The Lyssa Kordenay Missions - Book 33 - Dawning Mirage

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Book 33 of The Lyssa Kordenay Missions!
  Lyssa and Rodrick are making a visit
 at a Royal invitation, but
 Lyssa isn't welcomed by all!

WARNING: This Lyssa Kordenay Mission may be hyper-violent for some readers!




Dawning Mirage


Through the patches of filtered moonlight Lyssa walked down the marble corridor. The sheer ankle length black robe billowed to reveal the black satin teddy. The sharp tapping of her heels slightly echoing her passing as she made her way to the kitchen. She and Rodrick had spent the past two days at the Prince of Bhomeini's palace at his invitation. The second day was marked with a reception and bestowing of the Bhomeini Crescent, a high honor. It was the highest honor a non-military person could receive and was at the Prince's discretion as to its awarding.

Yazmina, the cousin of the Prince had received one as well for bringing home the bronze medal in women's gymnastics, though she would have received it regardless for simply competing as she had been the first woman of Bhomeini citizenship to ever compete in the Olympics. Lyssa had played both bodyguard and chaperon to the young athlete and currying the favor of the Prince by doing so.

All that was at the back of her mind now as she stepped into the grand kitchen and pulled a bottle of water from the cooler specifically for beverages then made her way back. Lyssa stopped in the corridor and gazed out the window to the vast expanse of sand with a dark ribbon that glimmered past it of the ocean.

"An amazing view, is it not? The barren desert and then the all providing ocean," came an accented voice in English.

Lyssa turned to see the Prince himself gazing out the window as well.

"I've awoken you, my apologies Your Highness," Lyssa curtsied with all the grace of the Prima ballerina she was.

The Prince smiled, "The fault of my insomnia has no blame with you Mrs. Mason. Please enjoy the view with me and perhaps we may both find some serenity that would allow us some rest."

"what keeps his Highness awake these past nights," Lyssa asked turning to look back out the arched window.

The Prince was quiet for several moments, "news has reached me that the troubles that you had to deal with in your city of Portland was not of the Mufti's making but of his nephew and even then not entirely his construction. I've been told you spend much time looking out to the sea. Does it remind of you of your home in the Caribbean, you miss it?"

Lyssa sighed, "Your Highness is well informed. In a way I do miss the home I share with my husband. It's very peaceful there. If not the Mufti's nephew then another hand pulled the strings? Perhaps a more sinister intent attempting to warp and corrupt your Islamic law?"

"I envy you that peaceful home. The peacefulness of your life. An artist with so few complications," he admitted," the 'corruption and warping' of Islamic law is nothing new Mrs. Mason. It's been an ongoing thing since the belief began. I have no doubt that it will continue for quite some time regardless of what heads of Muslim nations may wish."

Lyssa sighed again, "the demented will always attract the disillusioned and exploit the devoted to wreak the diabolical creating the disenfranchised. Before I met my husband there were always complications; I'll admit that I was often pursued by men of influence and of means. Many of them without even admirable intentions. I, myself, had practically given up on the possibility of love. Rodrick is not the type to think he can buy or batter my defenses. He climbed the walls around my heart and swam his way through icy rivers protecting it. He won me; from myself."

The Prince smiled, "grace is not limited only to your dancing, but also your words and observations. Even when speaking of dark things and of light things you make the conversation to be enjoyed. Now I envy your Husband. I believe that sinister hand, as you so eloquently put, is hiding here in my own kingdom and I find myself wanting to seek it out and remove it from us before it brings more disgrace."

"often I've quoted to my pupils Your Highness,'Do; or do not. There is no try.' Perhaps now we can both find some rest. Your Highness," again Lyssa curtsied then began walking back to the bedroom.

"Inspiring words Mrs.Mason. Who said them," the Prince asked.

Lyssa looked over her shoulder and smiled, "Yoda."

The Prince chuckled to himself as the sound her heels subsided in the distance, "however did I overlook such a woman of charm, wisdom, grace and ferocity I'll never know. Surely her Rodrick knows the treasure he has in her."

Quietly Lyssa slipped back into the room to rejoined Rodrick in their bed and settled back into his arms and falling asleep.




