As I approach episode 300 of Falling Off A Bike, I think I'd like to take check on if readers still want me to continue posting them or to bring it to a conclusion.
I'm aware it's at best literature lite, but given its preparation is zero, I really do write them directly to the site, which sometimes shows.
I know I get accused of just ego stroking, but I need to reassure myself that readers still want them, assuming of course our generous hostess is happy to continue having me fill up her server space.
Please let me know, write an essay if you like, or a simple yea or nay.
It's worth it just...
... for some of the one liners you slip in there. What!? You thought I was gonna say something else? Ok, a few might be a little light, some even have a bit of cheese on top...see I had this really clever omlette analogy in my head but I couldn't make it work on the fly. Cathy and Co. does which is tribute to you. It won't be everyones, but a lot of people enjoy it, me included. Keep going as long as you do.
Angaharad, Cathy's story is
Cathy's story is wonderful, sweet and as to being lite, isn't that the "in thing" right now, to have everything lite? As a fan, I would want you to go on forever with the story, but I feel it is your choice as to when you end it. Perhaps a follow up story of Cathy and Simon after they are married would interesting, so we could see what kind of adventures they could/would get into. Janice Lynn
Can't imagine not having Cathy waiting at the end of my day
Hello Angharad,
I think you have created a dependancy on your story and we would be going through serious withdrawls with out our daily dose of Cathy. With losing such regular mainstays as "Being Christina Chase" and other great stories coming to an end yours has proven the one tale that I can hang my hat on and always look forward to. As long as you still enjoy writing them I will always look forward to my daily dose of Cathy and friends.
Kindest regards,
Approaching 300!
Angharad dear,
As long as Erin is willing and I'm not above bribes Erin dear. My answer is a most affirmative, YES Mum and another cuppa tea please.
Nothing in Life is Free; if the cost is not monetary it will be physical, emotional, or spiritual.
Rachel Anne
Nothing in Life is Free; if the cost is not monetary it will be physical, emotional, or spiritual.
Rachel Anne
Shades of Marathon :)
I mean, 300 and all? :)
But no, keep it going as long as YOU feel it's worth it. At least don't stop based on some idea that I'm tired of it. Since this is a leap year, I kind of half expected you to go for 366. :) Just kidding.
= Give everyone the benefit of the doubt because certainty is a fragile thing that can be shattered by one overlooked fact.
= Give everyone the benefit of the doubt because certainty is a fragile thing that can be shattered by one overlooked fact.
Falling off the bike
Angharad, your writings are simply awsome. I am amazed you have carried on this story for as long as you have. I enjoy this story immensly but the writing of it is quite a bit of work and we will support anything you will want to do with it.
You make me feel such the amateur that I am, as a writer. Please don't let that deter you from writing in the least. I am very pleased to have gotten to know you through your writing. I'm actually quite jealous really. I wish I had half of your writing ability. You tell an awsome tale girl!
Continuing to write it is your choice. We are just lucky to be able to read your creation, but I will miss it when I am through reading it, as all good books are.
Joni W
Angharad, Your Ongoing Story
Is a must read! I look forward to reading it everyday.
May Your Light Forever Shine
May Your Light Forever Shine
Either Way
I suspect you must have some serious doubts about continuing on a non-ending basis, or you wouldn't be asking. If you're feeling trapped in this creation of your own and asking permission to be freed from it, please don't feel like you need permission. We're easily played. The right ending and we'll all be sobbing you our heartfelt "Thank you's."
Besides, when you wrap up this series, someday whenever that might be, you'll undoubtedly set forth on another project before very long!
You've done an admirable job in keeping this story fresh for as long as you have. It would be more than reasonable to start heading towards a conclusion. A happy one, of course!
Loose ends to tie up:
After so many chapters, I'll bet there are a score more loose ends that people would like to see wrapped up, too. Hey, Peeps! What do you need resolved before Ang packs this story in sometime in the future?
I would be unable…
…to get a sound and peaceful night's sleep without my nightly dose of Falling. I mean that in a positive way, not as some might think, that the story lulls me off to sleep before I finish reading the episode.
The problem is it's addictive and so much more preferable to something like Temazepam!
Minority Opinion
I think I'd rather you wrapped the series up some time after the wedding. I want to be able to imagine Cathy and Simon living off in some happily ever after, and if you keep writing installments, that means dramatic things are going to continue to happen around our poor heroine!
Ironically, I've become so attached to your character that I want her story to end so that she can finally have some peace in her life.
I'd agree
Edeyn Hannah Blackeney
Please keep the story going.
Please Ang , continue writing, I have seriously enjoyed reading this story. I have actually re read it up til the current 290. I find the adventures of Cathy intriguing and very real. She is a true Hero/ine. Thanks Ang for posting a very lovely,funny, and serious story.
Easy AFOA Bike
Edeyn Hannah Blackeney
* Used in this manner, the things that one does to relax and clear their mind.
