhaps some other unsuspecting company?"
"Well, they are planning to take over a company in Alabama next week. I didn't mention it because they produce egg cartons and things like that, not the types of paper you produce."
'Oh no. Roy's not in trouble again, is he?' I thought. "What's the name of this unsuspecting little company?"
"Allison Paper, in southern Alabama."
"OOH, that's a relief to hear. I thought they might be going after Roy Blu."
"Didn't he own MoPaper?"
"Yes, he did, and before you ask; yes, we are on friendly terms."
"So, this is good news, for a change?"
"I guess so. Yes, I'd consider it good news."
"Well, that's refreshing. Usually I'm the one giving people bad news." I could hear a slight change in his tone and knew he was pleased with himself.
I had to giggle a moment at Mr. Wells’ revelation. "Thank you for calling, Mr. Wells."
"I'll be in touch if we hear anything else. Good day, Miss Drake."
"Goodbye Mr. Wells."
After I'd hung up with Mr. Wells I called Nancy.
"Yes, Miss Drake. What can I do for you?"
"Yesterday afternoon you prepared a rejection letter to be sent to Allison Paper, in Alabama. Do you know if it's still in the building?"
"It should be, Miss Drake. The post office picks up outgoing mail when the days’ mail is delivered, that's usually around 9:30."
"Great, call down to the mail room and have that letter pulled. Then I need you to get Roy Blu on the phone."
"Yes ma'am, right away."
While I was waiting for Nancy, I gave Bill a call and asked him to collect all the information he could dig up, quickly, about Allison Paper.
I'd just hung up with Bill when Nancy called. "The mail room found the letter to Allison Paper. They'll send it up along with today's mail. I have Roy Blu on the line for you, ma'am."
"Thank you, Nancy. Put him through."
"Good morning Roy, how are you."
"Well good morning DD. Life is good and business is booming. What can I do for you sugar?"
"Well, maybe I can do something for you, Roy. First, if you don't mind me asking, how's your financial situation these days?"
"Why, have you heard something bad?"
"Yes, but not about you. Are you familiar with Allison Paper? I think they are somewhere in Alabama."
"Sure I know them. They've got a nice little plant in southern Alabama. Why?"
"I've just heard that South Core is going to pounce on them next week."
"WELL, SON OF A . . . um, I mean, that’s terrible. I know Allison and her daddy real well. I knew they was having a bit of a hard time, but I had no idea they was that badly off. I really hate those people at South Core."
"I'm not very fond of them myself. Anyway, I received an offer to buy out Allison, this week. As you know, I'm not interested in plants that produce formed paper products. So, I was wondering if you were in a position to go after them. You know how pleased I am when someone beats South Core to the punch."
"Well, I don't know if I'm in a position to buy out Allison. I mean, my cash flow is real good, my cash reserve is stable at about half a million, and I've got about a hundred thousand in a slush fund. I don't know about committing everything on a buyout. Besides, I'm not in your league when it comes to wheeling and dealing. Hey DD, how about if you come down here and do the wheeling and dealing, maybe you can get the plant for a song and I could learn a thing or two?"
"I kind of thought you'd ask that question," I replied, with a giggle. "I've already got my finance people looking into the situation at Allison. I'm sort of pressed for time so if we're going to do this it will have to be this afternoon. Can you clear your afternoon schedule?"
"You just tell me where to meet that fantastic bizz jet of yours and I'll be there."
"I don't have access to the jet right now. We'll be using our newly acquired Beechcraft King Air. It's a little slower than the jet, but it's a nice little plane."
"Little plane? Well I guess that sounds fine and dandy, little lady." For some reason Roy sounded a little nervous. "When and where."
"I'll get back to you on the time Roy, what’s the nearest airport to your plant?”
“Shucks, that would be the Scottsboro Muni-Word field, just Northeast of Scottsboro, in ta Northeast corner of Alabama.”
“Got it. Listen, Roy, as long as I'm showing you DD's wheeling and dealing techniques, why don't you bring along your chief engineer and your chief accountant. I'm sure they can learn a thing or two from my people."
"That's a swell idea, DD. I'll talk with them right away."
"Great Roy. I'll have my secretary give you a call when I have the details worked out. See you later."
"I'm looking forward to it, sugar. By now"
As soon as I hung up I pulled out my chart case and started figuring out a flight plan. My problem was that John was in Brandon. After I found a convenient airport I asked Nancy to track down John Fahey, in Brandon.
I’d been studying the charts for about twenty minutes, when my phone rang.
"Miss Drake, I apologize for taking so long, but I've tracked down Mr. Fahey. I'll put him through now."
I smiled at Nancy's apology as I replied, "Thank you Nancy." I must remember to complement Nancy for her efficiency. I had no idea where John would have been, or what it took to 'chase him down,' but I knew that Nancy was probably on the phone the entire time.
"DD?" John asked.
"Hello John. It’s been such a long time since we talked I thought I'd call and see how things are going up there,” I teasingly replied.
“A long time?” John asked, with a chuckle. “DD, it was yesterday evening that Bob and I were in your office.”
“I know, but that doesn’t change the fact that something has come up and I need your services. How fast can you be in Louisville, Kentucky?”
“What? - Um, I don’t know off the top of my head. What’s going on?”
“There’s a plant in southern Alabama that we need to evaluate, for a friend. The only time I have available is today.”
Sounding a little exasperated, John replied, “I’ll have to get back to you, DD. I have no idea what flights I can get, on such short notice.”
“Do your best John. I'll be waiting to hear from you.”
‘I would love to be a fly on Bob’s wall when John goes in to talk with him, about that crazy phone call,’ I thought.
I’d left the most of the charts on the conference table, taking a couple back to my desk. It was about twenty minutes before my phone rang.