Azziz watched as his men trained in the cold night air learning how to prepare explosives in the dark. A few minutes later the loud pops went off in success. Not as rewarding as large explosions but better to train with small amounts of the real thing than waste precious resources or risk accidents. The gymnast and her american chaperon were currently being entertained in that farce of a Prince's palace. Several tours and other distractions were going to give him and his men opportunity to kill them even though the fatwa had been rescinded because the idiot girl being a catholic and not Muslim. Her death would send another message as well. Arabic women should be Arabic women and not trained into infidels just because the father has no spine to teach his kept woman not to interfere with a proper upbringing in Islam.

"Hurry! Hurry and make no mistakes or forfeit your souls," he shouted as the men began setting the explosives on mock cars.

some would be on timers and others wired to improvised ignition systems and others to remote detonators. Their latest trick had been to rig one car that would be passing the target car and both would be destroyed, leaving anyone to investigate exactly who had been the intended victim. They currently hadn't decided which technique would serve them best so he had them practicing all of them.

The biggest problem was the unpredictability of the Americans. Quite often they changed vehicles if not the whole plan entirely at the last moment. The blonde demon woman was the cause of this. As if she had a sixth sense warning her of dangers. It was commented more than once she instructed the drivers to change direction during the trip; like she had a map inside her head. She walked fearlessly through markets and bazaars though without any covering, challenging action to taken. When all around her wore black, she wore white. When they wore white she would be in pink. Advertising her presence but denying approach.

They would have to proceed regardless, creating unwilling martyrs. Such was the path to Allah. Some achieved paradise without setting out for it. For now they were all secure. The Prince had no idea they were here thirty miles inside his border preparing for holy war. Another series of loud pops went off marking success again.

"Again but faster this time! In the name of Allah and his prophet," he ordered.




Dannigan dialed the number for the hangar personally.

Three rings later an icy cold voice answered,"Hangar. Go."

Dannigan wasn't surprised to hear him, "hey Joe. How's it going down there?"

"she's down on the beach. Probably trying to wash off blood that isn't there anymore," came the flat reply.

"Damn. How hard is she taking it," Dannigan asked.

"if she doesn't start pulling it together in a few days its something we can't handle in-house. All that psychology training and she may still fall apart," LoneStar answered.

"We all know there's the big difference in what we know and what we do ourselves," Dannigan stated.

LoneStar was quiet for a moment then said as if musing, "...The abyss looks back."

"Neitzche said it best, 'take care when fighting the monsters that we do not become monstrous ourselves.' It tends to ring true,"Dannigan said.

"I do what I do because its what I do and I can't do anything else anymore. no philosophy to it, just fact," LoneStar said coldly.

"I've never accused you of being one dimensional before. Not about to start now. Neither am I going to suggest a degree in philosophy might change anything about you either. I prefer my jaw unbroken thanks," Dannigan commented.

LoneStar didn't reply to that and they were both quiet until Dannigan said, "when she comes back in have her contact me."

"Anything else,"LoneStar asked.

Dannigan sighed, "that's it. Do what you can for her."

"Yeah," LoneStar answered then disconnected.

For several minutes Dannigan sat staring at the window wishing he had something suitable to throw through it to vent his anger at himself. He'd had no choice but to send her in there and now Kimberly's brilliant mind was unraveling. That made the decision even more straight forward. Lyssa couldn't be everywhere and sometimes her fame worked against them almost as often as it worked for them, but even she had to be getting tired after pushing limits for so long non-stop.




Rodrick passed over the coins and smiled to the young boy after Lyssa took the small bag of dates and thanked him. Her crisp white dress reflecting the bright sun back as her eyes scanned behind the pink mirrored lenses of her sunglasses. Casually they meandered through the crowd and stands. One stall held copper cookware and she used the polished surfaces like mirrors to look
all around them.

"Two guys at nine o'clock. Either scoping my purse and your wallet or they have far more nefarious plans," she said in a low voice.

"Think we can grab one and take him for a chat if they make a move on us," Rodrick asked as they stopped in front of a water vendor and asked for two bottles.

Lyssa took one of the bottles and drank from it, "sure, but we need to find a way back to the car and a private spot to make the grab."




Slowly they wandered around as if led by Lyssa's attention span until the two men suddenly found themselves in a tight alleyway. To their horror Rodrick stepped out at the end smiling. Lyssa stood right behind them when they turned around. Her fist full of the Marauder knife that streaked out to slam into one's throat. While the other was distracted by the spray of blood coating himself and the wall, Lyssa's punch took him totally off guard slamming his head to the wall and he slumped down.