The zen of juggling
Many years ago I used to juggle and pass fire and sharp implements with a friend. Doing something like that, that takes all your focus just to keep from getting hurt or causing hurt, paradoxically is very relaxing because it pushes absolutely everything else out of your mind. You simply can't be anywhere but the here-and-now. Nowadays I get that "forced focus zen" by woodturning--I turn drop spindles for my wife and her knitting/spinning friends, and Harry Potter wands for my kids and their friends. I have to pretty much exist at the point of contact between the tool and the wood to avert constantly imminent disaster.
I never thought of writing in that way, but I suppose it's similarly absorbing in that on has to utterly immerse oneself in the world of the story and the minds of the characters in order to make it work, to make it convincing, believable, and engaging for the reader. To be able to do it practically in "real time" is a kind of mental juggling that Angharad seems to have mastered. I can only give the appearance of being able to do this kind of juggling by cutting together multiple shots, to use a film metaphor; whereas Ang does these long Hitchcockian tour-de-force single-take, continuous-shot scenes, day in and day out, without ever dropping a torch or a carving knife. And does it so well she makes it look as easy as--well, as falling off a bike.
I'm happy to have my daily Cathy Watts fix as long as you want to keep juggling, Angharad. Whenever you choose to bring down the curtain I'll join in the standing ovation.
While I enjoy your story in the end it's up to you
You've been going hard at it for quite a while with only a couple days off (hope your backs well).I see a lot of lose ends but what story doesn't end without a certain amount of them.I see the potential for sequels maybe at a more forgiving pace for you.Again it's all up to you.Now maybe a never ending supply of dormeeces could be used to have Bonzi convince you to keep writing eofab or we could have Cathy Bates hobble you.I see a potential for a whole new storyline ways to keep Angharad writing eofab.Just remember it's all up to you !LOL Amy
It isn't 300
Dear Angharad,
Writing a novel with 300 pages in standard size would be a good effort, But atfer collecting all parts and chaining them to each other my count is 1000+ pages and that is not the "normal" novel sized pages but the A4/Letter-size pages. As one of your many readers I can just bow my head in respect for such a work. And still really starting the day with looking what was stored late the precedent evening. I hope you will have a calm part posted when I will get away from the comoputer some time in June so I will not need to chew on my nails until I get back again. But I will be eager to se what have happened to the "family" that we all now know so well as if they belonged to our own friends and relatives. So please keep on as long as you find it stimulating to make us cray and laugh as life twists for our friends.
I'll Keep Reading If You Keep Writing
Enjoy it every day.
Well Ang,
I think that the story should have ended after chapter 2.
Nah, only joking, but I do believe that the fiction police should be knocking at your door as your story (or is it saga?) should be classified as a class C drug at least as it's way too addictive.
If you don't get too bored with the story or bogged down with it, carry on why don't you?
I see the russian mafia being tied in knots by our heroine who manages to sort them out with nothing more than a bicycle pump and a can of (cfc free)extra hold hairspray.
I see Spike getting it off with Spiket.
I see Stella and Tom making an unlikely but happy couple and opening an upper crust Indian takeaway together.
I see Cathy and Simon FINALLY having mind numbing, jumping off the ancestral chandeliers and intensely enjoyable nookie.She needs to shag him to within an inch of his wallet and take no prisoners.
Finally, I see a fairytale wedding with lots of things going wrong and a farcical reception which includes the throwing of trifles at guests.
Needless to say, you will have your own ideas as to how and if you want to carry on.
As for stroking your ego, the only stroking you should be doing (let's keep it clean!) is with Bonzi.
Sue, Spike is a FEMALE dormouse
But I appreciate and agree with your sentiments.
Ang, go for 666, my lucky number -- John laughs dibolically as his alterego Joanie has taken control for a moment. --
As to stroking your ego, this is hardly *stroke* fare but it is titlatiing in a gentile way. I ment in a gentle way, no offence to Jews, Islamics and such.
I do think she needs to dialate or get a womb transplant or something, they are just begining to experiment with that in real life by the way so Karen Page got it right in A Different Plane of Existence. I want her to F*** Simon to death and beyond and or have a family, adoped or natural if at all possible. And for Sipke to inherit a Brazil Nut mine.
Damn my seeing all those Disney films as a child.
John in Wauwatosa
John in Wauwatosa
Keep on going
I've gotten up to 251, steadily gaining... I start off each day reading two episodes, and have always felt it was worthwhile. As long you can keep going, I'll keep reading.
So long as you're willing to keep writing these...
... things, you'll keep a certain (not insubstantial) number of us reading them on a daily basis. :-)
Of course, I, at least, would like to see some of your OTHER writing as well...
Part too gross already has over 750, in just 2 days
That should tell you something. Many stories never get that many, and far fewer get there in even a week.
We will be devastated if it ends too quickly, Maybe you should shoot for half a dozen gross?
It's nice to be important, but it's more important to be nice.