“Yes Nancy?”
“I have Mr. Warren on the line for you Miss Drake.”
“Thank you, Nancy. Put him through.”
"Good morning, Bob. How are your wife and children? Pleased to see you I imagine."
After a slight pause, Bob replied, "Yes, my wife and kids were happy to see me, and they are doing fine, thank you. You want to tell me about this little trip to Alabama?"
I smiled to myself, as I explained the details of the trip to Allison paper and teaching Roy Blu the art of wheeling and dealing. I decided to hold off on informing Bob about Mark Johnson. There wasn't anything he could do from there and I didn't want him fuming about it while he was supposed to be relaxing with his family.
As we were about to hang up, I heard John enter Bob's, temporary, office.
"Hold on a second, boss, John is looking a little frustrated," Bob requested.
It was a few moments before Bob came back on the line.
"Well, it seems that the earliest John can be in Louisville is six tonight, flying common carrier that is. I guess I'll have to fly him down."
"But, Bob, you're supposed to be spending time with your family."
"Yes I am, and they'll be a little disappointed. We will just have to push John a little harder, about getting his pilot’s license. As for today, there aren't many options."
"I'd argue, but I guess you're right. Bob, have you taken your family flying?" I ask while scanning the chart for Missouri.
"Well, I was just thinking, Captain O'Toole's family really enjoyed flying with their father. I figured yours might enjoy some time in the air, with you."
"I see. No, I haven't taken them flying, what were you thinking?"
"Then it's settled, call your wife and ask her to pack some bags, for the family. Instead of Louisville, Kentucky, I'll meet you at the Spirit of St Louis airport, West of St Louis, Missouri. After I pick up John, you and your family can spend a couple of days at Six Flags over Mid-America," I suggested.
I heard Bob laughing for a minute before he replied, "Boss, you really are amazing. I better not tell the kids where we're going, their screaming would be deafening."
"I'm sure it would be," I agreed, with a smile of my own. "Bob, how soon do you think you can be airborne?"
"Let's see, it's just after ten now, give time for my family to get here and for John to grab a bag and get back -"
"I'll meet you at the airport in thirty minutes," I heard John call out, then I heard a door close.
"Well, that takes care of John," Bob confirmed, with a chuckle. "We should be wheels up by 11:15."
"Okay, by my calculations that should have you landing in St Louis between 1:15 and 1:30, local time, depending on what Mother Nature throws at you."
"That's about what I'm figuring. Well, I better call my wife and get home to give her a hand with the kids."
"I'm sure she'll appreciate the help. I'll see you in St Louis, Bob."
After Bob and I hung up, I checked the charts once more and then had Nancy call Roy, asking him to meet us at the Scottsboro airport at 3:30.
Just before ten my phone rang. "Miss Drake, there's a Mr. Landis asking to speak with you. I know he's a reporter for one of the periodicals you receive, I don't remember which and I know you haven't been taking any calls from reporters, but he said this was a follow up on the interview you gave him."
"You are correct, Nancy. Mr. Landis is a reporter, for Log Views, and I have been expecting a call from him. Although, I wasn't expecting his call until tomorrow. You may put him through."
"Good morning Rick."
"It is a good morning, DD. In fact, it's a fabulous morning. I just dropped off two copies of the article for the legal department, at the Ameri-Moore headquarters."
"That was fast. I didn't expect you to have it finished until tomorrow sometime."
"I know, I figured it would take longer, but my editor was so excited about us getting the scoop that he helped with a lot of the leg work."
"Really? So did your editor think the story warranted putting out a special edition?"
"That he did. As soon as your legal department puts their stamp of approval on it, the presses will roll. The special edition should be in the hands of our distribution department Sunday morning."
"I'm almost afraid to ask this question, what did you do for art?"
"They wanted more recent pictures of you and De Forrest than we have on file, so they made a deal with Paper Press. Some of their file photos and they can reprint the story, three days after our edition hits the streets."
"And Paper Press went along with that arrangement?"
"They didn't at first. It was only after we pointed out how few customs would be receiving both publications that they eventually agreed."
"So which picture did you decide to put on the cover?"
"They turned the art department loose to see what they could come up with."
"You didn't give them Susan's idea of General Mc Arthur, did you?"
"It was in the top three, but they decided on something else."
"I'm afraid to ask, but how have they abused my face this time?"
"It actually looks pretty good. They have you sitting on a horse, with the reins in your teeth, and a revolver in each hand. It reminds me of an old picture I saw once of Annie Oakley."
"Sounds more like John Wayne in True Grit."
"I hadn't made that connection, but now that you mention it, they are pretty close. But if my memory is right, John Wayne had a revolver in one hand and a rifle it the other."
"I think you're right, Rick. Oh well, I guess being compared to Annie Oakley isn't too bad. I wonder what my mother and aunt would say if I arrived at home with a pair of revolvers strapped to my hips."
"I don't know what they'd say, but I want a picture of you with them, riding Emily," Rick said, with a chuckle.
"Being that I don't have any guns there will be no pictures and I'm surprised you remembered her name. As for your art department’s creation, I guess I'll see their handy work when I get back in the office, on Wednesday."
"You’re going on another buying trip?" Rick asked, fishing for information and possible another story.
I thought for a moment before answering his question. I didn't think it would be a bad thing if he knew we were expanding into Canada. I just wasn't sure I wanted to openly tell him. "No immediate plans, but anything is possible," I finally replied.
"A cryptic reply if I ever heard one."
"Well, you have to allow a girl to keep a few secrets."
"I suppose so. Anyway, I just called to update you on the story and to thank you for the exclusive.
"Thank you for the update and your welcome, Rick. Goodbye."