"So much for neat and tidy," Rodrick commented looking at the arterial spray along the wall.

He began dragging the unconscious Arab to the end of the alley.

Lyssa checked around making sure nobody saw them, "That was neat and tidy. All the blood went on him and the wall, not on ME. I'd never get blood out of this dress."

Rodrick chuckled as he zip-tied the man's wrists and ankles. Lyssa tore off a piece of tape to secure a rag in the man's mouth gagging him.

"I just happen to know a quiet little sand dune we can go chat with this guy at," Rodrick said.

"ooooh! I love a ride outside the city," Lyssa cooed then giggled at his side-glance.

Quickly they drove out of the city and pulled off the highway and drove out a few miles. Rodrick opened the back and dragged the man out letting him dump onto the hot sand. Rodrick looked down at the man glaring back with hatred in his eyes.

The ex-SEAL smiled coldly, " whaddaya think baby; tie him to the back bumper and go Dukes of Hazzard out here for an hour?"

"If I wouldn't have to dig the hole I'd say; bury him up to his neck and come at him with a lawnmower," she replied.

"Babe; remember where we are. No lawnmowers handy for that. I think it goes against Islam to grow grass," Rodrick commented.

Lyssa leaned down and used the Marauder to cut the man's clothing off then slammed a punch to his temple stunning him and quickly cut the ties of his wrists and ankles. A moment later as he shook his head to clear the fuzziness he realized she'd used more ties to secure him to the bumper naked while Rodrick tied his ankles to a boulder making him spread eagle to the SUV on
the hot sand.While Rodrick put the Mercedes in gear and slowly stretched him out Lyssa wandered around the cluster of rocks. The man hung suspended taking measured breaths to try compensating for the pain when Lyssa returned carrying a large empty water bottle. Rodrick pulled the gag off.

"Found something interesting," he asked.

"mmhmmm," Lyssa answered.

She tipped the cut bottle and dumped the contents onto the man's mid-section. Two small beige scorpions. Lyssa then poured some water into the man's navel.

"Now this should make things exciting," Lyssa looked the man in the eye.

There was no humor. She hadn't smiled and her eyes betrayed no amusement either.The scorpions detected the water then began to stalk each other to fight over it on the man's stomach. Lyssa disappeared around the side of the truck for a while as Rodrick and the man watched the two scorpions square off against each other. She returned a moment later wearing only a thong and sandals. She hadn't been wearing a bra under the halter-style dress that now lay on the passenger seat.

"We may be a while so I'll work on my tan," Lyssa commented casually.

They watched the two scorpions pose and threaten each other. Lyssa noticed a disposable cigarette lighter had slipped out of the man's clothes. She reached down and picked it up.

Rodrick leaned forward, "what're you going to do with that Babe?"

Lyssa crouched down, looked to the man's face then held the lighter under his buttocks and sparked it to flame.

"This should liven things up," Lyssa said in a bored tone.

The Arab started trembling which agitated the two insects even more. After a minute he began trying to hold back his shouts of pain. She stopped for a minute then repeated.

"There are things worse than death. I'm familiar with so very many," Lyssa said in an almost sing-song voice.

Rodrick knew she was walking a fine line at the moment, shifting into a detachment of what she was doing.

"Maybe we should juice this guy up wit that stuff you use," he suggested.

Lyssa stared the man intently in the eyes, "no. I want him to fully know what I'm doing if I decide to take away his chance to go to paradise. I'm going to take it COMPLETELY AWAY."

One of the scorpions finally chased the other away. Unfortunately for the Arab it went down instead of up and now stood still menacingly in front of his penis.

Rodrick sat there and said, "oh man. You are about to have a seriously fucked up day."

The man held his breath as the tail arched up higher in response to a tremor it felt.

"You know you won't be able to do a damn thing with those seventy-two virgins if your dick gets destroyed right," Rodrick said casually watching the scorpion flex its tail in anger.

"A thousand bucks says it stings him right on the head of it,"Lyssa remarked.

"Nah. He's a smart guy. I get the feeling he has something very important to tell us if we promise to take the bug off. Aren't you a smart guy," Rodrick asked.

"We call him Leader. His name is Azziz Rahmoud," the man stammered out then held his breath.

The tail swayed slowly.

Lyssa said, "he's getting really mad. So where do we find this Azziz Rahmoud?"

"Th-thirty miles just inside the border. East of Peshatan in the gorge there. Please! Take it away," the Arab stammered.

Lyssa tilted her head watching the scorpion, "we're not done. You have more."

"How many spies does he have in the palace and who are they," Rodrick asked.

"Please! there is only two. The maid Fascha is his cousin, and the guard Ahmad Nidal is a boyhood friend. That is all I know! I swear upon Allah," he begged.

"and his grand plan is what," Lyssa prompted.

"He intends to car bomb you and the girl. Please I BEG you. That is ALL I know! Please take the scorpion away," the man begged again.

Rodrick looked to Lyssa, "what do you think?"

She nodded, "he's empty."

Lyssa used her knife to flick the scorpion off then cut the cords holding him to the boulder. She then cut the ties holding his wrists to the bumper then re-secured them behind his back. She then firmly grabbed his jaw and squeezed to force him to look into her eyes.

"I told you what I was going to do. Past the gates; before the throne, I've seen Hell. Enjoy your walk there," Lyssa said coldly then grabbed his shaft and scrotum and sliced through with the Marauder.

He screamed in horror as she simply dropped his masculinity onto the hard-packed sand and walked back to the passenger seat, slipped her dress back on and slid in.

Rodrick drove away shaking his head, "that was un-nerving."

Lyssa stared ahead and used a wipe to clean off the flecks of blood, "I told him I'd take away his chance at paradise. I did EXACTLY that."

They drove back to the palace. Late that night Lyssa and Rodrick slipped out and silently removed the two spies then placed them together in a compromised situation that would frowned upon by Islamic law.




The Prince was beside himself with anger the next morning at the discovery and said had they not taken their own lives they most certainly would have to answer to Islamic law about adultery and plotting against the kingdom. Fortunately the location of the terrorist camp was discovered via a map in the guard's pocket.

Rodrick and Lyssa were swimming laps in the palace's pool when the Prince came in.

"Morning Highness," Rodrick said after noticing him.

The Prince nodded, "hello Mr. Mason."

"Ut-oh. I know that vibe. You're stressin' something Highness, " Rodrick remarked, "Is it real bad?"

"You were in the American Navy. A SEAL. Were you not," the Prince asked.

Rodrick shrugged, "sure I was. There's not a lot I talk to you about that, you know how it is."

The Prince sat down on a low stool, "perhaps you could offer some insight. I do have a problem but how to solve it the real question."

"I don't mind giving advice. What's the problem," Rodrick asked.

The Prince told him of all they had discovered. Rodrick frowned and shook his head.

"That's messed up Highness. Bad guys in country, may have local religious support. Infiltration of the palace. Plans to wax Lyssa and your cousin. You got two options. Cowboy up and waste 'em or call in the cavalry," Rodrick summed up, "If it was me; I'd call the cavalry. Ask the U.S. for help."

"what would you do in my place Mrs.Mason," the Prince asked.

"I'd go with that plan. Two reasons. First; it would show future terrorists that Bhomeini is no safe hideaway for them and that you are in charge here," Lyssa answered," and second- it shows the west that you too, have problems with extremists and are willing to ask and provide help when needed. Make the announcement that you and your security found the spies and dealt with them and that you have also called assistance from the U.S. to remove the terrorists they were with from your kingdom. It shows that your people are on top of things and cooperation with the west is beneficial. A good thing for all.

The Prince considered that then nodded to Rodrick, "such a treasure your wife is. Her beauty and grace is only outshined by her wisdom. I'll call your President immediately. Thank you both for your counsel."




Dannigan sat in his office as the late breaking news flashed.

"Today in Bhomeini, a terrorist camp was destroyed at the special Request of the Prince to The President by U.S. Naval forces off the coast. The attack was carried out by Navy SEALS with the permission of the Prince who hailed it, 'A grand collaboration of east and west to route out those who would attack any and all nations that wish to live in peace.' The terrorist group were responsible for the recent upheaval at the Olympics in Portland and numerous other international crimes including car bombings in Dubai, Kuwait and United Arab Emirates along with attacks on seagoing vessels in the gulf that had been attributed to pirates. More information as it is declassified by the Department of Defense."