"Goodbye, DD."
'If the hornets weren't stirred up before, they most assuredly will be by the end of next week. I wonder if Bobby has a subscription to Log Views or not. I guess the only difference it would make is, should I expect to see him on Wednesday or Friday.'
I took one of our standard 'Letter of Intent' to Nancy and asked her to produce several that did not have the Piermont logo. For the ability of being used generically I requested several other changes, as well. I also asked her to call Allison Paper, for me. I'd been back in my office for a minute or so when my phone rang.
"Yes, Nancy?"
"I have Allison Boudreaux for you, Miss Drake."
"Thank you, Nancy."
"This is Miss Drake," I cheerfully greeted, when I heard the telltale click of the connection being made.
"Good morning Miss Drake, this is Allison Boudreaux, of Allison Paper, I'm pleased to hear from you. May I assume you’re calling in response to the letter I sent you?" I couldn't help but notice her very Southern Bell accent.
"I am indeed, Miss Boudreaux."
"Please, call me Allison. Miss Boudreaux sounds so formal. It sounds like someone is calling for ma, ma."
"I understand complete, Allison, and you may as well call me DD, almost everyone does."
"Very well, DD it is. So, how may I help you?"
"Well, about this offer to sell your company," I started.
"Yes, daddy is so upset about it, he's devoted most of his life to this company and now, according to South Core, it’s not worth anything. We hate to sell her but we can't think of any way out."
Right then I knew what had been going on. I didn't need to see the books; they would just confirm what I now knew. Allison's statement of their problem, including the name South Core, told me everything needed to know.
"Allison, I am sorry you've had such a run of problems. However, concerning the possible purchase of Allison Paper, I don't make a decision like this without a firsthand look see, if you know what I mean. I'd like to come down there and look the place over, but my time is very limited right now. Would this afternoon be convenient?"
"This afternoon? Oh my, that is sudden, but yes, this afternoon would be just fine. What time should we expect you?"
"That's a little tough to estimate, my inspection team is scattered at the moment. However, my best guess will put us landing at your Monroe County Airport between 3:30 and 4:00. That is the airport closest to the plant, isn't it?"
"Yes, that's the closest airport. What's this about a team?"
"Yes, my inspection team. I always take a team of experts with me. It helps to avoid problems for both parties. Although, on this trip there will be a few extras, I'll explain when we arrive."
"All right then, we'll be looking forward to visiting with you this afternoon."
"I look forward to meeting with you and your Father, Allison."
Next on my list was to check with Bill and see what he's found out about Allison Paper. He seemed a little surprised when I entered his office, after knocking first.
'It was already 10:30 and the clock was ticking fast.'
"DD, what are you doing here?"
"I came to see what you found out about Allison Paper."
"But you didn't have to walk over here. I'd have come to your office."
"Bill, relax. I've finished the plans for our flight and I have an hour to spare before I have to go pre-flight the King Air."
"Our flight?"
"Yes, I need your expertise once more."
"But, Boss, Allison Paper makes formed paper products."
"I know they produce formed products, this isn't for us, Bill. We're going to help a friend - we're going to help Roy Blu."
"So what's the rush? Can't this wait until we get back from Canada?"
"By then South Core will have forced Allison into a giveaway sale, which translates into ‘We're here to steal your company’."
"So we're going to help Roy snatch a plumb away from South Core? That sounds good, I'm in."
"Well now, that's the real question, isn't it? Is it a plumb or a bunch of sour grapes?"
"Well DD, that's what my preliminary information shows. The situation at Allison looks like a typical South Core take over. They went through an expansion phase three years ago. It wasn't an all-out replace everything expansion, but a more reasonable, expand the building and install some forming equipment that was newer than what they were currently running. Then two years ago their volume started dropping off. Three months ago, because of delinquencies, they were put on cash only status by most vendors."
"I wonder if their sales department has been influenced by South Core?" I asked softly.
"I don't have any information about their sales people, but I do know that most of their production is geared around one product, formed paper egg cartons."
"Diversifying the product line would be Roy's problem. As far as their sales people are concerned, I wish we could take Matt along."
"Well, why can't we take Matt along?" Bill asked.
"We should have thought of that sooner. I'm sure Bob and John are in the air already," I bemoaned having our headquarters operations split up would cause a never ending string of difficulties.
"What does Bob and John have to do with it, Matt's here. He's downstairs with the sales staff."
"What, since when?"
"He flew down Monday, on a commercial flight."
"Why am I the last one to hear about these things?" I asked, along with making an exaggerated gesture with my arms.
Chuckling, Bill replied, "I can't answer that question. But he is here if you want him to come along."
"Well, why not. All we have to do is swap planes with Bob, in St Louis. I think I'll go have a little talk with Matt. Bill, I'll be leaving here at 11:30 to pre-flight the plane and file a flight plan. Will you be ready to leave then, or do you like a little more time to finish up your research?"
"I could use some more time."
"Okay, but you'll need to be at the plane by 12:15, we need to be in the air by 12:30."
"I'll be there," Bill confirmed.
I left Bill's office and went back to mine. After putting the charts back in my chart case, I collected everything I needed to spend the rest of the day on the road, or rather, in the air. I stopped at Nancy's desk and picked up the updated Letter of Intent. I also gave her a copy of my itinerary for the rest of the day and asked her to arrange for a limo or a couple of cars, to be waiting the Monroe County Airport.
Taking the elevator to the first floor, I headed for the office Matt was apparently going to use when he's in JC. Still shunning the executive suits, Matt prefers to be close to his sales staff. As usually, his door was open and he was on the phone. I knocked gently and he waved me towards a chair.
"Morning boss, what can I do for you?" Matt asked, after he concluded his phone call.