"They did good over there. Didn't they," Madison asked.

"In plain sight and nobody knows anything they shouldn't," Dannigan answered.

His computer beeped indicacting a conference window had come up.

Dannigan pulled it up and saw Kimberly, "hello Kimberly, thanks for getting in touch."

"Joe told me you wanted to talk," she replied sounding very tired.

Dannigan nodded, "I know this is asking a bit from you but there's no rush on this. Think of it as an ongoing project."

"ok. What is it Major,"Kimberly asked.

"Start a search please. Special forces, Delta, Rangers, SEALs, Marine Recons for anybody that have gender issues. Use facial recognition of their service pictures compared to photos on social sites as well as anything revealed in their psyche evals. Throw in Air Force Para-Rescue as well," Dannigan instructed.

"Major this is about me isn't it. I'm dealing with it. I'll be ok," Kimberly protested.

Dannigan got a serious look, "Lieutenant this is not about you personally. This is about the agency. Lyssa simply can Not be everywhere ALL the time. Also; sometimes she's too famous to go places we need to be going. What works for us sometimes works against. Understand? Yes we could do with another Lyssa for when she retires from the field and before you say it; yes, she will retire one day. We need to be ready for that. We also need a ghost, somebody that move among the agencies. these are must-haves Kimberly, not a personal jab at you. You went in and did a job that you weren't prepared for and I'm very grateful for you. I'm also very worried that you may have problems because of it. This is not cowgirl time. Its honesty time. If you are having problems tell me. Tell Lyssa. Hell, tell Pete, Joe and Rodrick. We'll try to deal with it. You're critical to us Kimberly. Never forget that. Critical as a person, NOT just an asset."

"yes sir Major," Kimberly said a bit bolstered," I'll be ok and if I need to I'll ask the others for help."

Dannigan nodded then closed out the conference.




Madison walked through the airport concourse. Instead of the weekend with Pete either in D.C. or on the island, she'd be spending it with her family for her father's birthday. A weekend of fun and relaxation though not as relaxing as the island. Her family was already asking about her love-life and she was running out of evasions. In no time she was picked up by her younger sister and driven to the family home to be swept into a barrage of hugs.

"So Madi,what's the story on the boyfriend," her elder sister asked as they stood in the kitchen.

Her older sister, pregnant for the third time trying not to look at the glass of wine in Madison's hand.

"Not a big story. I have a boyfriend, his name is Pete and he's a pilot. we met during the christmas holidays and just clicked," Madison explained hoping she wouldn't be pressed further.

"And," her sister prompted.

"he's a great guy. a bit goofy, great sense of humor. Makes me laugh and never asks for money," Madison summed up.

"He lives in D.C.," she asked.

"No,"Madison answered.

"So where does he live? What airline does he work for? Domestic flights or international," she asked further.

"Lindsay! I don't care if you are the leading prosecutor in St.Louis; I'm not under oath or on a witness stand so don't you dare give me the third degree," Madison demanded.

"Was," Lindsay commented.

Madison looked confused,"was what?"

Lindsay sighed, "was the leading prosecutor. When I started showing I had to step down and just do office work. Opposing counsel could contest that my 'current state could be used as a sympathetic gambit to unduly influence juries', so i can't go to court til after the baby."

"Well its for the best, the stress isn't good for the baby anyway," Madison assured her.

"Stuff it. I'm damn good in court and now I'm being forced to take time off," Lindsay grumbled.

"And who's idea was it to get knocked up again," Madison prompted and received a hateful look from Lindsay for it.

"uh-huh. Case closed counsel. You got fucked,"Madison said snarkily.

Lindsay let loose with a peel of laughter while Madison smirked.

"Ok girls, what's going on in here," their mother asked walking in.

"Lindsay is having legal withdrawals and tried to get her fix with me. She dated Bobby for over a year without telling anybody then eloped. She doesn't get to interrogate me," Madison said quickly then slipped out of the room.


Madison just laughed rushing into the living room.

"Aunt Madi, I need somebody good to go against," her nephew complained.

Madison crouched down," against in what kiddo?"

"Apache Strike," he explained," its a helicopter game. You fly around and blow up the bad guys. I beat everybody I go up against."

"Sounds like bragging there kiddo," Madison cautioned.