"First you can tell me why I didn't know you were in the building," I said, just a little gruffly to see if I could get a rise out of him.
"But . . . I didn't . . . I'm sorry. Should I have check in with you or your secretary?"
"Of course you don't need to check in with me. I was just taken by surprise when I was told you were here. But, as always it's good to see you."
Matt relaxed once he realized I wasn't really upset. Smiling, he again asked, "So, what can I do for you?"
"You can clear your afternoon schedule and come with me for a plane ride."
Matt chuckled and replied, "DD, I'm flattered but aren't you a little young for me?"
I smiled and shook my head at Matt's humor. "Bill will be coming along and we're picking up John in St Louis."
"Oh well, I guess we really didn't want to start any rumors about the boss and someone that is old enough to be her Great Grand Father. Where are we off to?"
"We're helping Roy Blu snatch up a company before the South Core vultures land on them."
Matt growled softly and stated, "I hate those people. When do we leave?"
"I'm leaving now. Bill will be leaving for the airport about noon. I'm sure he'd enjoy your company."
"That would give me about thirty minutes to make arrangements to be gone the rest of the day. I'll give Bill a call as soon as we're done here."
"That's great Matt. Could I borrow your phone for a moment?"
"Sure thing, boss."
Matt handed me the handset and I asked him to dial Nancy for me.
"Piermont Paper, Executive offices. How may I help you?"
"Hello Nancy, its Miss Drake."
"Yes Miss Drake, I thought you'd left the building. What can I do for you?"
"I stopped to talk with Mr. Piermont before leaving. He's going to be making the trip, along with Bill and John. I'd like you to call Roy Blu and ask him to bring his sales manager with him. Also, there will now be eight people to transport from the airport to and from the paper plant, in Alabama."
"Yes, Miss Drake. I'll take care of everything."
"Thank you Nancy. I'll see you tomorrow morning."
"Have a safe trip, Miss Drake."
I handed the handset back, to Matt. "And, I'll see you in a little while, Matt," I said, as I stood to leave.
"We'll be there," Matt replied, as I reached his office door.
The trip to the Jefferson City airport, the preflight, and filling of my flight plan, were all uneventful. Bill and Matt arrived right on time and we were soon airborne. The short hop to St Louis was a lovely little flight, clear skies and no wind to speak of.
We were in range of the Spirit of St Louis control center almost as soon as we were in the air. I contacted them to identify myself and declare my intentions. I also requested the frequency for their ground control. Contacting the St Louis ground control I requested that they put me in touch with someone that rented out tie down spaces, in the private plane area of the airport. The process went quickly and before we touched down we had a ground destination, where we would temporally secure the King Air. Once we were on the ground, I informed ground control of the imminent arrival of Bob and the G1, requesting that they be directed to the same location.
We'd been waiting about ten minutes when Bill pointed out the G1 gently touching down. I hadn't shut down the radios and had to shake my head as we listened to the various comments about the colorful plane and the speculation as to its ownership, on our secondary radio. Our secondary radio was used for unofficial communications between planes. Matt being the jokester that he is, leaned into the cockpit and grabbed the mike, of the secondary radio, he proudly declared that the colorful plane was nicknamed Flower Power One and was the flagship of Piermont Paper’s small fleet of aircraft.
"Piermont Paper, isn't that the company that's being run by a little girl?" we heard someone ask.
"Yeah, I think you is right," was another remark.
"Isn't they based in Vermont, what they doing down here?"
"I read in the paper a few weeks back there was a fire at their headquarters in Vermont."
"That's right; I read it in the Paper Press. I also read that they moved their operation to Jefferson City."
"So is there really a little girl running the company?"
"That's right, her name is Darla Anne Drake, although I hear she's not so little anymore, I think she's seventeen or eighteen by now."
"Didn't she rescue Piermont Paper from bankruptcy when she was thirteen?"
"You've got to be joking. No thirteen year-old girl can run a paper company."
"That's what was reported by the Paper Press. They've been following her carrier for the last four plus years."
"So is she on board that colorful plane?"
Bill apparently couldn't resist the temptation and picked up the mike, "No, she's not aboard Flower Power One, but in about fifteen minute she will be piloting that plane when it takes off, headed for Alabama."
"Bill," I complained. "You didn't have to tell everyone our plans."
"A seventeen year-old girl is going to fly that big airliner?"
"That's right. She bought it about a year ago and fly’s it all around the country." I recognized Bob's voice.
"The plane just taxied past us and there's a man in the pilot’s seat."
"And there's a couple of kids waving out of two rear windows."
I figured since everyone else was getting in on the fun I might as well join them. Taking the mike from Bill I announced, "That would be my Executive Vice President, Robert Warren, and his family. They're spending a couple of days over at Six Flags enjoying some well-deserved family time."
"Miss Drake - was that you?"
"Did someone say Miss Drake was here?"
"Really, where? I've never seen her in person, only the pictures in Paper Press."
"She's really just a teenager, and she's running a big company?"
"I don't know where she is, but that psychedelic plane is still moving."
"I don't know where Miss Drake is, but I'll bet she'll be close to where that big plane stops. And yes she's a seventeen year-old girl."
"It's going past us now. It looks like they're going all the way to the end of the ramp."
"Everyone listen up, this is Peter Morris, from the St Louis Post-Dispatch. If anyone gets some good clear shots of Miss Drake my publisher will pay you for them."
"Really? That colorful plane has stopped just up from me, too bad I don't have a camera."
They had indeed stopped, just behind the King Air.
"Well, shall we go face our adoring public?" I asked Bill and Matt.
"That would be your adoring public, boss," Matt said, with a grin.
"That's right, to them we're a couple of nobody's," Bill added.