"You're smart and know lots of people. can you find me somebody," he asked.

Madison took out her phone and called the hangar, "Hey; just the person I needed. ever hear of an online game called Apache Strike? Look for call-sign: St.Louis BadBoy. Ok, thanks."

After hanging up she nodded to the screen and a moment later a message appeared to the boy, "Come and get me. IF you can, BlackStarr."

"Hmmph. a call-sign like that, he won't last long. sorry aunt Madi but your friend is gonna eat missiles," the boy commented.

Madison just smiled and watched over his shoulder as he engaged then soon found himself in the fight of his life with the opposing player.

"WHOA! this guy's good! I can't shake 'im aunt Madi. I can't shake 'im! where'd you find him," he asked trying to shake off the targeting lock that stayed steady.

Finally he lost to a direct missile hit after suffering numerous hits from the chain-gun and crashed.

"i can't believe it! I got nailed,"he spouted.

His jaw dropped when the message came across, "Madison; As next of kin. You are being notified of the untimely demise of BadBoy. Goodnight, BlackStarr."

"Important lesson hotshot; never brag. Just when you think you're the best, somebody comes along to prove you aren't. Humility is good character," she chided him.

"Aunt Madi, just who was that guy," he asked in awe.

"Let's just say he does that professionally," she said airily.

"Is he the best," the boy asked.

"He'd never claim it hotshot. Even he got shot down once," Madison said hugging him," now go get washed up for dinner."




"You ought to be ashamed of yourself for waxing that kid like that Star," Pete commented.

"He'd have never won. I consulted during its creation. Kid's too cocky anyway. I was that way once," LoneStar replied from within the helmet.

"Rod just called in. They're on their way back. He said Lyssa's worried about Kim," Pete said leaning back in the chair.

LoneStar's opaque visor hid his expression, "she'll be fine. Lyssa's directions for when we got back helped alot more than you think."

"Yeah, I didn't get that though. Burning and melting and all that plus a hose down? Right there on the tarmac? How does that help," Pete asked.

"Its purging. Nothing remains to remind her of that time and she washed it all away so it wouldn't 'taint' our home. Get it now," LoneStar asked.

"Oh. Ok,I see what you mean. No idea if it works but ok," Pete shrugged.

"I wasn't in there with her so I'm not a reminder either. Its that whole displacement thing. Psycho-babble trying to explain how screwed up people can move past it,"LoneStar explained.

Pete sat for a moment then asked, "does it really work?"

LoneStar stood and stared out the window down to the beach, "Kim called Paul back didn't she? Pete I don't do psy-ops. I fly around and make things go away. Up-close and in the face isn't my thing. It's Lyssa and Rodrick's. From what I been told she knows all about handling this sort of thing. I do what I can but during the night I wake up screaming too, so I'm no authority."

Pete had no reply to that so got up and walked out leaving LoneStar alone to look out to the beach where Kimberly watched Warlock swim in the surf. LoneStar couldn't wrap his head around it. Even the dog was severely damaged by combat but yet they all still could function independently and as a collective. A unit. A team. Somehow they all found a way to belong to each other when nobody else could deal with them.

Paul was a Mastermind if there ever was one Joe admitted to himself. Only he had the courage to go see their father. It wouldn't be easy, everybody including the General believed him dead. The only one knowing the truth was Paul. The half brother who'd kept him hidden all these years after the crash. Hidden and working, because Joseph LoneStar Landon had demanded it as the illegitimate brother.




Madison had spent all day at the restaurant with her brother decorating for their father's birthday and all was perfect. A big banner proclaimed 'Happy 63rd Birthday!!!!' They both hurried back and got changed into suitable party-wear. Madison had packed the sexy black dress Lyssa had given her for her own birthday and thought it perfect.

Practically in convoy they all went back to the restaurant and ushered their patriarch inside to be surprised.

The staff sang out in unison, "HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!!!!"

Ralph chuckled and smiled as he took a seat, "well you all certainly put one over on the ol' man this time. thanks kids."

One by one they all came in closer and hugged him. Dinner was lively with talk of previous birthday plans gone awry due to him finding out and discarded plans this time because he had ferreted the information. Finally the staff brought out the cake with its many candles as they sang their own birthday anthem.