"And I, for one, would like to keep it that way," Matt agreed.
"You're both cowards," I jokingly chided them.
We left the King Air and waited for Bob to shut down the G1's engines. I was surprised when the door opened shortly after the port engine was shutdown, the starboard engine was still idling. Bob smiled and waved just before he lowered the stairs.
Bob came down first, followed by his two kids, and lastly his wife. We all exchanged greetings, then I asked where John was.
"John's in the cockpit, keeping an eye on things," Bob replied.
"Why didn't you shutdown both engines?" Bill asked.
"Well, from what I heard over the radio, you'll be leaving shortly. I knew you'd be leaving right away, I just wasn't expecting you to be taking the G1," was Bob's logical reply.
"Being that Matt was in JC I decided to take him along, to do some teaching with Roy's sales manager. I can stuff eight into the King Air, with one on the jump seat and one on the lavatory box, but it just doesn't make for a comfortable ride," I explained.
"Well, you're right about that. When do you expect to be back? Bob wanted to know.
"Just guessing, I'd say between 8:00 and 9:00 tonight, why?"
"Well before bed time," Bob replied, surprising me with his answer.
"You're planning on sleeping in the plane?" Bill asked.
"Why not get a hotel room, for the night?" Matt added.
"Well, barring the absence of room service, the seats are quite comfortable. If we tilt them all the way back, add a blanket, perhaps a pillow, we should be quiet cozy," Helen Warren quietly replied.
"I hadn't thought of that, but okay. If you think you'll be comfortable, I have no complaints," I conceded. "Well, Matt, Bill, I guess we should get going. Bob, I'll see you in Portland, Monday morning. Have fun kids," I called out, as I started up the steps, into the G1. Bob's kids cheered excitedly.
As Bill brought up the steps and latched the door, I went forward and greeted John as I climbed into the pilot's seat. Quickly running down the check list and we were ready to restart the port engine. After getting clearance we started to move towards the taxiway that would take us to the designated runway.
The flight to Scottsboro was uneventful although shorter than expected. I’d calculated our arrival time based on the speed of the King Air, not the G1. In route I had John call Nancy to inform Roy and Allison of the updated arrival times.
We landed in Scottsboro and taxied to what appeared to be the only airport structure, that wasn’t a private hangar. Being that we were a little early, I shut down both engines and had bill open the door and lower the steps. Bill and John followed me as I went to the airport office building. I’d forgotten just how hot and humid Alabama could be, in the middle of July, until we left the comfort of the air conditioned G1. We were almost to the office building when the door opened and out came Roy Blu, followed by three other men.
“Hello Roy,” I greeted, as I offered him my hand.
“How y’all doing?” Roy replied. Then he asked, “What da’ ya’ call that thing?”
“We call that thing an airplane,” John quickly replied.
“Okay, it do sorta look like a airplane, but why’s it look like ta inside of a hippy van?” Ray wanted to know.
“That Roy is a long story,” I replied. “Why don’t we continue this conversation inside the hippy van instead of here on the tarmac, I guarantee that it’s cooler inside.”
“Sounds good to me,” Roy agreed.
“I agree,” Bill added.
It didn’t take long to get back to the G1 and get everyone inside. It was cooler inside, but with the door open it was warming up fast.
I started on the introductions, “Roy, I’m sure you remember my VP of Finance, William Marshall, and my VP of Production Engineering, John Fahey. I’d also like you to meet Matthew Piermont, our VP of Sales and Marketing.”
“Gentlemen, it’s a pleasure. This here is my Chief Engineer, Walter Crowley. My Chief Accountant, Rex Howard. And this here is my Sales Manager, Spencer Mathews.”
“Gentlemen, welcome aboard. I hope you’ll find the afternoon to be enlightening,” I said. “Why don’t we pair up according to our job function for the flight down to Monroe County? That way we can talk about what we plan to accomplish. Roy, that means you're up front with me.”
“Up front, ya mean - in ta cockpit, as in, you is flying this thing an - ya want me in there, with y'all?” Roy sounded more than a little nervous.
"What's the matter Roy, you don't believe women should or can fly?" I asked.
"Well, no, um, I'm sure that women make fine pilots. I just didn't think, I mean I don't -"
"Roy, stop stuttering and start moving," I said, as I parted the curtains as stepped into the cockpit.
I had almost finished the pre-flight check list before Roy appeared through the curtains.
I looked at Roy's pale complexion and smiled to myself as I quietly asked, "Roy, don't tell me a big strong man like you is afraid of flying?"
"No, no, I like flying jest fine, as long as I'm not doing the flying - - - and I can just pretend I'm on a big bus."
I thought for a moment and realized it was the cockpit windows that would really amplify Roy's problem, "It’s okay Roy, your secret is safe with me. Why don't you go find a seat somewhere in the 'back of the bus'. We'll have time to talk while the guys are doing their inspections."
"You sure about that, you don't need no hep or nuttin?"
"No Roy, I'm fine. I've been flying this plane . . . I mean I've been driving this bus off and on, for about nine months. You go sit back and relax. We'll be at the Monroe county airport in about half an hour."
"Only half an hour, you drive offal fast for such a young bus driver."
Giggling, I replied, "I do indeed, Roy, I do indeed."
"OK DD, if you is sure."
"I'm sure, Roy."
Roy look a lot better as he turned and headed back through the curtains.
The short flight South held no surprises, clear skies, no wind to speak of, and fortunately for Roy no turbulence. When lifting off and landing I tried to make sure there was no bouncing. I landed Northeast to Southwest, on the single runway. After coming to a stop, I turned around on the runway to taxi back up to what appeared to be the terminal. I thought it odd that there wasn't a taxiway running parallel to the runway, but it was what it was.
Roy and I were the last to exit the plane. I stopped him and asked, "Well, how was it?"
He smiled at me and said, "You're an excellent bus driver, better than most I've ridden with."
There was a stretch limo waiting for us, by the small terminal building. As always, Nancy had taking care of the necessary details. The driver had the address for the plant and we were soon on our way.
It took about twenty minutes to reach Allison Paper, during which I asked Bill to bring everyone up to speed on the situation at Allison. It was pretty much what I expected, steadily increasing volume, expansion, and a short time later orders start dropping off. The current situation was one we've seen before, behind on payments to the bank and the suppliers, waiting for the walls to be pulled down.
I was a little surprised to find neither Allison nor her Father waiting for us, when we arrived. Although, we were a little early. Roy and I went to the receptionist's desk.
"May I help you?" she asked.
"Good afternoon, I'm Darla Anne Drake, Allison Bordeaux is expecting me," I pleasantly replied.
"Yes, Miss Drake, Miss Bordeaux informed me of your arrival. I'll let her know you're here. If you and your party would like, you may wait in the conference room, it's just through the here," she indicated the door behind her and to her right.
"That will be just fine, Miss . . .?”
"Oh, it’s Misses, Mrs. Marilyn Bradley," she replied, as she picked up the handset of her phone console.
"Thank you, Mrs. Bradley," I replied, before turning towards the conference room door, which Roy was already holding open.
I took a seat near the middle of the average size conference table. Bill sat on my right and Roy left. It was a little strange not having Bob on my left, but this was really Roy's show we were just here as advisers. Besides, Bob really needed to be spending the time with his family. Even if I was looking at a adding to Piermont, I wouldn't have taken Bob away from his family, not this time.
I heard the door open, behind and to my left. I heard a female voice proclaim, "Miss Drake, it's a pleasure to make your acquaintance."
I stood and turned to greet Allison, "Allison Bordeaux I presume, the pleasure is mine."
At that moment Roy stood up and turned towards Allison. Allison was surprised, almost in shock by Roy's presence. It only took a moment for her brain to catch up with the situation.
"Uncle Roy! What are you doing here?'
"Uncle Roy?" I asked, somewhat surprised.
"We're not actually related," Roy quickly stated, as he looked at me. "I've just been a friend of the family for a long time. Turning back to Allison Roy continued, explaining, "DD called me this morning and told me you was in trouble. How come I have to hear about this from DD and not from you?"
"I'm sorry Uncle Roy, knowing that you lost MoPaper two years ago, we didn't think you'd be in a position to help. We knew that Piermont bought you out, when you was in a bind, and we were hoping they could do the same for us."
"I suppose it's nice to be thought of as a rescuer instead of as a conniving corporate raider," I said with a smile, looking at Roy.
"Hey, I apologized for that," Roy quickly stated.
"Yes you did. Just a little jab between friends, but back to business. Allison, I was about to send you a reply to your letter, stating, 'I'm sorry but Piermont isn't interested in a formed paper products company'." I instantly saw Allison's demeanor change. "That is, until I found out more about your situation. It was only after I called and talked with Roy that we decided to come down and look over the situation."
"I'm confused Miss Drake, does that mean you are interested in buying the company or you are not interested in buying the company?" Allison asked.
"Allow me to clarify; I am not interested in purchasing a company that produces formed paper products. I am interested in helping someone who is being forced out of business by an unscrupulous competitor, namely South Core. Assuming everything checks out, during our evaluation, Roy will be the one buying your company. Myself, and my executives, are here in an advisory capacity."
"I'm still a little confused by all of this, Miss Drake. How do you know about South Core?"
"We've had many dealings with South Core, over the years, I'm sorry to say. However, because of those dealings, we've learned how to spot their underhanded tactics."
"And they were more than generous with me," Roy added. "Allison, where's your daddy?"
She frowned and shook her head, slightly, "He's in his office on the phone, yelling at some banker."
"I know how he feels, dam bankers," Roy cursed.
"Yes, I guess you could say that banks and bankers are a necessary evil in today's business world. However time is short, we need to get started," I added, bring everyone back to the task at hand.
We proceeded with the formal introductions, I introduced my people and Roy introduced his. I asked Allison for a brief history of the company and more details about their current situation. Everything she told us agreed with what Bill had come up with. Then Allison arranged for someone to guide Bill and Rex Howard to the accounting office. Likewise Matt and Spencer Mathews were shown to the sales office. John, along with Walter Crowley, Roy, and I were ready to accompany Allison to the plant floor, to begin our tour and evaluations, when an older gentleman entered the conference room.
"Bo, good to see you again," Roy exclaimed. "DD, allow me to introduce one of the last remaining gentleman in this cut throat business of ours, Beauregard Boudreaux. Beauregard, this is Miss Darla Anne Drake, President of Piermont Paper Products, and the only Princess in our industry."
"I am honored, my lady," Mr. Boudreaux said, as we both extended our hands for a friendly shake, although, instead of shaking my hand, he rotated and kissed the back of my hand.
"Mr. Boudreaux, that was . . . unexpected," I responded, with a slight blush.
"Roy said you are a princess, and royalty must be treated with courtesy," Mr. Boudreaux explained.
"I'm sure Roy was exaggerating a bit more than normal. I am not royalty," I confessed.
"You may not be royalty, DD, but you have a reputation for being fair, and sometimes even generous, that sets you way above the rest, and that makes you a princess in my book," Roy elaborated.
"Thank you Roy, that's very kind of you, but don't overdo it. And, thank you Mr. Boudreaux, I've never had anyone kiss my hand before" I added.
"My pleasure Miss Drake. Please, call me Bo, as the rest of my friends do," Mr. Boudreaux requested.