"I'd make a wish before putting out this wildfire but all my wishes are here; all the kids and grandkids. Having you all with me any day is a birthday present to me," Ralph said proudly.

He then blew out the candles except one that immediately flared back to life. Knowing his son's habit of pranks he wet his fingertips and pinched the wick snuffing the candle out amid laughter then tossed the trick candle at him laughing himself. The first piece of cake was just cut when a waitress screamed. The whole of the Dietrich family turned to see three men in black rush through the dining room brandishing assault rifles.

"WALLETS! PURSES! JEWELRY! NOW," one of them bellowed.

"We'll do what you say, just don't hurt anybody," Lindsay said calmly and taking off her earrings one handed, holding the other up to show she would comply.

"You'll do what we say or we'll start with the kids, fuckin' cow," one of the gunmen snarled and rammed the butt of the rifle to the side of her head.

Madison reached behind her to her purse and felt the pistol inside. Her mind leaped to light-speed as she brought it out snapping down the safety lever and jerked it in front of her, flash-sighting down the slide and squeezed the trigger. The automatic tried to jump in her hand but Madison held it steady and pulled the trigger quickly and sent a second round to follow the first, impacting center of the man's chest.

As the other two began to turn she side-stepped right and tracked to the one on her left. His head passed into her frame and she double-tapped again just as Lyssa and Rodrick had schooled her. Even though her heart was racing Madison remembered to slowly take steady breaths and keep her eyes moving more than her head.

The third gunner grabbed a nearby waitress and held her slightly in front of him and began screaming, "drop it bitch or I'll rip her apart!"

Madison said nothing but sighted down the slide again.

Lyssa's voice echoed in her mind, 'never back down. Give up your gun and you forfeit all lives that hang in the balance. Especially your own. Always take the shot. Be patient. Be silent. Professionals don't talk, they do. Sight, acquire and fire. Nothing else. Bad guys down or good guys down. That's all that matters."

Madison kept taking the steady measured breaths ignoring all else but the gun in front of her and when he leaned slightly to the right to yell at her again she squeezed the trigger. Time dragged as the bullet slammed in to his face then a second as he began to fall backward.

Quickly Madison dove for her purse and the spare magazine inside and reloaded as she searched carefully. Kicking away the guns then jamming her heel at the necks of the downed men while she kept looking around for any other threats. Reality caught up with her as she heard the first of sirens approaching. Madison grabbed for her cellphone and hit the speed dial.

Dannigan answered on the first ring, "Yes?"

"I'm in trouble. I just shot three guys. what do I do now," she asked now starting to panic.

"Say absolutely nothing to anybody do you understand. I'll take care of it," Dannigan answered," hang up, give the cops the gun and behave your self but say nothing. You have the right to remain silent and you will do so. I'll get this taken care of Madison. don't worry."

Madison hung up and deleted the call log and slipped the phone back into her purse just as the officers rushed in.

"FREEZE! DROP THE GUN," one demanded.

Madison slowly removed the magazine then set it and the pistol on a table moving slow and raised her hands.

Very calmly Madison said, "My ID is in my purse right there. I believe I have the right to remain silent."

Despite the protests of the unsteady Lindsay the officers handcuffed Madison and read her rights to her then took her, the pistol and magazines and her purse out to the patrol cars.




Dannigan opened the file on his computer and quickly launched the application. Suddenly Madison's file came up and was backdated to being in the service of the National Security Agency. Authorization to carry concealed weapons and not be detained or questioned due to the sensitive nature of her assignments where added by *Security Finding 137: Non-Official Cover agent in distress has the authority to utilize lethal measures to counter any threats to safety of the agent regardless of disposition, including leaves of medical and personal nature. He sat waiting for the inquiry to come through the National Criminal Information Center.

Twenty minutes later it did. Her fingerprints and name came through. He sent the file back along with the orders for all ballistic data to be forwarded to him. within minutes the message came back to him that all evidence relating to Madison Lucinda Dietrich would be sent and her release was being effected immediately, no charges were being pursued in the matter. He then set the timer on the data for it to disappear within sixteen hours. Madison would be on her way back to D.C. by then.




Lindsay Osgood all but shrieked at the officer, "I demand to see my sister this minute!"

"I'm sorry counselor but I can't let you go into the processing area," The old officer stated," and as part of the District Attorney's office you know that."