"Very well, Bo it is, providing you call me DD."
"Hum mm, Princess DD. It has a nice ring to it, don't you think?" Roy asked, more like thinking out loud.
"Don't you even think something like that Roy," I cautioned. "If someone at Paper Press heard anyone say that it would be spread across the country faster than a wild fire through the open prairie."
"I don't know, Princess DD does have a certain ring to it," Allison added.
I just shook my head, asking, "Shouldn't we start our tour of the plant." Trying desperately to change the subject and get the afternoon back on track.
"Indeed we should, DD. If you and Roy would follow us," Bo said, taking Allison's hand and leading the way.
The tour went as expected, pulping, forming, although I noticed the machines didn't press the overlapping layers as tightly as in Piermont's plants. They actually fluffed up the layers as they were blown dry. After our tour, Roy and I found a quiet corner in the break room to talk about general finance philosophies, while we waited for our guys to finish their investigations.
Evaluations finished, Roy and I met with our teams, back in the conference room. Bill led off, saying, "The situation is as we expected, Miss Drake, and mostly agrees with my initial investigation. Allison Paper is delinquent in its payments to the bank by $120,000 with a loan balance of $6,453,783. They are also sitting on an AP of approximately $110,000. The normal suppliers have stopped dealing with them or placed them in the high risk status."
"Thank you Mr. Marshal for your hard work and insight. Mr. Fahey, your report?"
"Yes ma'am, the situation here is pretty much the same as we seen before. The equipment is only in fair condition as proper maintenance has been slipping. However, the problem isn't because of a reduced maintenance staff, it's due to a lack of motivation."
"Yes, I saw the same thing on the production floor. Not quite as bad as we saw at Appellation, but a definite attitude problem. Anything else?" I added, and asked.
"No ma'am, Walter and I compiled a list of equipment specific problems. He knows what is needed to bring everything up to excellent condition," John conclude.
"Thank you. Mr. Piermont, what did you and Mr. Mathews learn about the sales department?"
"It's worse than we expected, boss. The only reason for the decline in sales is because of the action of the sales staff. It's true that some volume was lost due to healthy competition, but most of the lost volume was because of what appears to deliberate sabotage. Some major house cleaning will be required immediately. If we were buying this company today, I’d be firing just over half the staff tomorrow." As usual, Matt was certainly not holding back.
"Well, that certainly paints an interesting picture. Thank you Mr. Piermont, Mr. Mathews. Gentlemen, this is a little unusually, but would all of you wait in the lobby for a few minutes? I'd like to talk with Roy, privately for, a few minutes."
As everyone left, Bill paused and gave me a questioning look.
"It's ok Bill, we're just going to discuss negotiation tactics," I told him, easing his concerns.
Bill then smiled and closed the door.
"So, what do you think, Roy?"
"I don't know, DD. I'd say this place is worth about - twelve million. There's no way I'd be able to get a loan that size, not without using my plant for collateral," Roy complained.
"You're right on one point, Roy. This company should be worth twelve million, that's unquestionably why South Core wants it. However, no one said anything about a loan or collateral. Also, remember what I told you about your plant in Scottsboro, you own it free and clear, if you never borrow against it or use it as collateral, no one will ever take it away from you. Now about Allison Paper, the question isn't what the company should be worth, it's about the fact that South Core wants it and they've created a situation where you can steal it out from under their noses for slightly more than what you have in your cash reserve."
"And just how do I go about doing that?"
"You can do it because we know how South Core works. They'll come in here, next week, and graciously offer to take over the loan and give Allison and Beauregard something in the neighborhood of $200,000, but insisting that they pay off the $110,000 AP, leaving them with $90,000 for their trouble. Now, were I negotiating for Piermont, I'd assume all debts and offer them $500,000. Being that they are almost family you could offer them more, but I wouldn't go over One Million."
"But I don't have a million, remember $500,000 in cash reserve and $100,000 in a slush fund."
Shaking my head, I continued, "You weren't lessening when I was talking about creative financing. Let me spell it out simply, you make an offer of between $500,000 and $1,000,000 for the company. They'll be crazy to reject your offer because nothing better is going to come along before the bank forecloses. Then, from your $500,000 cash reserve you pay off the arrears at the bank of $120,000. That will appease the bank and then you start making the payments according to the established schedule. Now you have thirty to ninety days for your accountants to completely go over the books and verify the accounts and the amounts owed. After the accounts are verified you pay off the $110,000 AP, which will put you back into the good graces with the suppliers. Meanwhile you get the sales department cleaned up and go after new orders."
"What about the $500,000 to a $1,000,000 to Beauregard and Allison? I don't have it."
"But you do have one fifth of it. You just establish the term of the sale as one fifth payable at the time of the formal closing, after the lawyers do their thing. And then a payment of one fifth, none interest bearing, for the next four years on the anniversary of the formal closing."
"Let me think about this for a second." - "So, with the $120,000 to the bank, the $110,000 in AP, that would leave me with $270,000 in my cash reserve. If I offer One Million for the company that would be five payments of $200,000, spread out over four years, but only one payment of $200,000 right now. That would net me a $12,000,000 company for an initial investment of just less than my $500,000."
"Now you've got it, Roy," I said, with a smile.
With a sigh he added, "But that almost completely wipes out my cash reserve."
"That it would, temporarily. How long do you think it will take to bring your cash reserve back up to $500,000 with two plants, both running in the black?"
"I don't know, most of that $500 thou was amassed while we were running through the million in supplies that you gave me as part of the buyout of MoPaper."
"I told you 'A smart man would turn that million in supplies into two million in sales.' Are you still a smart man, Roy?"
"I'd like to think so. Why, you going to give me another million in supplies?""
"I'm not in the business of giving away money, Roy, nor am I a bank. However, being that Piermont is currently buying and distributing supplies for over fifty plants, one more won't make any difference."
"What are you saying, DD?"
"What I'm saying is, I'll arrange for you to purchase the majority of your regular supplies from Piermont at our cost, for one year or until your cash reserve is back at $500,000, whichever comes first".
"DD, that's fantastic, thank you, but what do you mean by the majority of our regular supplies?"
"Roy, the formed paper process is a little different from chemically treated, correct?" Roy nodded, as I continued. "This offer only applies to what Piermont routinely purchases. I'm not going to start buying some specialty product just for your operation."
"You're right of course, I wouldn't expect you to buy supplies that you don't use. That's still a generous offer, and I thank you, but why?"
"Two reasons, I like helping good honest people. You are honest, aren't you Roy?" Roy smiled and nodded, so I continued. "And, I haven't had the opportunity to 'stick it' to some dishonest people for at least a day."
The look on Roy's face told me he desperately wanted to ask a question. I just smiled and shook my head. After that, we discussed a couple more things that Roy needed to know, before he went about acquiring Allison Paper, then it was time for negotiations.
The negotiations were brief, Mr. Boudreaux and Allison readily accepted Roy's offer. Mr. Boudreaux would be retiring while Allison would be staying on as the plant manager.
On the way to the airport, I asked our driver if there was a department store in town. He informed me that there was and after a little detour we came to a stop in front of a Sears and Roebuck. Roy and his people wore expressions of confusion.
Bill was the only one courageous to ask, "What are we doing here, Miss Drake?"
"I need a few things," I simply replied, as the driver opened the door.
"Now?" Bill asked.
"No time like the present," I answered with a smile, as I took the driver's offered hand, to help me out, before asking, “Mr. Fahey, would you give me a hand?"
John smiled, shrugged his shoulders, and scrambled out of the limo.
Once inside I told John what I wanted and sent him in one direction while I went another. Twenty minutes later we met up and headed for the check stands. As we passed through the exterior doors, with two large bags and several smaller bags, the driver rushed to open the trunk of the limo.
"Thank you. We're ready to return to the airport now," I told the drive, as he opened the door for John and me.
It was a short trip back to Scottsboro, where we bid farewell to Roy and his staff. We were airborne fifteen minutes later and on our way to St Louis. While we were in route to St Louis, I had Bill and John get the back of the plane ready for Bob and his family. Seats were laid back, as far as they could go, and made up as beds with white sheets, small pillows, and blankets that closely matched the planes upholstery. After we landed, and just before I exited, I added the final touch, a large foil wrapped mint chocolate on each pillow.
Not a five star hotel, but we do what we can.
After John retrieved his luggage from the baggage compartment of the G1 we were on our way, back to JC.
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Welcome Back DD!
It is so good to hear from our teenaged pulp and paper magnate and entrepreneur! It is too bad that more businesses aren't run like PP. Thanks for resurrecting her Penny!
Glad to see you continuing
Glad to see you continuing your continuation of the original story. I think you've done the original story justice with your interpretation of events.
can't wait to read more.
More, please!
Happy to see you continue with this great fun story.
One of my all time favorites.
Thank You.... Thank You.....
Thank You.... Thank You..... I was so excited to see a new chapter and you didn't disappoint. I hope to see more, Tha
nk You.
Was wondering about this storry
Welcome back. Its good to see DD Again. Ok so St. Louis in the late '60's early 70's where Ballpark Village sits now was the OLD Bush Stadium so DEFFENTLY need to catch a Cardinals game. Forest Park, St. Louis Science Center (planetarium ) St. Louis Zoo & Art Museum (all in forest park) The gate arch (opened to the public June of '67). All attractions of the Era. Now as for Roy DD did him & his friends a HUGE favor & screwed South Core BIG TIME out of this accusation & this time DD Didn't buy it Roy Blue did.
Love Samantha Renée Heart.
DD back iin the saddle
Hi Penny,
What a welcome sight with the latest issue of DD Rides Again and keeping the plot
running as I think Crystal would.
You are doing a fantastic job so keep on going with your story line.
It's great to see one of my favorite stories continuing.
UK Rose. xx
thank you
I was so excited to see a new chapter, and it not disappoint
Thank you!!
I haven't read the story yet, but I just had to say THANK YOU! for continuing DD's story. This has been on of my favorite stories and read the whole thing several times - but OH BOY! it has been a long fall off that last cliff hanger!
Thank you again!!
Jeri Elaine
Homonyms, synonyms, heterographs, contractions, slang, colloquialisms, clichés, spoonerisms, and plain old misspellings are the bane of writers, but the art and magic of the story is in the telling not in the spelling.
Another great chapter
I was right, it was another great chapter! I'm looking forward to more.
Jeri Elaine
Homonyms, synonyms, heterographs, contractions, slang, colloquialisms, clichés, spoonerisms, and plain old misspellings are the bane of writers, but the art and magic of the story is in the telling not in the spelling.
Thank-you Penny
For another lovely chapter in DD's life. And now we know who the spy is, or do we...?
As others have said before me, you captured Crystal's writing style perfectly.
I'm going to have to read from the start again. It is such a feel good story.
Best wishes
Yay!!! Thank you. Thank you. Thank you.
I have read this story so many times because it is so enjoyable. I was so delighted and surprised I found chapter 8 after I finished chapter 7. Thank you so much for continuing the story. There is so much more of DD that we want to hear about.
I'm so glad that Nancy wasn't the spy.
Much Love,
Valerie R
Went back to read the original
And agree with others that you're doing a great job of continuing the take.