"Don't you tell me what I know and don't know Sergeant," Lindsay continued but was cut off in mid-sentence.

Madison was being let out of the doorway by the watch commander.

"Our apologies Ma'am for any inconvenience. Please forgive the misunderstanding," he said.

"Hopefully the rest of your day will be not as eventful Sir," Madison replied then stepped out.

"Counselor. Yelling and screaming at my officers doesn't do you any good in this department. Especially on my watch! I won't have that kind of abuse from the citizenry and I definitely will NOT have it from the D.A.'s office am I quite clear? Now I suggest you go home and put some ice on that nasty bruise forming before your eye swells shut. Agent Dietrich is not being charged nor detained any further in this matter and is being released with the department's apologies," the Captain added with a nod to Madison.

"Thank you Sir. Surely you understand how hormonal women can get. We'll not badger your department about this misunderstanding," Madison smiled and began trying to herd her older sister out.

when Lindsay attempted to turn around to say something Madison roughly turned her back to the door, "We're going HOME Lindsay."

"When I get to work monday morning I'm gonna have those two idiotic patrolmen's badges on my desk by. WHOA! 'Agent Dietrich?' What'd he mean by 'Agent Dietrich'? Start talking Madison, cops don't like people that are addressed by 'Agent' and he was all cookies and cream to you. Spill it. what's going on," Lindsay blurted.

"I have a job in Washington and I like it a lot. that's it,"Madison replied.

Lindsay glared at her younger sibling, "Bullshit! Now what the hell is going on? You carry a gun and looks like you're damn good at it and nobody, I mean NOBODY, gets out of lock up in twenty minutes."

"I have a job in Washington and I like it a lot. That's it. That's all you get. If you don't like it I can pull over and get out. I have a flight first thing in the morning, I'll stay at a hotel tonight If that's the way it has to be," Madison said flatly.

Lindsay reversed and tried a different tact, "Madi. C'mon; its ME. We've always kept each others secrets. you can tell me," she said trying to sound sweet.

"Lying shit. You ratted me out to anybody and everybody every chance you got," Madison said flatly.

Madison immediately pulled the SUV over, got out and began walking away.

Lindsay got behind the wheel and pulled up beside her, "Don't you walk away Madison! You tell me what's going on now! I can drive faster than you can WALK!"

Madison didn't break her step, just pulled out the pistol again and shot out the front tire, "not now you can't."

Lindsay began cursing louder as Madison walked further away then hailed a passing cab and left. At her parent's house she paid the fare with a tip to wait while she went in and retrieved her luggage. She didn't even get to the front door when it was filled with the imposing figure of her father.

"Young lady you have some explaining to do. Lindsay called and said you shot out her tire and left her on the side of the road," he said.

"I'm leaving. I'm going back to Washington. Lindsay needs to learn she can't bully everybody, least of all, me anymore. I'm sorry your birthday was ruined daddy but I have to go," Madison apologized.

"what do you mean 'bully'," he asked hotly.

Madison squared her shoulders and looked up at him, "the police let me go and apologized for the misunderstanding. Yes, my job got things moving faster than normal. Lindsay started demanding answers about that and its not any of her business but does that stop her? No....she just starts yelling and screaming at me. We're not kids anymore and I don't have to put up with it. I have a taxi waiting, I want to get my things and go."

Ralph Dietrich looked at her intently, "I was a fleet recon marine. You can trust me to answer one simple question. Do you work for an Agency?"

"Yes," Madison answered.

Ralph nodded, "Good enough for me. Stay or go if you want, I'll deal with your sister."

He stepped out and went to his car then left. Madison went inside, grabbed her suitcase and returned to the taxi. He took her to a motel. She walked across to a small store and bought a new purse then took a shower and cleaned the gun and hid it as she had been taught then called another taxi and checked out.

"The airport please," She told the driver.

"yes Ma'am," the driver then headed for the airport.

At the ticket counter she was able to exchange her ticket for a flight leaving in a hour as Dannigan had placed her on a priority list. Five hours later she walked into her apartment and saw several messages on her answering machine. similar to the ones on her cellphone voicemail from her sister ranting and raving. It was in the shower that she finally broke. As the water streamed down she sank to the floor and began crying.

Lyssa Kordenay will return in Chrysalis Project

* author's note- aforementioned security act is FICTIONAL and used solely for this story.

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